999 resultados para . neutron radiation field


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The bankability of CPV projects is an important issue to pave the way toward a swift and sustained growth in this technology. The bankability of a PV plant is generally addressed through the modeling of its energy yield under a b aseline loss scenario, followed by an on-site measurement campaign aimed at verifying its energetic behavior. The main difference between PV and CPV resides in the proper CPV modules, in particular in the inclusion of optical lements and III-V multijunction cells that are much more sensitive to spectral variations than xSi cells, while the rest of the system behaves in a way that possesses many common points with xSi technology. The modeling of the DC power output of a CPV system thus requires several impo rtant second order parameters to be considered, mainly related to optics, spectral direct solar radiation, wind speed, tracker accuracy and heat dissipation of cells.


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En entornos hostiles tales como aquellas instalaciones cientficas donde la radiacin ionizante es el principal peligro, el hecho de reducir las intervenciones humanas mediante el incremento de las operaciones robotizadas est siendo cada vez ms de especial inters. CERN, la Organizacin Europea para la Investigacin Nuclear, tiene alrededor de unos 50 km de superficie subterrnea donde robots mviles controlador de forma remota podran ayudar en su funcionamiento, por ejemplo, a la hora de llevar a cabo inspecciones remotas sobre radiacin en los diferentes reas destinados al efecto. No solo es preciso considerar que los robots deben ser capaces de recorrer largas distancias y operar durante largos periodos de tiempo, sino que deben saber desenvolverse en los correspondientes tneles subterrneos, tener en cuenta la presencia de campos electromagnticos, radiacin ionizante, etc. y finalmente, el hecho de que los robots no deben interrumpir el funcionamiento de los aceleradores. El hecho de disponer de un sistema de comunicaciones inalmbrico fiable y robusto es esencial para la correcta ejecucin de las misiones que los robots deben afrontar y por supuesto, para evitar tales situaciones en las que es necesario la recuperacin manual de los robots al agotarse su energa o al perder el enlace de comunicaciones. El objetivo de esta Tesis es proveer de las directrices y los medios necesarios para reducir el riesgo de fallo en la misin y maximizar las capacidades de los robots mviles inalmbricos los cuales disponen de almacenamiento finito de energa al trabajar en entornos peligrosos donde no se dispone de lnea de vista directa. Para ello se proponen y muestran diferentes estrategias y mtodos de comunicacin inalmbrica. Teniendo esto en cuenta, se presentan a continuacin los objetivos de investigacin a seguir a lo largo de la Tesis: predecir la cobertura de comunicaciones antes y durante las misiones robotizadas; optimizar la capacidad de red inalmbrica de los robots mviles con respecto a su posicin; y mejorar el rango operacional de esta clase de robots. Por su parte, las contribuciones a la Tesis se citan ms abajo. El primer conjunto de contribuciones son mtodos novedosos para predecir el consumo de energa y la autonoma en la comunicacin antes y despus de disponer de los robots en el entorno seleccionado. Esto es importante para proporcionar conciencia de la situacin del robot y evitar fallos en la misin. El consumo de energa se predice usando una estrategia propuesta la cual usa modelos de consumo provenientes de diferentes componentes en un robot. La prediccin para la cobertura de comunicaciones se desarrolla usando un nuevo filtro de RSS (Radio Signal Strength) y tcnicas de estimacin con la ayuda de Filtros de Kalman. El segundo conjunto de contribuciones son mtodos para optimizar el rango de comunicaciones usando novedosas tcnicas basadas en muestreo espacial que son robustas frente a ruidos de campos de deteccin y radio y que proporcionan redundancia. Se emplean mtodos de diferencia central finitos para determinar los gradientes 2D RSS y se usa la movilidad del robot para optimizar el rango de comunicaciones y la capacidad de red. Este mtodo tambin se valida con un caso de estudio centrado en la teleoperacin hptica de robots mviles inalmbricos. La tercera contribucin es un algoritmo robusto y estocstico descentralizado para la optimizacin de la posicin al considerar mltiples robots autnomos usados principalmente para extender el rango de comunicaciones desde la estacin de control al robot que est desarrollando la tarea. Todos los mtodos y algoritmos propuestos se verifican y validan usando simulaciones y experimentos de campo con variedad de robots mviles disponibles en CERN. En resumen, esta Tesis ofrece mtodos novedosos y demuestra su uso para: predecir RSS; optimizar la posicin del robot; extender el rango de las comunicaciones inalmbricas; y mejorar las capacidades de red de los robots mviles inalmbricos para su uso en