997 resultados para AIDA


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Atmosphärische Aerosolpartikel haben einen Einfluss sowohl auf das Klima als auch auf die menschliche Gesundheit, wobei sowohl die Größe, als auch die chemische Zusammensetzung der Partikel maßgeblich sind. Um insbesondere die chemische Zusammensetzung der Partikel in Abhängigkeit ihrer Quellen besser zu verstehen, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit massenspektrometrische Untersuchungen thermisch verdampfbarer Partikel im Submikrometerbereich durchgeführt. Hierzu wurden sowohl die Massenspektren einzelner Partikel, als auch die von Ensembles von Partikeln mit dem Aerodyne Aerosolmassenspektrometer (AMS) in mehreren Feldmesskampagnen untersucht. Für die Messung von Einzelpartikelmassenspektren wurde das AMS zunächst durch den Einbau eines optischen Partikeldetektors (light scattering probe) modifiziert und anschließend eingehend charakterisiert. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass mit dem Gerät im Partikelgrößenbereich von etwa 400-750 nm (untere Grenze bedingt durch die Detektionseffizienz des optischen Detektors, obere Grenze durch die Transmissionseffizienz des Aerosoleinlasssystems) quantitative Einzelpartikelmessungen möglich sind. Zudem wurde die Analyse der erhaltenen Messdaten systematisiert, und durch Einsatz von Standardspektren ein Sortieralgorithmus für die Einzelpartikelmassenspektren entwickelt, der erfolgreich auf Daten von Feldmesskampagnen angewandt werden konnte. Mit diesem Sortieralgorithmus sind zudem quantitative Aussagen über die verschiedenen Partikelbestandteile möglich. Im Sommer 2009 und im Winter 2010 fanden im Großraum Paris zwei einmonatige Feldmesskampagnen statt, bei denen unter anderem der Einfluss der Abluftfahne der Megastadt auf seine Vororte untersucht wurde. Erhöhte Konzentrationen sekundär gebildeter Aerosolkomponenten (Nitrat, Sulfat, oxidiertes organisches Aerosol (OOA)) waren insbesondere beim Herantransport kontinentaler Luftmassen zu beobachten. Im Gegensatz dazu waren die beobachteten Konzentrationen der Tracer primärer Emissionen NOx, BC (black carbon) und HOA (hydrocarbonlike organic aerosol) neben der lokalen Quellstärke insbesondere durch die herrschende Windgeschwindigkeit beeinflusst. Aus dem Vergleich der Messungen an drei Stationen konnte der Einfluss der Megastadt Paris auf seine Vororte (unter Annahme gleicher lokaler Emissionen an den zwei Vorort-Stationen) zu 0,1-0,7 µg m-3 BC, 0,3-1,1 µg m-3 HOA, und 3-5 ppb NOx abgeschätzt werden. Zudem konnten für zwei Stationen aus den Ensemble- bzw. den Einzelpartikelmessungen unabhängig voneinander zwei verschiedene HOA-Typen unterschieden werden, die den Quellen „Kochen“ und „Autoabgase“ zugeordnet wurden. Der Anteil der Partikel aus den Quellen „Kochen“ bzw. „Autoabgase“ am Gesamt-HOA betrug 65,5 % und 34,5 % für die Ensemblemessungen in der Innenstadt (nahe vieler Restaurants), und für die Einzelpartikelmessungen in einem Vorort 59 % bzw. 41 % (bezogen auf die Partikelanzahl, welche hier der Masse etwa proportional ist). Die Analyse der Einzelpartikelmassenspektren erbrachte zudem neue Erkenntnisse über den Mischungszustand der Einzelpartikel. So konnte belegt werden, dass Nitrat, Sulfat und OOA intern gemischt sind, HOA-Partikel aber als externe Mischung mit diesen vorliegen. Zudem konnte anhand der Tagesgänge der Masse pro Partikel von OOA, Nitrat und Sulfat und der Anzahl der diese Substanzen enthaltenden Partikel gezeigt werden, dass der im Ensemblemodus beobachtete fehlende Tagesgang der Sulfat-Massenkonzentration wahrscheinlich durch die gegensätzlichen Effekte der Modulation der Partikelanzahlkonzentration durch die sich verändernde Mischungsschichthöhe und der variierenden Masse an Sulfat pro Partikel (mittägliche photochemische Neuproduktion und Kondensation auf existierende Partikel) erklärt werden kann. Für OOA ist eine ähnliche Erklärung des Ensemblemodus-Tagesganges jedoch nur teilweise möglich; weitere Arbeit ist daher nötig, um auch für diese Substanzklasse belastbare Aussagen aus dem Vergleich der Ensemble- und Einzelpartikelmessungen zu erhalten. Im Rahmen einer Labormesskampagne an der AIDA-Kammer in Karlsruhe wurden Ensemble- und Einzelpartikelmassenspektren von Bakterien aufgenommen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass es prinzipiell möglich ist, Bakterien in Außenluft mittels Einzelpartikelmessungen nachzuweisen, jedoch wahrscheinlich nur bei sehr hohen Anzahlkonzentrationen. Der Nachweis von Bakterien und anderen primären biologischen Aerosolpartikeln mit dem AMS sollte daher in weiterführenden Experimenten noch optimiert werden.


