991 resultados para 1 Cor 15, 20-28


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Durante o exercício, indivíduos com diabetes tipo 1 podem necessitar um aporte maior de carboidratos (CHO), do que os contidos nas bebidas esportivas, para manter os níveis de glicose sanguínea. OBJETIVO: Verificar a resposta glicêmica em adolescentes diabéticos tipo 1, durante 60 minutos e após 60 minutos do término de exercício submáximo (55-65% do VO2max) em ciclo ergômetro em 2 situações: (1) com a utilização de bebida carboidratada a 8% (CHO 8%) e (2) com a utilização de bebida carboidratada a 10% (CHO 10%). MÉTODOS: Dezesseis adolescentes (10 meninos e 6 meninas – 16,25 ± 2,65 anos), com diabetes tipo 1 controlada (HbA1c< 7,31%) e sem complicações da doença, pedalaram a 55-65% do VO2max por 60 min em dois dias separados. Os sujeitos ingeriram tanto a bebida com CHO 8% como a CHO 10% (2,62 g e 3,28 g de frutose; e 5,38 g e 6,72 g de glicose em 100 ml, respectivamente) em cada uma das duas sessões de exercício. As duas bebidas eram similares na cor e no sabor. O volume ingerido das bebidas foi de 5 ml·kg-1 15 min antes do exercício, e 2 ml·kg-1 a cada 15 min de exercício, oferecidos de forma randomizada e duplo-cega. RESULTADOS: Após 60 min de bicicleta, houve uma redução não significativa de 20,06 mg·dL-1 (p>0,05) e a manutenção (-0,533 mg·dL- 1)(p>0,05) da glicemia capilar com a ingestão das bebida CHO 8% e CHO 10%, respectivamente. Durante o exercício, a diferença entre os deltas das bebidas também não foi significativa (p=0,056). No período de recuperação, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na glicemia entre as sessões. Também não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as sessões na freqüência cardíaca, taxa de percepção ao esforço, peso pré e pós-exercício e nos sintomas gastrointestinais. CONCLUSÃO: A ingestão de bebida contendo 8% e 10% de CHO preveniu uma redução significativa na glicemia induzida por uma hora de exercício contínuo em adolescentes com diabetes tipo 1.


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Iowa Lottery Retailer Newsletter


