986 resultados para 344.04192
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade de quatro genótipos de cana-de-açúcar, ao glifosato aplicado para a erradicação de soqueiras de duas idades, em dois sistemas de colheita, em um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico. O produto foi aplicado na dose de 2.400 g ha-1 de i.a., aos 40 e 55 dias de idade da touceira, depois do terceiro corte. Para quantificar a ação do glifosato, foram contados os perfilhos vivos e mortos aos 30, 45 e 60 dias depois da aplicação do produto. Em relação à porcentagem de morte dos perfilhos, ocorrem diferenças entre os genótipos quanto à suscetibilidade ao glifosato. A dose aplicada não foi suficiente para erradicar 100% dos perfilhos, mas para os genótipos IAC87-3184, RB835486 e SP87-344 o controle foi superior a 80%, tendo sido considerados sensíveis/intermediários, enquanto o IAC91-5155 foi considerado tolerante. O sistema de colheita da cana-de-açúcar não interferiu na eficiência do glifosato na eliminação da soqueira, entretanto, a aplicação feita aos 40 dias da touceira apresentou a maior porcentagem de perfilhos mortos.
Introducció: La preocupació per la qualitat assistencial, i concretament per la qualitat de les cures infermeres, la satisfacció percebuda pel pacient com element fonamental com a indicador de la qualitat dels serveis sanitaris i clau en la millora de la qualitat assistencial, i el fet que a l’estat espanyol hi ha pocs estudis de satisfacció específics de la població anciana hospitalitzada, ens va portar a plantejar un estudi amb l’objectiu de valorar el grau de satisfacció de les persones grans hospitalitzades en relació a l’atenció rebuda dels professionals d’infermeria. Metodologia: S’ha realitzat un estudi descriptiu i transversal en un col.lectiu de 42 persones hospitalitzades d’edat ≥ 60 anys. El grau de satisfacció es va determinar amb “La Monica Oberst Patient Satisfaction Scale 12” (LOPSS 12), versió reduïda en castellà. La personalització de les cures es va valorar amb un qüestionari que valora la relació infermera-usuari extret de l’Índex de Personalització de les Cures. L'anàlisi estadística es va dur a terme amb el programa informàtic SPSS® vs 21.0. Resultats: Es va evidenciar un elevat grau de satisfacció global amb les cures d’infermeria (8,8 1,5 / 10), però el nivell global de personalització d’aquestes cures no va ser molt satisfactori (3,4 2,1 / 7). Els homes van valorar millor a les infermeres respecte a que consideraven les seves opinions i preferències (p=0,03) i contestaven amb rapidesa les seves trucades (p=0,009). La personalització de les cures millorava conforme incrementava el grau de satisfacció global (r = 0,582; p = 0,000) i amb el temps d’hospitalització (r = 0,344; p = 0,026). Conclusions: El grau de satisfacció global respecte la satisfacció en l’atenció rebuda per part d’infermeria, va ser elevat però amb baix grau de personalització, mostrant major satisfacció els homes respecte les dones. Conèixer l’opinió dels usuaris representa una oportunitat pels professionals de reflexionar sobre la pràctica clínica i ser crítics per avançar en el desenvolupament de la professió, identificant aspectes susceptibles de millora 5 amb la finalitat d’augmentar la qualitat de les cures que es presten, així com la qualitat de vida de les persones.
Decreased fitness and increased fatness are relevant factors for decreased cardiovascular and bone health in children. One way to increase physical activity and hence fitness and to reduce the risk for overweight might be sports club participation (SCP). PURPOSE: To investigate the association of SCP with fatness and fitness in children in general and in those with increased risk for overweight and/or low fitness. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a random sample of 502 first- and fifth-grade primary school children. Fitness components were determined by 10 motor tests and body fatness by the sum of four skinfolds. SCP was defined as participation of at least once a week. RESULTS: Two thirds of all children were participating in a sports club. Girls' and boys' participation rate as well as those of overweight children and of children with overweight parents were comparable to their respective normal weight peers. In contrast, children from migrant families (odds ratio = 0.31; 95% confidence interval = 0.20-0.48) and from inactive parents (odds ratio = 0.16; 95% confidence interval = 0.05-0.45) participated significantly less (all P < 0.001). SCP was associated with endurance (0.53 > beta > 0.37, all P < 0.05) and partly with speed, strength, and coordination (0.41 > beta > 0.18, all P < 0.05). In overweight children and in children from overweight parents and migrant families, this association was not found. There was no association between SCP and fatness in any of the groups. CONCLUSIONS: SCP rates were high and were associated with higher levels of most fitness components in children. Participation rates were lower for children of migrant families and children from inactive parents. In addition, the association between SCP and fitness components was not found in overweight children and in children from overweight parents and migrant families.
Eighteen patients with acetabular fractures, with a mean age of 76 years, were treated with cable fixation and acute total hip arthroplasty. Nine were T-shaped fractures, 4 associated transverse and posterior wall, 2 transverse, 2 posterior column and posterior wall, and 1 anterior and posterior hemitransverse fractures. One patient experienced 3 episodes of hip dislocation within 10 months after surgery. All the others had a good outcome at a mean follow-up time of 36 months. Radiographic assessment showed healing of the fracture and a satisfactory alignment of the cup without loosening. This option provides good primary fixation, stabilizes complex acetabular fractures in elderly patients, and permits early postoperative mobilization.
