996 resultados para 0404 Geophysics
The UK’s transportation network is supported by critical geotechnical assets (cuttings/embankments/dams) that require sustainable, cost-effective management, while maintaining an appropriate service level to meet social, economic, and environmental needs. Recent effects of extreme weather on these geotechnical assets have highlighted their vulnerability to climate variations. We have assessed the potential of surface wave data to portray the climate-related variations in mechanical properties of a clay-filled railway embankment. Seismic data were acquired bimonthly from July 2013 to November 2014 along the crest of a heritage railway embankment in southwest England. For each acquisition, the collected data were first processed to obtain a set of Rayleigh-wave dispersion and attenuation curves, referenced to the same spatial locations. These data were then analyzed to identify a coherent trend in their spatial and temporal variability. The relevance of the observed temporal variations was also verified with respect to the experimental data uncertainties. Finally, the surface wave dispersion data sets were inverted to reconstruct a time-lapse model of S-wave velocity for the embankment structure, using a least-squares laterally constrained inversion scheme. A key point of the inversion process was constituted by the estimation of a suitable initial model and the selection of adequate levels of spatial regularization. The initial model and the strength of spatial smoothing were then kept constant throughout the processing of all available data sets to ensure homogeneity of the procedure and comparability among the obtained VS sections. A continuous and coherent temporal pattern of surface wave data, and consequently of the reconstructed VS models, was identified. This pattern is related to the seasonal distribution of precipitation and soil water content measured on site.
A significant portion of the UK’s transportation system relies on a network of geotechnical earthworks (cuttings and embankments) that were constructed more than 100 years ago, whose stability is affected by the change in precipitation patterns experienced over the past few decades. The vulnerability of these structures requires a reliable, cost- and time-effective monitoring of their geomechanical condition. We have assessed the potential application of P-wave refraction for tracking the seasonal variations of seismic properties within an aged clay-filled railway embankment, located in southwest England. Seismic data were acquired repeatedly along the crest of the earthwork at regular time intervals, for a total period of 16 months. P-wave first-break times were picked from all available recorded traces, to obtain a set of hodocrones referenced to the same spatial locations, for various dates along the surveyed period of time. Traveltimes extracted from each acquisition were then compared to track the pattern of their temporal variability. The relevance of such variations over time was compared with the data experimental uncertainty. The multiple set of hodocrones was subsequently inverted using a tomographic approach, to retrieve a time-lapse model of VPVP for the embankment structure. To directly compare the reconstructed VPVP sections, identical initial models and spatial regularization were used for the inversion of all available data sets. A consistent temporal trend for P-wave traveltimes, and consequently for the reconstructed VPVP models, was identified. This pattern could be related to the seasonal distribution of precipitation and soil-water content measured on site.
A significant portion of UK’s infrastructures earthworks was built more than 100 years ago, without modern construction standards: poor maintenance and the change of precipitations pattern experienced in the past decades are currently compromising their stability, leading to an increasing number of failures. To address the need for a reliable and time-efficient monitoring of earthworks at risk of failure we propose here the use of two established seismic techniques for the characterization of the near surface, MASW and P-wave refraction. We have regularly collected MASW and P-wave refraction data, from March 2014 to February 2015, along 4 reduced-scale seismic lines located on the flanks of a heritage railway embankment located in Broadway, SW of England. We have observed a definite temporal variability in terms of phase velocities of SW dispersion curves and of P-wave travel times. The accurate choice of ad-hoc inversion strategies has allowed to reconstruct reliable VP and VS models through which it is potentially possible to track the temporal variations of geo-mechanical properties of the embankment slopes. The variability over time of seismic data and seismic velocities seems to correlate well with rainfall data recorded in the days immediately preceding the date of acquisition.
