359 resultados para Accessions
El maní cultivado (Arachis hypogaea L.), es una especie de gran importancia económica, nativo de América del Sur. Se divide en dos subespecies y seis variedades botánicas. Genéticamente es alotetraploide, constituido por dos juegos genómicos duplicados. El empleo de marcadores microsatélites resulta más apropiado para realizar la caracterización genética de esta especie, puesto que permiten detectar un elevado nivel de polimorfismo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar la diversidad genética existente en las entradas de germoplasma de maní cultivado pertenecientes al Banco Activo de Germoplasma de Maní del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Veinticinco entradas fueron genotipificadas con 23 marcadores microsatélites, de los cuales, 17 resultaron polimórficos. Se observaron 75 fragmentos polimórficos amplificados, con un promedio de 4,41 alelos por locus y un rango de 1 a 9 alelos. El contenido de información polimórfica osciló entre 0,15 y 0,58. El valor de la diversidad genética promedio fue de 0,165. Tanto el análisis de conglomerados como el de coordenadas principales evidenciaron dos grupos, uno formado por los materiales representantes de la subespecie fastigiata y otro por los de la subespecie hypogaea. Los resultados del análisis molecular de la varianza mostraron varianza tanto dentro como entre, las subespecies analizadas.
Se evaluó la variación fenotípica agromorfológica y cambios biofísicos de frutos después de 10 días de almacenamiento a temperatura ambiente, en una colección de tomate de Oaxaca, México. La colección de 57 colectas fue sembrada y caracterizada bajo invernadero. En poscosecha se evaluó pH, grados Brix, pérdida de peso y parámetros de color (L*, a*, b*, cromaticidad y ángulo Hue) a 0 y 10 días después de la cosecha. Las colectas mostraron diferencias significativas (P < 0,01) en todos los caracteres agromorfológicos y también hubo diferencias significativas entre acervos genéticos preclasificados como cultivados, ruderales e intermedios entre cultivados y ruderales. Nueve grupos de diversidad fenotípica fueron conformados. Se determinaron diferencias significativas entre tiempos de almacenamiento (0 y 10 días) para todas las características biofísicas. Después de 10 días de almacenamiento a temperatura ambiente (20,6±5°C y 34±10% HR), se incrementaron los °Brix de 4,1 a 4,6 y pH de 3,7 a 4,3. Entre grupos fenotípicos e interacción tiempo de almacenamiento-grupos, se determinaron diferencias significativas en °Brix, coordenadas de color L* y b*, y ángulo Hue. Los cambios diferenciales poscosecha indican divergencias fenotípicas entre y dentro de acervos genéticos que pueden explotarse en programas de mejoramiento con objetivos regionales.
A total of 106 potential duplicate cases involved 277 accessions were detected on the basis of passport data in the durum wheat collection maintained in the CRF-INIA. Similarity between accessions was measured by agro-morphological traits. The 90% of the agro-morphological duplication were verified with gliadin proteins, allowing identification of similar material with greater refinement than agro-morphological data. However, the results indicated not to decide for rationalisation only on the basis of molecular data.
A total of 106 potential duplicate cases involved 277 accessions were detected on the basis of passport data in the durum wheat collection maintained in the CRF-INIA. Similarity between accessions was measured by agro-morphological traits. The 90% of the agro-morphological duplication were verified with gliadin proteins, allowing identification of similar material with greater refinement than agro-morphological data. However, the results indicated not to decide for rationalisation only on the basis of molecular data
This study uses PCR-derived marker systems to investigate the extent and distribution of genetic variability of 53 Garnacha accessions coming from Italy, France and Spain. The samples studied include 28 Italian accessions (named Tocai rosso in Vicenza area; Alicante in Sicily and Elba island; Gamay perugino in Perugia province; Cannonau in Sardinia), 19 Spanish accessions of different types (named Garnacha tinta, Garnacha blanca, Garnacha peluda, Garnacha roja, Garnacha erguida, Garnacha roya) and 6 French accessions (named Grenache and Grenache noir). In order to verify the varietal identity of the samples, analyses based on 14 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were performed. The presence of an additional allele at ISV3 locus (151 bp) was found in four Tocai rosso accessions and in a Sardinian Cannonau clone, that are, incidentally, chimeras. In addition to microsatellite analysis, intravarietal variability study was performed using AFLP, SAMPL and M-AFLP molecular markers. AFLPs could discriminate among several Garnacha samples; SAMPLs allowed distinguishing few genotypes on the basis of their geographic origin, whereas M-AFLPs revealed plant-specific markers, differentiating all accessions. Italian samples showed the greatest variability among themselves, especially on the basis of their different provenance, while Spanish samples were the most similar, in spite of their morphological diversity.
