991 resultados para 3rd-degree Burns


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We present a mathematical analysis of the speciation model for food-web structure, which had in previous work been shown to yield a good description of empirical data of food-web topology. The degree distributions of the network are derived. Properties of the speciation model are compared to those of other models that successfully describe empirical data. It is argued that the speciation model unities the underlying ideas of previous theories. In particular, it offers a mechanistic explanation for the success of the niche model of Williams and Martinez and the frequent observation of intervality in empirical food webs. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Astrocytic tumors are the most common intracranial neoplasms. Their prognoses correlate with a conventional morphological grading system that suffers from diagnostic subjectivity and hence, inter-observer inconsistency. A molecular marker that provides an objective reference for classification and prognostication of astrocytic tumors would be useful in diagnostic pathology. RhoA, a GTPase protein involved in cell migration and adhesion has been shown to be upregulated in a variety of human cancers. Based on direct analysis of clinical materials, our study demonstrates increased expression of RhoA in high-grade astrocytomas. This observation may be relevant to astrocytoma biology and the development of potential therapeutics against high-grade astrocytomas. Of more immediate consequence, utilization of this marker may aid in the routine pathological grading (and hence prognostication) of astrocytomas. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Safe drug prescribing and administration are essential elements within undergraduate healthcare curricula, but medication errors, especially in paediatric practice, continue to compromise patient safety. In this area of clinical care, collective responsibility, team working and communication between health professionals have been identified as key elements in safe clinical practice. To date, there is limited research evidence as to how best to deliver teaching and learning of these competencies to practitioners of the future.

METHODS: An interprofessional workshop to facilitate learning of knowledge, core competencies, communication and team working skills in paediatric drug prescribing and administration at undergraduate level was developed and evaluated. The practical, ward-based workshop was delivered to 4th year medical and 3rd year nursing students and evaluated using a pre and post workshop questionnaire with open-ended response questions.

RESULTS: Following the workshop, students reported an increase in their knowledge and awareness of paediatric medication safety and the causes of medication errors (p < 0.001), with the greatest increase noted among medical students. Highly significant changes in students' attitudes to shared learning were observed, indicating that safe medication practice is learnt more effectively with students from other healthcare disciplines. Qualitative data revealed that students' participation in the workshop improved communication and teamworking skills, and led to greater awareness of the role of other healthcare professionals.

CONCLUSION: This study has helped bridge the knowledge-skills gap, demonstrating how an interprofessional approach to drug prescribing and administration has the potential to improve quality and safety within healthcare.


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Measuring the degree of inconsistency of a belief base is an important issue in many real world applications. It has been increasingly recognized that deriving syntax sensitive inconsistency measures for a belief base from its minimal inconsistent subsets is a natural way forward. Most of the current proposals along this line do not take the impact of the size of each minimal inconsistent subset into account. However, as illustrated by the well-known Lottery Paradox, as the size of a minimal inconsistent subset increases, the degree of its inconsistency decreases. Another lack in current studies in this area is about the role of free formulas of a belief base in measuring the degree of inconsistency. This has not yet been characterized well. Adding free formulas to a belief base can enlarge the set of consistent subsets of that base. However, consistent subsets of a belief base also have an impact on the syntax sensitive normalized measures of the degree of inconsistency, the reason for this is that each consistent subset can be considered as a distinctive plausible perspective reflected by that belief base,whilst eachminimal inconsistent subset projects a distinctive viewof the inconsistency. To address these two issues,we propose a normalized framework formeasuring the degree of inconsistency of a belief base which unifies the impact of both consistent subsets and minimal inconsistent subsets. We also show that this normalized framework satisfies all the properties deemed necessary by common consent to characterize an intuitively satisfactory measure of the degree of inconsistency for belief bases. Finally, we use a simple but explanatory example in equirements engineering to illustrate the application of the normalized framework.


