334 resultados para Aedes Aegypti


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This study examined the distribution of major mosquito species and their roles in the transmission of Ross River virus (RRV) infection for coastline and inland areas in Brisbane, Australia (27°28′ S, 153°2′ E). We obtained data on the monthly counts of RRV cases in Brisbane between November 1998 and December 2001 by statistical local areas from the Queensland Department of Health and the monthly mosquito abundance from the Brisbane City Council. Correlation analysis was used to assess the pairwise relationships between mosquito density and the incidence of RRV disease. This study showed that the mosquito abundance of Aedes vigilax (Skuse), Culex annulirostris (Skuse), and Aedes vittiger (Skuse) were significantly associated with the monthly incidence of RRV in the coastline area, whereas Aedes vigilax, Culex annulirostris, and Aedes notoscriptus (Skuse) were significantly associated with the monthly incidence of RRV in the inland area. The results of the classification and regression tree (CART) analysis show that both occurrence and incidence of RRV were influenced by interactions between species in both coastal and inland regions. We found that there was an 89% chance for an occurrence of RRV if the abundance of Ae. vigifax was between 64 and 90 in the coastline region. There was an 80% chance for an occurrence of RRV if the density of Cx. annulirostris was between 53 and 74 in the inland area. The results of this study may have applications as a decision support tool in planning disease control of RRV and other mosquito-borne diseases.


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While much of the genetic variation in RNA viruses arises because of the error-prone nature of their RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, much larger changes may occur as a result of recombination. An extreme example of genetic change is found in defective interfering (DI) viral particles, where large sections of the genome of a parental virus have been deleted and the residual sub-genome fragment is replicated by complementation by co-infecting functional viruses. While most reports of DI particles have referred to studies in vitro, there is some evidence for the presence of DI particles in chronic viral infections in vivo. In this study, short fragments of dengue virus (DENV) RNA containing only key regulatory elements at the 3' and 5' ends of the genome were recovered from the sera of patients infected with any of the four DENV serotypes. Identical RNA fragments were detected in the supernatant from cultures of Aedes mosquito cells that were infected by the addition of sera from dengue patients, suggesting that the sub-genomic RNA might be transmitted between human and mosquito hosts in defective interfering (DI) viral particles. In vitro transcribed sub-genomic RNA corresponding to that detected in vivo could be packaged in virus like particles in the presence of wild type virus and transmitted for at least three passages in cell culture. DENV preparations enriched for these putative DI particles reduced the yield of wild type dengue virus following co-infections of C6-36 cells. This is the first report of DI particles in an acute arboviral infection in nature. The internal genomic deletions described here are the most extensive defects observed in DENV and may be part of a much broader disease attenuating process that is mediated by defective viruses.


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Introduction In January 2013, clinicians in Honiara, Solomon Islands noted several patients presenting with dengue-like illness. Serum from three cases tested positive for dengue by rapid diagnostic test. Subsequent increases in cases were reported, and the outbreak was confirmed as being dengue serotype-3 by further laboratory tests. This report describes the ongoing outbreak investigation, findings and response. Methods Enhanced dengue surveillance was implemented in the capital, Honiara, and in the provinces. This included training health staff on dengue case definitions, data collection and reporting. Vector surveillance was also conducted. Results From 3 January to 15 May 2013, 5254 cases of suspected dengue were reported (101.8 per 10 000 population), including 401 hospitalizations and six deaths. The median age of cases was 20 years (range zero to 90), and 86% were reported from Honiara. Both Aedes aegyti and Aedes albopictus were identified in Honiara. Outbreak response measures included clinical training seminars, vector control activities, implementation of diagnostic and case management protocols and a public communication campaign. Discussion This was the first large dengue outbreak documented in Solomon Islands. Factors that may have contributed to this outbreak include a largely susceptible population, the presence of a highly efficient dengue vector in Honiara, a high-density human population with numerous breeding sites and favourable weather conditions for mosquito proliferation. Although the number of cases has plateaued since 1 April, continued enhanced nationwide surveillance and response activities are necessary.