Esta tesis tiene dos objetivos generales: el primero, analizar el uso de proteínas del endospermo y SSRs para la racionalización de las colecciones de trigo, y el segundo, estudiar la influencia de las proteínas del endospermo, del año de cultivo y del abonado nitrogenado en la calidad en un grupo de variedades locales españolas. Dentro del primer objetivo, se estudió la diversidad genética de la colección de Triticum monococcum L. (escaña menor), y de una muestra de la colección de Triticum turgidum L. (trigo duro) del CRF-INIA, con 2 y 6 loci de gliadinas, y 6 y 24 SSRs, para la escaña menor y el trigo duro, respectivamente. Ambas colecciones presentaron una gran diversidad genética, con una gran diferenciación entre las variedades y pequeña dentro de ellas. Los loci de gliadinas mostraron una gran variabilidad, siendo los loci Gli-2 los más útiles para distinguir variedades. En la escaña menor, las gliadinas presentaron mayor poder de discriminación que los SSRs; aunque en trigo duro los SSRs identificaron más genotipos. El número de alelos encontrado fue alto; 24 y 38 en gliadinas, y 29 y 203 en SSRs, en escaña menor y trigo duro, respectivamente. En trigo duro, se identificaron 17 alelos nuevos de gliadinas lo que demuestra que el germoplasma español es muy singular. En ambas especies, se detectaron asociaciones entre la variación alélica en prolaminas y el origen geográfico y filogenético de las variedades. La utilidad de las proteínas (6 loci de gliadinas, 2 loci de gluteninas y proteína total) y de los SSRs (24 loci) para verificar duplicados, y analizar la variabilidad intraaccesión, se estudió en 23 casos de duplicados potenciales de trigo duro. Los resultados indicaron que tanto los biotipos como las accesiones duplicadas mostraban el mismo genotipo en gliadinas, pocas diferencias o ninguna en las subunidades de gluteninas HMW y proteína total, y diferencias en menos de tres loci de SSRs. El mismo resultado se obtuvo para los biotipos de la colección de T. monococcum. Sin embargo, las discrepancias observadas en algunos casos entre proteínas y SSRs demostraron la utilidad del uso conjunto de ambos tipos de marcadores. Tanto las proteínas como los SSRs mostraron gran concordancia con los caracteres agro-morfológicos, especialmente cuando las diferencias entre los genotipos eran grandes. Sin embargo, los caracteres agro-morfológicos fueron menos discriminantes que los marcadores moleculares. Para el segundo objetivo de la tesis, se analizó la variación alélica en siete loci de prolaminas relacionados con la calidad en trigo duro: Glu-A1 y Glu-B1 de gluteninas HMW, Glu-A3, Glu-B3 y Glu-B2 de gluteninas B-LMW, y Gli-A1 y Gli-B1 de gliadinas. La submuestra analizada incluía variedades locales de todas las provincias españolas donde se ha cultivado tradicionalmente el trigo duro. Todos los loci, excepto el Glu-B2, mostraron gran variabilidad genética, siendo los Glu-3 los más polimórficos. En total, se identificaron 65 alelos, de los que 29 eran nuevos, que representan una fuente importante de variabilidad genética para la mejora de la calidad. Se detectaron diferencias en la composición en prolaminas entre la convar. turgidum y la zona norte, y la convar. durum y la zona sur; el genotipo Glu-B3new-1 - Gli-B1new-1 fue muy común en la convar. turgidum, mientras que el Glu-B3a - Gli-B1c, asociado con mejor calidad, fue más frecuente en la convar. durum. En la convar. turgidum, se observó mayor variabilidad que en la convar. durum, principalmente en los loci Glu-B1 y Glu-B3, lo que indica que esta convariedad puede ser una fuente valiosa de nuevos alelos de gluteninas. Esta submuestra fue evaluada para calidad (contenido en proteína, P, y test de sedimentación, SDSS) con dos dosis de abonado nitrogenado (N), y en dos años diferentes. No se detectaron interacciones Variedad × Año, ni Variedad × N en la calidad. Para la P, los efectos ambientales (año y N) fueron mayores que el efecto de la variedad, siendo, en general, mayor la P con dosis altas de N. La variedad influyó más en el test SDSS, que no se vio afectado por el año ni el N. El aumento del contenido en proteína no influyó significativamente sobre la fuerza del gluten estimada con el SDSS. Respecto a la influencia de las prolaminas en la fuerza del gluten, se confirmó la superioridad del Glu-B3a; aunque también se detectó una influencia alta y positiva de los alelos nuevos Glu-A3new-1, y Glu-B3new-6 y new-9. La no correlación entre el rendimiento (evaluado en un trabajo anterior) y la P, en las variedades adaptadas a bajo N, permitió seleccionar cuatro variedades locales con alto rendimiento y buena fuerza del gluten para producción con bajo N. SUMMARY There are two main objectives in this thesis: The first, to analyse the use of endosperm proteins and SSRs to rationalize the wheat collections, and the second, to study the influence on quality of endosperm proteins, year and nitrogen fertilization in a group of Spanish landraces. For the first objective, we studied the genetic diversity of the collection of Triticum monococcum L. (cultivated einkorn), and of