972 resultados para 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing


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A telepresence-based interactive installation allowing people at three sites (The National Art Museum of China, Beijing; The Imperial City Art Museum, Beijing; CalPoly University, California, USA) to interact simultaneously using only their bodies. Each participant used a physical interface called a ‘Bodyshelf’ and wore a sound vibration transmission device called a ‘haptic pendant’ around their necks. By gently moving their bodies and engaging through this ‘smart furniture’, they instigated ‘intimate transactions’, which influenced an evolving computationally-generated ‘world’ created from digital imagery, multichannel sound and tactile feedback. Intimate Transactions (Version 4) was the culmination of a long-term interdisciplinary research project developed in four distinct stages. It was launched in in 2008 and subsequently acquired on invitation by Professor Peter Weibel for the ZKM Media Art History Museum Karlsruhe in 2012.


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This is an introductory essay about the memoir "Romulus, My Father" by Raimond Gaita. The essay was published as part of the Copyright Agency's "Reading Australia" initiative. "In a critical moment of reflection and pause, Romulus, My Father offers the reader a key to its interpretation. The author – philosopher Raimond Gaita – tells us that ‘Plato said that those who love and seek wisdom are clinging in recollection to things they once saw’. This reference to the Greek philosopher’s work Phaedrus occurs when the boy Raimond is about eight years old. He seems already to understand much about his father, in particular his father’s goodness, which he finds expressed in his workmanship, his honesty, and his commitment to friends. And yet, as Plato forewarns us, a search for the ultimate wisdom of such things must come later – several decades on, when Gaita is faced with the task of writing his father’s eulogy. It is then that a sense of his father’s character is joined to his own search for wisdom, a combination of biography and reflection that marks the memoir form at its best, and shapes the ultimate impact of Romulus, My Father...."--publisher website


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A travel story about South Dakota. "Time travel is much easier in life than in the movies. Driving out of Rapid City in South Dakota, you cover 500,000 years in the first hour. That journey brings you to the Badlands, a vast natural excavation site that has been created by water and wind. At the same time, you’re deposited into the deep past..."--publisher website


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A travel story about a return journey to the Greek island of Corfu. "THEY say it doesn’t pay to go back. The more a place meant to you in the past, the more likely it is that you’ll be disappointed when you return. Recently I tested the theory, and endangered my memories of the Greek island of Corfu with a second visit..."--publisher website


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It is widely recognized that Dorothy Heathcote was a dynamic and radical teacher who transformed and continually reinvented drama teaching. She did this by allowing her emerging thinking and understandings to flow from, and be tested by, regular and intensive ‘practicing’ in the classroom. In this way theoretical claims were grounded and evidenced in authentic classroom practice. And yet, for all her impact, it is rare to hear the claim that Heathcote’s pedagogic breakthroughs resulted from a legitimate research methodology. Clever and charismatic teaching yes; research no. One of the world’s best teachers certainly, but not a researcher; even though every lesson was experimental and every classroom was a site for discovery. This paper investigates that conundrum firstly by acknowledging that Heathcote’s practice-led teaching approach to discovery did not map comfortably on to the established educational research traditions of the day. It argues that traditional research methodologies, with their well-established protocols and methods, could not understand or embrace a research process which does its work by creating ‘fictional realities’ of openness, allegory and uncertainty. In recent years however it can be seen that Heathcote’s practice led-teaching, so essential for advancing the field, closely aligns with what many contemporary researchers are now calling practice-led research or practice as research or, in many Nordic countries, artistic research. A form of performative research, practice-led research has not emerged from the field of education but rather from the creative arts. Seeking to develop ways of researching creative practice which is deeply sympathetic and respectful of that practice, artist-researchers have developed practice-led research “which is initiated in practice, where questions, problems, challenges are identified and formed by the needs of practice and practitioners” (Grey, 1996). This sits comfortably with Heathcote’s classroom priority of “discovering by trial, error and testing; using available materials with respect for their nature, and being guided by this appreciation of their potential” (Heathcote, 1967). The paper will conclude by testing the dynamics of Heathcote’s practice-led teaching against the six conditions of practice-led research (Haseman&Mafe, 2011), a testing which will allow for a re-interpretation and re-housing of Dorothy Heathcote’s classroom-based teaching methodology as a form of performative research in its own right.


