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Zirconocene aldehyde and ketone complexes were synthesized in high yield by treatment of zirconocene acyl complexes with trimethylaluminum or diisobutylaluminum hydride. These complexes, which are activated by dialkylaluminum chloride ligands, inserted unsaturated substrates such as alkynes, allenes, ethylene, nitriles, ketenes, aldehydes, ketones, lactones, and acid chlorides with moderate to high conversion. Insertion of aldehyde substrates yielded zirconocene diolate complexes with up to 20:1 (anti:syn) diastereoselectivity. The zirconocene diolates were hydrolyzed to afford unsymmetrical 1,2-diols in 40-80% isolated yield. Unsymmetrical ketones gave similar insertion yields with little or no diastereoselectivity. A high yielding one-pot method was developed that coupled carbonyl substrates with zirconocene aldehyde complexes that were derived from olefins by hydrozirconation and carbonylation. The zirconocene aldehyde complexes also inserted carbon monoxide and gave acyloins in 50% yield after hydrolysis.

The insertion reaction of aryl epoxides with the trimethylphoshine adduct of titanocene methylidene was examined. The resulting oxytitanacyclopentanes were carbonylated and oxidatively cleaved with dioxygen to afford y-lactones in moderate yields. Due to the instability and difficult isolation of titanocene methylidene trimethylphoshine adducts, a one-pot method involving the addition of catalytic amounts of trimethylphosphine to β,β-dimethyltitanacyclobutane was developed. A series of disubstituted aryl epoxides were examined which gave mixtures of diastereomeric insertion products. Based on these results, as well as earlier Hammett studies and labeling experiments, a biradical transition state intermediate is proposed. The method is limited to aryl substituted epoxide substrates with aliphatic examples showing no insertion reactivity.

The third study involved the use of magnesium chloride supported titanium catalysts for the Lewis acid catalyzed silyl group transfer condensation of enol silanes with aldehydes. The reaction resulted in silylated aldol products with as many as 140 catalytic turnovers before catalyst inactivation. Low diastereoselectivities favoring the anti-isomer were consistent with an open transition state involving a titanium atom bound to the catalyst surface. The catalysts were also used for the aldol group transfer polymerization of t-butyldimethylsilyloxy-1-ethene resulting in polymers with molecular weights of 5000-31,000 and molar mass dispersities of 1.5-2.8. Attempts to polymerize methylmethacrylate using GTP proved unsuccessful with these catalysts.


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A novel, to our knowledge, two-step digit-set-restricted modified signed-digit (MSD) addition-subtraction algorithm is proposed. With the introduction of the reference digits, the operand words are mapped into an intermediate carry word with all digits restricted to the set {(1) over bar, 0} and an intermediate sum word with all digits restricted to the set {0, 1}, which can be summed to form the final result without carry generation. The operation can be performed in parallel by use of binary logic. An optical system that utilizes an electron-trapping device is suggested for accomplishing the required binary logic operations. By programming of the illumination of data arrays, any complex logic operations of multiple variables can be realized without additional temporal latency of the intermediate results. This technique has a high space-bandwidth product and signal-to-noise ratio. The main structure can be stacked to construct a compact optoelectronic MSD adder-subtracter. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America.


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Nesta dissertação, foram sintetizados copolímeros à base de poli(metacrilato de metila) (PMMA), divinilbenzeno (DVB) com propriedades magnéticas pela técnica de polimerização em suspensão. O material utilizado para conferir propriedade magnética foi o ferro. Foi estudada a influência das variáveis reacionais para a formação de microesferas (ordem de adição das fases orgânica e aquosa e a dispersão do ferro antes e após a pré-polimerização), o efeito da concentração de ferro adicionado na polimerização, a influência da razão molar MMA/DVB na formação do copolímero, o efeito do tipo de agente de suspensão e a velocidade de agitação para a síntese dos copolímeros. Os copolímeros foram caracterizados quanto à morfologia, estabilidade térmica, teor de ferro incorporado, distribuição de tamanho de partículas, propriedades magnéticas, área superficial, volume e tamanho de poros. As análises de propriedades magnéticas mostraram que os materiais obtidos não apresentaram ciclos de histerese, estando assim próximos de um material com propriedades superparamagnéticas, com magnetização de saturação entre 8,0 e 13,0 emu/g. Os copolímeros sintetizados com velocidade de agitação 500 RPM, temperaturade 90 C, tempo de polimerização de 24h, monômeros MMA/DVB 50/50 (% molar); razão volumétrica fase orgânica/fase aquosa 1/3, diluente heptano, grau de diluição 100% apresentaram melhor controle morfológico, melhor magnetização de saturação, tamanho de partículas menores e maior tamanho de poros