a sample of the collection of Triticum turgidum L. (durum wheat) maintained at the CRF-INIA. Two and 6 gliadin loci, and 6 and 24 SSRs, were used for einkorn and durum wheat, respectively. Both collections possessed a high genetic diversity, being the differentiation large between varieties and small within them. Gliadin loci showed great variability, being the loci Gli-2 the most useful for distinguish among varieties. In einkorn, the gliadins showed higher discrimination power than SSRs; although SSRs identified more genotypes in durum wheat. Large number of alleles were found; 24 and 38 in gliadins, and 29 and 203 in SSRs, for einkorn and durum wheat, respectively. In durum wheat, 17 new alleles of gliadins were identified, which indicate that Spanish durum wheat germplasm is rather unique. Some associations between prolamin alleles and geographical and phylogenetic origin of varieties were found in both species. The value of endosperm proteins (6 gliadin loci, 2 glutenin loci and total protein) and SSRs (24 loci) for validation of duplicates, and monitoring the intra-accession variability, was studied in 23 potential duplicates of durum wheat. The results indicated that biotypes and duplicated accessions showed identical gliadin genotype, few or none differences in HMW glutenin subunits and total protein, and less than three different SSR loci. A similar result was obtained for biotypes of T. monococcum. However, the discrepancies in some cases support the convenience to use together both marker systems. A good concordance among endosperm proteins, agro-morphological traits and SSRs were also found, mainly when differences between genotypes were high. However, agro-morphological traits discriminated less between accessions than molecular markers. For the second objective of the thesis, we analysed the allelic variation at seven prolamin loci, involved in durum wheat quality: Glu-A1 and Glu-B1 of HMW glutenin, Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-B2 of B-LMW glutenin, and Gli-A1 and Gli-B1 of gliadin. The subsample analysed included landraces from all the Spanish provinces where the crop was traditionally cultivated. All the loci, except for Glu-B2, showed high genetic variability, being Glu-3 the most polymorphic. A total of 65 alleles were studied, 29 of them being new, which represent an important source of variability for quality improvement. Differences in prolamin composition were detected between convar. turgidum and the North zone, and the convar. durum and the South zone; the genotype Glu-B3new-1 - Gli-B1new-1 was very common in the convar. turgidum, while the Glu- B3a - Gli-B1c, associated with better quality, was more frequent in the convar. durum. Higher variability was detected in the convar. turgidum than in the convar. durum, mainly at the Glu-B1 and Glu-B3, showing that this convariety could be a valuable source of new glutenin alleles. The subsample was evaluated for quality (protein content, P, and sedimentation test, SDSS) with two doses of nitrogen fertiliser (N), and in two different years. No significant Variety x Year or Variety x Nitrogen interactions were detected. For P, environmental (year and N) effects were higher than variety effect, being P values , in general, larger with high dose of N. The variety exhibited a strong influence on SDSS test, which was not affected by year and N. Increasing values of P did not significantly influence on gluten strength, estimated with the SDSS. Respect to the prolamin effects on gluten strength, the superiority of Glu-B3a was confirmed; although a high positive effect of the new alleles Glu-A3new-1, and Glu-B3new-6 and new-9 was also detected. The no correlation between yield (evaluated in a previous research) and P, in the landraces adapted to low N, allowed to select four landraces with high yield and high gluten strength for low N production.
The main objective of this study was to determine if isozyme systems can be used as markers of genetic deterioration in Brassicaceae seed accessions under different storage conditions. Seed samples of Brassica oleracea, Cardaria draba, Erysimum cheiri, Iberis sempervirens and Rapistrum rugosum were stored for periods of 9 to 30 years at -10°C and 3-4% seed moisture content (long-term or LT conditions) and at 5°C and uncontrolled relative humidity (RH) (short-term or ST conditions). Starch Gel Electrophoresis (SGE) was used to analyse six enzyme systems oriented to determine the genetic deterioration of the accessions studied. The results obtained show that long-term storage conditions (LT) were extremely effective in maintaining the viability of seeds of the five Brassicaceae species studied. The final germination percentages reached by seeds from LT samples ranged from 75 to 100%, while the germination percentages of ST samples (except for B. oleracea) were very low (from 0 to 10%). Similar conclusions were obtained studying the integrity of electrophoretic bands for several isozymes. Two enzyme systems were of special interest: malate dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase.