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Aerial applications of granular insecticides are preferable because they can effectively penetrate vegetation, there is less drift, and no loss of product due to evaporation. We aimed to 1) assess the field efficacy ofVectoBac G to control Aedes vigilax (Skuse) in saltmarsh pools, 2) develop a stochastic-modeling procedure to monitor application quality, and 3) assess the distribution of VectoBac G after an aerial application. Because ground-based studies with Ae. vigilax immatures found that VectoBac G provided effective control below the recommended label rate of 7 kg/ha, we trialed a nominated aerial rate of 5 kg/ha as a case study. Our distribution pattern modeling method indicated that the variability in the number of VectoBac G particles captured in catch-trays was greater than expected for 5 kg/ha and that the widely accepted contour mapping approach to visualize the deposition pattern provided spurious results and therefore was not statistically appropriate. Based on the results of distribution pattern modeling, we calculated the catch tray size required to analyze the distribution of aerially applied granular formulations. The minimum catch tray size for products with large granules was 4 m2 for Altosid pellets and 2 m2 for VectoBac G. In contrast, the minimum catch-tray size for Altosid XRG, Aquabac G, and Altosand, with smaller granule sizes, was 1 m2. Little gain in precision would be made by increasing the catch-tray size further, when the increased workload and infrastructure is considered. Our improved methods for monitoring the distribution pattern of aerially applied granular insecticides can be adapted for use by both public health and agricultural contractors.


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Alfavirukset ovat positiivissäkeisiä RNA-viruksia, jotka kuuluvat Togaviridea –heimoon. Alfaviruksia levittävät Aedes –suvun hyttyset ja niitä esiintyy Etelämanteretta lukuunottamatta kaikilla mantereilla. Alfaviruksia on tähän mennessä löydetty 29 lajia ja ne voidaan jakaa uuden ja vanhan maailman viruksiin niiden maantieteellisen esiintyvyyden ja taudinaiheuttamiskyvyn mukaan. Chikunkunyavirus (CHIKV) on yksi vanhan maailman alfaviruksista, jota esiintyy muun muassa Afrikassa ja Aasiassa. Ilmaston lämmettyä se on leviämässä myös eteläiseen Eurooppaan. Ihmisessä se aiheuttaa muun muassa kuumetta, päänsärkyä, ihottumaa ja niveltulehdusta, joka voi kestää useita vuosia ja ne voivat olla hyvinkin kivuliaita. Pienillä lapsilla chikungunya on todettu aiheuttavan myös neurologisia oireita kuten aivotulehdusta. Alfaviruksen genomi koodaa neljää rakenneproteiinia ja neljää replikaatioproteiinia. Replikaatioproteiineista nsP3 sisältää makrodomeeniosan. Makrodomeeniproteiinit ovat eliökunnassa konservoituneita, mutta makrodomeeniproteiinien tarkkaa merkitystä ei vielä tunneta. Makrodomeenien on osoitettu sitovan ADP-riboosia ja sen johdannaisia ja alfaviruksen nsP3-proteiinin on osoitettu olevan tärkeä osa viruksen replikaatiossa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia makrodomeeniproteiiniin sitoutuvien yhdisteiden käyttöä antiviraalisena yhdisteinä. Tietokonemallinnuksella valittiin antiviraalitutkimuksiin 45 yhdistettä, joiden oletettiin sitoutuvan makrodomeeniproteiiniin. Kilpailevassa sitoutumiskokeessa viisi yhdistettä esti yli 50 % poly-ADP-riboosia (PAR) sitoutumasta MDO1-makrodomeeniproteiiniin, jolla tietokonemallinnus oli tehty. SFV-makrodomeeniproteiinilla tehdyssä kokeessa vain yksi yhdiste esti yli 50 % poly-ADP-riboosin sitoutumisen. SFV-antiviraalikokeessa seitsemällä yhdisteellä inhibitioprosentti oli yli 50 %. Näillä yhdisteillä ei kuitenkaan ollut merkittävää vaikutusta poly-ADP-riboosin sitoutumisen estossa. CHIKV-replikonikokeessa yli 50 % inhibitioprosentti oli viidellä yhdisteellä. Muiden mahdollisia vaikutusmekanismeja tutkittiin selvittämällä estävätkö yhdisteet virusta pääsemästä solun sisään. Tässä kokeessa tutkituista yhdisteistä lähes kaikilla oli vaikutusta viruksen soluun pääsyn estossa. Yleisesti ottaen kyky estää PAR:n sitoutuminen makrodomeeniproteiineihin ja antiviraaliset vaikutukset eivät korreloineet keskenään tutkittavilla yhdisteillä. Vaikka antiviraalista vaikutusta omaavat yhdisteet eivät osoittaneetkaan makrodomeeni-inhibiitiota, työssä löydettiin potentiaalisia antiviraalisia yhdisteitä joiden käyttö viruksen soluun pääsyn estäjinä antaa aihetta jatkotutkimuksille.


