962 resultados para Adolfo Suárez


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Ponencia leída en el Foro de Comunicaciones IkasArt II (BEC Barakaldo, 2010.06.18)


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For the first time in its history, the International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation migrated to a site outside of the United States. Thus the Eighteenth edition was hosted by the Mazatlán Research Unit of the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología of the Mexican National Autonomous University (UNAM) in Mazatlán, Sinaloa (Mexico) where it was held from 3-7, March, 1998. Above all, our symposium is prominent for its dynamism and enthusiasm in bringing together specialists from the world´s sea turtle populations. In an effort to extend this philosophy, and fully aware of how fast the interest in sea turtles has grown, the organizers paid special attention to bring together as many people as possible. With the tremendous efforts of the Travel Committee and coupled with a special interest by the Latin American region´s devotees, we managed to get 653 participants from 43 countries. The number of presentations increased significantly too, reaching a total of 265 papers, ranging from cutting-edge scientific reports based on highly sophisticated methods, to the experiences and successes of community-based and environmental education programs. A priority given by this symposium was the support and encouragement for the construction of "bridges" across cultural and discipline barriers. We found success in achieving a multinational dialogue among interest groups- scientists, resource managers, decision makers, ngo's, private industry. There was a broad representation of the broad interests that stretch across these sectors, yet everyone was able to listen and offer their own best contribution towards the central theme of the Symposium: the conservation of sea turtles and the diversity of marine and coastal environments in which they develop through their complicated and protracted life cycle. Our multidisciplinary approach is highly important at the present, finding ourselves at a cross roads of significant initiatives in the international arena of environmental law, where the conservation of sea turtles has a key role to play. Many, many people worked hard over the previous 12 months, to make the symposium a success. Our sincerest thanks to all of them: Program committee: Laura Sarti (chair), Ana Barragán, Rod Mast, Heather Kalb, Jim Spotilla, Richard Reina, Sheryan Epperly, Anna Bass, Steve Morreale, Milani Chaloupka, Robert Van Dam, Lew Ehrhart, J. Nichols, David Godfrey, Larry Herbst, René Márquez, Jack Musick, Peter Dutton, Patricia Huerta, Arturo Juárez, Debora Garcia, Carlos Suárez, German Ramírez, Raquel Briseño, Alberto Abreu; Registration and Secretary: Jane Provancha (chair), Lupita Polanco; Informatics: Germán Ramírez, Carlos Suárez; Cover art: Blas Nayar; Designs: Germán Ramírez, Raquel Briseño, Alberto Abreu. Auction: Rod Mast; Workshops and special meetings: Selina Heppell; Student prizes: Anders Rhodin; Resolutions committee: Juan Carlos Cantú; Local organizing committee: Raquel Briseño, Jane Abreu; Posters: Daniel Ríos and Jeffrey Semminoff; Travel committee: Karen Eckert (chair), Marydele Donnelly, Brendan Godley, Annette Broderick, Jack Frazier; Student travel: Francisco Silva and J. Nichols; Vendors: Tom McFarland and J. Nichols; Volunteer coordination: Richard Byles; Latin American Reunión: Angeles Cruz Morelos; Nominations committee: Randall Arauz, Colleen Coogan, Laura Sarti, Donna Shaver, Frank Paladino. Once again, Ed Drane worked his usual magic with the Treasury of the Symposium Significant financial contributions were generously provided by government agencies. SEMARNAP (Mexico´s Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries) through its central office, the Mazatlán Regional Fisheries Research Center (CRIP-Mazatlán) and the National Center for Education and Capacity Building for Sustainable Development (CECADESU) contributed to the logistics and covered the costs of auditoria and audiovisual equipment for the Symposium, teachers and their hotels for the Community Development and Environmental Education workshop in the 5th Latin American Sea Turtle Specialists; DIF (Dept of Family Affairs) provided free accomodation and food for the more than 100 participants in the Latin American Reunion. In this Reunion, the British Council-Mexico sponsored the workshop on the Project Cycle. The National Chamber of the Fisheries Industry (CANAINPES) kindly sponsored the Symposium´s coffee breaks. Personnel from the local Navy (Octave Zona Naval) provided invaluable aid in transport and logistics. The Scientific Coordination Office from UNAM (CICUNAM) and the Latin American Biology Network (RELAB) also provided funding. Our most sincere recognition to all of them. In the name of this Symposium´s compilers, I would like to also express our gratitude to Wayne Witzell, Technical Editor for his guidance and insights and to Jack Frazier for his help in translating and correcting the English of contributions from some non-native English speakers. Many thanks to Angel Fiscal and Tere Martin who helped with the typing in the last, last corrections and editions for these Proceedings. To all, from around the world, who generously helped make the 18th Symposium a huge success, shared their experiences and listened to ours, our deepest gratitude! (PDF contains 316 pages)


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Es una tesis muy extensa a propósito para probar la presencia e importancia del arte colaborativo a lo largo de la historia reciente y la necesidad de darle cabida en el terreno de la educación. No podemos seguir ignorando su potencial amparándonos en un concepto trasnochado y romántico de artista genial que trabaja en solitario. El arte está para muchas más cosas que la mera exposición y en un futuro cercano veremos trabajar en colaboración a artistas con expertos de muy distintas áreas de conocimiento.