Spanish wheat (Triticum spp.) landraces have a considerable polymorphism, containing many unique alleles, relative to other collections. The existence of a core collection is a favored approach for breeders to efficiently explore novel variation and enhance the use of germplasm. In this study, the Spanish durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) core collection (CC) was created using a population structure–based method, grouping accessions by subspecies and allocating the number of genotypes among populations according to the diversity of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The CC of 94 genotypes was established, which accounted for 17% of the accessions in the entire collection. An alternative core collection (CH), with the same number of genotypes per subspecies and maximizing the coverage of SSR alleles, was assembled with the Core Hunter software. The quality of both core collections was compared with a random core collection and evaluated using geographic, agromorphological, and molecular marker data not previously used in the selection of genotypes. Both core collections had a high genetic representativeness, which validated their sampling strategies. Geographic and agromorphological variation, phenotypic correlations, and gliadin alleles of the original collection were more accurately depicted by the CC. Diversity arrays technology (DArT) markers revealed that the CC included genotypes less similar than the CH. Although more SSR alleles were retained by the CH (94%) than by the CC (91%), the results showed that the CC was better than CH for breeding purposes.
En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de la biodiversidad del frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en Honduras, que es el segundo de los cultivos de granos básicos en importancia. Dicho estudio se ha realizado mediante una caracterización agromorfológica, molecular y ecogeográfica en una selección de 300 accesiones conservadas en el banco de germoplasma ubicado en la Escuela Agrícola Panamericana (EAP) El Zamorano, y que se colectaron en 13 departamentos del país durante el periodo de 1990 a 1994. Estas accesiones fueron colectadas cuatro años antes del acontecimiento del huracán Mitch, el cual a su paso afectó al 96% del área total cultivable en su momento, lo cual nos hace considerar que la biodiversidad de razas locales (landraces) de frijol común existentes in situ fueron severamente afectadas. Los trabajos dirigidos a analizar la biodiversidad de razas locales de frijol común en Honduras son escasos, y este trabajo se constituye como el primero que incluye una amplia muestra a ser estudiada a través de una caracterización en tres aspectos complementarios (agromorfológico, molecular y ecogeográfico). Se evaluaron 32 caracteres agromorfológicos, 12 cuantitativos y 20 cualitativos, en distintas partes de la planta. Se establecieron las correlaciones entre los caracteres agromorfológicos y se elaboró un dendrograma con los mismos, en el que se formaron ocho grupos, en parte relacionados principalmente con los colores y tamaños de la semilla. Mediante el análisis de componentes principales se estudiaron los caracteres de más peso en cada uno de los tres primeros componentes. Asimismo, se estudiaron las correlaciones entre caracteres, siendo las más altas la longitud y anchura de la hoja, días a madurez y a cosecha y longitud y peso de semilla. Por otra parte, el mapa de diversidad agromorfológica mostró la existencia de tres zonas con mayor diversidad: en el oeste (en los departamentos de Santa Bárbara, Lempira y Copán), en el centro-norte (en los departamentos de Francisco Morazán, Yoro y Atlántida) y en el sur (en el departamento de El Paraíso y al sur de Francisco Morazán). Para la caracterización molecular partimos de 12 marcadores de tipo microsatélite, evaluados en 54 accesiones, que fueron elegidas por constituir grupos que compartían un mismo nombre local. Finalmente, se seleccionaron los cuatro microsatélites (BM53, GATS91, BM211 y PV-AT007) que resultaron ser más polimórficos e informativos para el análisis de las 300 accesiones, con los que se detectaron un total de 119 alelos (21 de ellos únicos o privados de accesión) y 256 patrones alélicos diferentes. Para estudiar la estructura y relaciones genéticas en las 300 accesiones se incluyeron en el análisis tres controles o accesiones de referencia, pertenecientes dos de ellas al acervo genético Andino y una al Mesoamericano. En el dendrograma se obtuvieron 25 grupos de accesiones con idénticas combinaciones de alelos. Al comparar este dendrograma con el de caracteres agromorfológicos se observaron diversos grupos con marcada similitud en ambos. Un total de 118 accesiones resultaron ser homogéneas y homocigóticas, a la vez que representativas del grupo de 300 accesiones, por lo que se analizaron con más detalle. El análisis de la estructura genética definió la formación de dos grupos, supuestamente relacionados con los acervos genéticos Andino (48) y Mesoamericano (61), y un reducido número de accesiones (9) que podrían tener un origen híbrido, debido a la existencia de un cierto grado de introgresión entre ambos acervos. La diferenciación genética entre ambos grupos fue del 13,3%. Asimismo, 66 de los 82 alelos detectados fueron privados de grupo, 30 del supuesto grupo Andino y 36 del Mesoamericano. Con relación al mapa de diversidad molecular, presentó una distribución bastante similar al de la diversidad agromorfológica, detectándose también las zonas de mayor diversidad genética en el oeste (en los departamentos de Lempira y Santa Bárbara), en el centro-norte (en los departamentos de Yoro y Atlántida) y en el sur (en el departamento de El Paraíso y al sur de Francisco Morazán). Para la caracterización ecogeográfica se seleccionaron variables de tipo bioclimático (2), geofísico (2) y edáfico (8), y mediante el método de agrupamiento de partición alrededor de los medoides, la combinación de los grupos con cada uno de los tres tipos de variables definió un total de 32 categorías ecogeográficas en el país, detectándose accesiones en 16 de ellas. La distribución de las accesiones previsiblemente esté relacionada con la existencia de condiciones más favorables al cultivo de frijol. En el mapa de diversidad ecogeográfica, nuevamente, se observaron varias zonas con alta diversidad tanto en el oeste, como en el centro-norte y en el sur del país. Como consecuencia del estudio realizado, se concluyó la existencia de una marcada biodiversidad en el material analizado, desde el punto de vista tanto agromorfológico como molecular. Por lo que resulta de gran importancia plantear la conservación de este patrimonio genético tanto ex situ, en bancos de germoplasma, como on farm, en las propias explotaciones de los agricultores del país, siempre que sea posible. ABSTRACT In the present work we have carried out a study of the biodiversity of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) in Honduras, which is the second of the basic grain crops in importance. This study was conducted through agro-morphological, molecular and ecogeographical characterization of a selection of 300 accessions conserved in the genebank located in the ‘Escuela Agrícola Panamericana (EAP) El Zamorano’ that were collected in 13 departments of the country during the 1990 to 1994 period. These accessions were collected four years before the occurrence of Mitch hurricane, which affected 96% of the total cultivable area at the time, which makes us to consider that the biodiversity of local landraces of common bean existing in situ were severely affected. The work aimed to analyze the biodiversity of local races of common bean in Honduras are scarce, and this work constitutes the first to include a large sample to be studied through a characterization on three complementary aspects (agromorphological, molecular and ecogeographical). Thirty two agromorphological characters, 12 quantitative and 20 qualitative, in various parts of the plant were evaluated. Correlations between agromorphological characters were established and a dendrogram with them was constructed, in which eight groups were formed, in part mainly related to the colors and sizes of the seeds. By principal component analysis the characters with more weight in each of the first three components were studied. Also, correlations between characters were studied, the highest of them being length and leaf width, days to maturity and harvest, and seed length and weight. Moreover, the map of agromorphological diversity showed the existence of three areas with more diversity: the west (departments of Santa Barbara, Copan and Lempira), the center-north (departments of Francisco Morazán, Yoro and Atlántida) and the south (department of El Paraiso and south of Francisco Morazán). For molecular characterization we started with 12 microsatellite markers, evaluated in 54 accessions, which were chosen because they formed groups that shared the same local name. Finally, four microsatellites (BM53, GATS91, BM211 and PV-AT007) were selected for the analysis of 300 accessions, since they were the most polymorphic and informative. They gave a total of 119 alleles (21 of them unique or private for the accession) and 256 different allelic patterns. To study the structure and genetic relationships in the 300 accessions, three controls or accessions of reference were included in the analysis: two of them belonging to the Andean gene pool and one to the Mesoamerican. In the dendrogram, 25 accession groups with identical allele combinations were obtained. Comparing this dendrogram to the obtained with agromorphological characters, several groups with marked similarity in both were observed. A total of 118 accessions were homozygous and homogeneous, while representing the group of 300 accessions, therefore they were analyzed in more detail. The analysis of the genetic structure defined the formation of two groups, supposedly related to the Andean (48) and the Mesoamerican (61) gene pools, and a small number of accessions (9) which may have a hybrid origin, due to the existence of some degree of introgression between both gene pools. Genetic differentiation between both groups was 13.3%. Also, 66 of the 82 detected alleles were private or unique for the group, 30 of the supposed Andean group and 36 of the Mesoamerican. With relation to the map of molecular diversity, it showed a quite similar distribution to the agromorphological, also detecting the areas of greatest genetic diversity in the west (departments of Lempira and Santa Bárbara), in the center-north (departments Atlántida and Yoro) and in the south (departments of El Paraíso and south of Francisco Morazán). For the ecogeographical characterization, bioclimatic (2), geophysical (2) and edaphic (8) variables were selected, and by the method of clustering partition around the medoids, the combination of the groups to each of the three types of variables defined a total of 32 ecogeographical categories in the country, having accessions in 16 of them. The distribution of accessions is likely related to the existence of more favorable conditions for the cultivation of beans. The map of ecogeographical diversity, again, several areas with high diversity both in the west and in the center-north and in the south of the country were observed. As a result of study, the existence of marked biodiversity in the analyzed material was concluded, both from the agromorphological and from the molecular point of view. Consequently it is very important to propose the conservation of this genetic heritage both ex situ, in genebanks, as on farm, in the holdings of the farmers of the country, whenever possible.