Geological, biological, morphological, and hydrochemical data are presented for the newly discovered Moytirra vent field at 45oN. This is the only high temperature hydrothermal vent known between the Azores and Iceland, in the North Atlantic and is located on a slow to ultraslow-spreading mid-ocean ridge uniquely situated on the 300 m high fault scarp of the eastern axial wall, 3.5 km from the axial volcanic ridge crest. Furthermore, the Moytirra vent field is, unusually for tectonically controlled hydrothermal vents systems, basalt hosted and perched midway up on the median valley wall and presumably heated by an off-axis magma chamber. The Moytirra vent field consists of an alignment of four sites of venting, three actively emitting "black smoke," producing a complex of chimneys and beehive diffusers. The largest chimney is 18 m tall and vigorously venting. The vent fauna described here are the only ones documented for the North Atlantic (Azores to Reykjanes Ridge) and significantly expands our knowledge of North Atlantic biodiversity. The surfaces of the vent chimneys are occupied by aggregations of gastropods (Peltospira sp.) and populations of alvinocaridid shrimp (Mirocaris sp. with Rimicaris sp. also present). Other fauna present include bythograeid crabs (Segonzacia sp.) and zoarcid fish (Pachycara sp.), but bathymodiolin mussels and actinostolid anemones were not observed in the vent field. The discovery of the Moytirra vent field therefore expands the known latitudinal distributions of several vent-endemic genera in the north Atlantic, and reveals faunal affinities with vents south of the Azores rather than north of Iceland. © 2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
A água subterrânea de rochas duras é uma fonte importante para fins domésticos, industriais e agrícolas e mesmo para o consumo humano. A geologia, a tectónica, a geomorfologia e as características hidrológicas controlam o fluxo, ocorrência e armazenamento das águas subterrâneas. A disponibilidade da água subterrânea no meio geológico está totalmente dependente das áreas de recarga e de descarga numa determinada bacia. A precipitação é a principal fonte de recarga em aquíferos descontínuos, enquanto que a descarga depende dos declives do terreno e dos gradientes do nível hidrostático e ainda das condições hidrogeológicas do solo. A hidrogeomorfologia é um domínio interdisciplinar emergente, que estuda as relações entre as unidades geomorfológicas e o regime das águas superficiais e subterrâneas de uma determinada área. A compreensão do papel da geomorfologia é essencial para avaliar de forma rigorosa os sistemas hidrogeológicos e os recursos hídricos. Os dados de detecção remota providenciam uma informação espacial valiosa e actualizada da superfície terrestre e dos recursos naturais. Os recentes avanços tecnológicos colocaram as técnicas de detecção remota e os sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG) numa posição cimeira como ferramentas de gestão metodológica. Foi criada, em ambiente SIG, uma base de geo-dados, essencialmente derivada da detecção remota, da cartografia e do trabalho de campo. Esta base de dados, organizada em diferentes níveis de informação, inclui uma avaliação principalmente focalizada no uso do solo, climatologia, declives, geologia, geomorfologia e hidrogeologia. No presente estudo foram cruzados diversos níveis de informação, com a geração de múltiplos mapas temáticos para atingir um quadro integrado dos diversos sectores no Norte e Centro de Portugal. Os sectores em estudo (Caldas da Cavaca, Termas de Entre-os-Rios, Águas de Arouca e Águas do Alardo) estão localizados em sistemas hidrogeológicos predominantemente constituídos por rochas graníticas, por vezes intersectadas por filões de quartzo, aplito-pegmatíticos e doleríticos. Para apoiar a elaboração dos mapas hidrogeomorfológicos foi criada uma base SIG, contendo diversa informação, nomeadamente topografia, hidrografia, litologia, tectónica, morfoestrutura, hidrogeologia, geofísica e uso do solo. Além disso, foram realizadas várias campanhas de campo, as quais permitiram: o estabelecimento dum mapeamento geológico, geomorfológico e hidrogeológico; a caracterização in situ do grau de alteração, resistência e grau de fracturação dos maciços rochosos; o desenvolvimento de um inventário hidrogeológico em conjunto com alguns ensaios expeditos in situ. A interligação entre os parâmetros geomorfológicos, hidrológicos e hidrogeológicos dos sistemas de água subterrânea “normal” e hidromineral destaca a importância de uma cartografia e duma modelação conceptual hidrogeomorfológica. Além disso, contribuirá para um melhor apoio à decisão na gestão sustentável dos recursos hídricos.
We have implemented the WRF-Chem model version 3.5 over Poland to quantify the direct and indirect feedback effects of aerosols on simulated meteorology and aerosol concentrations. Observations were compared with results from three simulations at high spatial resolutions of 5 × 5 km: (1) BASE—without any aerosol feedback effects; (2) DIR—with direct aerosol-radiative effects (3) INDIR—with direct and indirect aerosol-radiative effects. We study the overall effect during January 2011 as well as selected episodes of the highest differences in PM10 concentrations between the three simulations. For the DIR simulation, the decrease in monthly mean incoming solar radiation (SWDOWN) appears for the entire study area. It changes geographically, from about −8.0 to −2.0 W m−2, respectively for the southern and northern parts of the country. The highest changes do not correspond to the highest PM10 concentration. Due to the solar radiation changes, the surface mean monthly temperature (T2) decreases for 96 % of the area of Poland, but not more than 1.0 °C. Monthly mean PBLH changes by more than ±5 m for 53 % of the domain. Locally the differences in PBLH between the DIR and BASE are higher than ± 20 m. Due to the direct effect, for 84 % of the domain, the mean monthly PM10 concentrations increase by up to 1.9 µg m−3. For the INDIR simulation the spatial distribution of changes in incoming solar radiation as well as air temperature is similar to the DIR simulation. The decrease of SWDOWN is noticed for the entire domain and for 23 % of the domain is higher than −5.0 W m−2. The absolute differences of PBLH are slightly higher for INDIR than DIR but similarly distributed spatially. For daily episodes, the differences between the simulations are higher, both for meteorology and PM10 concentrations, and the pattern of changes is usually more complex. The results indicate the potential importance of the aerosol feedback effects on modelled meteorology and PM10 concentrations.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado elaborado no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa no âmbito do protocolo de cooperação entre o ISEL e o LNEC
This paper presents the TEC4SEA research infrastructure created in Portugal to support research, development, and validation of marine technologies. It is a multidisciplinary open platform, capable of supporting research, development, and test of marine robotics, telecommunications, and sensing technologies for monitoring and operating in the ocean environment. Due to the installed research facilities and its privileged geographic location, it allows fast access to deep sea, and can support multidisciplinary research, enabling full validation and evaluation of technological solutions designed for the ocean environment. It is a vertically integrated infrastructure, in the sense that it possesses a set of skills and resources which range from pure conceptual research to field deployment missions, with strong industrial and logistic capacities in the middle tier of prototype production. TEC4SEA is open to the entire scientific and enterprise community, with a free access policy for researchers affiliated with the research units that ensure its maintenance and sustainability. The paper describes the infrastructure in detail, and discusses associated research programs, providing a strategic vision for deep sea research initiatives, within the context of both the Portuguese National Ocean Strategy and European Strategy frameworks.
