382 resultados para 2177
O objetivo deste estudo é obter um modelo matemático logístico que representa a vaporização de toras de Eucalyptus grandis, em função do diâmetro e do tempo de permanência das toras no tratamento térmico a vapor. Para tanto, foram coletadas toras nas classes diamétricas de 25 a 40 cm de três árvores de E. grandis provenientes do Horto Florestal de Mandurí, SP. Em cada uma das toras foram inseridos três termopares, com profundidades distintas, 1/3 do raio; 2/3 do raio e o terceiro, próximo ao seu centro. Posteriormente, as toras foram vaporizadas a 85ºC e 100% de umidade relativa, até que o último termopar atingisse uma temperatura de 80ºC. Um Datalogger CR10 registrou as temperaturas, no interior do material, durante o tratamento térmico. Conclui-se que o modelo matemático logístico foi bem ajustado, obtido no tratamento térmico com vapor, levando em consideração as três classes de diâmetro e a profundidade máxima de 50 mm de raio, o modelo gerado, apresenta-se uma viabilidade técnica na aplicação do processo de aquecimento de toras com vapor, promovendo um consumo ideal de energia.
Destaca aspectos da pesquisa sobre as competências do bibliotecário requeridas na gestão da informação e documentação jurídica na Espanha. A partir da definição das competências profissionais e da descrição do mercado de trabalho na área jurídica espanhola são apresentados os resultados parciais da investigação sobre o tema, realizada na cidade de Madrid, Espanha
Myocardial remodeling and heart failure (HF) are common sequelae of many forms of cardiovascular disease and a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Accumulation of damaged cardiac proteins in heart failure has been described. However, how protein quality control (PQC) is regulated and its contribution to HF development are not known. Here, we describe a novel role for activated protein kinase C isoform beta II (PKC beta II) in disrupting PQC. We show that active PKC beta II directly phosphorylated the proteasome and inhibited proteasomal activity in vitro and in cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes. Importantly, inhibition of PKC beta II, using a selective PKC beta II peptide inhibitor (beta IIV5-3), improved proteasomal activity and conferred protection in cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes. We also show that sustained inhibition of PKC beta II increased proteasomal activity, decreased accumulation of damaged and misfolded proteins and increased animal survival in two rat models of HF. Interestingly, beta IIV5-3-mediated protection was blunted by sustained proteasomal inhibition in HF. Finally, increased cardiac PKC beta II activity and accumulation of misfolded proteins associated with decreased proteasomal function were found also in remodeled and failing human hearts, indicating a potential clinical relevance of our findings. Together, our data highlights PKC beta II as a novel inhibitor of proteasomal function. PQC disruption by increased PKC beta II activity in vivo appears to contribute to the pathophysiology of heart failure, suggesting that PKC beta II inhibition may benefit patients with heart failure. (218 words)
Erythrina verna is a medicinal plant used to calm agitation popularly known as mulungu. We purchased the barks of E. verna from a commercial producer and analyzed the alkaloid fraction of the bark by CG-MS and HRESI-MS. Five erythrinian alkaloids were identified: erysotrine, erythratidine, erythratidinone, epimer, and 11-hydroxieritratidinone. Here we report the compound 11-hydroxieritratidinone for the first time as a natural product.
Erythrina verna is a medicinal plant used to calm agitation popularly known as mulungu. We purchased the barks of E. verna from a commercial producer and analyzed the alkaloid fraction of the bark by CG-MS and HRESI-MS. Five erythrinian alkaloids were identified: erysotrine, erythratidine, erythratidinone, epimer, and 11-hydroxieritratidinone. Here we report the compound 11-hydroxieritratidinone for the first time as a natural product.
Trata-se de proceder a uma leitura histórica dos problemas da perseguição religiosa, conversão e do memoricídio operado pelos processos de aculturação dos escravos na formação do Brasil, em face das garantias atuais do “Estatuto da Igualdade Racial”.