The use of microsatellite markers in large-scale genetic studies is limited by its low throughput and high cost and labor requirements. Here, we provide a panel of 45 multiplex PCRs for fast and cost-efficient genome-wide fluorescence-based microsatellite analysis in grapevine. The developed multiplex PCRs panel (with up to 15-plex) enables the scoring of 270 loci covering all the grapevine genome (9 to 20 loci/chromosome) using only 45 PCRs and sequencer runs. The 45 multiplex PCRs were validated using a diverse grapevine collection of 207 accessions, selected to represent most of the cultivated Vitis vinifera genetic diversity. Particular attention was paid to quality control throughout the whole process (assay replication, null allele detection, ease of scoring). Genetic diversity summary statistics and features of electrophoretic profiles for each studied marker are provided, as are the genotypes of 25 common cultivars that could be used as references in other studies.
La vid silvestre se considera como el ancestro autóctono de las vides cultivadas y una enorme reserva genética en peligro de extinción. La prospección llevada a cabo entre 2003 y 2004 permitió catalogar 51 localizaciones de vides silvestres españolas, la mayoría de ellas ubicadas en riberas de ríos. Estos ejemplares se incluyeron en el Banco de Germoplasma de la Finca "El Encín" (BGVCAM - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España). En primer lugar, se caracterizó la cantidad y la distribución de su diversidad genética utilizando 25 loci empleando microsatélites nucleares (SSR). Hemos analizado también la posible coexistencia en el hábitat natural de vides silvestres con vides cultivadas naturalizadas y portainjertos. De este modo, los análisis fenotípicos y genéticos identificaron el 19% de las muestras recogidas como derivadas de genotipos cultivados, siendo, o bien vides cultivadas naturalizadas o genotipos híbridos derivados de cruces espontáneos entre vides silvestres y cultivadas. La diversidad genética de las poblaciones de vides silvestres fue similar a la observada en el grupo de las cultivadas. El análisis molecular mostró que el germoplasma de cultivadas y silvestres es genéticamente divergente con bajo nivel de introgresión. Se ha identificado cuatro grupos genéticos, con dos de ellos fundamentalmente representados por los genotipos de vides cultivadas y dos por las accesiones silvestres. El análisis de los vínculos genéticos entre las vides silvestres y cultivadas podría sugerir una contribución genética de las accesiones silvestres españolas a las actuales variedades occidentales. En segundo lugar, se realizó un profundo estudio morfológico "ex situ " y se contrastaron con los resultados de la caracterización realizada en 182 variedades comerciales españolas de la misma colección. Todos los individuos silvestres mostraron diferencias morfológicas con Vitis vinifera L subsp. vinifera, pero no se encontraron diferencias significativas dentro Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris, ni por localización geográfica ni por sexo. Los resultados de este estudio describen las principales características morfológicas de las vides silvestres españolas y sus rasgos diferenciales con su pariente cultivada. Por último, se analizó la composición antociánica presente en 21 accesiones de vides silvestres de la Península Ibérica conservadas en el BGVCAM de la Finca "El Encín" y seleccionadas basándose en diferencias ampelográficas y caracterización molecular. La concentración de antocianinas es similar la encontrad en vides cultivadas con destino a la vinificación. Las accesiones estudiadas mostraron una variabilidad considerable en su perfil antociánico y fue posible distinguir varios grupos. Sin embargo, la presencia de material silvestre con perfiles antociánicos poco comunes o inexistentes en variedades españolas, sugiere que la variabilidad genética relacionada con antocianinas en poblaciones españolas de vides silvestres podría ser más alta que la de variedades cultivadas comúnmente consideradas de origen español. ABSTRACT The wild grapevine is considered an autochthonous relative of cultivated vines and a huge gene pool endangered in Europe. Prospecting carried out between 2003 and 2004 enabled to inventory 51 Spanish sites with wild grapevines, most of them located near rivers. These individuals were grafted in the collection of "El Encín" (BGVCAM - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain). Firstly, werw characterized the amount and distribution of their genetic diversity using 25 nuclear SSR loci. We have also analysed the possible coexistence in the natural habitat of wild grapevines with naturalized grapevine cultivars and rootstocks. In this way, phenotypic and genetic analyses identified 19% of the collected samples as derived from cultivated genotypes, being either naturalized cultivars or hybrid genotypes derived from spontaneous crosses between wild and cultivated grapevines. The genetic diversity of wild grapevine populations was similar than that observed in the cultivated group. The molecular analysis showed that cultivated germplasm and wild germplasm are genetically divergent with low level of introgression. We identified four genetic groups, with two of them fundamentally represented among cultivated genotypes and two among wild accessions. The analyses of genetic relationships between wild and cultivated grapevines could suggest a genetic contribution of wild accessions from Spain to current Western cultivars. Secondly, a morphological study was done "ex situ" and were compared with data from 182 Spanish commercial cultivars grown in the same collection. All wild individuals showed morphological differences with Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera but no significant differences were found within Vitis vinifera L subsp. sylvestris neither by geographic origin nor by sex. A pattern with the main characteristics of Spanish wild grapevines is suggested. Ultimately, were investigated the anthocyanin composition of 21 mostly Spanish wild grapevine accessions preserved at BGVCAM "El Encín" and selected in consideration of observed ampelographic differences and molecular characterization. Total anthocyanin concentration was similar to that found in winegrape cultivars. The accessions studied showed considerable variability in their anthocyanin fingerprints and it was possible to distinguish several groups, similar to previous reports on the anthocyanin fingerprint of winegrapes. The anthocyanin composition of wild grapevine accessions was similar to that of cultivated grapes. Nevertheless, the presence of wild accessions with anthocyanin fingerprints uncommon or nonexistent in Spanish cultivated varieties suggests that the genetic variability related to anthocyanins in Spanish wild grapevine populations may be higher than that of cultivated varieties commonly considered of Spanish origin.
