399 resultados para ASM


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RATIONALE: Structural alterations to airway smooth muscle (ASM) are a feature of asthma and cystic fibrosis (CF) in adults. OBJECTIVES: We investigated whether increase in ASM mass is already present in children with chronic inflammatory lung disease. METHODS: Fiberoptic bronchoscopy was performed in 78 children (median age [IQR], 11.3 [8.5-13.8] yr): 24 with asthma, 27 with CF, 16 with non-CF bronchiectasis (BX), and 11 control children without lower respiratory tract disease. Endobronchial biopsy ASM content and myocyte number and size were quantified using stereology. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The median (IQR) volume fraction of subepithelial tissue occupied by ASM was increased in the children with asthma (0.27 [0.12-0.49]; P < 0.0001), CF (0.12 [0.06-0.21]; P < 0.01), and BX (0.16 [0.04-0.21]; P < 0.01) compared with control subjects (0.04 [0.02-0.05]). ASM content was related to bronchodilator responsiveness in the asthmatic group (r = 0.66, P < 0.01). Median (IQR) myocyte number (cells per mm(2) of reticular basement membrane) was 8,204 (5,270-11,749; P < 0.05) in children with asthma, 4,504 (2,838-8,962; not significant) in children with CF, 4,971 (3,476-10,057; not significant) in children with BX, and 1,944 (1,596-6,318) in control subjects. Mean (SD) myocyte size (mum(3)) was 3,344 (801; P < 0.01) in children with asthma, 3,264 (809; P < 0.01) in children with CF, 3,177 (873; P < 0.05) in children with BX, and 1,927 (386) in control subjects. In all disease groups, the volume fraction of ASM in subepithelial tissue was related to myocyte number (asthma: r = 0.84, P < 0.001; CF: r = 0.81, P < 0.01; BX: r = 0.95, P < 0.001), but not to myocyte size. CONCLUSIONS: Increases in ASM (both number and size) occur in children with chronic inflammatory lung diseases that include CF, asthma, and BX.


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The development of embedded control systems for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is a challenging task due to the multidisciplinary nature of HEV powertrain and its complex structures. Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulation provides an open and convenient environment for the modeling, prototyping, testing and analyzing HEV control systems. This thesis focuses on the development of such a HIL system for the hybrid electric vehicle study. The hardware architecture of the HIL system, including dSPACE eDrive HIL simulator, MicroAutoBox II and MotoTron Engine Control Module (ECM), is introduced. Software used in the system includes dSPACE Real-Time Interface (RTI) blockset, Automotive Simulation Models (ASM), Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow, Real-time Workshop, ControlDesk Next Generation, ModelDesk and MotoHawk/MotoTune. A case study of the development of control systems for a single shaft parallel hybrid electric vehicle is presented to summarize the functionality of this HIL system.


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We report a case of Pasteurella multocida meningitis in a 1-month-old baby exposed to close contact with two dogs and a cat but without any known history of injury by these animals. 16S rRNA gene sequencing of the isolate from the baby allowed identification at the subspecies level and pointed to the cat as a possible source of infection. Molecular typing of Pasteurella isolates from the animals, from the baby, and from unrelated animals clearly confirmed that the cat harbored the same P. multocida subsp. septica strain on its tonsils as the one isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of the baby. This case stresses the necessity of informing susceptible hosts at risk of contracting zoonotic agents about some basic hygiene rules when keeping pets. In addition, this study illustrates the usefulness of molecular methods for identification and epidemiological tracing of Pasteurella isolates.


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Campylobacter rectus is an important periodontal pathogen in humans. A surface-layer (S-layer) protein and a cytotoxic activity have been characterized and are thought to be its major virulence factors. The cytotoxic activity was suggested to be due to a pore-forming protein toxin belonging to the RTX (repeats in the structural toxins) family. In the present work, two closely related genes, csxA and csxB (for C. rectus S-layer and RTX protein) were cloned from C. rectus and characterized. The Csx proteins appear to be bifunctional and possess two structurally different domains. The N-terminal part shows similarity with S-layer protein, especially SapA and SapB of C. fetus and Crs of C. rectus. The C-terminal part comprising most of CsxA and CsxB is a domain with 48 and 59 glycine-rich canonical nonapeptide repeats, respectively, arranged in three blocks. Purified recombinant Csx peptides bind Ca2+. These are characteristic traits of RTX toxin proteins. The S-layer and RTX domains of Csx are separated by a proline-rich stretch of 48 amino acids. All C. rectus isolates studied contained copies of either the csxA or csxB gene or both; csx genes were absent from all other Campylobacter and Helicobacter species examined. Serum of a patient with acute gingivitis showed a strong reaction to recombinant Csx protein on immunoblots.