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Con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de Dirofilariasis (gusano del corazón) en caninos, se llevó a cabo el presente estudio, analizando los vectores, las condiciones ambientales y los factores de manejo que permiten el desarrollo o ausencia de la enfermedad, en tres barrios (Brisas del Lago, Calle la Libertad y Villa Sultana) del municipio de Granada, así mismo la sintomatología clínica presente en casos positivos y su potencial zoonótico; en el periodo de diciembre 2013 – julio 2014. Para realizar este estudio se tomó una población de 108 perros, haciendo la toma de muestra por venopunción y procediendo a usar el kit de diagnóstico rápido (Heska Canine Heartworm antigen test kit), depositando en el tres gotas de sangre entera. Se obtuvo un caso positivo de una hembra canina de raza criolla de 18 meses de edad. Representando una baja prevalencia de 0.92% de Dirofilariasis, esto se ve influenciado por el uso de ivermectina que incide sobre las microfilarias. Se comprobó la presencia en Nicaragua de mosquitos vectores de esta parasitosis (Dirofilaria immitis): Culex spp, Anopheles spp, Aedes spp, Las características agroecológicas presentes en el municipio de Granada como la temperatura que oscilan en 27 a 27.5ºC, son propicias para la presencia de estos vectores (mosquitos y larvas), debido a que ellos requieren una temperatura por encima de los 14ºC para su desarrollo; al igual que la presencia de un clima cálido y fuentes de agua. El caso positivo no presentó sintomatología (tos crónica, falta de resistencia, ascitis, murmullos cardíacos, colapsos) que evidenciara la enfermedad, debido a que solo se presenta cuando el padecimiento está avanzado o hay gran carga parasitaria. Las principales alteraciones al hombre son: pequeños infartos y lesiones granulomatosas a nivel pulmonar, dolor de pecho, fiebre, tos/hemosptisis, mialgias, escalofríos y malestar. Al finalizar este estudio se llegó a la conclusión que existe la presencia de Dirofilariasis en el municipio de Granada con una baja prevalencia del 0.92%. Se identificó la existencia en Nicaragua de mosquitos vectores (Culex spp, Anopheles spp, Aedes spp.) de esta parasitosis. Determinándose que las condiciones ambientales (temperatura, humedad y agua) son propicias para el desarrollo de los vectores transmisores de esta enfermedad. En cuanto a la sintomatología clínica en el cánido fue ausente. Es una enfermedad de interés zoonótico, por la capacidad que tienen estos mosquitos de transmitir esta enfermedad al humano. Se recomienda la prevención de la enfermedad con un tratamiento a base de ivermectina a dosis mínimas toleradas por los collie, y en los casos positivos un protocolo de prednisolona e ivermectina. Para evitar la zoonosis lo ideal es mantener un control estricto de mosquitos vectores y así evitar la transmisión tanto a perros como a humanos.


