982 resultados para Aaa-atpase


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The primary structure and function of nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDK), a substrate non-specific enzyme involved in the maintenance of nucleotide pools is also implicated to play pivotal roles in many other cellular processes. NDK is conserved from bacteria to human and forms a homotetramer or hexamer to exhibit its biological activity. However, the nature of the functional oligomeric form of the enzyme differs among different organisms. The functional form of NDKs from many bacterial systems, including that of the human pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuNDK), is a hexamer, although some bacterial NDKs are tetrameric in nature. The present study addresses the oligomeric property of MsmNDK and how a dimer, the basic subunit of a functional hexamer, is stabilized by hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions. Homology modeling was generated using the three-dimensional structure of MtuNDK as a template; the residues interacting at the monomer-monomer interface of MsmNDK were mapped. Using recombinant enzymes of wild type, catalytically inactive mutant, and monomer-monomer interactive mutants of MsmNDK, the stability of the dimer was verified under heat, SDS, low pH, and methanol. The predicted residues (Gln17, Ser24 and Glu27) were engaged in dimer formation, however the mutated proteins retained the ATPase and GTPase activity even after introducing single (MsmNDK- Q17A, MsmNDK-E27A, and MsmNDK-E27Q) and double (MsmNDK-E27A/Q17A) mutation. However, the monomer monomer interaction could be abolished using methanol, indicating the stabilization of the monomer-monomer interaction by hydrophobic interaction.


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Restriction endonucleases interact with DNA at specific sites leading to cleavage of DNA. Bacterial DNA is protected from restriction endonuclease cleavage by modifying the DNA using a DNA methyltransferase. Based on their molecular structure, sequence recognition, cleavage position and cofactor requirements, restriction-modification (R-M) systems are classified into four groups. Type III R-M enzymes need to interact with two separate unmethylated DNA sequences in inversely repeated head-to-head orientations for efficient cleavage to occur at a defined location (25-27 bp downstream of one of the recognition sites). Like the Type I R-M enzymes, Type III R-M enzymes possess a sequence-specific ATPase activity for DNA cleavage. ATP hydrolysis is required for the long-distance communication between the sites before cleavage. Different models, based on 1D diffusion and/or 3D-DNA looping, exist to explain how the long-distance interaction between the two recognition sites takes place. Type III R-M systems are found in most sequenced bacteria. Genome sequencing of many pathogenic bacteria also shows the presence of a number of phase-variable Type III R-M systems, which play a role in virulence. A growing number of these enzymes are being subjected to biochemical and genetic studies, which, when combined with ongoing structural analyses, promise to provide details for mechanisms of DNA recognition and catalysis.


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In eubacteria, RecA is essential for recombinational DNA repair and for stalled replication forks to resume DNA synthesis. Recent work has implicated a role for RecA in the development of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria. Consequently, our goal is to identify and characterize small-molecule inhibitors that target RecA both in vitro and in vivo. We employed ATPase, DNA strand exchange and LexA cleavage assays to elucidate the inhibitory effects of suramin on Mycobacterium tuberculosis RecA. To gain insights into the mechanism of suramin action, we directly visualized the structure of RecA nucleoprotein filaments by atomic force microscopy. To determine the specificity of suramin action in vivo, we investigated its effect on the SOS response by pull-down and western blot assays as well as for its antibacterial activity. We show that suramin is a potent inhibitor of DNA strand exchange and ATPase activities of bacterial RecA proteins with IC50 values in the low micromolar range. Additional evidence shows that suramin inhibits RecA-catalysed proteolytic cleavage of the LexA repressor. The mechanism underlying such inhibitory actions of suramin involves its ability to disassemble RecA-single-stranded DNA filaments. Notably, suramin abolished ciprofloxacin-induced recA gene expression and the SOS response and augmented the bactericidal action of ciprofloxacin. Our findings suggest a strategy to chemically disrupt the vital processes controlled by RecA and hence the promise of small molecules for use against drug-susceptible as well as drug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis for better infection control and the development of new therapies.