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This project was initially envisaged as a compare and contrast proposition between two performances in music venues, a year apart, at the Melbourne Ukulele Festivals 2013 and 2014. The covert intermedial incorporation of scripted, theatrical elements into an ostensibly musical performance was the initial focus. However, the opportunity arose to continue the creative practice towards a performance outcome at the Queensland Cabaret Festival at the Brisbane Powerhouse in June of 2014. This expanded project was titled ‘Gentlemen Songsters’ and enabled a refinement and honing of the event beyond what was initially planned. In addition to the composition, recording and curation of original songs, this process involved two cycles of performance, videography, transcription, re-writing and re-performance. Led by this creative practice, the research investigated the potential for sonata and song cycle as influences on performance structure, in the creation and performance of Composed Theatre. This manifested as a theatricalisation of compositional processes. Performed by ‘Tyrone and Lesley’, performance personae of David Megarrity (lyricist/composer/performer/ukulele) and Samuel Vincent (composer, musician, performer), Gentlemen Songsters played at the Brisbane Powerhouse as part of its inaugural Queensland Cabaret Festival on June 13 2014


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This article is a work of non-fiction which draws on my research in football fiction.


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On the 18th of July 2013, three hundred local members of Gladstone, Queensland erupted into song and dance performing the fraught history of their community harbourside through tug boat ballets, taiko drumming, German bell ringing and BMX bike riding. Over 17,500 people attended the four performances of Boomtown, a Queensland Music Festival event. This was the largest regional, outdoor community-engaged musical performance staged in Australia. The narrative moved beyond the dominant, pejorative view of Gladstone as an industrial town to include the community members’ sense of purpose and aspirations. It was a celebratory, contentious and ambitious project that sought to disrupt the traditional conventions of performance-making through working in artistically democratic ways. This article explores the potential for Australian Community Engaged Arts (CEA) projects such as Boomtown to democratically engage community members and co-create culturally meaningful work within a community. Research into CEA projects rarely consider how the often delicate conversations between practitioners and the community work. The complex processes of finding and co-writing the narrative, casting, and rehearsing Boomtown are discussed with reference to artistic director/dramaturge Sean Mee’s innovative approaches. Boomtown began with and concluded with community conversations. Skilful negotiation ensured congruence between the townspeople’s stories and the “community story” presented on stage, abrogating potential problems of narrative ownership. To supplement the research, twenty-one personal interviews were undertaken with Gladstone community members invested in the production before, during and after the project: performers, audience members and local professionals. The stories shared and emphasised in the theatricalised story were based on propitious, meaningful, local stories from lived experiences rather than preconceived, trivial or tokenistic matters, and were underpinned by a consensus formed on what was in the best interests of the majority of community members. Boomtown exposed hidden issues in the community and gave voice to thoughts, feelings and concerns which triggered not just engagement, but honest conversation within the community.


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A creative practice as research, UNDER THIS SKY is the latest investigation in a 12-year study into the “QMF Model”, an application of principles of community and cultural practice that generates large-scale, music spectacle events that derive their narrative and expression from the communities in which they are performed. UNDER THIS SKY is a large-scale musical specially commissioned for the city of Logan (Queensland) as the signature work of the 2015 Queensland Musical Festival. The investigation centres around the capacity of the “QMF Model” to engage with performers and musicians of Logan and then, through community consultation, create a narrative based on idiosyncratic stories and themes that would culminate in a performance event in August 2015. Previous creative projects, Boomtown (Gladstone), Behind the Cane (Bowen) and The Road We’re On (Charleville), were conducted in relatively small communities, Gladstone being the largest. In UNDER THIS SKY, the model is being tested in a large metropolitan city (Logan – 300,000). The core principles of CACD (community arts and cultural development) are being interrogated and adapted to fit this large-scale, whole of community environment. The purpose is to refine and further validate the “QMF Model” as a viable and effective process for community/artistic partnerships. Since February 2014, professional artists and managers have facilitated and shaped the work, up-skilling performers over a periods of 12 months, developing new relationships and creating opportunities for participation at all levels of experience. The research methodology involved creative practice through a continuous cycle of action, reflection, adaptation and application.


