971 resultados para Abdominal Aortic-aneurysm
Preoperative mapping of the arterial spinal supply prior to thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair is highly relevant because of high risk for postoperative ischemic spinal cord injuries such as paraparesis or paraplegia.
Marfan's syndrome is caused by mutations in the extracellular matrix protein fibrillin-1 with aortic aneurysm and dissection being its most life-threatening manifestations. Kidney transplantation from donors with Marfan's syndrome has never been reported in the literature, possibly because of reticences due to the underlying connective tissue disease. Here, we report two patients with end-stage renal disease, transplanted with the kidneys from a donor with Marfan's syndrome who died of aortic dissection and cerebral hemorrhage. After delayed graft function in both recipients, renal function normalized with no renovascular complications and negative proteinuria for 6 years in one patient and 2 years in the other patient, who died from an ischemic cerebrovascular insult. Kidneys from organ donors with Marfan's syndrome might be suitable for transplantation.
Very recently, heterozygous mutations in the genes encoding transforming growth factor beta receptors I (TGFBR1) and II (TGFBR2) have been reported in Loeys-Dietz aortic aneurysm syndrome (LDS). In addition, dominant TGFBR2 mutations have been identified in Marfan syndrome type 2 (MFS2) and familial thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD). In the past, mutations of these genes were associated with atherosclerosis and several human cancers. Here, we report a total of nine novel and one known heterozygous sequence variants in the TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 genes in nine of 70 unrelated individuals with MFS-like phenotypes who previously tested negative for mutations in the gene encoding the extracellular matrix protein fibrillin-1 (FBN1). To assess the pathogenic impact of these sequence variants, in silico analyses were performed by the PolyPhen, SIFT, and Fold-X algorithms and by means of a 3D homology model of the TGFBR2 kinase domain. Our results showed that in all but one of the patients the pathogenic effect of at least one sequence variant is highly probable (c.722C > T, c.799A > C, and c.1460G > A in TGFBR1 and c.773T > G, c.1106G > T, c.1159G > A, c.1181G > A, and c.1561T > C in TGFBR2). These deleterious alleles occurred de novo or segregated with the disease in the families, indicating a causative association between the sequence variants and clinical phenotypes. Since TGFBR2 mutations found in patients with MFS-related disorders cannot be distinguished from heterozygous TGFBR2 mutations reported in tumor samples, we emphasize the importance of segregation analysis in affected families. In order to be able to find the mutation that is indeed responsible for a MFS-related phenotype, we also propose that genetic testing for sequence alterations in TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 should be complemented by mutation screening of the FBN1 gene.
BACKGROUND: Transient neurological dysfunction (TND) consists of postoperative confusion, delirium and agitation. It is underestimated after surgery on the thoracic aorta and its influence on long-term quality of life (QoL) has not yet been studied. This study aimed to assess the influence of TND on short- and long-term outcome following surgery of the ascending aorta and proximal arch. METHODS: Nine hundred and seven patients undergoing surgery of the ascending aorta and the proximal aortic arch at our institution were included. Two hundred and ninety patients (31.9%) underwent surgery because of acute aortic dissection type A (AADA) and 617 patients because of aortic aneurysm. In 547 patients (60.3%) the distal anastomosis was performed using deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA). TND was defined as a Glasgow coma scale (GCS) value <13. All surviving patients had a clinical follow up and QoL was assessed with an SF-36 questionnaire. RESULTS: Overall in-hospital mortality was 8.3%. TND occurred in 89 patients (9.8%). As compared to patients without TND, those who suffered from TND were older (66.4 vs 59.9 years, p<0.01) underwent more frequently emergent procedures (53% vs 32%, p<0.05) and surgery under DHCA (84.3% vs 57.7%, p<0.05). However, duration of DHCA and extent of surgery did not influence the incidence of TND. In-hospital mortality in the group of patients with TND compared to the group without TND was similar (12.0% vs 11.4%; p=ns). Patients with TND suffered more frequently from coronary artery disease (28% vs 20.8%, p=ns) and were more frequently admitted in a compromised haemodynamic condition (23.6% vs 9.9%, p<0.05). Postoperative course revealed more pulmonary complications such as prolonged mechanical ventilation. Additional to their transient neurological dysfunction, significantly more patients had strokes with permanent neurological loss of function (14.6% vs 4.8%, p<0.05) compared to the patients without TND. ICU and hospital stay were significantly prolonged in TND patients (18+/-13 days vs 12+/-7 days, p<0.05). Over a mean follow-up interval of 27+/-14 months, patients with TND showed a significantly impaired QoL. CONCLUSION: The neurological outcome following surgery of the ascending aorta and proximal aortic arch is of paramount importance. The impact of TND on short- and long-term outcome is underestimated and negatively affects the short- and long-term outcome.
