999 resultados para 63, 22 p.
The addition of starter culture and high pressure processing after ripening improved the microbial quality of low-acid fermented sausages (fuet and chorizo). The use of Lactobacillus sakei CTC6626 and Staphylococcus xylosus CTC6013 as starter culture significantly reduced Enterobacteriaceae and Enterococcus levels in the finished sausages. Moreover, the addition of starter culture produced sausages of similar quality to traditional low-acid fermented sausages. Slightly lower pH values and higher cohesiveness were obtained for both fuet and chorizo with starter culture. Sensory analysis showed no differences between lots of chorizo whereas starter fuet was more acid and gummy. High pressure induced an additional reduction of Enterobacteriaceae in non-starter sausages. An increase of textural properties was observed after pressurization. No other differences were observed between non-treated and pressurized sausages.
The combined effect of pressure and mild temperature treatments on bovine sarcoplasmic proteins and quality parameters was assessed. M. longissimus dorsi samples were pressurised in a range of 200600 MPa and 1030 C. High Pressure Processing (HPP) induced a reduction of protein solubility (p < 0.001) compared to non-treated controls (NT), more pronounced above 200 MPa. HPP at pressures higher than 200 MPa induced a strong modification (p < 0.001) of meat colour and a reduction of water holding capacity (WHC). SDSPAGE analysis demonstrated that HPP significantly modified the composition of the sarcoplasmic protein fraction. The pressurisation temperature mainly affected protein solubility and colour; a smaller effect was observed on protein profiles. Significant correlations (p < 0.001) between sarcoplasmic protein solubility and both expressible moisture (r = 0.78) and colour parameters (r = 0.81 to 0.91) suggest that pressure induced denaturation of sarcoplasmic proteins could influence to some extent WHC and colour modifications of beef. Changes in protein band intensities were also significantly correlated with protein solubility, meat lightness and expressible moisture. These results describe the changes induced by HPP on sarcoplasmic proteins and confirm a relationship between modification of the sarcoplasmic protein fraction and alteration of meat quality characteristics
Expression of water soluble proteins of fresh pork Longissimus thoracis from 4 pure breed pigs (Duroc, Large White, Landrace, and Pitrain) was studied to identify candidate protein markers for meat quality. Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS) was used to obtain the soluble protein profiles of Longissimus thoracis muscles. The pure breeds showed differences among the studied meat quality traits (pHu, drip loss, androstenone, marbling, intramuscular fat, texture, and moisture), but no significant differences were detected in sensory analysis. Associations between protein peaks obtained with SELDI-TOF-MS and meat quality traits, mainly water holding capacity, texture and skatole were observed. Of these peaks, a total of 10 peaks from CM10 array and 6 peaks from Q10 array were candidate soluble protein markers for pork loin quality. The developed models explained a limited proportion of the variability, however they point out interesting relationships between protein expression and meat quality
We consider 2n masses located at the vertices of two nested regular polyhedra with the same number of vertices. Assuming that the masses in each polyhedron are equal, we prove that for each ratio of the masses of the inner and the outer polyhedron there exists a unique ratio of the length of the edges of the inner and the outer polyhedron such that the configuration is central.
On the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Federation of Benedictine Womens Monasteries of Catalonia (Spain), the five monasteries represented are discussing the following question: what will monastic life be like in the future? This question is added to the debate about new forms of monasticism, urban monastic life and, in a more general sense, to the modernisations and the opening up of the precepts and practices of monastic life at this time. Faced with the ambitious monastic questioning, the author responds with five deliberately provocative debates developed out of a consideration of various chapters of the Rule of St. Benedict that raise profound questions when it comes to responding to the question presented here. Having described these five debates, by way of a summary, the article presents three ideal types of monastery in relation to the current processes of deinstitutionalisation that represent, in an overall way, three provisional responses and serve as a focus for the question discussed here.