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Purpose: Proper delineation of ocular anatomy in 3D imaging is a big challenge, particularly when developing treatment plans for ocular diseases. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is nowadays utilized in clinical practice for the diagnosis confirmation and treatment planning of retinoblastoma in infants, where it serves as a source of information, complementary to the Fundus or Ultrasound imaging. Here we present a framework to fully automatically segment the eye anatomy in the MRI based on 3D Active Shape Models (ASM), we validate the results and present a proof of concept to automatically segment pathological eyes. Material and Methods: Manual and automatic segmentation were performed on 24 images of healthy children eyes (3.29±2.15 years). Imaging was performed using a 3T MRI scanner. The ASM comprises the lens, the vitreous humor, the sclera and the cornea. The model was fitted by first automatically detecting the position of the eye center, the lens and the optic nerve, then aligning the model and fitting it to the patient. We validated our segmentation method using a leave-one-out cross validation. The segmentation results were evaluated by measuring the overlap using the Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and the mean distance error. Results: We obtained a DSC of 94.90±2.12% for the sclera and the cornea, 94.72±1.89% for the vitreous humor and 85.16±4.91% for the lens. The mean distance error was 0.26±0.09mm. The entire process took 14s on average per eye. Conclusion: We provide a reliable and accurate tool that enables clinicians to automatically segment the sclera, the cornea, the vitreous humor and the lens using MRI. We additionally present a proof of concept for fully automatically segmenting pathological eyes. This tool reduces the time needed for eye shape delineation and thus can help clinicians when planning eye treatment and confirming the extent of the tumor.


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Transmission of African trypanosomes by tsetse flies requires that the parasites migrate out of the midgut lumen and colonise the ectoperitrophic space. Early procyclic culture forms correspond to trypanosomes in the lumen; on agarose plates they exhibit social motility, migrating en masse as radial projections from an inoculation site. We show that an Rft1-/- mutant needs to reach a greater threshold number before migration begins, and that it forms fewer projections than its wild-type parent. The mutant is also up to 4 times less efficient at establishing midgut infections. Ectopic expression of Rft1 rescues social motility defects and restores the ability to colonise the fly. These results are consistent with social motility reflecting movement to the ectoperitrophic space, implicate N-glycans in the signalling cascades for migration in vivo and in vitro, and provide the first evidence that parasite-parasite interactions determine the success of transmission by the insect host.


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Point Distribution Models (PDM) are among the most popular shape description techniques and their usefulness has been demonstrated in a wide variety of medical imaging applications. However, to adequately characterize the underlying modeled population it is essential to have a representative number of training samples, which is not always possible. This problem is especially relevant as the complexity of the modeled structure increases, being the modeling of ensembles of multiple 3D organs one of the most challenging cases. In this paper, we introduce a new GEneralized Multi-resolution PDM (GEM-PDM) in the context of multi-organ analysis able to efficiently characterize the different inter-object relations, as well as the particular locality of each object separately. Importantly, unlike previous approaches, the configuration of the algorithm is automated thanks to a new agglomerative landmark clustering method proposed here, which equally allows us to identify smaller anatomically significant regions within organs. The significant advantage of the GEM-PDM method over two previous approaches (PDM and hierarchical PDM) in terms of shape modeling accuracy and robustness to noise, has been successfully verified for two different databases of sets of multiple organs: six subcortical brain structures, and seven abdominal organs. Finally, we propose the integration of the new shape modeling framework into an active shape-model-based segmentation algorithm. The resulting algorithm, named GEMA, provides a better overall performance than the two classical approaches tested, ASM, and hierarchical ASM, when applied to the segmentation of 3D brain MRI.


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The in vitro activity of the novel antimicrobial peptide dendrimer G3KL was evaluated against 32 Acinetobacter baumannii (including 10 OXA-23, 7 OXA-24, and 11 OXA-58 carbapenemase producers) and 35 Pseudomonas aeruginosa (including 18 VIM and 3 IMP carbapenemase producers) strains and compared to the activities of standard antibiotics. Overall, both species collections showed MIC50/90 values of 8/8 μg/ml and minimum bactericidal concentrations at which 50% or 90% of strains tested are killed (MBC50/90) of 8/8 μg/ml. G3KL is a promising molecule with antibacterial activity against multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant A. baumannii and P. aeruginosa isolates.


