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The world is at the threshold of emerging technologies, where new systems in construction, materials, and civil and architectural design are poised to make the world better from a structural and construction perspective. Exciting developments, that are too many to name individually, take place yearly, affecting design considerations and construction practices. This edited book brings together modern methods and advances in structural engineering and construction, fulfilling the mission of ISEC Conferences, which is to enhance communication and understanding between structural and construction engineers for successful design and construction of engineering projects. The articles in this book are those accepted for publication and presentation at the 6th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference in Zurich. The 6th ISEC Conference in Zurich, Switzerland, follows the overwhelming reception and success of previous ISEC conference in Las Vegas, USA in 2009; Melbourne, Australia in 2007; Shunan, Japan in 2005; Rome, Italy in 2003; and Honolulu, USA in 2001. Many topics are covered in this book, ranging from legal affairs and contracting, to innovations and risk analysis in infrastructure projects, analysis and design of structural systems, materials, architecture, and construction. The articles here are a lasting testimony to the excellent research being undertaken around the world. These articles provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, research efforts and networking in the structural engineering and construction communities. We congratulate and thank the authors for these articles that were selected after intensive peer-review, and our gratitude extends to all reviewers and members of the International Technical Committee. It is their combined contributions that have made this book a reality.


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Italian historian Manfredo Tafuri develops his historical project in architecture during the 1960s and 1970s in three seminal books, which reach the English speaking specialist audience with a certain delay. Histories and Theories of Architecture (1968), which prepares the ground for the redefinition of a critical and independent history of architecture is first translated in English in 1979. Architecture and Utopia (Progetto e utopia, 1973) is translated in 1976, and becomes a point of reference for architectural histories and for the definition of architectural theories, mainly in the United States. The Sphere and the Labyrinth (1980), translated in 1987, is the text which formally defines and presents the historical project. Tafuris dense and highly politicized prose is often subjected in the English versions to numerous simplifications and reductive interpretations. Yet, the time lag and the space between languages that these translations occupy are inhabited by polemical and fertile reactions to the texts from the world of architectural design. Symptomatic of all, Aldo Rossis Larchitecture assassine, a rebuke in drawing to some of Tafuris remarks in Architecture and Utopia that seemed to suggest -but the interpretation is arguable the death of architecture as project (progetto). Tafuris texts instigate a dialogue between architectural history and practice, particularly relevant at a time in the development of the discipline when history was being redefined in its critical role as a project thus appropriating the active and propositional role traditionally assigned to architectural design, while architectural design still coping with the legacy of Modernism and with changed production systems- often found itself relegated to the paper of exhibitions, competitions and theoretical projects. This paper explores the relationship between architectural history and design in Tafuris work, focusing on recent reconsideration and interpretations of his work. It argues that, beyond instrumental simplifications, Tafuris project remains active and essential in architectures critical culture today.


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The Temporal and Urban Peripheries is the fall project of the final year of the Architecture program of Izmir University of Economics in Turkey. With a critical and contextual look at the built environment, the studio focuses on the significance of the incorporation of history, urban design, and parametrics in architectural design. This short article presents the thrust of the studio, basic concepts, the process, and outcomes.<br/><br/>


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This paper describes the result of a project to develop climate adaptation design strategies funded by the UKs Technology Strategy Board. The aim of the project was to look at the effects of climate change in the distant future (2080) on a vulnerable group such as older people with special needs and see how architectural design strategies and technologies may be used today to help mitigate problems ahead caused by climate change.<br/>Older people are the most vulnerable sector of society and are particularly at risk in extreme weather, either excess cold in winter or continual high temperatures in summer. In the UK it is predicted that average temperatures may rise by as much as 8 degrees in Summer by 2080 and there will be a 20% greater chance of extreme weather events. This will place extreme stress on the building stock which is designed for todays mild maritime climate.<br/>The project took a current proposal for an extra-care home for the elderly designed to 2010 regulations and developed a road map to 2080 using climate models developed by the UK Meteorological Office. This allowed the current design to be assessed using future climatic data, proposals for improvement of the scheme to be made within existing constraints and also a new scheme to be developed from first principals using this data, and projections of new technologies that will be available. By comparing these schemes, the approach allowed a reassessment of the initial scheme, and allowed a new design to be developed that offered a more flexible solution incorporating future retrofit which allows new renewable technologies for heating, cooling and water storage to be added at a later date.


