608 resultados para 1110
OBJECTIVE: To compare the existence of radiographic abnormalities in two groups of patients, those with and without hip pain. METHODS: A total 222 patients were evaluated between March 2007 and April 2009; 122 complained of groin pain, and 100 had no symptoms. The individuals in both groups underwent radiographic examinations of the hip using the following views: anteroposterior, Lequesne false profile, Dunn, Dunn 45º, and Ducroquet. RESULTS: A total of 1110 radiographs were evaluated. Female patients were prevalent in both groups (52% symptomatic, 58% asymptomatic). There were statistically significant differences between the groups in age (p<0.0001), weight (p = 0.002) and BMI (p = 0.006). The positive findings in the group with groin pain consisted of the presence of a bump on the femoral head in the anteroposterior view (p<0.0001) or in the Dunn 45º view (p = 0.008). The difference in the a angle in the anteroposterior, Dunn, Dunn 45º, and Ducroquet views for all of the cases studied was p,0.0001. The joint space measurement differed significantly between groups in the Lequesne view (p = 0.007). The Lequesne anteversion angle (ρ) and the femoral offset measurement also differed significantly (p = 0.005 and p = 0.0001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the best views for diagnosing a femoroacetabular impingement are the anteroposterior pelvic orthostatic, the Dunn 45º, and the Ducroquet views. The following findings correlated with hip pain: a decrease in the femoral offset, an increase in the α angle, an increase in the Lequesne ρ angle, a decrease in the CE angle of Wiberg, a thinner articular space and the presence of a bump on the femoral head-neck transition.
L’obiettivo della presente dissertazione è la valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica del nucleo storico del complesso di San Giovanni in Monte a Bologna, con i metodi indicati nelle “Linee Guida” del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, secondo i livelli di valutazione LV1 ed LV3. Gli edifici oggetto di studio si inseriscono all’interno di un aggregato storico unico nel suo genere che ha avuto come centro di sviluppo la Chiesa di San Giovanni in Monte e successivamente il complesso costituito da Chiesa e monastero adiacente.
La tesi si pone come finalità quella di analizzare un comprensorio territoriale dal punto di vista insediativo, cercando di coglierne le peculiarità e i mutamenti nel lungo periodo attraverso un uso incrociato di fonti scritte e archeologiche. La ricerca ha preso avvio dall’analisi del Saltopiano, uno dei distretti di ambito rurale che si ritrova nelle fonti tra IX-XII secolo, in passato già affrontato dalla storiografia specialmente in relazione all’organizzazione istituzionale delle aree rurali tra Longobardia e Romania durante i secoli altomedievali. Attraverso l’esame delle fonti scritte edite si è cercato di ricostruire il quadro dell’organizzazione territoriale, partendo dalla disamina dei centri di potere laici ed ecclesiastici che a questa area avevano rivolto il proprio interesse patrimoniale e politico, ma proponendo in modo analitico i dati che forniscono indicazioni dirette in relazione all’organizzazione insediativa e quindi alla gestione del territorio dal punto di vista socioeconomico. E’ stato posto in risalto il carattere di un insediamento rurale a maglie larghe, secondo la scansione in fundi e la presenza di poli di accentramento importanti come pievi, castra, vici e con una compresenza, per quanto ristretta a pochi esempi significativi, di altre forme di organizzazione come la curtis e la massa. Con la prosecuzione dello studio del territorio in senso diacronico, prima la scomparsa del riferimento al Saltopiano, poi la progressiva conquista del contado da parte del Comune di Bologna ha determinato un vero e proprio mutamento nell’approccio di analisi. E’ stato dato spazio all’analisi di fondi inediti (conservati principalmente all’Archivio di Stato di Bologna) e specificamente legati alla realtà territoriale studiata. In primo luogo, sono stati esaminati gli estimi del contado (Galliera e Massumatico), una fonte già frequentata in passato da altri studiosi, soprattutto con un interesse dal punto di vista demografico e economico. Nel caso specifico, sono stati estrapolati dalle prime rilevazioni fiscali del 1235 e del 1245 e poi da quelle di primo Trecento i dati che restituiscono l’organizzazione del territorio in modo concreto. Partendo dalle riflessioni di studi svolti in passato, che avevano considerato il fondamentale inserimento di importanti famiglie cittadine nella gestione sempre più ampia dei beni agricoli nel contado è stata avviata l’analisi di un altro fondo inedito, quello dei registri del Vicariato di Galliera (in particolare quelli concernenti la denuncia dei “danni dati” sulle proprietà agricole), da cui emerge in modo evidente la presenza di famiglie come i Guastavillani, i Caccianemici, i Lambertini. Tali dati, in associazione a quelli tratti dagli estimi, hanno fornito elementi essenziali per la comprensione del territorio rurale nel suo complesso e nei rapporti di interdipendenza tra le diverse componenti sociali. Una terza parte della tesi è dedicata nella sua totalità all’analisi delle fonti materiali che forniscono dati per lo studio dell’insediamento medievale nel territorio compreso tra gli attuali comuni di S. Pietro in Casale e Galliera. Partendo da alcune ricerche preliminari compiute negli anni ’90 del secolo scorso, è stato impostato un progetto di ricerca archeologica articolatosi in due campagne di ricognizione di superficie e in una prima campagna di scavo tramite sondaggio presso la torre di Galliera, al fine di ricavare dati di prima mano in un’area pressoché inesplorata dal punto di vista archeologico. Nonostante i limiti riscontrati dal punto di vista pratico, a causa del terreno fortemente alluvionato, si sono raccolti dati specifici che aiutano a inquadrare questo comprensorio e a confrontarlo con altre aree della regione e in particolare del comitato bolognese studiate in ricerche analoghe, mettendone in evidenza le specificità e le caratterizzazioni. Inoltre, alcune importanti persistenze materiali (un sistema di torri di cui rimangono alcuni esempi ancora conservati in alzato) hanno permesso di gettare luce sul valore commerciale e quindi strategico dell’area, soprattutto in funzione del passaggio delle merci lungo una via fluviale fondamentale tra XIII-XIV secolo nel collegare Ferrara a Bologna.