Programa de Economía Aplicada
La ricerca ha bene analizzato lo stretto rapporto che si instaura fra le Avanguardie Storiche e le tecnologie più innovative dei primi anni del Novecento. Con il Futurismo (argomento trattato nel primo anno di ricerca di dottorato) e, in seguito, con il Dadaismo (principale soggetto di studio del secondo anno di ricerca), la candidata sottolinea i rapporti fra le avanguardie artistiche e la neonata tecnica cinematografica (1895). Il primo capitolo si concentra sugli enormi cambiamenti, sia materiali sia culturali, vissuti dalla nuova società di inizio Novecento. I principali concetti analizzati sono: i molteplici sviluppi tecnologici, la disputa teorica sul cinematografo che, tra il 1905 e il 1907, acquista maggiore rilevanza e la nuova “visione” della realtà. In particolare modo nel primo capitolo si affronta anche il dibattito culturale di fine Ottocento che contribuirà alle avanguardistiche affermazioni futuriste. L’idea di confrontare, in perfetta omologia, la nuova “visione” del cinema e le più importanti scoperte materiali del tempo è un interessante apporto a tutta la ricerca dove l’utilizzo del mezzo cinematografico diventa un mezzo perfetto per analizzare i flussi temporali, non più diacronici bensì sincronici dei fenomeni artistici. Inoltre, si sottolinea come la crescente convergenza fra differenti forme artistiche e il cinema d’avanguardia diventino uno strumento culturale capace di aprire nuovi universi e prospettive. E’ con il Futurismo che si inizia a parlare di contaminazioni fra differenti mezzi di espressione non necessariamente legati alla “rappresentazione” pittorica o scultorea. E’ invece il movimento Dadaista a sviluppare il discorso iniziato dai Futuristi e a concretizzare il binomio arte/cinema al fine di condividere il tempo della registrazione filmica e l’intenzione artistica degli autori presi in esame. Una parte importante del lavoro è stata l’analisi e lo studio dei materiali filmici recuperati sia in ambito futurista sia in ambito dadaista. La stesura di un approfondito indice ragionato ha permesso importanti chiarimenti sull’argomento trattato. La ricerca predisposta dalla candidata si è avvalsa di strumenti metodologici differenti con l’intento di far emergere il complesso degli interventi dei principali artisti operanti all’interno dei due movimenti presi in esame, tracciandone le omologie con le principali innovazioni tecnologiche.
Mit der Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die detailierten Analyse von Migrationsdynamiken epithelilaler Monolayer anhand zweier neuartiger in vitro Biosensoren verfolgt, der elektrischen Zell-Substrat Impedanz Spektroskopie (electrical cell-substrate impedance sensing, ECIS) sowie der Quarz Kristall Mikrowaage (quartz crystal microbalance, QCM). Beide Methoden erwiesen sich als sensitiv gegenüber der Zellmotilität und der Nanozytotoxizität.rnInnerhalb des ersten Projektes wurde ein Fingerprinting von Krebszellen anhand ihrer Motilitätsdynamiken und der daraus generierten elektrischen oder akkustischen Fluktuationen auf ECIS oder QCM Basis vorgenommen; diese Echtzeitsensoren wurdene mit Hilfe klassicher in vitro Boyden-Kammer Migrations- und Invasions-assays validiert. Fluktuationssignaturen, also Langzeitkorrelationen oder fraktale Selbstähnlichkeit aufgrund der kollektiven Zellbewegung, wurden über Varianz-, Fourier- sowie trendbereinigende Fluktuationsanalyse quantifiziert. Stochastische Langzeitgedächtnisphänomene erwiesen sich als maßgebliche Beiträge zur Antwort adhärenter Zellen auf den QCM und ECIS-Sensoren. Des weiteren wurde der Einfluss niedermolekularer Toxine auf die Zytoslelettdynamiken verfolgt: die Auswirkungen von Cytochalasin D, Phalloidin und Blebbistatin sowie Taxol, Nocodazol und Colchicin wurden dabei über die QCM und ECIS Fluktuationsanalyse erfasst.rnIn einem zweiten Projektschwerpunkt wurden Adhäsionsprozesse sowie Zell-Zell und Zell-Substrat Degradationsprozesse bei Nanopartikelgabe charackterisiert, um ein Maß für Nanozytotoxizität in Abhangigkeit der Form, Funktionalisierung Stabilität oder Ladung der Partikel zu erhalten.rnAls Schlussfolgerung ist zu nennen, dass die neuartigen Echtzeit-Biosensoren QCM und ECIS eine hohe Zellspezifität besitzen, auf Zytoskelettdynamiken reagieren sowie als sensitive Detektoren für die Zellvitalität fungieren können.