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Os flavivírus são vírus pertencentes à família Flaviviridae, género Flavivirus. Estes formam um grande grupo caraterizado pela sua ampla distribuição e diversidade genética. Os flavivírus são, na sua maioria, transmitidos por artrópodes vectores incluíndo agentes patogénicos para humanos e animais que podem potencialmente provocar grandes epidemias e causar elevadas taxas de mortalidade e morbidade. Nos últimos anos, tem-se registado uma grande expansão a nível da distribuição geográfica dos flavivirus e diversidade dos seus hospedeiros. O vírus do Nilo Ocidental tem sido continuamente detectado em toda a Europa recentemente, e também isolado de mosquitos colhidos no Sul de Portugal, onde já foram registados casos humanos e animais. O principal objectivo deste trabalho é o rastreio de flavivírus em mosquitos colhidos em duas regiões do Sul de Portugal, onde os mesmos foram anteriormente detectados. As colheitas de mosquitos foram realizadas em 24 locais em zonas húmidas nos districtos de Faro e Setúbal, através de armadilhas luminosas tipo CDC com CO2 e aspiradores mecânicos manuais para colheita de mosquitos em repouso em abrigos de animais. Os mosquitos colhidos foram agrupados por lotes contendo aproximadamente 50 espécimens cada, e rastreados para a presença de flavivírus por heminested RT-PCR, direccionado à amplificação de um pequeno fragmento do gene NS5 usando oligonucleótidos degenerados específicos para flavivírus. Entre Abril e Outubro de 2009 e 2010 foram colhidos no total 36273 mosquitos pertencentes às seguintes espécies: Anopheles algeriensis, An.atroparvus, Aedes berlandi, Ae.caspius, Ae.detritus, Coquillettidia richiardii, Culex laticinctus, Cx.pipiens, Cx.theileri, Cx.univittatus, Culiseta annulata, Cs.longiareolata, Cs.subochrea, e Uranotaenia unguiculata. As espécies mais abundantes foram Ae.caspius, Cx.theileri e Cx.pipiens, respectivamente. Contudo, as densidades de mosquitos foram variáveis de acordo com o método de colheita e área de amostragem. As densidades de mosquitos colhidos em 2010 foram quatro vezes superior às registadas no ano anterior. No total foram analisados 745 lotes dos quais 31% testaram positivos para a presença de sequências de flavivirus. As espécies que apresentaram taxas de positividade mais elevadas foram: An.algeriensis com uma Taxa Mínima de Infecção (TMI) de 56/1000 no Algarve em 2009, Cs.annulata TMI =22/1000 no Algarve em 2010, Cx.theileri e Cx.pipiens em Setúbal em 2010, TMI =20/1000. An. atroparvus, Ae. caspius, Ae. detritus e Cx. univittatus também produziram lotes positives. No geral, a positividade foi maior no Algarve. Análise das sequências virais obtidas revelou homologia das nossas sequências virais com sequências de referência de flavivírus específicos de mosquitos depositadas em bases de dados de acesso livre. A análise filogenética reflectiu a variabilidade genética dos flavivírus e revelou a relação genética das nossas sequências com as de outros flavivírus, especialmente os específicos de insectos. Tendo em consideração os anteriores isolamentos do vírus do Nilo Ocidental, o aumento acentuado nas densidades de mosquitos, o aumento de temperaturas que se tem vindo a registar, os casos recentes de transmissão de flavivírus por toda a Europa e o padrão desconhecido e imprevisível dos surtos destes vírus, os programas contínuos de vigilância epidemiológica têm-se revelado uma ferramenta indispensável para a Saúde Pública.