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Mitochondrial Hsp70 (mtHsp70) is essential for a vast repertoire of functions, including protein import, and requires effective interdomain communication for efficient partner-protein interactions. However, the in vivo functional significance of allosteric regulation in eukaryotes is poorly defined. Using integrated biochemical and yeast genetic approaches, we provide compelling evidence that a conserved substrate-binding domain (SBD) loop, L-4,L-5, plays a critical role in allosteric communication governing mtHsp70 chaperone functions across species. In yeast, a temperature-sensitive L-4,L-5 mutation (E467A) disrupts bidirectional domain communication, leading to compromised protein import and mitochondrial function. Loop L-4,L-5 functions synergistically with the linker in modulating the allosteric interface and conformational transitions between SBD and the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD), thus regulating interdomain communication. Second-site intragenic suppressors of E467A isolated within the SBD suppress domain communication defects by conformationally altering the allosteric interface, thereby restoring import and growth phenotypes. Strikingly, the suppressor mutations highlight that restoration of communication from NBD to SBD alone is the minimum essential requirement for effective in vivo function when primed at higher basal ATPase activity, mimicking the J-protein-bound state. Together these findings provide the first mechanistic insights into critical regions within the SBD of mtHsp70s regulating interdomain communication, thus highlighting its importance in protein translocation and mitochondrial biogenesis.


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The nonstructural protein NSs, encoded by the S RNA of groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV) (genus Tospovirus, family Bunyaviridae) has earlier been shown to possess nucleic-acid-stimulated NTPase and 50 a phosphatase activity. ATP hydrolysis is an essential function of a true helicase. Therefore, NSs was tested for DNA helicase activity. The results demonstrated that GBNV NSs possesses bidirectional DNA helicase activity. An alanine mutation in the Walker A motif (K189A rNSs) decreased DNA helicase activity substantially, whereas a mutation in the Walker B motif resulted in a marginal decrease in this activity. The parallel loss of the helicase and ATPase activity in the K189A mutant confirms that NSs acts as a non-canonical DNA helicase. Furthermore, both the wild-type and K189A NSs could function as RNA silencing suppressors, demonstrating that the suppressor activity of NSs is independent of its helicase or ATPase activity. This is the first report of a true helicase from a negative-sense RNA virus.


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In many organisms ``Universal Stress Proteins'' CUSPS) are induced in response to a variety of environmental stresses. Here we report the structures of two USPs, YnaF and YdaA from Salmonella typhimurium determined at 1.8 angstrom and 2.4 angstrom resolutions, respectively. YnaF consists of a single USP domain and forms a tetrameric organization stabilized by interactions mediated through chloride ions. YdaA is a larger protein consisting of two tandem USP domains. Two protomers of YdaA associate to form a structure similar to the YnaF tetramer. YdaA showed ATPase activity and an ATP binding motif G-2X-G-9X-G(S/T/N) was found in its C-terminal domain. The residues corresponding to this motif were not conserved in YnaF although YnaF could bind ATP. However, unlike YdaA, YnaF did not hydrolyse ATP in vitro. Disruption of interactions mediated through chloride ions by selected mutations converted YnaF into an ATPase. Residues that might be important for ATP hydrolysis could be identified by comparing the active sites of native and mutant structures. Only the C-terminal domain of YdaA appears to be involved in ATP hydrolysis. The structurally similar N-terminal domain was found to bind a zinc ion near the segment equivalent to the phosphate binding loop of the C-terminal domain. Mass spectrometric analysis showed that YdaA might bind a ligand of approximate molecular weight 800 daltons. Structural comparisons suggest that the ligand, probably related to an intermediate in lipid A biosynthesis, might bind at a site close to the zinc ion. Therefore, the N-terminal domain of YdaA binds zinc and might play a role in lipid metabolism. Thus, USPs appear to perform several distinct functions such as ATP hydrolysis, altering membrane properties and chloride sensing. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: The heterotrimeric M. tuberculosis RecBCD complex, or each of its individual subunits, remains uncharacterized. Results: MtRecD exists as a homodimer in solution, catalyzes ssDNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis, unwinding of DNA replication/recombination intermediates, and interacts with RecA. Conclusion: MtRecD possesses strong 5 3- and weak 3 5-helicase activities. Significance: These findings provide insights into the mechanism underlying DSB repair and homologous recombination in mycobacteria. The annotated whole-genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis revealed the presence of a putative recD gene; however, the biochemical characteristics of its encoded protein product (MtRecD) remain largely unknown. Here, we show that MtRecD exists in solution as a stable homodimer. Protein-DNA binding assays revealed that MtRecD binds efficiently to single-stranded DNA and linear duplexes containing 5 overhangs relative to the 3 overhangs but not to blunt-ended duplex. Furthermore, MtRecD bound more robustly to a variety of Y-shaped DNA structures having 18-nucleotide overhangs but not to a similar substrate containing 5-nucleotide overhangs. MtRecD formed more salt-tolerant complexes with Y-shaped structures compared with linear duplex having 3 overhangs. The intrinsic ATPase activity of MtRecD was stimulated by single-stranded DNA. Site-specific mutagenesis of Lys-179 in motif I abolished the ATPase activity of MtRecD. Interestingly, although MtRecD-catalyzed unwinding showed a markedly higher preference for duplex substrates with 5 overhangs, it could also catalyze significant unwinding of substrates containing 3 overhangs. These results support the notion that MtRecD is a bipolar helicase with strong 5 3 and weak 3 5 unwinding activities. The extent of unwinding of Y-shaped DNA structures was approximate to 3-fold lower compared with duplexes with 5 overhangs. Notably, direct interaction between MtRecD and its cognate RecA led to inhibition of DNA strand exchange promoted by RecA. Altogether, these studies provide the first detailed characterization of MtRecD and present important insights into the type of DNA structure the enzyme is likely to act upon during the processes of DNA repair or homologous recombination.