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L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è illustrare la creazione di due corpora bilingui italiano-inglese di libretti d’opera di Giuseppe Verdi, annotati e indicizzati, e descrivere le potenzialità di queste risorse. Il progetto è nato dalla volontà di indagare l’effettiva possibilità di gestione e consultazione di testi poetici tramite corpora in studi translation-driven, optando in particolare per il genere libretto d’opera in considerazione della sua complessità, derivante anche dal fatto che il contenuto testuale è fortemente condizionato dalla musica. Il primo corpus, chiamato LiVeGi, si compone di cinque opere di Giuseppe Verdi e relativa traduzione inglese: Ernani, Il Trovatore, La Traviata, Aida e Falstaff; il secondo corpus, nominato FaLiVe, contiene l’originale italiano dell’opera Falstaff e due traduzioni inglesi, realizzate a circa un secolo di distanza l’una dall’altra. All’analisi del genere libretto e delle caratteristiche principali delle cinque opere selezionate (Capitolo 1), segue una panoramica della prassi traduttiva dei lavori verdiani nel Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti (Capitolo 2) e la presentazione delle nozioni di Digital Humanities e di linguistica computazionale, all’interno delle quali si colloca il presente studio (Capitolo 3). La sezione centrale (Capitolo 4) presenta nel dettaglio tutte le fasi pratiche di creazione dei due corpora, in particolare selezione e reperimento del materiale, OCR, ripulitura, annotazione e uniformazione dei metacaratteri, part-of-speech tagging, indicizzazione e allineamento, terminando con la descrizione delle risorse ottenute. Il lavoro si conclude (Capitolo 5) con l’illustrazione delle potenzialità dei due corpora creati e le possibilità di ricerca offerte, presentando, a titolo d’esempio, due case study: il linguaggio delle protagoniste tragiche nei libretti di Verdi in traduzione (studio realizzato sul corpus LiVeGi) e la traduzione delle ingiurie nel Falstaff (attraverso il corpus FaLiVe).