The indications for screening and TSH threshold levels for treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism have remained a clinical controversy for over 20 years. Subclinical thyroid dysfunction is a common finding in the growing population of older adults, occurring in 10–15% among those age 65 and older, and may contribute to multiple common problems of older age, including cardiovascular disease, muscular impairment, mood problems, and cognitive dysfunction (1). In 2004, both the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (2) and a clinical consensus group of experts (3) concluded that the existing evidence about the association between subclinical hypothyroidism and cardiovascular risks, primarily cross-sectional or case-control studies (4), was insufficient. For example, a frequently cited analysis from the Rotterdam study found a cross-sectional association between subclinical hypothyroidism and atherosclerosis, as measured by abdominal aortic calcification (odds ratio, 1.7; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1–2.6) and prevalent myocardial infarction (MI) (odds ratio, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.3–4.0) (5). Conversely, the prospective part of this study included only 16 incident MIs; the hazard ratio (HR) for subclinical hypothyroidism was 2.50, with broad 95% CIs (0.70–9.10). Potential mechanisms for the associations with cardiovascular diseases among adults with subclinical hypothyroidism include elevated cholesterol levels, inflammatory markers, raised homocysteine, increased oxidative stress, insulin resistance, increased systemic vascular resistance, arterial stiffness, altered endothelial function, and activation of thrombosis and hypercoagulability that have all been reported to be associated with subclinical hypothyroidism (1, 6).
Inflammation is a key process in cardiovascular diseases. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the vasculature is a major target of inflammatory cytokines, and TNFalpha regulates ECM metabolism by affecting collagen production. In this study, we have examined the pathways mediating TNFalpha-induced suppression of prolyl-4 hydroxylase alpha1 (P4Halpha1), the rate-limiting isoform of P4H responsible for procollagen hydroxylation, maturation, and organization. Using human aortic smooth muscle cells, we found that TNFalpha activated the MKK4-JNK1 pathway, which induced histone (H) 4 lysine 12 acetylation within the TNFalpha response element in the P4Halpha1 promoter. The acetylated-H4 then recruited a transcription factor, NonO, which, in turn, recruited HDACs and induced H3 lysine 9 deacetylation, thereby inhibiting transcription of the P4Halpha1 promoter. Furthermore, we found that TNFalpha oxidized DJ-1, which may be essential for the NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction because treatment with gene specific siRNA to knockout DJ-1 eliminated the TNFalpha-induced NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction and its suppression. Our findings may be relevant to aortic aneurysm and dissection and the stability of the fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaque in which collagen metabolism is important in arterial remodeling. Defining this cytokine-mediated regulatory pathway may provide novel molecular targets for therapeutic intervention in preventing plaque rupture and acute coronary occlusion.
Endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) necessitates lifelong surveillance for the patient, in order to detect complications timely. Endoleaks (ELs) are among the most common complications of EVAR. Especially type II ELs can have a very unpredictable clinical course and this can range from spontaneous sealing to aortic rupture. Subgroups of this type of EL need to be identified in order to make a proper risk stratification. Aim of this review is to describe the existing imaging techniques, including their advantages and disadvantages in the context of post-EVAR surveillance with a particular emphasis on low-flow ELs. Low flow ELs cause pressurization of the aortic aneurysm sac with a low velocity filling, leading to difficulty of detection by routine imaging protocols for EVAR surveillance, e.g. bi- or triphasic multislice computed tomographic angiography, magnetic resonance imaging and contrast enhanced ultrasound. In this article, we review the imaging possibilities of ELs and discuss the different imaging strategies available for depicting low flow ELs.
