524 resultados para 1433


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Sviluppo di una griglia di coronamento e chiusura di canalette di scolo carrabile, in conformità con la normativa europea di riferimento. Le metodologie utilizzate nel corso dello studio affrontato riguardano la comprensione delle regolamentazioni da rispettare, la scelta delle attrezzature adatte e la valutazione comparativa delle idee sviluppate con i prodotti che hanno motivato la tesi. Per ottenere una soluzione valida si è affrontato uno studio della normativa europea UNI EN 1433 che regola le certificazioni di questi particolari prodotti. Le griglie con classe di carico C 250 sono dedicate alla posizione bordo strada e devono superare severe prove di resistenza al carico per poter essere classificate in conformità con la norma europea. In un primo momento lo studio della normativa è servito dunque per comprendere le modalità con cui un prodotto viene testato. Per poter determinare la classe di carico il prodotto deve resistere ad un carico minimo calcolato in base alle dimensioni della superficie libera. Successivamente si è affrontata la scelta del materiale migliore da utilizzare in relazione a resistenza al carico, stampabilità e resa estetica. Questa fase ha visto impegnato il laboratorio qualità interno all’azienda. In questo ambiente diverse campionature di materiale sono state testate in base ai criteri esposti per giungere ad una scelta ottimale per lo scopo finale. Infine la parte principale dello studio ha riguardato l'analisi delle griglie della concorrenza e lo sviluppo di una struttura che risultasse migliorativa rispetto ai prodotti presentati dalle aziende concorrenti. In conclusione, tutti gli studi del presente elaborato sono volti alla ricerca di soluzioni innovative da produrre e immettere sul mercato con l’obiettivo di costituire un prodotto di punta nel settore di competenza.


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Strong genetic change over short spatial scales is surprising among marine species with high dispersal potential. Concordant breaks among several species signals a role for geographic barriers to dispersal. Along the coast of California, such breaks have not been seen across the biogeographic barrier of Point Conception, but other potential geographic boundaries have been surveyed less often.;We tested for strong-population structure in 11 species of Sebastes sampled across two regions containing potential dispersal barriers, and conducted a meta-analysis including four additional species. We show two strong breaks north of Monterey Bay, spanning an oceanographic gradient and an upwelling jet. Moderate genetic structure is just as common in the north as it is in the south, across the biogeographic break at Point Conception. Gene Xow is generally higher among deep-water species, but these conclusions are confounded by phylogeny. Species in the subgenus Sebastosomus have higher structure than those in the subgenus;Pteropodus, despite having larvae with longer pelagic phases. DiVerences in settlement behavior in the face of ocean currents might help explain these diVerences. Across similar species across the same coastal environment, we document a wide variety of patterns in gene Xow, suggesting that interaction of individual species traits such as settlement behavior with environmental factors such as;oceanography can strongly impact population structure


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We studied the time interval between starting tuberculosis treatment and commencing antiretroviral treatment (ART) in HIV-infected patients (n = 1433; median CD4 count 71 cells per microliter, interquartile range: 32-132) attending 3 South African township ART services between 2002 and 2008. The overall median delay was 2.66 months (interquartile range: 1.58-4.17). In adjusted analyses, delays varied between treatment sites but were shorter for patients with lower CD4 counts and those treated in more recent calendar years. During the most recent period (2007-2008), 4.7%, 19.7%, and 51.1% of patients started ART within 2, 4, and 8 weeks of tuberculosis treatment, respectively. Operational barriers must be tackled to permit further acceleration of ART initiation as recommended by 2010 WHO ART guidelines.


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Arterial hypertension in childhood is less frequent as compared to adulthood but is more likely to be secondary to an underlying disorder. After ruling out more obvious causes, some patients still present with strongly suspected secondary hypertension of yet unknown etiology. A number of these children have hypertension due to single gene mutations inherited in an autosomal dominant or recessive fashion. The finding of abnormal potassium levels (low or high) in the presence of suppressed renin secretion, and metabolic alkalosis or acidosis should prompt consideration of these familial diseases. However, mild hypertension and the absence of electrolyte abnormalities do not exclude hereditary conditions. In monogenic hypertensive disorders, three distinct mechanisms leading to the common final pathway of increased sodium reabsorption, volume expansion, and low plasma renin activity are documented. The first mechanism relates to gain-of-function mutations with a subsequent hyperactivity of renal sodium and chloride reabsorption leading to plasma volume expansion (e.g., Liddle's syndrome, Gordon's syndrome). The second mechanism involves deficiencies of enzymes that regulate adrenal steroid hormone synthesis and deactivation (e.g., subtypes of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME)). The third mechanism is characterized by excessive aldosterone synthesis that escapes normal regulatory mechanisms and leading to volume-dependent hypertension in the presence of suppressed renin release (glucocorticoid remediable aldosteronism). Hormonal studies coupled with genetic testing can help in the early diagnosis of these disorders.


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IEF protein binary separations were performed in a 12-μL drop suspended between two palladium electrodes, using pH gradients created by electrolysis of simple buffers at low voltages (1.5-5 V). The dynamics of pH gradient formation and protein separation were investigated by computer simulation and experimentally via digital video microscope imaging in the presence and absence of pH indicator solution. Albumin, ferritin, myoglobin, and cytochrome c were used as model proteins. A drop containing 2.4 μg of each protein was applied, electrophoresed, and allowed to evaporate until it splits to produce two fractions that were recovered by rinsing the electrodes with a few microliters of buffer. Analysis by gel electrophoresis revealed that anode and cathode fractions were depleted from high pI and low pI proteins, respectively, whereas proteins with intermediate pI values were recovered in both fractions. Comparable data were obtained with diluted bovine serum that was fortified with myoglobin and cytochrome c.