In this study, two octreotate derivatives N-[4-carboxy-4-[4,7,10-tris(carboxymethyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1-yl]butanoyl]-Tyr(3)-octreotate (DOTAGA-tate) and N-[[4,10-bis(carboxymethyl)-7-(1(1,3-dicarboxypropyl))-1,4,7,10-tetraaza-cyclododec-1-yl]acetyl]-Tyr(3)-octreotate (DOTA-t-GA-tate) were radio-labeled with (111)In or (88)Y and their biodistribution profiles together with their elimination characteristics in rats were compared.
The rapid technical advances in computed tomography have led to an increased number of clinical indications. Unfortunately, at the same time the radiation exposure to the population has also increased due to the increased total number of CT examinations. In the last few years various publications have demonstrated the feasibility of radiation dose reduction for CT examinations with no compromise in image quality and loss in interpretation accuracy. The majority of the proposed methods for dose optimization are easy to apply and are independent of the detector array configuration. This article reviews indication-dependent principles (e.g. application of reduced tube voltage for CT angiography, selection of the collimation and the pitch, reducing the total number of imaging series, lowering the tube voltage and tube current for non-contrast CT scans), manufacturer-dependent principles (e.g. accurate application of automatic modulation of tube current, use of adaptive image noise filter and use of iterative image reconstruction) and general principles (e.g. appropriate patient-centering in the gantry, avoiding over-ranging of the CT scan, lowering the tube voltage and tube current for survey CT scans) which lead to radiation dose reduction.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Conventional platinum coils cause imaging artifacts that reduce imaging quality and therefore impair imaging interpretation on intraprocedural or noninvasive follow-up imaging. The purpose of this study was to evaluate imaging characteristics and artifact production of polymeric coils compared with standard platinum coils in vitro and in vivo.MATERIALS AND METHODS:Polymeric coils and standard platinum coils were evaluated in vitro with the use of 2 identical silicon aneurysm models coiled with a packing attenuation of 20% each. DSA, flat panel CT, CT, and MR imaging were performed. In vivo evaluation of imaging characteristics of polymeric coils was performed in experimentally created rabbit carotid bifurcation aneurysms. DSA, CT/CTA, and MR imaging were performed after endovascular treatment of the aneurysms. Images were evaluated regarding visibility of individual coils, coil mass, artifact production, and visibility of residual flow within the aneurysm.RESULTS:Overall, in vitro and in vivo imaging showed relevantly reduced artifact production of polymeric coils in all imaging modalities compared with standard platinum coils. Image quality of CT and MR imaging was improved with the use of polymeric coils, which permitted enhanced depiction of individual coil loops and residual aneurysm lumen as well as the peri-aneurysmal area. Remarkably, CT images demonstrated considerably improved image quality with only minor artifacts compared with standard coils. On DSA, polymeric coils showed transparency and allowed visualization of superimposed vessel structures.CONCLUSIONS:This initial experimental study showed improved imaging quality with the use of polymeric coils compared with standard platinum coils in all imaging modalities. This might be advantageous for improved intraprocedural imaging for the detection of complications and posttreatment noninvasive follow-up imaging.