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BACKGROUND L-serine plays an essential role in neuronal development and function. Although a non-essential amino acid, L-serine must be synthesised within the brain because of its poor permeability by the blood-brain barrier. Within the brain, its synthesis is confined to astrocytes, and its shuttle to neuronal cells is performed by a dedicated neutral amino acid transporter, ASCT1. METHODS AND RESULTS Using exome analysis we identified the recessive mutations, p.E256K, p.L315fs, and p.R457W, in SLC1A4, the gene encoding ASCT1, in patients with developmental delay, microcephaly and hypomyelination; seizure disorder was variably present. When expressed in a heterologous system, the mutations did not affect the protein level at the plasma membrane but abolished or markedly reduced L-serine transport for p.R457W and p.E256K mutations, respectively. Interestingly, p.E256K mutation displayed a lower L-serine and alanine affinity but the same substrate selectivity as wild-type ASCT1. CONCLUSIONS The clinical phenotype of ASCT1 deficiency is reminiscent of defects in L-serine biosynthesis. The data underscore that ASCT1 is essential in brain serine transport. The SLC1A4 p.E256K mutation has a carrier frequency of 0.7% in the Ashkenazi-Jewish population and should be added to the carrier screening panel in this community.


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Three teams consisting of 2 to 5 persons each play the game. Each team represents a farm. Each team decides jointly on its strategy. In annual meetings in winter, the farm teams jointly discuss, evaluate and decide on how to proceed and actions to be taken. The farms make use of three different pasture areas (village pasture, intensive pasture and summer pasture) for grazing their livestock. The carrying capacity of each pasture area is different and varies according to the season. In each season, the farms have to decide on how many livestock units to graze on which pasture. Overgrazing and pasture degradation occur if the total number of livestock units exceeds the carrying capacity of a specific pasture area. Overgrazing results in a reduction of pasture productivity. To diversify and improve their livelihood strategy farms can make individual investments to increase productivity at the farm level, eg. in fodder production or in income generating activities. At the community level, collective investments can be made which may influence livestock and household economy, e.g. rehabilitate and improve pasture productivity, improve living conditions on remote pastures etc. Events occurring in the course of the game represent different types of (risk) factors such as meteorology, market, politics etc. that may positively or negatively influence livestock production and household economy. A sustainable management of pastures requires that farms actively regulate the development of their herds, that they take measures to prevent pasture degradation and to improve pasture productivity, and that they find a balance between livestock economy and other productive activities. The game has a double aim: a) each farm aims at its economic success and prosperity, and b) the three farm teams jointly have to find and implement strategies for a sustainable use of pasture areas.


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Zur Aufführung "Hampelmann am Suez-Kanal", Streichung politischer Anspielungen, Zu Besetzung, Ausstattung, Musikbearbeitung, Guiseppe Verdi: "Aida", Benefiz für den Theater-Pensions-Fond, für den Schriftstellerverein, Krankheit, Frankfurter Latern, Plan eines Stückes, "das mit seinem Schlußakt beginnt und mit seinem Anfangsakt aufhört"


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Slow growth, branch dieback and scarce acorn yield are visible symptoms of decay in abandoned Quercus pyrenaica coppices. A hypothetical root-to-shoot (R:S) imbalance provoked by historical coppicing is investigated as the underlying driver of stand degradation. After stem genotyping, 12 stems belonging to two clones covering 81 and 16 m2 were harvested and excavated to measure above- and below-ground biomass and nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) pools. To study root system functionality, root connections and root longevity were assessed by radiocarbon analysis. Seasonality of NSC was monitored on five additional clones. NSC pools, R:S biomass ratio and fine roots-to-foliage ratio were higher in the large clone, whose centennial root system, estimated to be 550 years old, maintained large amounts of sapwood (51.8%) for NSC storage. 248 root connections were observed within the large clone, whereas the small clone showed comparatively simpler root structure (26 connections). NSC concentrations were higher in spring (before bud burst) and autumn (before leaf fall), and lower in summer (after complete leaf expansion); they were always higher in roots than in stems or twigs. The persistence of massive and highly inter-connected root systems after coppicing may lead to increasing R:S biomass ratios and root NSC pools over time. We highlight the need of surveying belowground organs to understand aboveground dynamics of Q. pyrenaica, and suggest that enhanced belowground NSC storage and consumption reflect a trade-off between clonal vegetative resilience and aboveground performance.