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Real time digital signal processing demands high performance implementations of division and square root. This can only be achieved by the design of fast and efficient arithmetic algorithms which address practical VLSI architectural design issues. In this paper, new algorithms for division and square root are described. The new schemes are based on pre-scaling the operands and modifying the classical SRT method such that the result digits and the remainders are computed concurrently and the computations in adjacent rows are overlapped. Consequently, their performance exceeds that of the SRT methods. The hardware cost for higher radices is considerably more than that of the SRT methods but for many applications, this is not prohibitive. A system of equations is presented which enables both an analysis of the method for any radix and the parameters of implementations to be easily determined. This is illustrated for the case of radix 2 and radix 4. In addition, a highly regular array architecture combining the division and square root method is described. 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The objective was to design a treatment that would dematerialise an above ground gas installation on the Liffey quayside while still meeting the functional requirement to ventilate the pressure reducing chamber inside. To do this we wrapped the installation in a skin of glass that allows the air to enter below the skin and to escape behind the parapet. The installation building is covered in plastic sequins and the glass is treated with alternating bands of dichroic film. The flow of air causes the sequins to shimmer reflecting spots of coloured light back onto the glass. At night a similar effect is created by lighting concealed within the outer skin. This project won a commendation in the RIAI Awards 2010, and an AAI award in 2011. It was published in New Irish Architecture 26. The British architectural historian William JR Curtis described it as a beautiful understated little kiosk.


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This book, written when Walker was Visiting Professor at the Technical University Munich in 2011, describes his research on the effects of digital technology on architectural design and construction, and on the development of digital craft. The primary example given is The Swarm, a digitally designed and manufactured pavilion, produced with students while Walker was at TU Munich. It now stands outside the Bayerischen Architektenkammer (Bavarian Chamber of Architects) in Munich. Through such research-by-design, Walker asks larger questions: what can designers craft without a master craftsmans skills, and how can craft skills be recovered through digital fabrication? Another example in the book is the Swoosh Pavilion, one of two public-space-scale architectural pavilion prototypes Walker developed between 2008 and 2009 at the Architectural Association (AA), using applied digital modelling and CNC techniques to investigate methods of teaching and testing digital processes through making. Swoosh (2008) and a second AA pavilion, Driftwood (2009), were discussed by Walker and Martin Self, his co-investigator, in Fractal, bad hair, Swoosh and Driftwood pavilions of Intermediate Unit 2, 20062009, published in the AD reader, Manufacturing the Bespoke (2012), which includes essays by well-known critics and designers such as Mathias Kohler and Michael Stacey. Both AA pavilions were sponsored by FinnForest Merk, Arup, HOK and Building Design Magazine, and were seen by large international audiences in Bedford Square, London during the 20089 AA Projects Review shows. The book Making Pavilions (Walker and Self, AA Agenda No. 9, Architectural Association Press, 2011) also discusses their work over seven years of teaching at the Architectural Association. At the same time, Walker collaborated on a series of Serpentine pavilions, commissioned annually by the Serpentine Gallery, London, co-designing these experimental structures with internationally renowned architects Daniel Libeskind, Oscar Niemeyer, Toyo Ito and Alvaro Siza.


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This thesis describes research in which genetic programming is used to automatically evolve shape grammars that construct three dimensional models of possible external building architectures. A completely automated fitness function is used, which evaluates the three dimensional building models according to different geometric properties such as surface normals, height, building footprint, and more. In order to evaluate the buildings on the different criteria, a multi-objective fitness function is used. The results obtained from the automated system were successful in satisfying the multiple objective criteria as well as creating interesting and unique designs that a human-aided system might not discover. In this study of evolutionary design, the architectures created are not meant to be fully functional and structurally sound blueprints for constructing a building, but are meant to be inspirational ideas for possible architectural designs. The evolved models are applicable for today's architectural industries as well as in the video game and movie industries. Many new avenues for future work have also been discovered and highlighted.