Aneurysmen der thorakalen Aorta führen in der Regel über eine intraperikardiale (Herzbeuteltamponade) oder intrapleurale Ruptur (inneres Verbluten) zum Tod. Außerordentlich selten sind intrapulmonale Rupturen von thorakalen Aortenaneurysmen, die über eine Hämoptyse symptomatisch werden und über eine Blutaspiration letal verlaufen können. Berichtet wird über den Fall eines 40-jährigen Mannes, bei dem nach thorakalen Schmerzen an den Vortagen plötzlich eine Hämoptyse auftrat. Während der diagnostischen Abklärung der Blutungsquelle verstarb er unvorhergesehen. Todesursache war die primäre intrapulmonale, final intrapleurale Ruptur eines thorakalen Aortenaneurysmas an der Stelle einer operativ korrigierten Aortenisthmusstenose.
Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) are prescribed to patients with Marfan syndrome for prophylaxis against aortic aneurysm progression, despite limited evidence for their efficacy and safety in the disorder. Unexpectedly, Marfan mice treated with CCBs show accelerated aneurysm expansion, rupture, and premature lethality. This effect is both extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) dependent and angiotensin-II type 1 receptor (AT1R) dependent. We have identified protein kinase C beta (PKCβ) as a critical mediator of this pathway and demonstrate that the PKCβ inhibitor enzastaurin, and the clinically available anti-hypertensive agent hydralazine, both normalize aortic growth in Marfan mice, in association with reduced PKCβ and ERK1/2 activation. Furthermore, patients with Marfan syndrome and other forms of inherited thoracic aortic aneurysm taking CCBs display increased risk of aortic dissection and need for aortic surgery, compared to patients on other antihypertensive agents.
Through progress in medical imaging, image analysis and finite element (FE) meshing tools it is now possible to extract patient-specific geometries from medical images of abdominal aortic aneurysms(AAAs), and thus to study clinically-relevant problems via FE simulations. Such simulations allow additional insight into human physiology in both healthy and diseased states. Medical imaging is most often performed in vivo, and hence the reconstructed model geometry in the problem of interest will represent the in vivo state, e.g., the AAA at physiological blood pressure. However, classical continuum mechanics and FE methods assume that constitutive models and the corresponding simulations begin from an unloaded, stress-free reference condition.
Trata-se de um caso clínico que teve como objetivo traçar diagnósticos, intervenções e resultados de enfermagem em um paciente com Síndrome de Marfan internado na unidade de terapia intensiva no pós-operatório de correção de aneurisma de aorta. Foi desenvolvido em um Hospital Universitário, localizado no município de Natal-Brasil, em abril de 2011. Entre os principais diagnósticos de enfermagem identificados, destaca-se: Débito Cardíaco Diminuído; Risco de Infecção; Dor Aguda; Risco de Glicemia Instável; Integridade da Pele Prejudicada e Ansiedade. Percebeu-se que a aplicação do processo de enfermagem neste paciente contribuiu para delimitar o campo de atuação específico da enfermagem, bem como identificar os cuidados prioritários, contribuindo para uma melhoria na qualidade da assistência
Coronary heart disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has become the most widely used method of coronary artery revascularisation. The use of stents to hold open atherosclerosis induced arterial narrowing has significantly reduced elastic recoil and acute vessel occlusion following balloon angioplasty. However, bare metal stents have been associated with in-stent restenosis attributed to vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) hyperplasia and excessive neointimal formation. The resultant luminal renarrowing may manifest clinically with the return of symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath. The development of drug eluting stents has significantly reduced the incidence of in-stent restenosis (ISR). Unfortunately the antiproliferative medications used not only inhibit VSMC proliferation but also re-endothelialisation of the stented vessel. In addition, the drug impregnated polymer coating has been associated with a chronic inflammatory response within the vessel wall predisposing patients to stent thrombosis. Thus the identification of novel therapies which promote vessel healing without excessive proliferative or inflammatory response may improve long term outcome and reduce the