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'Actors always talk about what the audience does. I don’t understand, we are just sitting here.' Audience as Performer proposes that in the theatre, there are two troupes of performers: the actors and the audience. Although academics have scrutinised how audiences respond, make meaning and co-create while watching a performance, little research has considered the behaviour of the theatre audience as a performance in and of itself. This insightful book describes how an audience performs through its myriad gestural, vocal and paralingual actions, and considers the following questions: •If the audience are performers, who are their audiences? •How have audiences’ roles changed throughout history? •How do talkbacks and technology influence the audience’s role as critics? •What influence does the audience have on the creation of community in theatre? •How can the audience function as both consumer and co-creator? Drawing from over 140 interviews with audience members, actors and ushers in the UK, USA and Australia, Heim reveals the lived experience of audience members at the theatrical event. It is a fresh reading of mainstream audiences’ activities, bringing their voices to the fore and exploring their emerging new roles in the theatre of the Twenty-First Century.


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Author Toni Morrison said, “All good art is political! There is none that isn’t”. Perhaps this is why the arts and artists throughout history have been positioned as dangerous, troubling and on the margin. Art works can ask questions of us, challenge assumptions and name the un-nameable. Art works challenge hegemonies and the status quo – they trouble politics. So what happens when arts meets politics when it comes to the entitlement for young Australians to an arts-rich education? How do we navigate the tricky waters of the political ebb and flow to champion the agenda for arts education in contemporary classrooms so that our young people can be cultural navigators, cultural auteurs and culture makers?


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Animating Spaces 2013-14 Interim Report Artslink Queensland’s Animating Spaces initiative is a three-year statewide project (2013-2015) that aims to revitalise and celebrate non-traditional, significant, and unusual spaces within fifteen regional Queensland communities. After the completion of two years of Animating Spaces this is the first public interim report highlighting outcomes to date. A final evaluation report will be collated in early 2016 that will capture the Animating Spaces project in its entirety. Developed by Queensland University of Technology evaluation team, Professor Helen Klaebe and Dr. Elizabeth Ellison with the extraordinary assistance of Artslink Queensland staff, in particular Kerryanne Farrer.