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Dans une poque de changements des moyens de reprsentation et communication en architecture, cette recherche porte sur lenseignement de la conception architecturale et plus spcifiquement sur lapport que linformatique pourrait avoir dans ce processus. En nous basant sur une mthodologie qualitative, exploratoire et participative, nous y procdons par enchainement de questions, celle de dpart tant la suivante: Comment lenseignement de la conception architecturale pourrait tirer avantage des moyens numriques? Notre objectif est de proposer des mthodes et des outils dapprentissage aux tudiants en architecture pour enrichir leurs dmarches de conception grce lordinateur. Aprs une revue de la littrature dans le domaine, et un approfondissement de ltude sur le rle des rfrents architecturaux et sur la conception intgre, nous avons procd une observation exploratoire du travail des tudiants en atelier darchitecture. Ces premires tapes de la recherche ont permis de dgager des discordances entre les positions thoriques et la pratique en latelier, pour concrtiser ultrieurement la question de recherche. Dans le but de discerner des mthodes efficaces et innovatrices pour rpondre aux discordances identifies, nous avons engag une tude de la littrature sur les thories cognitives par rapport aux connaissances, lapprentissage et la conception. Certaines stratgies ont pu tre dfinies, notamment la ncessit de reprsentation multimodale des rfrents architecturaux, limportance de reprsenter le processus et non seulement le rsultat, ainsi que lavantage dinciter les tudiants travailler dans leur zone proximale de dveloppement. Suite ces recherches, une mthode denseignement complmentaire a t dfinie. Elle propose aux tudiants des explorations de lobjet en conception bases sur la manipulation des savoir-faire architecturaux. Cette mthode a t oprationnalise dun point de vue pdagogique ainsi que didactique et mise lpreuve auprs des tudiants en atelier. Un prototype de librairie de rfrents architecturaux interactifs (LibReArchI) a t cr dans ce but. Elle a t conue en tant quenvironnement de conception et espace de partage de savoir-faire entre tudiants et enseignants. Les principaux rsultats de cette recherche dmontrent le rle positif de la mthode propose pour le transfert des savoir-faire architecturaux lors de lapprentissage en atelier. Son potentiel dassister la conception intgre et de stimuler lmergence dides a t constat. Au niveau thorique, un modle dun cycle du processus de design avec le numrique a t esquiss. En conclusion, des avenues de dveloppements futurs de cette recherche sont proposes.


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La recherche en gnie logiciel a depuis longtemps tent de mieux comprendre le processus de dveloppement logiciel, minimalement, pour en reproduire les bonnes pratiques, et idalement, pour pouvoir le mcaniser. On peut identifier deux approches majeures pour caractriser le processus. La premire approche, dite transformationnelle, peroit le processus comme une squence de transformations prservant certaines proprits des donnes lentre. Cette ide a t rcemment reprise par larchitecture dirige par les modles de lOMG. La deuxime approche consiste rpertorier et codifier des solutions prouves des problmes rcurrents. Les recherches sur les styles architecturaux, les patrons de conception, ou les cadres dapplications sinscrivent dans cette approche. Notre travail de recherche reconnat la complmentarit des deux approches, notamment pour ltape de conception: dans le cadre du dveloppement dirig par les modles, nous percevons ltape de conception comme lapplication de patrons de solutions aux modles reus en entre. Il est coutume de dfinir ltape de conception en termes de conception architecturale, et conception dtaille. La conception architecturale se proccupe dorganiser un logiciel en composants rpondant un ensemble dexigences non-fonctionnelles, alors que la conception dtaille se proccupe, en quelque sorte, du contenu de ces composants. La conception architecturale sappuie sur des styles architecturaux qui sont des principes dorganisation permettant doptimiser certaines qualits, alors que la conception dtaille sappuie sur des patrons de conception pour attribuer les responsabilits aux classes. Les styles architecturaux et les patrons de conception sont des artefacts qui codifient des solutions prouves des problmes rcurrents de conception. Alors que ces artefacts sont bien documents, la dcision de les appliquer reste essentiellement manuelle. De plus, les outils proposs noffrent pas un support adquat pour les appliquer des modles existants. Dans cette thse, nous nous attaquons la conception dtaille, et plus particulirement, la transformation de modles par application de patrons de conception, en partie parce que les patrons de conception sont moins complexes, et en partie parce que limplmentation des styles architecturaux passe souvent par les patrons de conception. Ainsi, nous proposons une approche pour reprsenter et appliquer les patrons de conception. Notre approche se base sur la reprsentation explicite des problmes rsolus par ces patrons. En effet, la reprsentation explicite du problme rsolu par un patron permet : (1) de mieux comprendre le patron, (2) de reconnatre lopportunit dappliquer le patron en dtectant une instance de la reprsentation du problme dans les modles du systme considr, et (3) dautomatiser lapplication du patron en la reprsentant, de faon dclarative, par une transformation dune instance du problme en une instance de la solution. Pour vrifier et valider notre approche, nous lavons utilise pour reprsenter et appliquer diffrents patrons de conception et nous avons effectu des tests pratiques sur des modles gnrs partir de logiciels libres.