En la actualidad la mayoría de plantas sufren pérdidas debido a las enfermedades que les provocan los hongos. Uno de estos grupos amenazado por el ataque de los hongos son las especies de la familia Orchidaceae, especies que se encuentran amenazadas y con numerosas especies en peligro de extinción. Uno de los problemas sanitarios más destacados es Botrytis cinerea, hongo patógeno cosmopolita, causante de enfermedades importantes en muchas plantas tales como frutas, verduras, accesiones de viveros, plantas ornamentales y huertos cultivos (Jarvis 1977; Elad et al., 2007). Este género es uno de los grupos de hongos más ampliamente conocido y distribuido. Contiene 22 especies (Hennebert 1973; Yohalem et al., 2003) y un híbrido (B. allii) (Yohalem & Alabama, 2003) vinculado a las etapas sexuales y un amplio número de huéspedes específicos (Beever y Weds, 2000); infecta más de 200 especies vegetales distintas (Williamson et al., 2007). Dada la importancia de este patógeno se realiza un estudio de caracterización morfológica y molecular del hongo, aislado de plantas de orquídeas cultivadas en condiciones de invernadero, de hortalizas y plantas frutales, con síntomas de necrosis, atizonamientos y pudriciones. El análisis de las características morfológicas (presencia de esclerocios, tamaño de conidios, presencia de estructuras sexuales in vitro) y fenotípicas (crecimiento micelial a diferentes temperaturas, germinación de esporas), nos permitió determinar características importantes del comportamiento del hongo y establecer cuáles son las mejores condiciones para su patogenicidad. Se afianzo este trabajo con estudios moleculares a través del análisis de la región ribosomal ITS1-ITS4. Entre los aislados estudiados se identificaron dos especies diferentes, Botrytis cinerea y B. fabiopsis, esta última conocida como especifica de Vicia faba, se lo aisló de una planta de Pelargonium sp. Se hizo un análisis filogenético para comparar estas dos especies, encontrándose que B. fabiopsis está estrechamente relacionada con B. cinerea y B. elliptica, pero lejanamente relacionado con B. fabae. Además, se analizó las poblaciones de los aislados de Botrytis, para ello se seleccionaron tres parejas de cebadores microsatelites con altos porcentajes de polimorfismo. Al analizar la similaridad entre los aislados se determinaron tres grupos de poblaciones de B. cinerea entre los cuales Botrytis fabiopsis comparte un grupo grande con B. cinerea. La diferenciación genética no fue significativa entre la población de aislados de orquídeas y hortalizas, la diferencia génica que fue muy baja, lo que sugiere que la especificidad de Botrytis no está dada por los hospederos, aunque la posibilidad de la especificidad con algún cultivo no puede descartarse. ABSTRACT Most plants suffer diseases caused by fungi. Orchidaceae is one of the threatened groups with many endangered species. Included into the most important problems in plant health is Botrytis cinerea, a cosmopolitan pathogen which causes major diseases in many plants of agronomic interest such as fruits, vegetables, planthouses accessions and ornamental plants (Jarvis, 1977; Elad et al, 2007). The genus Botrytis is one of the most widely and disseminated fungi. The genus contains 22 species (Hennebert 1973; Yohalem et al, 2003) and a hybrid (B. allii) (Yohalem & Alabama, 2003) linked to the sexual stages of a large number of specific hosts (Beever & Weds, 2000); infects over 200 different plant species (Williamson et al., 2007). Due to the importance of this pathogen, a study of morphological and molecular characterization of the fungus was carried out. Fungi samples were isolated from orchid plants grown in greenhouse conditions, vegetables and fruits with signs of necrosis, blight and rottening. To establish the best conditions for pathogenicity, behavioral characteristics of the fungus were studied through the analysis of morphological characteristics (presence of sclerotia, conidia size, sexual structures in vitro) and mycelial growth at different temperatures. To complete the characterization of the fungi, a molecular study was performed via the analysis of ribosomal ITS1-ITS4 region. Two different species were identified: Botrytis cinerea and Botrytis fabiopsis (known by specificity to Vicia faba). B. fabiopsis was isolated from a plant of the genus Pelargonium. A phylogenetic analysis was carried out to compare these two species leading to the conclusion that B. fabiopsis is closely related to B. cinerea and B. elliptica, but distantly related to B. fabae. The populations of Botrytis isolates were also analyzed. Three pairs of microsatellite primers with high percentages of polymorphism were selected. A similarity analysis showed three groups of populations of B. cinerea, including Botrytis fabiopsis. The genetic differentiation was not significant among the populations of isolates from orchids and vegetables; genetic differences were very low, suggesting that the specificity of Botrytis species is not given by the hosts.