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Elevated concentrations of albumin in the urine, albuminuria, are a hallmark of diabetic kidney disease and associate with increased risk for end-stage renal disease and cardiovascular events. To gain insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying albuminuria, we conducted meta-analyses of genome-wide association studies and independent replication in up to 5,825 individuals of European ancestry with diabetes mellitus and up to 46,061 without diabetes, followed by functional studies. Known associations of variants in CUBN, encoding cubilin, with the urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) were confirmed in the overall sample (p=2.4*10(-10)). Gene-by-diabetes interactions were detected and confirmed for variants in HS6ST1 and near RAB38/CTSC. SNPs at these loci demonstrated a genetic effect on UACR in individuals with but not without diabetes. The change in average UACR per minor allele was 21% for HS6ST1 and 13% for RAB38/CTSC (p=6.3*10(-7) and 5.8*10(-7), respectively). Experiments using streptozotocin-treated diabetic Rab38 knockout and control rats showed higher urinary albumin concentrations and reduced amounts of megalin and cubilin at the proximal tubule cell surface in Rab38 knockout vs. control rats. Relative expression of RAB38 was higher in tubuli of patients with diabetic kidney disease compared to controls. The loci identified here confirm known and highlight novel pathways influencing albuminuria.


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Helicobacter pylori infection is frequently acquired during childhood. This microorganism is known to cause gastritis, and duodenal ulcer in pediatric patients, however most children remain completely asymptomatic to the infection. Currently there is no consensus in favor of treatment of H. pylori infection in asymptomatic children. The firstline of treatment for this population is triple medication therapy including two antibacterial agents and one proton pump inhibitor for a 2 week duration course. Decreased eradication rate of less than 75% has been documented with the use of this first-line therapy but novel tinidazole-containing quadruple sequential therapies seem worth investigating. None of the previous studies on such therapy has been done in the United States of America. As part of an iron deficiency anemia study in asymptomatic H. pylori infected children of El Paso, Texas, we conducted a secondary data analysis of study data collected in this trial to assess the effectiveness of this tinidazole-containing sequential quadruple therapy compared to placebo on clearing the infection. Subjects were selected from a group of asymptomatic children identified through household visits to 11,365 randomly selected dwelling units. After obtaining parental consent and child assent a total of 1,821 children 3-10 years of age were screened and 235 were positive to a novel urine immunoglobulin class G antibodies test for H. pylori infection and confirmed as infected using a 13C urea breath test, using a hydrolysis urea rate >10 μg/min as cut-off value. Out of those, 119 study subjects had a complete physical exam and baseline blood work and were randomly allocated to four groups, two of which received active H. pylori eradication medication alone or in combination with iron, while the other two received iron only or placebo only. Follow up visits to their houses were done to assess compliance and occurrence of adverse events and at 45+ days post-treatment, a second urea breath test was performed to assess their infection status. The effectiveness was primarily assessed on intent to treat basis (i.e., according to their treatment allocation), and the proportion of those who cleared their infection using a cut-off value >10 μg/min of for urea hydrolysis rate, was the primary outcome. Also we conducted analysis on a per-protocol basis and according to the cytotoxin associated gene A product of the H. pylori infection status. Also we compared the rate of adverse events across the two arms. On intent-to-treat and per-protocol analyses, 44.3% and 52.9%, respectively, of the children receiving the novel quadruple sequential eradication cleared their infection compared to 12.2% and 15.4% in the arms receiving iron or placebo only, respectively. Such differences were statistically significant (p<0.001). The study medications were well accepted and safe. In conclusion, we found in this study population, of mostly asymptomatically H. pylori infected children, living in the US along the border with Mexico, that the quadruple sequential eradication therapy cleared the infection in only half of the children receiving this treatment. Research is needed to assess the antimicrobial susceptibility of the strains of H. pylori infecting this population to formulate more effective therapies. ^