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Nesta Dissertação, foram realizadas reações de copolimerização de 1,3-butadieno com diferentes alfa-olefinas (1-hexeno, 1-octeno e 1-dodeceno) utilizando-se um sistema catalítico do tipo Ziegler-Natta ternário constituído por versatato de neodímio, hidreto de diisobutilalumínio e cloreto de t-butila. O sistema catalítico também foi avaliado em reações de homopolimerização com cada alfa-olefina. As condições reacionais, tanto da síntese do catalisador como das reações de polimerização, foram mantidas constantes. Foi estudada a influência de diferentes teores de cada alfa-olefina (1, 3, 5, 10, 20 e 30 % em relação ao 1,3-butadieno) sobre a conversão da polimerização, a microestrutura, a massa molar, as propriedades viscosimétricas e a estabilidade térmica dos polímeros obtidos. Foi avaliada, ainda, a influência do tamanho da cadeia da alfa-olefina sobre as características da polimerização. Os polímeros foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), cromatografia por exclusão de tamanho (SEC), viscosimetria capilar e termogravimetria (TG). A microestrutura dos polímeros, praticamente, não variou com a adição das alfa-olefinas. A massa molar numérica média (Mn) não sofreu alterações significativas, enquanto que a massa molar ponderal média (Mw) apresentou tendência ao aumento, quanto maior foi a incorporação de comonômero. A viscosidade intrínseca não apresentou uma tendência com a adição da alfa-olefina na reação, permanecendo na faixa de 2,015 a 3,557 dL/g. A estabilidade térmica do copolímero mostrou uma tendência a aumentar com a incorporação das alfa-olefinas


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Acetyltransferases and deacetylases catalyze the addition and removal, respectively, of acetyl groups to the epsilon-amino group of protein lysine residues. This modification can affect the function of a protein through several means, including the recruitment of specific binding partners called acetyl-lysine readers. Acetyltransferases, deacetylases, and acetyl-lysine readers have emerged as crucial regulators of biological processes and prominent targets for the treatment of human disease. This work describes a combination of structural, biochemical, biophysical, cell-biological, and organismal studies undertaken on a set of proteins that cumulatively include all steps of the acetylation process: the acetyltransferase MEC-17, the deacetylase SIRT1, and the acetyl-lysine reader DPF2. Tubulin acetylation by MEC-17 is associated with stable, long-lived microtubule structures. We determined the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human MEC-17 in complex with the cofactor acetyl-CoA. The structure in combination with an extensive enzymatic analysis of MEC-17 mutants identified residues for cofactor and substrate recognition and activity. A large, evolutionarily conserved hydrophobic surface patch distal to the active site was shown to be necessary for catalysis, suggesting that specificity is achieved by interactions with the alpha-tubulin substrate that extend outside of the modified surface loop. Experiments in C. elegans showed that while MEC-17 is required for touch sensitivity, MEC-17 enzymatic activity is dispensible for this behavior. SIRT1 deacetylates a wide range of substrates, including p53, NF-kappaB, FOXO transcription factors, and PGC-1-alpha, with roles in cellular processes ranging from energy metabolism to cell survival. SIRT1 activity is uniquely controlled by a C-terminal regulatory segment (CTR). Here we present crystal structures of the catalytic domain of human SIRT1 in complex with the CTR in an apo form and in complex with a cofactor and a pseudo-substrate peptide. The catalytic domain adopts the canonical sirtuin fold. The CTR forms a beta-hairpin structure that complements the beta-sheet of the NAD^+-binding domain, covering an essentially invariant, hydrophobic surface. A comparison of the apo and cofactor bound structures revealed conformational changes throughout catalysis, including a rotation of a smaller subdomain with respect to the larger NAD^+-binding subdomain. A biochemical analysis identified key residues in the active site, an inhibitory role for the CTR, and distinct structural features of the CTR that mediate binding and inhibition of the SIRT1 catalytic domain. DPF2 represses myeloid differentiation in acute myelogenous leukemia. Finally, we solved the crystal structure of the tandem PHD domain of human DPF2. We showed that DPF2 preferentially binds H3 tail peptides acetylated at Lys14, and binds H4 tail peptides with no preference for acetylation state. Through a structural and mutational analysis we identify the molecular basis of histone recognition. We propose a model for the role of DPF2 in AML and identify the DPF2 tandem PHD finger domain as a promising novel target for anti-leukemia therapeutics.


