Since the creation of Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), health policies have become a strategic element in dealing with the impact of neoliberal policies in the region. The aim of this paper is: first, to describe the social, political and economic processes that explain the emergence of UNASUR and its focus on social policy through health care, and second, how through UNASUR Health, health became the engine behind a new kind of health diplomacy. This article hopes to contribute to the debate on the new forms of health diplomacy and the role of regional organizations concentrating on health policies as a centrepiece of their regional integration efforts and the reduction of social inequalities.
During the 18th Century, the northeast of the Amazonian region, especially the jurisdiction of Quixos, was one of the most ignored regions of South America. Its dominions, dependents in part to the Real Audiencia of Quito, did not enjoy sufficient attention from the monarchial administration; therefore, the territorial domination and its natives did not take shape in absolute terms given the difficulties of indigenous resistance against strategies to slowly subordinate and eventually dismantle the Spanish politics of border territories.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo central analizar si los Estados miembros del Consejo de Defensa Suramericano (CDS) de la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (UNASUR), han cumplido o no con los compromisos adquiridos en relación a las Medidas de Fomento de la Confianza Mutua y de la Seguridad (MFCMS) y a la adquisición de material bélico. Utilizando como herramienta de análisis la teoría neorrealista, se examina la información que sobre seguridad de la región se dispone. El interés por el tema se desprende al observar el tamaño de recursos que a nivel global y de la región Suramericana se asignan para este efecto, entonces cuantificar y cualificar el nivel de gasto relacionando al Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) que tiene cada Estado, permitió tener una visión más amplia de este rubro, pese a que la información sobre gastos de Defensa es insuficiente, escasa y limitada, lo que generó dificultad para analizar las cifras y los procesos de asignación de recursos y de gastos. El estudio también se dirigió a observar el comportamiento que tienen los Estados de la región, fruto de su proceso histórico matizado por conflictos territoriales y la injerencia de actores extrarregionales, ante posibles amenazas externas.
This paper examines biogas innovation system and processes in two farming communities in Davao del Sur, Philippines. Innovation histories were traced through workshops, semi-structured interviews, observations and document analysis. The paper shows that there were diverse innovation actors both from public and private sectors. Restrictive attitudes and practices resulted in weak and limited interactions among actors. Multi-actor interaction was weak, signifying a lack of innovation actors that focus on creating, developing and strengthening linkages, networks and partnerships. The lack of support in the socio-organisational institutions that constitute the enabling environment within which innovation actors operate may lead to systemic failure.
Trata da análise da qualidade da informação como adequação ao uso e da contribuição de três capacidades empresariais que compõem o ambiente informacional na conquista da excelência no desempenho operacional e estratégico: o uso adequado da tecnologia da informação, o gerenciamento competente da, informação e os comportamentos e valores que as pessoas têm em relação à informação
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Documento en inglés ingresado en Biblioteca (91631)
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