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Heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is an ATP-dependent molecular chaperone that is essential for the normal functioning of eukaryotic cells. It plays crucial roles in cell signalling, cell-cycle control and in maintaining proteome integrity and protein homeostasis. In plants, Hsp90s are required for normal plant growth and development. Hsp90s are observed to be upregulated in response to various abiotic and biotic stresses and are also involved in immune responses in plants. Although there are several studies elucidating the physiological role of Hsp90s in plants, their molecular mechanism of action is still unclear. In this study, biochemical characterization of an Hsp90 protein from rice (Oryza sativa; OsHsp90) has been performed and the crystal structure of its N-terminal domain (OsHsp90-NTD) was determined. The binding of OsHsp90 to its substrate ATP and the inhibitor 17-AAG was studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. The protein also exhibited a weak ATPase activity. The crystal structure of OsHsp90-NTD was solved in complex with the nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue AMPPCP at 3.1 angstrom resolution. The domain was crystallized by cross-seeding with crystals of the N-terminal domain of Hsp90 from Dictyostelium discoideum, which shares 70% sequence identity with OsHsp90-NTD. This is the second reported structure of a domain of Hsp90 from a plant source.


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The involvement of Hsp90 in progression of diseases like cancer, neurological disorders and several pathogen related conditions is well established. Hsp90, therefore, has emerged as an attractive drug target for many of these diseases. Several small molecule inhibitors of Hsp90, such as geldanamycin derivatives, that display antitumor activity, have been developed and are under clinical trials. However, none of these tested inhibitors or drugs are peptide-based compounds. Here we report the first crystal structure of a peptide bound at the ATP binding site of the N-terminal domain of Hsp90. The peptide makes several specific interactions with the binding site residues, which are comparable to those made by the nucleotide and geldanamycin. A modified peptide was designed based on these interactions. Inhibition of ATPase activity of Hsp90 was observed in the presence of the modified peptide. This study provides an alternative approach and a lead peptide molecule for the rational design of effective inhibitors of Hsp90 function.