Endocrine disruption is defined as the perturbation of the endocrine system, which includes disruption of nuclear hormone receptor signalling. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) represent a family of nuclear receptors that has not yet been carefully studied with regards to endocrine disruption, despite the fact that PPARs are known to be important targets for xenobiotics. Here we report a first comprehensive approach aimed at defining the mechanistic basis of PPAR disruption focusing on one chemical, the plasticizer monethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP), but using a variety of methodologies and models. We used mammalian cells and a combination of biochemical and live cell imaging techniques to show that MEHP binds to PPAR gamma and selectively regulates interactions with coregulators. Micro-array experiments further showed that this selectivity is translated at the physiological level during adipocyte differentiation. In that context, MEHP functions as a selective PPAR modulator regulating only a subset of PPAR gamma target genes compared to the action of a full agonist. We also explored the action of MEHP on PPARs in an aquatic species, Xenopus laevis, as many xenobiotics are found in aquatic ecosystems. In adult males, micro-array data indicated that MEHP influences liver physiology, possibly through a cross-talk between PPARs and estrogen receptors (ER). In early Xenopus laevis embryos, we showed that PPAR beta/delta exogenous activation by an agonist or by MEHP affects development. Taken together our results widen the concept of endocrine disruption by pinpointing PPARs as key factors in that process.
Aim: Functional subjective evaluation through questionnaire is fundamental, but not often realized in patients with back complaints, notably because of lack of validated tools, in accordance with recognized psychometric criteria. The Spinal Function Sort (SFS), developed according to actual standards, was only validated in English. The aim of this study is to translate, adapt and validate the French and German version of the SFS.Method and material: The translation and cross-cultural adaptation were performed following the methodology proposed by the American Association of Orthopedist Surgeon. A total of 344 patients, presenting varied back complaints (especially degenerative and traumatic), took part in this study in a tertiary French- (n=87; mean age 44y; 17 women) and German-speaking (n=257; mean age 41y; 53 women) center. Test-retest reliability was quantified using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and construct validity was assessed by estimating the Pearson's correlation with the SF-36 physical and mental scales, the Visual Analogue Scale for Pain Intensity (VAS), and subscales of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).Results: Respectively for the French and German version, ICC were 0.98 and 0.94. Correlations 0.63 and 0.67 with the SF-36 Physical Functioning subscale; 0.60 and 0.52 with the SF-36 Physical Summary Scale ; -0.33 and -0.51 with the VAS ; -0.08 and 0.25 with the SF-36 Mental Health scale; 0.01 and 0.28 with the SF-36 Mental Summary Scale; -0.26 and -0.42 with the HADS depression; -0.17 and -0.45 with the HADS anxiety.Discussion: For both the French and German version of the SFS, the reliability was excellent. Convergent construct validity with SF-36 physical scales is good, moderated with the VAS. We find out a low correlation with SF-36 mental scales (divergent construct validity). We find out a low correlation with HADS subscales in the French version, and a moderate one in the German version. Selection bias, chronicity of the complaints, as well as cultural differences could explain these results. In conclusion, both the French and German version of the SFS are valid and reliable for evaluation of perceived functional capacity for patients with back complaints.
Collection : Bibliothèque parlementaire
Weekly letting report
The aim of our work was to show how a chosen normal-isation strategy can affect the outcome of quantitative gene expression studies. As an example, we analysed the expression of three genes known to be upregulated under hypoxic conditions: HIF1A, VEGF and SLC2A1 (GLUT1). Raw RT-qPCR data were normalised using two different strategies: a straightforward normalisation against a single reference gene, GAPDH, using the 2(-ΔΔCt) algorithm and a more complex normalisation against a normalisation factor calculated from the quantitative raw data from four previously validated reference genes. We found that the two different normalisation strategies revealed contradicting results: normalising against a validated set of reference genes revealed an upregulation of the three genes of interest in three post-mortem tissue samples (cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle and brain) under hypoxic conditions. Interestingly, we found a statistically significant difference in the relative transcript abundance of VEGF in cardiac muscle between donors who died of asphyxia versus donors who died from cardiac death. Normalisation against GAPDH alone revealed no upregulation but, in some instances, a downregulation of the genes of interest. To further analyse this discrepancy, the stability of all reference genes used were reassessed and the very low expression stability of GAPDH was found to originate from the co-regulation of this gene under hypoxic conditions. We concluded that GAPDH is not a suitable reference gene for the quantitative analysis of gene expression in hypoxia and that validation of reference genes is a crucial step for generating biologically meaningful data.
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 344
The Xenopus laevis 68-kd and 74-kd albumin amino acid sequences are examined with respect to their relationship to the other known members of the albumin/alpha-fetoprotein/vitamin D-binding protein gene family. Each of the three members of this family presents a unique pattern of conserved regions indicating a differential selective pressure related to specific functional characteristics. Furthermore, an evolutionary tree of these genes was deduced from the divergence times calculated from direct nucleotide sequence comparisons of individual gene pairs. These calculations indicate that the vitamin D-binding protein/albumin separation occurred 560-600 million years (Myr) ago and the albumin/alpha-fetoprotein divergence 280 Myr ago. This observation leads to the hypothesis according to which the albumin/alpha-fetoprotein gene duplication occurred shortly after the amphibian/reptile separation. Consequently, and unlike mammals, amphibians and fishes should lack an alpha-fetoprotein in their serum at larval stages, which is consistent with a recent analysis of serum proteins in Xenopus laevis larvae. This hypothesis now will have to be tested further in additional lower vertebrates.