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The objective of this study was to determine the kinetic parameters of a new formulation that contained 2.25% ivermectin combined with 1.25% abamectin in bovine plasma. The results for 2.25% ivermectin: C-max (37.11 ng/mL +/- 7.42), T-max (16 days +/- 5.29), T-1/2 (44.62 days +/- 53.89), AUC (928.2 ng.day/mL +/- 153.83) and MRT (36.73 days +/- 33.64), and for 1.25% abamectin: C-max (28.70 ng/mL +/- 9.54), T-max (14 days +/- 4.04), T-1/2 (15.40 days +/- 11.43), AUC (618.05 ng.day/mL +/- 80.27) and MRT (20.79 days +/- 8.43) suggest that this combination of 2.25% ivermectin + 1.25% abamectin possesses properties that give this pharmaceutical formula a longer activity time than two of the commercial products tested (1% ivermectin and 1% abamectin), and showed similarity to 3.15% ivermectin.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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1. Friedrich Pollock: Verzeichnis der Änderungen in den Essays nach der Bearbeitung durch Alfred Schmidt, 4 Blatt; 2. Derselbe: Eigenhändige Korrekturnotiz zum Manuskript Schmidt, 1 Blatt; 3. Derselbe: Eigenhändige Notiz über Verteilung von Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; 4. Derselbe: Ergänzungen zu den Korrekturen vom 15. und 20.03.1968. a) 8 Blatt b) 8 Blatt; 5. Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 6. Friedrich Pollock [?]: Verzeichnis der Essays von Max Horkheimer und der Korrekturen. a) 8 Blatt b) Teilstücke, 2 Blatt; 7. Derselbe [?]: Verzeichnis der Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 8. Derselbe: Eigenhändige Gesprächsnotiz, 1 Blatt; 9. Derselbe: Eigenhändige Gesprächsnotiz, 1 Blatt; 10. Derselbe: "Sprachregeln", eigenhändige Notiz, 1 Blatt; 11. Derselbe: "Bedenkliche Stellen", eigenhändiges Verzeichnis, 1 Blatt; 12. Derselbe: "Vorschlag für den Inhalt von Max Horkheimers Essays I", eigenhändiges Verzeichnis, 1 Blatt; 13. Derselbe: Eigenhändige Gesprächsnotiz Friedrich Pollocks - Max Horkheimers über Pro und Contra, Neuveröffentlichung, 1 Blatt; 14. S. Fischer Verlaf: Schätzung des Umfangs der Essys, 1 Blatt; 15. Friedrich Pollock: Verzeichnis der Essays von Max Horkheimer, 3 Blatt; 16. Handschriftliches Verzeichnis der Aufsätze, Reden und Schriften Max Horkheimers, 4 Blatt; 17. "Max Horkheimer Essays" Verzeichnis, 1 Blatt; 18. Schönbach, Peter: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift an Max Horkheimer Frankfurt, 11.09.1964, 7 Blatt; 19. Liste der Anmerkungen Frau Dr. Adornos zu den Aufsätzen Prof. Horkheimers in der Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, 2 Blatt; 20. Adorno, Gretel: 4 Briefe mit Unterschrift an Max Horkheimer, Korrekturvorschläge Frankfurt am Main 1962-1963, 5 Blatt; Vowort zur Neupublikation 1968 der Aufsätze aus der Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung (GS 3, S. 14-19); 1964-1968; Veröffentlicht in: Max Horkheimer "Kritische Theorie", Frankfurt am Main 1968, Seite IX- IXV; 1. Entwürfe Juli- September 1968; 2. Kalb, Peter E.: 1 Brief an Max Horkheimer und Beilage, Frankfurt am Main, 02.08.1968, 2 Blatt; 3. Klappentext der Buchausgabe, Korrekturfahne mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen; 4. Adorno, Theodor W.: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift an Max Horkheimer, Frankfurt, 17.07.1968, 1 Blatt; 5. Horkheimer, Max: "Der neuste Angriff auf die Metaphysik". Sonderdruck der Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung VI, 1937, mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen; 6. Derselbe: "Autoritärer Staat" Teilstücke aus der Gedenkschrift für Walter Benjamin, 1942. Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 21 Blatt; 7. "Zitate aus 'Autoritärer Staat' heute", 4 Blatt; 8. Schmidt, Alfred: "Zur Idee der kritischen Theorie" = Nachwort zur Buchausgabe. Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen von Max Horkheimer, 38 Blatt; 9. N.N.: Ergänzungsvorschläge zu dem Nachwort von Dr. Schmidt, 3 Blatt;


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Manganese nodules research has focused on the area between the Clarion Fracture Zone to the North and the Clipperton Fracture Zone to the South where significant concentrations were found ni Ni-Cu. During the CCOP/SOPAC-IOC/IDOE International workshop on the "Geology Mineral Resources and Geophysics of the South Pacific" held in Fiji in September 1975, a working group on manganese nodules was formed by scientists from: CNEXO, Brest, the Institute of Oceanography, New Zealand, Imperial College, London and the Technical University of Aachen. A draft project was presented in July 1976 by J. Andrews, University of Hawaii and G. Pautot, Cnexo on a joint survey under the name of: "Hawaii-Tahiti Transect program". Further details were worked on in September 1976 during the International Geological Congress in Sydney with the participation of D. Cronan, Imperial College, Glasby, New Zealand Geological Survey and G. Friedrich, Aachen TU. The scientific final program was established in July 1977, planning on the participation of three research vessels: the Suroit (CNEXO), the Kana Keoki (U. of Hawaii) and the Sonne (Aachen TU). Several survey areas were selected across the Pacific Ocean (Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H) with about the same crustal age (about 40 million years) and a similar water depths. Being near large fault zones, the ares would be adequate to study the influences of biological productivity, sedimentation rate and possibly volcanic activity on the formation and growth of manganese nodules. The influnece of volcanic activity study would particularly apply to area G being situated near the Marquesas Fracture Zone. The cruise from R/V Sonne started in August 1978 over areas C, D, F, G K. The R/V suroit conducted a similar expedition in 1979 over areas A, B, C, D, E, H and I. Others cruises were planned during the 1979-1980 for the R/V Kana Keoki. The present text relates the R/V Sonne Cruises SO-06/1 and SO-06/2 held within the frame work of this international cooperative project.