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This book is a collection of three large-cast plays written in response to a very specific problem. My work as a teacher of drama often required me to locate a script that would somehow miraculously work for a cast of unknown number and gender, and most likely uneven skills and enthusiasm, who I hadn’t even met yet. It’s a familiar dilemma for teachers and students of drama in education contexts, at whatever level you’re teaching. I’d first addressed this creative problem with scripts such as Gate 38 (2010). I had tried using scripts that already existed, but found they required such extensive editing to suit the parameters of cast and performance duration that I may as well have been writing them myself. Even in the setting of a closed studio, in altering these plays I felt I was bending the vision of the playwright, and certainly their narrative structure, out of shape. Everyone who’s attempted to stage a performance with a large cast of students in an educational setting knows it takes time to truly connect with a play, its social contexts, themes and characters. It also takes a lot of time to get on top of the practicalities of learning, rehearsing, directing and running a performance with young people. Often the curtain goes up on something unfinished and unstable. I was looking for ways to reduce the complexity of staging a script, while maintaining the potential of this process as a site of rich, enjoyable learning. Two of the plays (Duty Free and Please Be Seated) are comprised of multiple monologues, combined with music-driven ensemble sequences. The monologues enable individuals to develop and polish their own performances, work in small groups, and cut down on the laborious detail of directing naturalistic scenes based in character interaction. The third (Australian Drama) involves a lot of duologues, meaning that its rehearsal process can happily employ that mainstay of the drama classroom: small group work. There’s plenty of room to move in terms of gender-blind casting as well. Please be Seated is mainly young women. The scripts also contain ensemble-based interludes which are non-verbal, music driven, with a choreographic element. They have also springboarded further explorations in form. The ethical and aesthetic complexities of verbatim works; the interaction between music and theatre; and meta-concerns related to the performing of performance: ‘how can the act of acting ‘acted’. The narratives of all three of these plays are deliberately open, enabling the flexible casting and on-the hop editing that large-group, time-poor processes sometimes necessitate. Duty Free is about the overseas ‘adventures’ of young people. Please Be Seated is based in verbatim text about young people falling in and out of love. Australian Drama is about young people in a drama classroom trying to connect with each other and put their own shine on dull fragments of the theatrical canon. The plays were published as a collection in hardcopy and digital editions by Playlab Press in 2015. Please be Seated is a co-write with a large group. These co-author’s names are listed in the publication, and below in ‘additional information’.


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Research background: Echoes-World Music in Queensland is a full-length album produced in collaboration with the Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre (BEMAC). The project involved the recording and production of 13 different artists’ original compositions and arrangements of traditional works, drawing on hybrid digital-analog production techniques. The recording of the album was informed by prior scholarly work by Taylor, Feld, Wong and others. These existing studies have discussed the complexities of intercultural collaboration, and the types of cultural politics that are involved in the recording and distribution of what has been known by the term ‘World Music.’ Aspects of applied ethnomusicology have informed the creative work, as a means of interpreting the implicit and explicit complexities that arise through the recording and dissemination of intercultural creative practice. The project asked the research question, in what ways is intercultural music making effected by collaborative practices in the recording studio? Research contribution: This project has identified that the recording and production of intercultural music making involves a complex amalgam of aspects of live or ‘authentic’ performance practices, alongside highly mediated production practices that are influenced by new forms of digital recording technology. Research significance: The compact disc was launched at a live performance showcase as part of the 2014 Big Sound music industry conference, and was added to feature album rotation for all Virgin Australia flights in February-March 2015. The album has received airplay on Radio National, Edge Radio (Hobart) and Radio Adelaide, and was a Feature Album on PBS FM (Melbourne), 2SER (Sydney), and ArtsoundFM Canberrra. The research context of the work is detailed in Gavin Carfoot (in press), ‘Musical discovery, colonialism and the possibilities of intercultural communication through music’ in Popular Communication.


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Research background: Infinite by Josh Lovegrove is an extended play album co-produced in collaboration with ARIA-nominated artist Mark Sholtez. The album consists of original songs written by Lovegrove, and songs co-written by Lovegrove, Carfoot and Sholtez. The scholarly context of the project is informed by studies of songwriting and ambiguity by Negus and Astor, new approaches to the study of record production associated with Zagorski-Thomas, and studies of creative labour by Hesmondhalgh and Baker. The project focused on the dynamics of musical performance and production in the recording studio, investigating the interface between the creative tasks of songwriting, production and performance in the recording of popular music. The project asked, in what ways do collaborative songwriting and production processes overlap, how has the nature of creative labour changed as a result of new forms of digital recording technology, and how can these aspects inform developments in the learning and teaching of popular music? Research contribution: The project has demonstrated the nuanced ways that the practices of record production have changed in the face of technological developments, and how this has impacted upon the specific forms and divisions of creative labour. Research significance: The project resulted in a well-reviewed album release that has further established Lovegrove’s reputation as a performer and songwriter. The creative work underpins ongoing research into the nature of popular music production, in particular how the nature of collaborative songwriting can inform innovation in the learning and teaching of popular music.