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Raman spectroscopy with far-red excitation has been investigated as a simple and rapid technique for composition profiling of seized ecstasy (MDMA, N-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine) tablets. The spectra obtained are rich in vibrational bands and allow the active drug and excipient used to bulk the tablets to be identified. Relative band heights can be used to determine drug/excipient ratios and the degree of hydration of the drug while the fact that 50 tablets per hour can be analysed allows large numbers of spectra to be recorded. The ability of Raman spectroscopy to distinguish between ecstasy tablets on the basis of their chemical composition is illustrated here by a sample set of 400 tablets taken from a large seizure of > 50000 tablets that were found in eight large bags. The tablets are all similar in appearance and carry the same logo. Conventional analysis by GC-MS showed they contained MDMA. Initial Raman studies of samples from each of the eight bags showed that despite some tablet-to-tablet variation within each bag the contents could be classified on the basis of the excipients used. The tablets in five of the bags were sorbitol-based, two were cellulose-based and one bag contained tablets with a glucose excipient. More extensive analysis of 50 tablets from each of a representative series of sample bags gave distribution profiles that showed the contents of each bag were approximately normally distributed about a mean value, rather than being mixtures of several discrete types. Two of the sorbitol-containing sample sets were indistinguishable while a third was similar but not identical to these, in that it contained the same excipient and MDMA with the same degree of hydration but had a slightly different MDMA/sorbitol ratio. The cellulose-based samples were badly manufactured and showed considerable tablet-to-tablet variation in their drug/excipient ratio while the glucose-based tablets had a tight distribution in their drug/excipient ratios. The degree of hydration in the MDMA feedstocks used to manufacture the cellulose-, glucose- and sorbitol-based tablets were all different from each other. This study, because it centres on a single seizure of physically similar tablets with the same active drug, highlights the fact that simple physical descriptions coupled with active drug content do not in themselves fully characterize the nature of the seized materials. There is considerable variation in the composition of the tablets within this single seizure and the fact that this variation can be detected from Raman spectra demonstrates that the potential benefits of obtaining highly detailed spectra can indeed translate into information that is not readily available from other methods but would be useful for tracing of drug distribution networks.


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Numerous studies have found deficits in premorbid IQ in schizophrenic patients, but it is not clear whether this deficit is shared by (a) patients with other functional psychoses, and (b) relatives of these patients. Ninety-one schizophrenic patients, 66 affective psychotic patients (29 schizoaffective and 37 manic or depressed), and 50 normal control subjects were administered the National Adult Reading Test (NART) which provides an estimate of premorbid IQ. The NART was also completed by 85 first-degree relatives of schizophrenic patients and by 65 first-degree relatives of affective psychotic patients. After adjustments were made for sex, social class, ethnicity and years of education, schizophrenic patients had significantly lower premorbid IQ than their relatives, the affective psychotic patients and controls. Manic and depressed patients had significantly lower NART scores than their first-degree relatives, but schizoaffective patients did not, and neither group differed significantly from controls. There was no significant difference in premorbid IQ between patients who had experienced obstetric complications (OC +) and those who had not (OC -). Both OC + and OC - schizophrenic patients differed significantly from their relatives, but the disparity was greatest between OC + patients and their relatives. Relatives of OC + schizophrenic patients had significantly higher IQ than relatives of OC - schizophrenic patients. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Preparation for Practice module at the University of Ulster is delivered to 170 first year students via a collaborative arrangement between higher and further education institutions. In each of the five sites, students receive large group and small group teaching facilitated by social work training agency workers and academic tutor dyads. An evaluation of the module sought the perceptions of the agency and academic facilitators regarding the overall collaborative arrangement and the model of co-teaching involving social work academics and agency partners. Respondents were asked to complete a semi-structured questionnaire, which generated data from a Likert scale and also invited qualitative commentary. The Likert scale data were analysed via SPSS and the qualitative information was scrutinised using a manual thematic analysis technique. Findings indicated that continuous communication, consistency in programme content and the acknowledgement of the differences in organisation resources were key to a successful collaborative arrangement. It was also noted that a co-teaching model should be viewed as a positive vehicle for achieving module objectives in a safe learning environment.