Plant disease resistance (R) genes confer race-specific resistance to pathogens and are genetically defined on the basis of intra-specific functional polymorphism. Little is known about the evolutionary mechanisms that generate this polymorphism. Most R loci examined to date contain alternate alleles and/or linked homologs even in disease-susceptible plant genotypes. In contrast, the resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pathovar maculicola (RPM1) bacterial resistance gene is completely absent (rpm1-null) in 5/5 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions that lack RPM1 function. The rpm1-null locus contains a 98-bp segment of unknown origin in place of the RPM1 gene. We undertook comparative mapping of RPM1 and flanking genes in Brassica napus to determine the ancestral state of the RPM1 locus. We cloned two B. napus RPM1 homologs encoding hypothetical proteins with ≈81% amino acid identity to Arabidopsis RPM1. Collinearity of genes flanking RPM1 is conserved between B. napus and Arabidopsis. Surprisingly, we found four additional B. napus loci in which the flanking marker synteny is maintained but RPM1 is absent. These B. napus rpm1-null loci have no detectable nucleotide similarity to the Arabidopsis rpm1-null allele. We conclude that RPM1 evolved before the divergence of the Brassicaceae and has been deleted independently in the Brassica and Arabidopsis lineages. These results suggest that functional polymorphism at R gene loci can arise from gene deletions.
Phylogenies of Adh1 and Adh2 genes suggest that a widespread Mediterranean peony, Paeonia officinalis, is a homoploid hybrid species between two allotetraploid species, Paeonia peregrina and a member of the Paeonia arietina species group. Three phylogenetically distinct types of Adh sequences have been identified from both accessions of P. officinalis, of which two types are most closely related to the two homoeologous Adh loci of the P. arietina group and the remaining type came from one of the two Adh homoeologs of P. peregrina. The other Adh homoeolog of P. peregrina was apparently lost from the hybrid genome, possibly through backcrossing with the P. arietina group. This is a documentation of homoploid hybrid speciation between allotetraploid species in nature. This study suggests that hybrid speciation between allotetraploids can occur without an intermediate stage of genome diploidization or a further doubling of genome size.
Chloroplast DNA restriction-site variation was surveyed among 40 accessions representing all 11 species of giant senecios (Dendrosenecio, Asteraceae) at all but one known location, plus three outgroup species. Remarkably little variation (only 9 variable sites out of roughly 1000 sites examined) was found among the 40 giant senecio accessions, yet as a group they differ significantly (at 18 sites) from Cineraria deltoidea, the closest known relative. This pattern indicates that the giant senecios underwent a recent dramatic radiation in eastern Africa and evolved from a relatively isolated lineage within the Senecioneae. Biogeographic interpretation of the molecular phylogeny suggests that the giant senecios originated high on Mt. Kilimanjaro, with subsequent dispersion to the Aberdares, Mt. Kenya, and the Cherangani Hills, followed by dispersion westward to the Ruwenzori Mountains, and then south to the Virunga Mountains, Mt. Kahuzi, and Mt. Muhi, but with dispersion back to Mt. Elgon. Geographic radiation was an important antecedent to the diversification in eastern Africa, which primarily involved repeated altitudinal radiation, both up and down the mountains, leading to morphological parallelism in both directions. In general, the plants on a given mountain are more closely related to each other than they are to plants on other mountains, and plants on nearby mountains are more closely related to each other than they are to plants on more distant mountains. The individual steps of the geographic radiation have occurred at various altitudes, some clearly the result of intermountain dispersal. The molecular evidence suggests that two species are extant ancestors to other species on the same or nearby mountains.