Objectiu: Aquest treball pretn reflectir la situaci econmica i financera de les empreses crnies catalanes en el perode 2007-2011, mitjanant l'anlisi de dades dels seus estats comptables, per tal de diagnosticar la salut empresarial del sector de crnies catalanes. L'estudi tamb realitza una anlisi descriptiva de les entitats que engloben les crnies catalanes i la posici que ocupen dintre de les indstries agroalimentries espanyoles, identificant les diferents variables d'anlisi a curt termini, a llarg termini i d'anlisi econmica; afegint a l'anlisi convencional informacions patrimonials i de tresoreria procedents l'Estat de canvis en el patrimoni net i l'Estat de fluxos d'efectiu. Disseny/metodologia/enfocament: Fer una anlisis financera a curt termini, a llarg termini, de resultats i dels dos estats nous: Estat de canvis en el patrimoni net i Estat de fluxos d'efectiu sobre una mostra de 130 empreses catalanes utilitzant l'estadstica descriptiva oportuna. Resultats: La principal aportaci ha estat el diagnstic d' una bona salut empresarial d'aquestes empreses crnies en el perode analitzat tot i que a partir de l'any 2011 hi ha un canvi en els indicadors financers utilitzats. Limitacions: Seria convenient estendre la mostra i observar en els exercicis posteriors al 2011 si es verifica el canvi de tendncia dels indicadors. Implicacions prctiques: Permet valorar la projecci que ha fet aquest sector d'activitat a Catalunya en el perode analitzat.Implicacions socials: Els resultats de l'estudi permet veure la projecci de futur que t aquest sector amb els canvis oportuns a fer. Originalitat/valor afegit: Per les associacions d'indstries crnies permet fer una valoraci de la salut empresarial de les principals empreses associades i per emprendre els reptes de futur oportuns.
El estudio de las implicaciones comunicativas presentes en el paisaje tangible e intangible circundante abre un amplio abanico de posibilidades para el tratamiento de la denominada comunicacin en el paisaje. El anlisis de los efectos que el entorno genera en los procesos de comunicacin humana, el seguimiento de los procesos comunicativos mediante los cuales se mercadea con el paisaje, la construccin de imaginarios individuales y colectivos a partir de la interaccin ciudadana-territorio, el trnsito de espacio a lugar y, ms recientemente, la habilitacin de identidades territoriales a partir de la construccin de una imagen de marca de ciudad o de pas lase promocin turstica, citymarketing y/o branding, entre otros presentan, en todos los casos, amplias connotaciones de alcance comunicativo. La bsqueda del mensaje presente en el paisaje plantea, en este mismo sentido, el tratamiento del espacio a modo de sistema de comunicacin. En cualquier caso, parece claro que, en los ltimos tiempos, asistimos a una cierta eclosin de procesos de comunicacin concebidos desde la realidad existente en el espacio y ms an, en el paisaje, por lo que se hace necesario avanzar hacia un tratado comunicativo del paisaje.
Lapport de cet article rside dans le concept de lacit multiculturelle. Dans les socits du XXIe sicle, ce concept reprsente un progrs vers une galit de diffrences o toutes les croyances et religions seraient traites de faon galitaire. Le principe de lacit a constitu un pas en avant vers une plus grande galit des droits, en Europe la dmarche a t au dbut du XXe sicle. Un sicle plus tard, limpact sans prcdents du phnomne international des migrations a rendu les socits europennes multiculturelles de nouveau. Dans ce nouveau cadre, la conception traditionnelle de la lacit, au lieu dassurer lgalit des droits, est devenu un principe arbitraire nuisant, plus particulir ement la communaut musulmane. Pour surmonter le trait discriminatoire de la conception traditionnelle de lacit envers certaines confessions, un nouveau concept s avre ncessaire, celui dune lacit multiculturelle fonde sur lgalit de diffrences et le dialogue galitaire entre les diffrentes cultures.
Se ha cumplido el 30 aniversario de la LISMI y todava no se ha logrado un grado de insercin laboral suficientemente positivo de las personas con discapacidad. Son numerosos los factores que hacen que este colectivo tenga todava mucho que mejorar en referencia a la calidad y cantidad de contrataciones. En general, en estas ltimas dcadas se ha avanzado,pero todava es preciso llevar a cabo anlisis desde diferentes perspectivas para lograr mejorar los datos que tenemos hasta el momento. En este sentido, el artculo pretende enfocar algunos de los factores en los que la sociedad de la informacin y el conocimiento est influyendo en la dimensin laboral de las personas, y ms concretamente en el colectivo de personas con discapacidad. Estos factores, si se tienen en cuenta, pueden prevenir una situacin mucho ms negativa, y adems pueden ser precursores de la mejora de las posibilidades laborales de este colectivo.
[Dcret. 1928-11-01]