need for repeated revascularisation. MicroRNAs (miRs) are short (18-25 nucleotide) non-coding RNAs acting to regulate gene expression. By binding to the 3’untranslated region of mRNA they act to fine tune gene expression either by mRNA degradation or translational repression. Originally identified in coordinating tissue development microRNAs have also been shown to play important roles coordinating the inflammatory response and in numerous cardiovascular diseases. MiR-21 has been identified in human atherosclerotic plaques, arteriosclerosis obliterans and abdominal aortic aneurysms. In addition, its up regulation has been documented in preclinical models of vascular injury. This study sought to identify the role of miR-21 in the development of ISR. Utilising a small animal model of stenting and in vitro techniques, we sought to investigate its influence upon VSMC and immune cell response following stenting. 19 The refinement of a murine stenting model within the Baker laboratory and the electrochemical dissolution of the metal stent from within harvested vascular tissues significantly improved the ability to perform detailed histological analysis. In addition, identification of miRNAs using in situ hybridisation was achieved for the first time within stented tissue. Neointimal formation and ISR was significantly reduced in mice in which miR-21 had been genetically deleted. In addition, neointimal composition was found to be altered in miR-21 KO mice with reductions in VSMC and elastin content demonstrated. Importantly, no difference in re-endothelialisation was observed. In vitro analysis demonstrated that VSMCs from miR-21 KO mice had both reduced proliferative and migratory capacity following platelet derived growth factor stimulation. Molecular analysis revealed that these differences may, at least in part, be due to de-repression of programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4). PDCD4 is a known miR-21 target within VSMCs implicated in the suppression of proliferation and promotion of apoptosis. Unfortunately, initial attempts at antimiR mediated knockdown of miR-21 in vivo, failed to produce a similar change in the suppression of ISR. Furthermore, a significant alteration in macrophage polarisation state within the neointima of miR-21 WT and KO mice was noted. Immunohistochemical staining revealed a preponderance of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages in KO mice. Analysis of bone marrow derived macrophages from miR-21 KO mice demonstrated an increased level of the peroxisome proliferation activating receptor-γ (PPARγ) which facilitates M2 polarisation. Importantly, significant alterations in numerous pro-inflammatory cytokines, which also have mitogenic effects, were also found following genetic deletion of miR-21. In Summary, this is the first study to look at miRs in the development of ISR. MiR-21 plays an important role in the development of ISR by influencing the proliferative response of VSMCs and modulating the immune response following stent deployment. Further attempts to modulate miR-21 expression following PCI may reduce ISR and the need for repeat revascularisation while also reducing the risk of stent thrombosis.
Trata-se de um caso clínico que teve como objetivo traçar diagnósticos, intervenções e resultados de enfermagem em um paciente com Síndrome de Marfan internado na unidade de terapia intensiva no pós-operatório de correção de aneurisma de aorta. Foi desenvolvido em um Hospital Universitário, localizado no município de Natal-Brasil, em abril de 2011. Entre os principais diagnósticos de enfermagem identificados, destaca-se: Débito Cardíaco Diminuído; Risco de Infecção; Dor Aguda; Risco de Glicemia Instável; Integridade da Pele Prejudicada e Ansiedade. Percebeu-se que a aplicação do processo de enfermagem neste paciente contribuiu para delimitar o campo de atuação específico da enfermagem, bem como identificar os cuidados prioritários, contribuindo para uma melhoria na qualidade da assistência
A man complained of upper abdominal pain and early satiety for one month. An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed nothing special. A CT scan of the abdomen was performed, which demonstrated a huge heterogeneous retroperitoneal mass close to the dorsal wall of the stomach and surrounding the abdominal aortic and celiac trunk. The resected specimen suggested that an irregular tumor invaded the dorsal wall of the stomach. Postoperative histological examination confirmed that it was a gastric squamous cell carcinoma.