998 resultados para 316.343.63


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Vorbesitzer: Abraham Merzbacher


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Vorbesitzer: Johannes Latomus; Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main


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Vorbesitzer: Freiherrlich Carl von Rothschild'sche Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main; Akzessionsnummer: x18722; Bemerkung: Maße ohne Passepartout


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Vorbesitzer: Freiherrlich Carl von Rothschild'sche Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main; Akzessionsnummer: x18722; Bemerkung: Maße ohne Passepartout


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68 lakes (63 Swiss, 2 French and 3 Italian) located in an altitudinal range between 334 and 2339m spanning a wide range of land-use have been investigated. The aim of the study was to discuss influences of geographic location, vegetation and land-use in the catchment area on the water and sediment chemistry of small lakes. Detailed quantitative description of land-use, vegetation, and climate in the watershed of all lakes was established. Surface and bottom water samples collected from each lake were analyzed for major ions and nutrients. Correlations were interpreted using linear regression analysis. Chemical parameters of water and sediment reflect the characteristics of the catchment areas. All lakes were alkaline since they were situated on calcareous bedrock. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus strongly increase with increasing agricultural land-use. Na and K, however, are positively correlated with the amount of urbanization within the catchment area. These elements as well as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), Mg, Ca, and alkalinity, increase when the catchment is urbanized or used for agriculture. Total nitrogen and organic carbon in the sediments decrease distinctly if large parts of the catchment consist of bare land. No correlations between sediment composition and maximum water depth or altitude of the lakes were found.¶Striking differences in the water compositions of lakes above and below approximately 700 m of altitude were observed. Concentrations of total nitrogen and nitrate, total phosphorus, DOC, Na, K, Mg, Ca, and alkalinity are distinctly higher in most lakes below 700 m than above, and the pH of the bottom waters of these lakes is generally lower. Estimates of total nitrogen concentrations, even in remote areas, indicate that precipitation is responsible for increased background concentrations. At lower altitudes nitrogen concentrations in lakes is explained by the nitrogen loaded rain from urban areas deposited on the catchment, and with high percentages of agricultural land-use in the watershed.


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Vorbesitzer: Freiherrlich Carl von Rothschild'sche Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main; Akzessionsnummer: x18722


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Drucksachen und Briefwechsel von der American Philosophical Association, 1942-1949; 2 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an Eugene N. Anderson, 25.05.1942; 1 Briefabschrift an Franz Neumann, 29.04.1942; 3 Briefe zwischen Walter L. Arensberg und Max Horkheimer, 1941; 17 Brief und Beilagen zwischen Aufbau [Zeitschrift] und Max Horkheimer, 1942-1948; 8 Briefe und Beilage ziwschen Bruno Franco Avardi und Max Horkheimer [Pollock], 1942-1943; 21 Briefe und Beilage zwischen Edward N. Barnhart von der University of California und Max Horkheimer, 1947-1949; 5 Briefe zwischen Salo W. Baron und Max Horkheimer, 1945; 5 Briefe zwischen Gertrude Bauer und Max Horkheimer, 1941-1946; 1 Brief und Beilage von Ralph L. Beals von der University of California an Max Horkheimer, 1947-1948; 5 Briefe zwischen Howard Becker und Max Horkheimer, 1948; 1 Brief und Beilage von Frank Beckwith an Max Horkheimer, 1944; 1 Brief zwischen Bruno Bettelheim und Max Horkheimer, 1944-1949 sowie 1 Manuskript von Bruno Bettelheim: The Thematic Apperception Test as an Educational and Therapeutic Device;


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u.a.: Anspielung auf Starrköpfigkeit Schopenhauers; Bekräftigung der Seriosität des Bankhauses Muhl; Anleihe der Landstände der Oberlausitz; Anteile am Gut Ohra; Kontakt mit dem Bruder Heinrich August Carl Ganslandt in Hamburg; Geburt der Tochter von Wilhelm Ganslandt; Friedrich Frommann; Johanna Schopenhauer;


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Vorbesitzer: Petrus Scriptoris de Seligenstadt; Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main


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u.a.: Übergabe der Manuskripte Schopenhauers an die Königliche Bibliothek in Berlin; Veröffentlichung der Schopenhauer Briefe Apostel; Schopenhauer Büste von Friedrich Schierholz; Justizreform; Wilhelm Gwinner; Arthur Schopenhauer; Prof. Brassai; Brockhaus; Felix Dahn;


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u.a.: Schopenhauer Denkmal; Anti-Schopenhauerismus; Ferdinand Laban; Arthur Schopenhauer;