Waveform tomographic imaging of crosshole georadar data is a powerful method to investigate the shallow subsurface because of its ability to provide images of pertinent petrophysical parameters with extremely high spatial resolution. All current crosshole georadar waveform inversion strategies are based on the assumption of frequency-independent electromagnetic constitutive parameters. However, in reality, these parameters are known to be frequency-dependent and complex and thus recorded georadar data may show significant dispersive behavior. In this paper, we evaluate synthetically the reconstruction limits of a recently published crosshole georadar waveform inversion scheme in the presence of varying degrees of dielectric dispersion. Our results indicate that, when combined with a source wavelet estimation procedure that provides a means of partially accounting for the frequency-dependent effects through an "effective" wavelet, the inversion algorithm performs remarkably well in weakly to moderately dispersive environments and has the ability to provide adequate tomographic reconstructions.
Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful technique for studying structural and dynamical properties of disordered and partially ordered materials, such as glasses, polymers, liquid crystals, and biological materials. In particular, twodimensional( 2D) NMR methods such as ^^C-^^C correlation spectroscopy under the magicangle- spinning (MAS) conditions have been used to measure structural constraints on the secondary structure of proteins and polypeptides. Amyloid fibrils implicated in a broad class of diseases such as Alzheimer's are known to contain a particular repeating structural motif, called a /5-sheet. However, the details of such structures are poorly understood, primarily because the structural constraints extracted from the 2D NMR data in the form of the so-called Ramachandran (backbone torsion) angle distributions, g{^,'4)), are strongly model-dependent. Inverse theory methods are used to extract Ramachandran angle distributions from a set of 2D MAS and constant-time double-quantum-filtered dipolar recoupling (CTDQFD) data. This is a vastly underdetermined problem, and the stability of the inverse mapping is problematic. Tikhonov regularization is a well-known method of improving the stability of the inverse; in this work it is extended to use a new regularization functional based on the Laplacian rather than on the norm of the function itself. In this way, one makes use of the inherently two-dimensional nature of the underlying Ramachandran maps. In addition, a modification of the existing numerical procedure is performed, as appropriate for an underdetermined inverse problem. Stability of the algorithm with respect to the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio is examined using a simulated data set. The results show excellent convergence to the true angle distribution function g{(j),ii) for the S/N ratio above 100.
Afin de mieux comprendre les effets des changements climatiques sur le pergélisol, il s’avère essentiel d’obtenir une meilleure connaissance des facteurs physiques et biologiques l’influençant. Même si plusieurs études font référence à l’influence de la végétation sur le pergélisol à grande échelle, l’effet de la végétation sur la profondeur du front de dégel du pergélisol à l’échelle de mètres, tel qu’exploré ici, est peu connu. L’étude s’est effectuée dans une forêt boréale tourbeuse dans la zone à pergélisol discontinu au sud des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (N61°18’, O121°18’). Nous avons comparé la profondeur de dégel aux mesures du couvert végétal suivantes : densité arborescente, couvert arbustif, indice de surface foliaire et présence de cryptogames (lichens et bryophytes). Nous avons trouvé qu’une plus grande densité arborescente menait à une moins grande profondeur de dégel tandis que le couvert arbustif (<50cm de hauteur) n’avait aucune influence. De plus, la profondeur de dégel dépendait de l’espèce des cryptogames et des microformes. Cette recherche quantifie l’influence de la végétation par strate sur la dégradation du pergélisol. Ultimement, les résultats pourront être pris en considération dans la mise en place des modèles, afin de valider les paramètres concernant la végétation, la dégradation du pergélisol et le flux du carbone.