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A Comparative Analysis between Ultrasonometry and Computer-Aided Tomography to Evaluate Bone Healing
An ultrasonometric and computed-tomographic study of bone healing was undertaken using a model of a transverse mid-shaft osteotomy of sheep tibiae fixed with a semi-flexible external fixator. Fourteen sheep were operated and divided into two groups of seven according to osteotomy type, either regular or by segmental resection. The animals were killed on the 90th postoperative day and the tibiae resected for the in vitro direct contact transverse and axial measurement of ultrasound propagation velocity (UV) followed by quantitative computer-aided tomography (callus density and volume) through the osteotomy site. The intact left tibiae were used for control, being examined in a symmetrical diaphyseal segment. Regular osteotomies healed with a smaller and more mature callus than resection osteotomies. Axial UV was consistently and significantly higher (p?=?0.01) than transverse UV and both transverse and axial UV were significantly higher for the regular than for the segmental resection osteotomy. Transverse UV did not differ significantly between the intact and operated tibiae (p?=?0.20 for regular osteotomy; p?=?0.02 for resection osteotomy), but axial UV was significantly higher for the intact tibiae. Tomographic callus density was significantly higher for the regular than for the resection osteotomy and higher than both for the intact tibiae, presenting a strong positive correlation with UV. Callus volume presented an opposite behavior, with a negative correlation with UV. We conclude that UV is at least as precise as quantitative tomography for providing information about the healing state of both regular and resection osteotomy. (C) 2011 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 30:10761082, 2012
A systematic study is presented for centrality, transverse momentum (p(T)), and pseudorapidity (eta) dependence of the inclusive charged hadron elliptic flow (v(2)) at midrapidity (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 1.0) in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, and 39 GeV. The results obtained with different methods, including correlations with the event plane reconstructed in a region separated by a large pseudorapidity gap and four-particle cumulants (v(2){4}), are presented to investigate nonflow correlations and v(2) fluctuations. We observe that the difference between v(2){2} and v(2){4} is smaller at the lower collision energies. Values of v(2), scaled by the initial coordinate space eccentricity, v(2)/epsilon, as a function of p(T) are larger in more central collisions, suggesting stronger collective flow develops in more central collisions, similar to the results at higher collision energies. These results are compared to measurements at higher energies at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (root s(NN) = 62.4 and 200 GeV) and at the Large Hadron Collider (Pb + Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV). The v(2)(pT) values for fixed pT rise with increasing collision energy within the pT range studied (<2 GeV/c). A comparison to viscous hydrodynamic simulations is made to potentially help understand the energy dependence of v(2)(pT). We also compare the v(2) results to UrQMD and AMPT transport model calculations, and physics implications on the dominance of partonic versus hadronic phases in the system created at beam energy scan energies are discussed.
Cefadroxil is a semi-synthetic first-generation oral cephalosporin used in the treatment of mild to moderate infections of the respiratory and urinary tracts, skin and soft tissue infections. In this work a simple, rapid, economic and sensitive HPLC-UV method is described for the quantitative determination of cefadroxil in human plasma samples using lamivudine as internal standard. Sample pre-treatment was accomplished through protein precipitation with acetonitrile and chromatographic separation was performed with a mobile phase consisting of a mixture of sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate solution, methanol and acetonitrile in the ratio of 90:8:2 (v/v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0mL/min. The proposed method is linear between 0.4 to 40.0 mu g/mL and its average recovery is 102.21% for cefadroxil and 97.94% for lamivudine. The method is simple, sensitive, reproducible, less time consuming for determination of cefadroxil in human plasma. The method can therefore be recommended for pharmacokinetics studies, including bioavailability and bioequivalence studies.
Background: The controversial effects promoted by cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) on the ventricular repolarization (VR) have motivated VR evaluation by body surface potential mapping (BSPM) in CRT patients. Methods: Fifty-two CRT patients, mean age 58.8 +/- 12.3 years, 31 male, LVEF 27.5 +/- 9.2, NYHA III-IV heart failure with QRS181.5 +/- 14.2 ms, underwent 87-lead BSPM in sinus rhythm (BASELINE) and biventricular pacing (BIV). Measurements of mean and corrected QT intervals and dispersion, mean and corrected T peak end intervals and their dispersion, and JT intervals characterized global and regional (RV, Intermediate, and LV regions) ventricular repolarization response. Results: Global QTm (P < 0.001) and QTcm (P < 0.05) were decreased in BIV; QTm was similar across regions in both modes (P = ns); QTcm values were lower in RV/LV than in Intermediate region in BASELINE and BIV (P < 0.001); only RV/Septum showed a significant difference (P < 0.01) in the BIV mode. QTD values both of BASELINE (P < 0.01) and BIV (P < 0.001) were greater in the Intermediate than in the LV region. CRT effect significantly reduced global/regional QTm and QTcm values. QTD was globally decreased in RV/LV (Intermediate: P = ns). BIV mode significantly reduced global T peak end mean and corrected intervals and their dispersion. JT values were not significant. Conclusions: Ventricular repolarization parameters QTm, QTcm, and QTD global/regional values, as assessed by BSPM, were reduced in patients under CRT with severe HF and LBBB. Greater recovery impairment in the Intermediate region was detected by the smaller variation of its dispersion.