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myo-Inositol is a building block for all inositol-containing phospholipids in eukaryotes. It can be synthesized de novo from glucose-6-phosphate in the cytosol and endoplasmic reticulum. Alternatively, it can be taken up from the environment via Na(+)- or H(+)-linked myo-inositol transporters. While Na(+)-coupled myo-inositol transporters are found exclusively in the plasma membrane, H(+)-linked myo-inositol transporters are detected in intracellular organelles. In Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of human African sleeping sickness, myo-inositol metabolism is compartmentalized. De novo-synthesized myo-inositol is used for glycosylphosphatidylinositol production in the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas the myo-inositol taken up from the environment is used for bulk phosphatidylinositol synthesis in the Golgi complex. We now provide evidence that the Golgi complex-localized T. brucei H(+)-linked myo-inositol transporter (TbHMIT) is essential in bloodstream-form T. brucei. Downregulation of TbHMIT expression by RNA interference blocked phosphatidylinositol production and inhibited growth of parasites in culture. Characterization of the transporter in a heterologous expression system demonstrated a remarkable selectivity of TbHMIT for myo-inositol. It tolerates only a single modification on the inositol ring, such as the removal of a hydroxyl group or the inversion of stereochemistry at a single hydroxyl group relative to myo-inositol.


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Hablar de estética y cultura, así como de su dimensión social, representa un verdadero desafío, particularmente considerando la complejidad característica de estas esferas, así como la envergadura del tratamiento ya concedido desde nuestra disciplina. El presente trabajo se caracterizó por indagar acerca de las tensiones en la definición de los principios de legitimidad legítimos, valga la redundancia, del arte y de la cultura, situándose fundamentalmente sobre el campo de producción cultural. Esta empresa ha implicado de forma central el abordaje de las dimensiones sociológicas del microcosmos cultural: sus tensiones constitutivas, sus condiciones de existencia relativamente autónoma, su complejo vínculo con la lógica de la administración y la gestión política y, a su vez, su relación con la lógica mediática. Con tal objetivo, el punto de partida y clave para el acceso se derivó de la selección del conflicto suscitado por la gestión del Centre de Creativitat Arts Santa Mònica. El centro se caracteriza por poseer una historia de vaivenes políticos, y ha sido el foco de cierta conflictividad a partir de la destitución de su anterior Director, Vicenç Altaió, y de su designio político por parte de la actual gestión del Departament de Cultura. Es menester aclarar que el ASM no se caracteriza particularmente por tener un peso decisivo en el escenario actual de la cultura catalana; sin embargo, la emergencia de determinados acontecimientos recientes en torno al centro ha puesto de relieve una serie de elementos significativos útiles para un análisis en profundidad de la estructura del campo. A partir de un exhaustivo análisis documental introductorio y de una aproximación etnográfica al centro, se efectuaron entrevistas a tres actores seleccionados ad hoc por su papel y posición en el microcosmos cultural: Vicenç Altaió, poeta y ex director del Arts Santa Mònica, Joan- Francesc Ainaud, actual Subdirector General de Creació i Industrias Culturals, y Joan Minguet, escritor y actual director de la Associació Catalana de Crítics d'Art. El análisis manifestó, a nivel inicial, la tensión estructural entre la "estética pura" y la "estética media", o midcult, y la lucha entre las dos vías posibles de consagración en el campo: la legítima y la heterónoma. Expresó también la discutible autonomía del campo cultural, amenazada por las lógicas comercial, mediática y de la administración