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Copolímeros casca-núcleo de poli(acrilato de butila) (núcleo) e poliestireno (casca) foram sintetizados por meio de polimerização em emulsão, conduzida em duas etapas. A adição de ácido itacônico como monômero funcional na polimerização do núcleo foi realizada para verificar seu efeito sobre suas propriedades mecânicas e de processamento. Os copolímeros foram caracterizados por espalhamento dinâmico de luz (DLS), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET), cromatografia de exclusão por tamanho (SEC), espectrometria na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e calorimetria diferencial por varredura (DSC). A incorporação do monômero funcional foi confirmada por DSC e quantificada por titulação. A proporção de poli(acrilato de butila) e poliestireno influenciou diretamente o processamento e as propriedades mecânicas do polímero. Os copolímeros com teores de poliestireno acima de 50% foram processados por compressão e extrusão a temperatura ambiente, apresentando comportamento baroplástico. A presença do monômero funcional não alterou o processamento do polímero e melhorou significativamente sua resistência à tração, aumentando sua tenacidade


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Foram sintetizadas microesferas poliméricas com propriedades magnéticas e morfologia casca-núcleo por meio da técnica de polimerização em suspensão em duas etapas. O núcleo foi constituído por poli(estireno-co-divinilbenzeno) e magnetita modificada com ácido oleico. Foi avaliada a influência da velocidade de agitação e da concentração de iniciador sobre as características das microesferas utilizadas como núcleo (morfologia, tamanho de partículas, propriedades magnéticas e estabilidade térmica). A casca foi constituída por poli(estireno-co-divinilbenzeno) sem material magnético. Foi avaliado o método de adição da emulsão dos monômeros formadores da casca e o tempo de inchamento dos núcleos na emulsão. As microesferas casca-núcleo foram caracterizadas quanto ao seu aspecto morfológico e à estabilidade térmica. Os núcleos não apresentaram ciclos de histerese, estando assim próximos de um material com propriedades superparamagnéticas. O copolímero sintetizado com a maior velocidade de agitação e a menor concentração de iniciador foi o que apresentou o maior teor de ferro incorporado (3,317 %), a maior magnetização de saturação (2,99 emu/g) e o menor diâmetro médio de partículas (81 m). As microesferas casca-núcleo apresentaram apenas um estágio de degradação e as suas Tmáx foram menores do que a do núcleo. O mapa composicional de ferro confirmou a presença de magnetita na superfície das microesferas casca-núcleo


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Yb3+/ Er3+-codoped oxychloride germanate glasses have been synthesized by a conventional melting and quenching method. Structural properties were obtained based on Raman-spectra investigation, indicating that PbCl2 plays an important role in the formation of the glass network and has an important influence on the phonon density and the maximum phonon energy. The Judd - Ofelt intensity parameters and quantum efficiencies were calculated based on the Judd - Ofelt theory and lifetime measurements. The enhanced upconversion luminescence intensity of Er3+ with increasing PbCl2 content could not be explained only by the maximum phonon-energy change of the host glasses. For the first time, the effect of PbCl2 addition on phonon density, OH- content, and upconversion luminescence in oxychloride glasses has been discussed and evaluated. The results show that the effect of phonon density and OH- content on upconversion luminescence in oxychloride glasses is much stronger than that of the decrease of the maximum phonon energy. The possible upconversion luminescence mechanisms have also been estimated and are discussed.