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Background: The ability to recreate an optimal cellular microenvironment is critical to understand neuronal behavior and functionality in vitro. An organized neural extracellular matrix (nECM) promotes neural cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. Here, we expanded previous observations on the ability of nECM to support in vitro neuronal differentiation, with the following goals: (i) to recreate complex neuronal networks of embryonic rat hippocampal cells, and (ii) to achieve improved levels of dopaminergic differentiation of subventricular zone (SVZ) neural progenitor cells. Methods: Hippocampal cells from E18 rat embryos were seeded on PLL- and nECM-coated substrates. Neurosphere cultures were prepared from the SVZ of P4-P7 rat pups, and differentiation of neurospheres assayed on PLL- and nECM-coated substrates. Results: When seeded on nECM-coated substrates, both hippocampal cells and SVZ progenitor cells showed neural expression patterns that were similar to their poly-L-lysine-seeded counterparts. However, nECM-based cultures of both hippocampal neurons and SVZ progenitor cells could be maintained for longer times as compared to poly-L-lysine-based cultures. As a result, nECM-based cultures gave rise to a more branched neurite arborization of hippocampal neurons. Interestingly, the prolonged differentiation time of SVZ progenitor cells in nECM allowed us to obtain a purer population of dopaminergic neurons. Conclusions: We conclude that nECM-based coating is an efficient substrate to culture neural cells at different stages of differentiation. In addition, neural ECM-coated substrates increased neuronal survival and neuronal differentiation efficiency as compared to cationic polymers such as poly-L-lysine.


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Citados no vídeo: Ulysses Guimarães; Plínio Arruda Sampaio: Adolfo de Oliveira; Francisco Dornelles; Brandão Monteiro; Joâo Hermann; José Serra; Santinho Furtado; Ulysses Guimarães; Plínio Arruda Sampaio: Adolfo de Oliveira; Francisco Dornelles; Brandão Monteiro; Joâo Hermann; José Serra; Santinho Furtado;


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A nova Constituição dará ao Congresso a função de fiscalização do orçamento público. Na abertura do Seminário Internacional Poder Legislativo e Orçamento Público, o Ministro do Planejamento Anibal Teixeira afirma ser favorável a essa medida. O Senador Severo Gomes (PMDB-SP) afirma que o mecanismo fundamental para o dinheiro público ser usado corretamente é a fiscalização do Poder Legislativo e também das organizações da sociedade civil. Fim do prazo para os pedidos de destaque. O Líder do PDS, Deputado Amaral Neto (PDS-RJ) defende a pena de morte na Constituição. O Líder do PL, Deputado Adolfo Oliveira (PL-RJ) está satisfeito com o substitutivo, pois considera que ele extermina os marajás no serviço público e pune os traficantes de tóxicos. Sistema de governo é o tema que mais divide as opiniões na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). O Deputado César Cals Neto (PDS-CE) informa que a radicalização sobre o assunto não é boa e que o parlamentarismo misto é a melhor escolha. Parlamentaristas do PFL se organizam em favor do parlamentarismo puro. O Secretário-Geral do PFL o Deputado Saulo Queiroz esclarece que o partido quer um parlamentarismo que não traga o risco do hibridismo e também garanta um período de transição. A Deputada Sandra Cavalcanti (PFL-RJ) informa sobre a adesão da bancada do seu partido ao parlamentarismo.


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Destaca que pela nova carta, o comando do país fica nas mãos do Presidente da República. O Governo tem autonomia, para escolher seus ministros, sem interferências do congresso. O Legislativo será um poder forte. Foi criado um Conselho da República, um órgão que participará das grandes decisões nacionais, o qual terá oito representantes do congresso. O Sistema de Governo do Brasil poderá mudar em um prazo de cinco anos. Em plebiscito popular, o povo que decidirá se quer o Presidencialismo ou o Parlamentarismo, a população também vai optar pela, República ou Monarquia como forma de governo. A comissão de redação final analisa as 833 propostas dos constituintes, e as quase 300 sugestões do filólogo, Celso Cunha. As propostas visam melhorar a redação da nova carta, muita delas para acrescentar ou tirar vírgulas.


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Trata da reforma tributária, da distribuição de mais recursos aos Estados e Municípios, ao semi-árido do nordeste e aos programas de financiamento ao setor produtivo.


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Trata da liberdade de informação, da programação cultural do país e do fim da censura.


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Trata da comissão que vai redigir a nova Constituição Brasileira, instalada pelo por Ulysses Guimarães. Por sugestão das lideranças, a Comissão se dividiu para examinar o texto elaborado pelo relator Bernardo Cabral; analisar as sugestões feitas pelo relator e examinar as propostas feitas pelos constituintes. Cinquenta e sete sugestões de mudança na redação foram apresentadas pelo relator e pelos relatores adjuntos. Foram discutidos três pontos omissos por parte dos constituintes: Como será feita a divisão dos Estados? Quais são os bens que pertencem ao Distrito Federal? e Se o Presidente e os Ministros pagar Imposto de Renda?


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Trata da redivisão territorial do Brasil com a criação do estado de Tocantins, a transformação dos territórios de Roraima e Amapá em Estado e as sugestões da criação de novos estados.


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Apresenta aspectos da reforma urbana, tais como a implantação de um plano diretor, a função social da propriedade, o adequando aproveitamento do solo urbano não utilizado, visando a qualidade de vida dos cidadãos.


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Analisa a necessidade da elaboração de leis complementares e a definição dos temas a serem regulados pelas ordinárias ou complementares.


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Trata do processo de revisão da nova Carta, que vai corrigir os textos referentes ao Imposto de Renda para Presidente e Ministros, à Eleição do Presidente e aos Bens do Distrito Federal. A constituinte decidiu que o Distrito Federal vai eleger o seu próprio governador e acabou com os decretos leis.