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Contient : 1 Journal autographe de JEHAN DE LA FOSSE, où sont notés mois par mois les principaux événements des années 1557 à 1590, arrivés en France et particulièrement à Paris, où vivait l'auteur, curé de St-Leu et de St-Barthélemy ; 2 Recueil d'épitaphes ; « Cavendish,... general Norris,... docter Story,... mylord Treasurer,... Frier Andrew,... Ellis,... earle of Essex, beheaded in the tower », Joannes Rekingale, episcopus Cicestriensis, Gulielmus de Blitz, archidiaconus Nodovicensis ; Thomas Linaerus, regis Henrici VIII medicus, Antonius Riccius Faventiae, « Mr Hofkins », Lucretia Borgia, Honorius P. M., Johannes Riberius ; Galfridus Chaucer, Corythus, filius Oenones et Paridis, Ninus, Assyriae monarcha, Pyramis, lateritia Asychis, Aegypti regis ; Bartholomaeus Platina, Petrus Pomponatius, Pompeius Magnus, Capys, Ennius, Hannibal ; Marcus Antonius Turrianus, Marcus Antonius Coccius, Marcus Antonius Casanova, Sardanapalus, Rufus, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar ; Petrus Ciaconius, Nicolaus Macchiavellus, Gulielmus Rondeletus, medicus, Anicia, foemina romana, Callicratea ; Johannes Coletus, Rembertus Dodonaeus, medicus Maximiliani II et Rodolphi imperatorum, Alcaeus poeta, Scipio Africanus ; Paracelsus, Gerardus Noviomagus et Andreas Hyperius, Didacus de Valdes, Albericus de Vere et Gulielmus, primus comes Oxoniensis, Robertus Buc ; Hieronymus Cagnolus Vercellensis, Johannes Stofflerus, mathematicus Tubingae, Remigius Bellaqueus, Pallas, Evandri filius, Zarmanochegas indus, de Bargosa ; Johannes Rivius Attbend, Petrus Bembus, Lucius P. M. Veronae, Gulielmus Norselez, decanus quondam ecclesiae S. Pauli Londini, Mathias Corvinus, rex Pannoniae ; Philippus Callimachus Cracoviae, in aede S. Trinitatis, Ludovicus Bologninus, Bononiae, Rachel, uxor Jacobi Bethleem, Aratus, Plato, Aeschylus ; Joannes Zonaras, Homerus, Menander, Epictetus ; Berengarius, archidiaconus Andegavensis, Andreas Fanzonius, Cyrus, Persarum monarcha, Midas ; Hugo S. Victoris Parisiensis, S. Bernardus, abbas claraevallensis, Petrus de Toledo, Psittacus, Musaeus poeta, Linus, thebanus poeta, Orpheus ; Petrus Lombardus, Petrus Comestor, Pallas, libertus Romae, Megista, Spartanus vates ; Aegidius de Roma, archiepiscopus Bituricensis, Johannes Gerson, Aristocrates, perfidus in Lycaei Jovis luco, Setho, sacerdos Vulcani et Aegypti rex, Rosamunda Cliffordensis, Petrus Aretinus ; Nicolaus de Lyra, Jacobus Pisaurus, Paphi episcopus, Cedwalla, rex Sussexiae ; Alphonsus Tostadus, hispanus, Abulensis episcopus, Albertus Pius de Sabaudia, princeps Carporum, Similis, praefectus praetorianorum, Jupiter, Osyris, Isis ; Aeneas Sylvius, Christophorus Colombus, Hermes, Apollo, Timon, Darius ; Robertus Gaguinus, Johannes de Sacro Busto, Darius, Hystaspis filius, Simandius, Aegypti rex, Idomeneus et Myrio, filii Deucalionis, Semiramis ; Alexander Piccolomineus, Justina, pulchra foemina, quam maritus zelotypus nefarie decollavit, Claudia, nobilis foemina Romae, Carolus Magnus, Carolus V, imperator ; Actius Plautus, Johannes Boccacius, Franciscus Ximenes, cardinalis Hispaniae, Federicus imperator, Sylla, Ricardus I, rex Anglorum ; Johannes Stadius, math. belga, C. Manlia camertina, Johannes de Mandeville, Patricius, Brigida et Columda in Hibernia, la reine d'Angleterre, femme de Jacques Ier ; Johannes Glandorp, Jodocus, medicus Romae, Urandus, sive Durandus, Johannes Jacobus Trivultius, Ludovicus VIII, rex Francorum ; Antonius quidam italus, Fin dal Finale, Battistina Senensis, puella elegantissima ; Chalonerus Dubliniae, Askew Lincolniensis, Christophorus Hatton, Robertus, comes Leicestriae ; Johannes Chidley, Walterus Ralegh, Arturus Gorges, Johannes Parkar, Maria Stafford, Charitas et Carolus Ho., Thomas Wals, Sylvanus Scorus, Johannes Horo et Edwardus Nymark, Edwardus Stanhop, Franciscus Wal ; Philippus Sydney, Franciscus Walsinghan, N. Marsonius, jurisconsultus, Christophorus H, Gulielmus, comes Penbrok, Angliae marescallus, Antonius Deny, frater Lubinus ; Fratislaus, dux Bohemiae, countess of Penbrok, Edward Spenser, Henry Abyngdon, Thomas Nash, N. Dobson ; Dr Hugh a price, Johannes Vitulus, Dr Bently, Hor. Pallavicin, Margaret Ratcliff ; Howlet, Elian, Henry Barron ; James Stuart, Thomas Sackville, Penelope d'Evreux, uxor domini Bar. Rich, pellicis comitis Devonshire, Robert Cecil, Ricardus Bancroft, archiepiscopus Cantuariensis ; Godefridus de Bulion, Balduinus, rex Jerusalem, Allicia, pulchra foemina anglica et forte meretrix, Theobaldus, comes Campaniae, qui vixit tempore regis Angliae Stephani ; Fernandus de Castro, hispanus in Anglia exulans et moriens ob fidem in Dominum Petrum, regem Castellae, Johannes Taylor de Colman street, usurarius, Petrus Miago Vallisoleti, in templo Sancti Stephani, Franciscus Duarte de Mendico, a proveedor de los exercitos y armadas del emperador Carlo V, Henricus, Walliae princeps ; Milo, comes de Anglera, pater Rolandi, a Mauris juxta ripam Ceae occisus, Hecuba, S. Edmundus, rex et martyr, Pindarus, poeta lyricus, Stesichorus, Anacreon, poeta vinosus, Leonidas, dux Lacedemoniorum ad Thermopylas occisus contra Persas, Timotheus, citharedus milesius ; Timocreon Rhodius, Laïs, meretrix Corinthia, sepulta in Thessalia, juxta Peneum fluvium, Acron, antiquissimus medicus Agrigentinus