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Tm3+-Yb3+ codoped oxyfluoride silicate glasses suitable for upconversion laser has been fabricated. In this paper, effect of CdF2 addition on thermal stability and upconversion luminescence properties in Tm3+-Yb3+ codoped oxyfluoride silicate glasses have been systematically investigated. The experimental results indicate that, with the substitution CdF2 for PbF2, the glass thermal stability increases and the UV cutoff edge moves to short-wave band slightly. With increasing CdF2 content, the blue and red upconversion luminescence intensity increases slightly at first, and then increases rapidly. While the near infrared (NIR) upconversion emission intensity increases notably at first and then increases slightly. However, the blue and NIR luminescence intensity are much stronger than that of red, indicating these oxyfluoride silicate glasses are more preferable for blue and NIR emissions than red emission. The possible upconversion mechanisms for the blue, red and NIR fluorescence are also estimated and evaluated. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Transparent Ni2+-doped MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass ceramics without and with Ga2O3 were synthetized. The precipitation of spinel nanocrystals, which was identified as solid solutions in the glass ceramics, could be favored by Ga2O3 addition and their sizes were about 7.6 nm in diameter. The luminescent intensity of the Ni2+-doped glass ceramics was largely enhanced by Ga2O3 addition which could mainly be caused by increasing of Ni2+ in the octahedral sites and the reduction of the mean frequency of phonon density of states in the spinel nanocrystals of solid solutions. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of emissions for the glass ceramics with different Ga2O3 content was all more than 200 nm. The emission lifetime increased with the Ga2O3 content and the longest lifetime is about 250 mu s. The Ni2+-doped transparent glass ceramics with Ga2O3 addition have potential application as broadband optical amplifier and laser materials. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Neste trabalho foi feito um estudo sobre a preparação e caracterização de microesferas poliméricas à base de poli(ácido metacrílico-co-divinilbenzeno) por polimerização por precipitação. As partículas foram sintetizadas e analisadas em diferentes condições de reação. Partículas esféricas políméricas foram sintetizadas na faixa de 1,66 - 8,41 m, assim como partículas no estado de microgel. As partículas foram caracterizadas pelas técnicas de espalhamento de luz dinâmica (DLS), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), adsorção de nitrogênio pelos métodos BET (Brunauer, Emmett e Teller) e BJH (Barret, Joyner e Halenda), microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, e testes de razão de inchamento. A análise das partículas foi feita para verificar a influência da mudança na composição de comonômeros, grau de reticulação, relação de monômeros totais/diluentes em massa/volume (g/100 mL), e quanto à relação volumétrica de diluentes. Verificou-se que houve um aumento no tamanho das partículas e da resistência térmica com a diminuição da fração molar de MAA (ácido metacrílico). Na preparação de partículas com fração molar de 50% de MAA, e relação volumétrica acetonitrila/tolueno de 75/25, quanto maior a relação de monômeros totais/diluentes (g/100 mL), maior o tamanho e o rendimento das partículas. Com a mudança da relação volumétrica de diluentes, houve mudança nas características de porosidade, tamanho das partículas, e grau de inchamento das partículas, sendo que na relação volumétrica acetonitrila/tolueno de 50/50, houve formação de microgel


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Although geographically the River Wyre lies between two rivers containing major migrations of adult salmon and sea trout, its rod & line fisheries have for a number of years produced exceptionally low catches. In order to determine the causes of this the Wyre Salmon and Sea trout Restoration Group (WSSRG) was conceived in 1994 as a partnership between the then National Rivers Authority (now Environment Agency), local landowners, angling clubs and interested parties. Two studies of 1994 and 1995 stated that there is a shortage of useable spawning gravels on the river. This is compounded by Abbeystead Reservoir acting as a gravel trap, the siltation of gravels on several side becks and problems with access to available gravels by returning adults. There was also perceived to be a need for accurate fishery data from the river encompassing redd counts, catch data and surveys of fry populations. The 1995 report suggested a number of management proposals which might be adopted in order to improve and create available spawning habitat for migratory salmonids. Funding was made available to create three spawning gravels on each of two side becks (Grizedale Beck and Joshua's Beck) and the addition of gravels to a site oh the main river below Abbeystead Reservoir. Modifications were also made to the fish pass at Abbeystead to allow easier passage of fish. These improvements were made in the autumn of 1995. Salmonid spawning redd counting was undertaken on the whole Wyre catchment in 1995/1996 and specific surveys by electric fishing on the gravel enhancement sites in the summer of 1996. This report details the current state of the improvement works that were undertaken and presents the results of electric fishing surveys in September 1996. A number of lessons have been learnt which will be of great benefit to the Fisheries Function in other parts of the Wyre catchment and the Central Area in general.