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Background: Helicobacter pylori MutS2 (HpMutS2), an inhibitor of recombination during transformation is a non-specific nuclease with two catalytic sites, both of which are essential for its anti-recombinase activity. Although HpMutS2 belongs to a highly conserved family of ABC transporter ATPases, the role of its ATP binding and hydrolysis activities remains elusive. Results: To explore the putative role of ATP binding and hydrolysis activities of HpMutS2 we specifically generated point mutations in the nucleotide-binding Walker-A (HpMutS2-G338R) and hydrolysis Walker-B (HpMutS2-E413A) domains of the protein. Compared to wild-type protein, HpMutS2-G338R exhibited similar to 2.5-fold lower affinity for both ATP and ADP while ATP hydrolysis was reduced by similar to 3-fold. Nucleotide binding efficiencies of HpMutS2-E413A were not significantly altered; however the ATP hydrolysis was reduced by similar to 10-fold. Although mutations in the Walker-A and Walker-B motifs of HpMutS2 only partially reduced its ability to bind and hydrolyze ATP, we demonstrate that these mutants not only exhibited alterations in the conformation, DNA binding and nuclease activities of the protein but failed to complement the hyper-recombinant phenotype displayed by mutS2-disrupted strain of H. pylori. In addition, we show that the nucleotide cofactor modulates the conformation, DNA binding and nuclease activities of HpMutS2. Conclusions: These data describe a strong crosstalk between the ATPase, DNA binding, and nuclease activities of HpMutS2. Furthermore these data show that both, ATP binding and hydrolysis activities of HpMutS2 are essential for the in vivo anti-recombinase function of the protein.


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Salmonella enterica sv. typhimurium (S. enterica sv. Typhimurium) has two metal-transporting P(1)-type ATPases whose actions largely overlap with respect to growth in elevated copper. Mutants lacking both ATPases over-accumulate copper relative to wild-type or either single mutant. Such duplication of ATPases is unusual in bacterial copper tolerance. Both ATPases are under the control of MerR family metal-responsive transcriptional activators. Analyses of periplasmic copper complexes identified copper-CueP as one of the predominant metal pools. Expression of cueP was recently shown to be controlled by the same metal-responsive activator as one of the P(1)-type ATPase genes (copA), and copper-CueP is a further atypical feature of copper homeostasis in S. enterica sv. Typhimurium. Elevated copper is detected by a reporter construct driven by the promoter of copA in wild-type S. enterica sv. Typhimurium during infection of macrophages. Double mutants missing both ATPases also show reduced survival inside cultured macrophages. It is hypothesized that elevated copper within macrophages may have selected for specialized copper-resistance systems in pathogenic microorganism such as S. enterica sv. Typhimurium.


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Nanowires functionalized by special molecules can be used to as the candidates for biological application in many areas. In this paper, nickel nanowires, which were fabricated by electrochemical deposition and functionalized by biotinylated peptide, were applied to constructing the hybrid device powered by F-1-ATPase motors.


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The stabilization of dynamic switched control systems is focused on and based on an operator-based formulation. It is assumed that the controlled object and the controller are described by sequences of closed operator pairs (L, C) on a Hilbert space H of the input and output spaces and it is related to the existence of the inverse of the resulting input-output operator being admissible and bounded. The technical mechanism addressed to get the results is the appropriate use of the fact that closed operators being sufficiently close to bounded operators, in terms of the gap metric, are also bounded. That philosophy is followed for the operators describing the input-output relations in switched feedback control systems so as to guarantee the closed-loop stabilization.


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This paper relies on the study of fixed points and best proximity points of a class of so-called generalized point-dependent (K-Lambda)hybrid p-cyclic self-mappings relative to a Bregman distance Df, associated with a Gâteaux differentiable proper strictly convex function f in a smooth Banach space, where the real functions Lambda and K quantify the point-to-point hybrid and nonexpansive (or contractive) characteristics of the Bregman distance for points associated with the iterations through the cyclic self-mapping.Weak convergence results to weak cluster points are obtained for certain average sequences constructed with the iterates of the cyclic hybrid self-mappings.


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This paper is devoted to investigate the fixed points and best proximity points of multivalued cyclic self-mappings on a set of subsets of complete metric spaces endowed with a partial order under a generalized contractive condition involving a Hausdorff distance. The existence and uniqueness of fixed points of both the cyclic self-mapping and its associate composite self-mappings on each of the subsets are investigated, if the subsets in the cyclic disposal are nonempty, bounded and of nonempty convex intersection. The obtained results are extended to the existence of unique best proximity points in uniformly convex Banach spaces.