Background In human malaria, the naturally-acquired immune response can result in either the elimination of the parasite or a persistent response mediated by cytokines that leads to immunopathology. The cytokines are responsible for all the symptoms, pathological alterations and the outcome of the infection depends on the reciprocal regulation of the pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. IL-10 and IFN-gamma are able to mediate this process and their production can be affected by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on gene of these cytokines. In this study, the relationship between cytokine IL-10/IFN-gamma levels, parasitaemia, and their gene polymorphisms was examined and the participation of pro-inflammatory and regulatory balance during a natural immune response in Plasmodium vivax-infected individuals was observed. Methods The serum levels of the cytokines IL-4, IL-12, IFN-gamma and IL-10 from 132 patients were evaluated by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). The polymorphism at position +874 of the IFN-gamma gene was identified by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (ASO-PCR) method, and the polymorphism at position -1082 of the IL-10 gene was analysed by PCR-RFLP (PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism). Results The levels of a pro- (IFN-gamma) and an anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-10) were significantly higher in P. vivax-infected individuals as compared to healthy controls. The IFN-gamma levels in primoinfected patients were significantly higher than in patients who had suffered only one and more than one previous episode. The mutant alleles of both IFN-gamma and IL-10 genes were more frequent than the wild allele. In the case of the IFNG+874 polymorphism (IFN-gamma) the frequencies of the mutant (A) and wild (T) alleles were 70.13% and 29.87%, respectively. Similar frequencies were recorded in IL-10-1082, with the mutant (A) allele returning a frequency of 70.78%, and the wild (G) allele a frequency of 29.22%. The frequencies of the alleles associated with reduced production of both IFN-gamma and IL-10 were high, but this effect was only observed in the production of IFN-gamma. Conclusions This study has shown evidence of reciprocal regulation of the levels of IL-10 and IFN-gamma cytokines in P. vivax malaria, which is not altered by the presence of polymorphism in the IL-10 gene.
Background In human malaria, the naturally-acquired immune response can result in either the elimination of the parasite or a persistent response mediated by cytokines that leads to immunopathology. The cytokines are responsible for all the symptoms, pathological alterations and the outcome of the infection depends on the reciprocal regulation of the pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. IL-10 and IFN-gamma are able to mediate this process and their production can be affected by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on gene of these cytokines. In this study, the relationship between cytokine IL-10/IFN-gamma levels, parasitaemia, and their gene polymorphisms was examined and the participation of pro-inflammatory and regulatory balance during a natural immune response in Plasmodium vivax-infected individuals was observed. Methods The serum levels of the cytokines IL-4, IL-12, IFN-gamma and IL-10 from 132 patients were evaluated by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). The polymorphism at position +874 of the IFN-gamma gene was identified by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (ASO-PCR) method, and the polymorphism at position -1082 of the IL-10 gene was analysed by PCR-RFLP (PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism). Results The levels of a pro- (IFN-gamma) and an anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-10) were significantly higher in P. vivax-infected individuals as compared to healthy controls. The IFN-gamma levels in primoinfected patients were significantly higher than in patients who had suffered only one and more than one previous episode. The mutant alleles of both IFN-gamma and IL-10 genes were more frequent than the wild allele. In the case of the IFNG+874 polymorphism (IFN-gamma) the frequencies of the mutant (A) and wild (T) alleles were 70.13% and 29.87%, respectively. Similar frequencies were recorded in IL-10-1082, with the mutant (A) allele returning a frequency of 70.78%, and the wild (G) allele a frequency of 29.22%. The frequencies of the alleles associated with reduced production of both IFN-gamma and IL-10 were high, but this effect was only observed in the production of IFN-gamma. Conclusions This study has shown evidence of reciprocal regulation of the levels of IL-10 and IFN-gamma cytokines in P. vivax malaria, which is not altered by the presence of polymorphism in the IL-10 gene.