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Hablar de estética y cultura, así como de su dimensión social, representa un verdadero desafío, particularmente considerando la complejidad característica de estas esferas, así como la envergadura del tratamiento ya concedido desde nuestra disciplina. El presente trabajo se caracterizó por indagar acerca de las tensiones en la definición de los principios de legitimidad legítimos, valga la redundancia, del arte y de la cultura, situándose fundamentalmente sobre el campo de producción cultural. Esta empresa ha implicado de forma central el abordaje de las dimensiones sociológicas del microcosmos cultural: sus tensiones constitutivas, sus condiciones de existencia relativamente autónoma, su complejo vínculo con la lógica de la administración y la gestión política y, a su vez, su relación con la lógica mediática. Con tal objetivo, el punto de partida y clave para el acceso se derivó de la selección del conflicto suscitado por la gestión del Centre de Creativitat Arts Santa Mònica. El centro se caracteriza por poseer una historia de vaivenes políticos, y ha sido el foco de cierta conflictividad a partir de la destitución de su anterior Director, Vicenç Altaió, y de su designio político por parte de la actual gestión del Departament de Cultura. Es menester aclarar que el ASM no se caracteriza particularmente por tener un peso decisivo en el escenario actual de la cultura catalana; sin embargo, la emergencia de determinados acontecimientos recientes en torno al centro ha puesto de relieve una serie de elementos significativos útiles para un análisis en profundidad de la estructura del campo. A partir de un exhaustivo análisis documental introductorio y de una aproximación etnográfica al centro, se efectuaron entrevistas a tres actores seleccionados ad hoc por su papel y posición en el microcosmos cultural: Vicenç Altaió, poeta y ex director del Arts Santa Mònica, Joan- Francesc Ainaud, actual Subdirector General de Creació i Industrias Culturals, y Joan Minguet, escritor y actual director de la Associació Catalana de Crítics d'Art. El análisis manifestó, a nivel inicial, la tensión estructural entre la "estética pura" y la "estética media", o midcult, y la lucha entre las dos vías posibles de consagración en el campo: la legítima y la heterónoma. Expresó también la discutible autonomía del campo cultural, amenazada por las lógicas comercial, mediática y de la administración


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Hablar de estética y cultura, así como de su dimensión social, representa un verdadero desafío, particularmente considerando la complejidad característica de estas esferas, así como la envergadura del tratamiento ya concedido desde nuestra disciplina. El presente trabajo se caracterizó por indagar acerca de las tensiones en la definición de los principios de legitimidad legítimos, valga la redundancia, del arte y de la cultura, situándose fundamentalmente sobre el campo de producción cultural. Esta empresa ha implicado de forma central el abordaje de las dimensiones sociológicas del microcosmos cultural: sus tensiones constitutivas, sus condiciones de existencia relativamente autónoma, su complejo vínculo con la lógica de la administración y la gestión política y, a su vez, su relación con la lógica mediática. Con tal objetivo, el punto de partida y clave para el acceso se derivó de la selección del conflicto suscitado por la gestión del Centre de Creativitat Arts Santa Mònica. El centro se caracteriza por poseer una historia de vaivenes políticos, y ha sido el foco de cierta conflictividad a partir de la destitución de su anterior Director, Vicenç Altaió, y de su designio político por parte de la actual gestión del Departament de Cultura. Es menester aclarar que el ASM no se caracteriza particularmente por tener un peso decisivo en el escenario actual de la cultura catalana; sin embargo, la emergencia de determinados acontecimientos recientes en torno al centro ha puesto de relieve una serie de elementos significativos útiles para un análisis en profundidad de la estructura del campo. A partir de un exhaustivo análisis documental introductorio y de una aproximación etnográfica al centro, se efectuaron entrevistas a tres actores seleccionados ad hoc por su papel y posición en el microcosmos cultural: Vicenç Altaió, poeta y ex director del Arts Santa Mònica, Joan- Francesc Ainaud, actual Subdirector General de Creació i Industrias Culturals, y Joan Minguet, escritor y actual director de la Associació Catalana de Crítics d'Art. El análisis manifestó, a nivel inicial, la tensión estructural entre la "estética pura" y la "estética media", o midcult, y la lucha entre las dos vías posibles de consagración en el campo: la legítima y la heterónoma. Expresó también la discutible autonomía del campo cultural, amenazada por las lógicas comercial, mediática y de la administración


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Se presenta un algoritmo semiautomático de segmentación de aneurismas aórticos abdominales (AAA) basado en modelos activos de forma (ASM) y modelos de textura. La información de textura viene dada por un conjunto de cuatro imágenes 3D de resonancia magnética (RM) compuestas por cortes axiales de la zona abdominal. En estas imágenes son visibles la luz aórtica, la pared aórtica y el trombo intraluminal (ILT). Dado el tamaño limitado del conjunto de imágenes de RM, se han implementado un ASM que capture las características específicas del conjunto de entrenamiento compuesto por 35 imágenes de tomografía axial computarizada (CTA), de modo que la variación de forma pueda ser adecuadamente caracterizada. La textura se caracteriza a partir de las imágenes de RM. Para la evaluación del algoritmo se ha llevado a cabo una validación cruzada dejando uno fuera sobre el conjunto de imágenes de RM.