A wall film model has been implemented in a customized version of KIVA code developed at University of Bologna. Under the hypothesis of `thin laminar ow' the model simulates the dynamics of a liquid wall film generated by impinging sprays. Particular care has been taken in numerical implementation of the model. The major phenomena taken into account in the present model are: wall film formation by impinging spray; body forces, such as gravity or acceleration of the wall; shear stress at the interface with the gas and no slip condition on the wall; momentum contribution and dynamic pressure generated by the tangential and normal component of the impinging drops; film evaporation by heat exchange with wall and surrounding gas. The model doesn't consider the effect of the wavy film motion and suppose that all the impinging droplets adhere to the film. The governing equations have been integrated in space by using a finite volume approach with a first order upwind differencing scheme and they have been integrated in time with a fully explicit method. The model is validated using two different test cases reproducing PFI gasoline and DI Diesel engine wall film conditions.
Many physiological and pathological processes are mediated by the activity of proteins assembled in homo and/or hetero-oligomers. The correct recognition and association of these proteins into a functional complex is a key step determining the fate of the whole pathway. This has led to an increasing interest in selecting molecules able to modulate/inhibit these protein-protein interactions. In particular, our research was focused on Heat Shock Protein 90 (Hsp90), responsible for the activation and maturation and disposition of many client proteins [1], [2] [3]. Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis (ACE) were used to characterize the Hsp90 target and, furthermore, its inhibition process via C-terminal domain driven by the small molecule Coumermycin A1. Circular Dichroism was used as powerful technique to characterize Hsp90 and its co-chaperone Hop in solution for secondary structure content, stability to different pHs, temperatures and solvents. Furthermore, CD was used to characterize ATP but, unfortunately, we were not able to monitor an interaction between ATP and Hsp90. The utility of SPR technology, on the other hand, arises from the possibility of immobilizing the protein on a chip through its N-terminal domain to later study the interaction with small molecules able to disrupt the Hsp90 dimerization on the C-terminal domain. The protein was attached on SPR chip using the “amine coupling” chemistry so that the C-terminal domain was free to interact with Coumermycin A1. The goal of the experiment was achieved by testing a range of concentrations of the small molecule Coumermycin A1. Despite to the large difference in the molecular weight of the protein (90KDa) and the drug (1110.08 Da), we were able to calculate the affinity constant of the interaction that was found to be 11.2 µm. In order to confirm the binding constant calculated for the Hsp90 on the chip, we decided to use Capillary Electrophoresis to test the Coumermycin binding to Hsp90. First, this technique was conveniently used to characterize the Hsp90 sample in terms of composition and purity. The experimental conditions were settled on two different systems, the bared fused silica and the PVA-coated capillary. We were able to characterize the Hsp90 sample in both systems. Furthermore, we employed an application of capillary electrophoresis, the Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis (ACE), to measure and confirm the binding constant calculated for Coumermycin on Optical Biosensor. We found a KD = 19.45 µM. This result compares favorably with the KD previously obtained on biosensor. This is a promising result for the use of our novel approach to screen new potential inhibitors of Hsp90 C-terminal domain.
bénin décentralisation, réhabilitation du marché, autogestion, marché de Bohicon
Somatostatin-based radiolabeled peptides have been successfully introduced into the clinic for targeted imaging and radionuclide therapy of somatostatin receptor (sst)-positive tumors, especially of subtype 2 (sst2). The clinically used peptides are exclusively agonists. Recently, we showed that radiolabeled antagonists may be preferable to agonists because they showed better pharmacokinetics, including higher tumor uptake. Factors determining the performance of radioantagonists have only scarcely been studied. Here, we report on the development and evaluation of four (64)Cu or (68)Ga radioantagonists for PET of sst2-positive tumors.
To compare the intravascular ultrasound virtual histology (IVUS-VH) appearance of the polymeric struts of the first (Revision 1.0) and the second (Revision 1.1) generation bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS).
Early-generation drug-eluting stents releasing sirolimus (SES) or paclitaxel (PES) are associated with increased risk of very late stent thrombosis occurring >1 year after stent implantation. It is unknown whether the risk of very late stent thrombosis persists with newer-generation everolimus-eluting stents (EES).
Innate immunity represents the first line of defence against pathogens and plays key roles in activation and orientation of the adaptive immune response. The innate immune system comprises both a cellular and a humoral arm. Components of the humoral arm include soluble pattern recognition molecules (PRMs) that recognise pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and initiate the immune response in coordination with the cellular arm, therefore acting as functional ancestors of antibodies. The long pentraxin PTX3 is a prototypic soluble PRM that is produced at sites of infection and inflammation by both somatic and immune cells. Gene targeting of this evolutionarily conserved protein has revealed a nonredundant role in resistance to selected pathogens. Moreover, PTX3 exerts important functions at the cross-road between innate immunity, inflammation, and female fertility. Here, we review the studies on PTX3, with emphasis on pathogen recognition and cross-talk with other components of the innate immune system.