Pesquisa fundamentada na fenomenologia de Martin Heidegger que objetivou compreender as necessidades de cuidados das mulheres infectadas pelo Papilomavírus Humanos. Participaram catorze mulheres que haviam recebido o diagnóstico dessa infecção. As questões norteadoras foram: como é, para você, estar com este diagnóstico? Conte-me sua experiência, desde que soube do diagnóstico até hoje. Como está sendo a assistência que você tem recebido? O desvelamento do tema - buscando o cuidado como solicitude - mostrou a importância do suporte dos familiares e de amigos. A presença da infecção como motivo de conflitos e separação conjugal foi outro aspecto ressaltado. Os depoimentos deixam em evidência a resignação após a tentativa frustrada de busca por informações precisas e esclarecedoras para a tomada de decisões assertivas. As ações de saúde à mulher infectada necessitam ultrapassar os modelos tradicionais de cuidado, incluindo ações de promoção e prevenção à saúde, com profissionais capacitados, sensíveis à dimensão subjetiva.
La tesi di Dottorato espone i risultati dell’analisi condotta su alcune tipologie di canto profano a due parti, osservate nella tradizione orale di specifiche aree rurali: le espressioni diafoniche oggetto di indagine sono state individuate in diverse regioni, prevalentemente nell’Italia centro-meridionale e in Sicilia, con alcune propaggini nell’Italia nord-orientale e in alcune aree europee abitate da minoranze italiane (Istria slovena e croata). I documenti analizzati sono stati reperiti grazie alla ricerca sul campo e rintracciati anche nelle pubblicazioni discografiche, nei cataloghi dei più importanti archivi pubblici e privati italiani. Sono stati definiti i caratteri formali dei repertori e l’indagine realizzata ha inoltre condotto a una mappatura attestante la presenza di repertori vocali simili in diverse sub-aree della Penisola, confermando la estesa diffusione di pratiche diafoniche tradizionali in Italia. Sulla base di analogie e ricorrenze è stato rilevato che le espressioni diafoniche italiane possono essere attribuite a una remota tradizione comune: sebbene le peculiarità relative a ciascun repertorio siano in molti casi abbastanza marcate, le connotazioni strutturali e i modi performativi che distinguono tali repertori pare vogliano indicare di essere di fronte a testimonianze di una tradizione musicale arcaica, in cui è possibile individuare procedure e attitudini diafoniche simili e condivise. L’ultima parte dell’indagine espone alcune riflessioni emerse dal confronto tra le forme diafoniche analizzate e repertori polifonici conservati nella tradizione scritta, prendendo come punto di partenza gli studi di Nino Pirrotta: ne emergono considerazioni per l’individuazione e l’analisi di possibili comuni occorrenze all’interno di pratiche performative localmente convergenti, pur se subordinate a modi di trasmissione diversi (tradizione scritta e non scritta della musica).
Realisierung des 3He-Kreislaufs zur 3He-Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographie In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde ein 3He-Kreislauf für die 3He-Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographie realisiert. Dazu wurde eine einfache Methode entwickelt, mit deren Hilfe es möglich ist,die Kernspinpolarisation von hyperpolarisiertem 3He bei hohen Drucken zu bestimmen.Bei einem Druck von ca. 3 bar konnte die Polarisation bis auf einen relativen Fehlervon etwa 5 % genau bestimmt werden. Zum Transport des polarisierten 3He wurden Magnetfelder konstruiert, die in einem Volumenbis zu V = 13,8 l ein homogenes Führungsfeld bereitstellen. Diese besitzen eineabschirmende Wirkung auf äußere Felder, und die benötigten magnetischen Flußdichten vonetwa 8 Gauá werden durch Permanentmagneten erzeugt. Bei geschwindigkeitsgewichteten Untersuchungen an zylindrischen Phantomen und Probandenkonnte laminare Strömung von 3He-Luftgemischen mit der Methode der 3He-vMRT bestimmtwerden. Bei zweidimensionalen Untersuchungen ließen sich laminare Strömungsprofile mitihren absoluten, ortsabhängigen Geschwindigkeiten ermitteln, während eindimensionalenMessungen ebenfalls laminare Strömungsprofile zeigten. Mit einer eigens entwickelten He-Aufbereitung wurden bis zu 95,8 % des eingeatmetenHeliums aus dem ausgeatmeten Gas zurückgewonnen. Der Anfangsgehalt an Helium betrugetwa 2 % und konnte um mehr als 6 Größenordnungen angereichert werden. Die Gasreinheitreichte aus, um eine erneute Polarisation des 3He zu ermöglichen. Die erreichteMaximalpolarisation lag dabei nur geringfügig unter der mit originalem 3He.
Research in rodents demonstrated that psychological stress increases circulating levels of alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, and alkaline phosphatase reflecting liver injury. Moreover, chronic posttraumatic stress disorder and transaminases predicted coronary heart disease.
There is no standard treatment for patients with locally advanced esophageal carcinoma without systemic metastasis in whom surgery is no longer considered a reasonable option.