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Cette thse entend contribuer la comprhension du processus de conception architecturale par le biais du concept de tectonique, notion dont lhistoricit confirme une certaine diversit de significations, mais qui suscite une rflexion fondamentale sur le rapport entre lesthtique architecturale et les moyens constructifs. La connaissance technique de la construction, constitue principalement au 18me sicle, permettra une nouvelle rflexion sur le rapport entre lesthtique architecturale et les moyens constructifs. Au 19me sicle, moment de lapparition du concept de tectonique dans le contexte du dbat sur la notion de style, lindniable contribution de larchitecte et thoricien Gottfried Semper reconnat la complexit matrielle de ldifice. La reprise du terme au 20me sicle par lhistorien et thoricien Kenneth Frampton va quant elle dplacer le sens de la tectonique vers lide dun potentiel dexpression constructive . Ces deux auteurs reprsentent deux grandes approches tectoniques convergeant sur la ncessit, pour toute thorie de larchitecture, dencourager une rflexion critique de la construction. Cette thse se dveloppe en deux parties, lune retraant lhistoire et les enjeux de la tectonique, lautre, de nature plus concrte, cherchant tester lactualit du concept travers une srie danalyses tectoniques de projets modernes et contemporains. la croise de deux contextes gographiques diffrents, le Canada et le Brsil, le corpus de projets de concours que nous avons constitu considre la tectonique comme un phnomne transculturel. Nous formulons lhypothse dune tectonique du projet , cest--dire dun espace thorique dans lequel les questions relatives au btiment slaborent dans des tensions dialectiques. Lactualit des catgories semperiennes, dans lesquelles les diffrents lments du btiment reprsentent diffrentes techniques de construction, est revisite partir de ltude des projets de Patkau Architects (1986) et de MMBB Arquitetos (1990). Une tension entre les expressions symbolique et formelle issues du matriau brut est plus explicite dans ltude des projets de Ramoisy Tremblay architectes (2002) et de Brasil Arquitetura (2005). La thorie de la transformation de matriau (Stoffwechseltheorie) de Semper est rexamine paralllement dans les projets dArthur Erickson et Geoffrey Massey (1967) et de Paulo Mendes da Rocha (1969). Dans lensemble de tensions tectoniques prsentes tout au long de la conception, nous avons retenu plus particulirement : le contact avec le sol, la recherche dune homognit constructive, ou son oppos, la recherche dune varit matrielle et, finalement la tension entre la dimension reprsentationnelle et la dimension technique de larchitecture. La modlisation du concept de tectonique, par un ensemble de tensions auxquelles les concepteurs doivent sadresser en phase de projet, confirme que des questions en apparence simplement techniques concernent en fait tout autant le gnie de linvention que la connaissance historique des ides architecturales.


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Avec lusage largi de la CAAO, ces outils ont t largement utiliss dans le processus de conception architecturale. En dpit des fonctionnalits avances offertes par les systmes de CAAO, l'utilisation de la CAAO est principalement concentre dans les tapes de production, comme un support graphique pour le dessin, la modlisation, le rendu et la simulation. Par consquent, il est raisonnable de considrer que la situation actuelle relative lusage de la CAAO dans la profession d'architecte appelle de nouvelles amliorations. En d'autres termes, nous devons trouver un moyen de mieux intgrer la technologie et les outils de CAAO dans le processus de conception architecturale, qui est notre question de recherche. Nous avons besoin de savoir comment la CAAO pourrait tre utilise pour amliorer la capacit de conception de l'architecte. Il ressort des discussions et des recherches menes pour cette tude que nous voulons un soutien de la technologie pour nous aider mieux concevoir et non pas que la technologie conoive notre place. Nous aimerions avoir un systme de CAAO qui pourrait nous servir dassistant la conception. En tudiant la situation de l'intgration des outils de CAAO dans les pratiques actuelles de conception des architectes et en examinant les approches utilises dans les premires tentatives de dveloppement dun outil de CAAO intgr au processus de conception, on peut conclure que l'approche exploratoire et heuristique serait une meilleure approche qui pourrait tre adapte pour dvelopper un systme CAAO en soutien au travail de larchitecte. De plus, une tude plus approfondie a dmontr que les deux sous- approches des approches exploratoires et heuristiques (approches bases sur les cas et les contraintes), sont applicables, mais aucune d'elles n'est suffisante. Par consquent, lapproche hybride qui prend en compte les avantages de chacune des deux sous- approches prcites serait la plus applicable. Elle nous permettrait de dvelopper un outil CAAD qui pourrait vraiment tre intgr dans le processus de conception architecturale. Cette conclusion a t vrifie par une tude complmentaire base sur des entrevues.