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Since the discovery of West Nile (WN) virus in the Western Hemisphere many surveillance programs have been implemented to monitor the epidemiology and genetic variation of WN virus in North America. This project was based on the WN virus Adult Mosquito Identification and Diagnostic Program conducted at Brock University for Ontario, Canada, during the 2002 and 2003 transmission seasons. There are three sections to this thesis. The first section investigated which mosquito species carry WN virus in Ontario, Canada throughout the 2002-2003 transmission seasons. It was found that from the 2002 data, eight mosquito species were detected with WN virus (Aedes vexans, Anopheles punctipennis, Coquilleltidia perlurbans, Culex salinarius, Cx. pipiens, Cx. resluans, Ochlerolalus Irivillalus and Och. Iriserialus) and 7.19% of the total mosquito pools tested were found to be WN virus positive (129 positive poolsll, 793 total pools tested). In 2003, WN virus was detected in only five mosquito species (Ae. vexans, Cx. salinarius, Och. Iriserialus, Cx. pipiens and Cx. resluans) and 1.42% of the total mosquito pools tested were WN virus positive (101 positive poolsl7,1 01 total pools tested). WN virus positive mosquito pools were detected 3-4 weeks earlier in 2002 compared to 2003 data. The second section investigated the actual infection rate (IR) of clearly identified Cx. pipiens and Cx. resluans from the 2002 outbreak. It was found that significantly more ex. resluans were infected with WN virus compared to ex. pipiens. The third section investigated the degree of variability of the WN virus genome. A 879 nucleotide section of the WN virus genome was amplified from 21 American Crows and 20 adult female mosquitoes from Ontario, Canada, and compared to the homologous region of the original New York 1999 Chilean Flamingo sequence (NY99FL). Seventy-two nucleotides from Ontario WN virus sequences showed variability compared to NY99FL with 10 synapotypic changes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a close relationship between Ontario and US WN virus sequences.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) U.A.N.L.


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Del 9 al 12 de noviembre de 1995 se celebr?? en Murcia la 22 Reuni??n Cient??fica Anual de la AEDES (Asociaci??n Espa??ola para la Educaci??n Especial) dedicada, en esta edici??n, a realizar un balance sobre la integraci??n. En el libro de actas se recogen las ponencias y comunicaciones presentadas en cada una de las cuatro secciones: integraci??n y pol??tica educativa; integraci??n: realidad o mito; hacia una escuela para todos y formaci??n del profesorado.


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Elaborar una programación de Educación Especial que tenga validez a nivel nacional, desarrollando una normativa basada en el art. 49 de la Ley General de Educación de 1970 y que sirva para regular la actividad docente de los centros de Educación Especial de España. Alumnos de los colegios del Patronato María Soriano, donde cada aula se compone de un grupo de 10 a 12 alumnos. Se distinguen 3 fases en el proceso: 1. Recogida de experiencias y programación en los colegios del Patronato. 2. Elaboración de programas por niveles para Educación Especial. 3. Experimentación de dichos niveles en cada uno de los colegios del Patronato. En la primera fase se recogen las experiencias de programación realizadas en los colegios desde 1966. A partir de ese conocimiento y de la observación sistemática del profesor, se confecciona un programa individual, de base, para desarrollar en el aula, compuesta por un grupo de 10 a 12 alumnos. Se trata de una metodología individual. En el año 1975 se pretende un giro en la organización del aula que posibilite el desarrollo sistemático de la socialización de las actividades y la individualización de los aprendizajes. Este enfoque consiste en establecer a priori todas las posibles conductas que debería adquirir el deficiente mental límite, ligero o medio a una determinada edad escolar. Mediante una exploración inicial por un equipo de especialistas, formado por un psicólogo, un pedagogo, un médico y un asistente social, se sitúa al alumno en unos puntos concretos del programa, atendiendo a sus características diferenciadoras y edad cronológica. Los objetivos se diferencian en generales y de nivel. Entroncan directamente con las finalidades propuestas por la Institución y los objetivos operativos o conductas de programas expuestos en la reunión científica de la Asociación Española para la Educación Especial (AEDES). A partir de lo expuesto, se procede a la elaboración de programas consistentes en la sistematización de las experiencias de programación desarrolladas. Los resultados son la programación en cinco niveles, cada uno de los cuales contiene: Área de psicomotricidad: programación y evaluación formativa; Área de lenguaje; Área de cálculo; Área de socialización; Área de formación religiosa; Área de habituación; Evaluación sumativa de nivel. A partir del nivel IV se añaden las áreas de expresión plástica y expresión dinámica, y, en el nivel V, el área de polivalentes. A partir de esta programación, se pretende ayudar al deficiente a desarrollar su personalidad para que se integre en el marco social que le corresponde, en concordancia con sus posibilidades. Además, permite canalizar de manera segura y eficaz los esfuerzos y actividades del deficiente hacia la consecución de los fines previstos, al mismo tiempo que: facilita el escalonamiento de contenidos a adquirir; ayuda a localizar el retraso del niño y su dificultad de aprendizaje; permite el análisis de los avances en el aprendizaje. En suma, permite la evaluación promocional, la investigación de los procedimientos empleados y la orientación del profesorado especializado al ofrecerle apoyo en su actuación educativa para lograr los objetivos prefijados.


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RNA secondary structures in the 3'untranslated regions (3'UTR) of the viruses of the family Flaviviridae, previously identified as essential (promoters) or beneficial (enhancers) for replication, have been analysed. Duplicated enhancer elements are revealed as a global feature in the evolution of the 3'UTR of distantly related viruses within the genera Flavivirus and Pestivirus. For the flaviviruses, duplicated structures occur in the 3'UTR of all four distantly related ecological virus subgroups (tick-borne, mosquito-borne, no known vector and insect-specific flaviviruses (ISFV). RNA structural differences distinguish tick-borne flaviviruses with discrete pathogenetic characteristics. For Aedes- and Culex-associated ISFV, secondary RNA structures with different conformations display numerous short ssRNA direct repeats, exposed as loops and bulges. Long quadruplicate regions comprise almost the entire 3'UTR of Culex-associated ISFV. Extended duplicated sequence and associated RNA structures were also discovered in the 3'UTR of pestiviruses. In both the Flavivirus and Pestivirus genera, duplicated RNA structures were localized to the enhancer regions of the 3'UTR suggesting an adaptive role predominantly in wild-type viruses. We propose sequence reiteration might act as a scaffold for dimerization of proteins involved in assembly of viral replicase complexes. Numerous nucleotide repeats exposed as loops/bulges might also interfere with host immune responses acting as a molecular sponge to sequester key host proteins or microRNAs.


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A new flavivirus, Ecuador Paraiso Escondido virus (EPEV), named after the village where it was discovered, was isolated from sand flies (Psathyromyia abonnenci, formerly Lutzomyia abonnenci) that are unique to the New World. This represents the first sand fly-borne flavivirus identified in the New World. EPEV exhibited a typical flavivirus genome organization. Nevertheless, the maximum pairwise amino acid sequence identity with currently recognized flaviviruses was 52.8%. Phylogenetic analysis of the complete coding sequence showed that EPEV represents a distinct clade which diverged from a lineage that was ancestral to the nonvectored flaviviruses Entebbe bat virus, Yokose virus, and Sokoluk virus and also the Aedes-associated mosquito-borne flaviviruses, which include yellow fever virus, Sepik virus, Saboya virus, and others. EPEV replicated in C6/36 mosquito cells, yielding high infectious titers, but failed to reproduce either in vertebrate cell lines (Vero, BHK, SW13, and XTC cells) or in suckling mouse brains. This surprising result, which appears to eliminate an association with vertebrate hosts in the life cycle of EPEV, is discussed in the context of the evolutionary origins of EPEV in the New World.The flaviviruses are rarely (if ever) vectored by sand fly species, at least in the Old World. We have identified the first representative of a sand fly-associated flavivirus, Ecuador Paraiso Escondido virus (EPEV), in the New World. EPEV constitutes a novel clade according to current knowledge of the flaviviruses. Phylogenetic analysis of the virus genome showed that EPEV roots the Aedes-associated mosquito-borne flaviviruses, including yellow fever virus. In light of this new discovery, the New World origin of EPEV is discussed together with that of the other flaviviruses.