aplicaciones dentro de entornos peligrosos, que como ya se mencion anteriormente, se destacan las instalaciones cientficas con emisin de radiacin ionizante. En otros trminos, se ha desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas para mejorar, facilitar y hacer ms seguras las misiones de los robots en entornos hostiles. Esta Tesis demuestra tanto en teora como en prctica que los robots mviles pueden mejorar la calidad de las comunicaciones inalmbricas mediante la profundizacin en el estudio de su movilidad para optimizar dinmicamente sus posiciones y mantener conectividad incluso cuando no existe lnea de vista. Los mtodos desarrollados en la Tesis son especialmente adecuados para su fcil integracin en robots mviles y pueden ser aplicados directamente en la capa de aplicacin de la red inalmbrica. ABSTRACT In hostile environments such as in scientific facilities where ionising radiation is a dominant hazard, reducing human interventions by increasing robotic operations are desirable. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, has around 50 km of underground scientific facilities, where wireless mobile robots could help in the operation of the accelerator complex, e.g. in conducting remote inspections and radiation surveys in different areas. The main challenges to be considered here are not only that the robots should be able to go over long distances and operate for relatively long periods, but also the underground tunnel environment, the possible presence of electromagnetic fields, radiation effects, and the fact that the robots shall in no way interrupt the operation of the accelerators. Having a reliable and robust wireless communication system is essential for successful execution of such robotic missions and to avoid situations of manual recovery of the robots in the event that the robot runs out of energy or when the robot loses its communication link. The goal of this thesis is to provide means to reduce risk of mission failure and maximise mission capabilities of wireless mobile robots with finite energy storage capacity working in a radiation environment with non-line-of-sight (NLOS) communications by employing enhanced wireless communication methods. Towards this goal, the following research objectives are addressed in this thesis: predict the communication range before and during robotic missions; optimise and enhance wireless communication qualities of mobile robots by using robot mobility and employing multi-robot network. This thesis provides introductory information on the infrastructures where mobile robots will need to operate, the tasks to be carried out by mobile robots and the problems encountered in these environments. The reporting of research work carried out to improve wireless communication comprises an introduction to the relevant radio signal propagation theory and technology followed by explanation of the research in the following stages: An analysis of the wireless communication requirements for mobile robot for different tasks in a selection of CERN facilities; predictions of energy and communication autonomies (in terms of distance and time) to reduce risk of energy and communication related failures during missions; autonomous navigation of a mobile robot to find zone(s) of maximum radio signal strength to improve communication coverage area; and autonomous navigation of one or more mobile robots acting as mobile wireless relay (repeater) points in order to provide a tethered wireless connection to a teleoperated mobile robot carrying out inspection or radiation monitoring activities in a challenging radio environment. The specific contributions of this thesis are outlined below. The first sets of contributions are novel methods for predicting the energy autonomy and communication range(s) before and after deployment of the mobile robots in the intended environments. This is important in order to provide situational awareness and avoid mission failures. The energy consumption is predicted by using power consumption models of different components in a mobile robot. This energy prediction model will pave the way for choosing energy-efficient wireless communication strategies. The communication range prediction is performed using radio signal propagation models and applies radio signal strength (RSS) filtering and estimation techniques with the help of Kalman filters and Gaussian process models. The second set of contributions are methods to optimise the wireless communication qualities by using novel spatial sampling based techniques that are robust to sensing and radio field noises and provide redundancy features. Central finite difference (CFD) methods are employed to determine the 2-D RSS gradients and use robot mobility to optimise the communication quality and the network throughput. This method is also validated with a case study application involving superior haptic teleoperation of wireless mobile robots where an operator from a remote location can smoothly navigate a mobile robot in an environment with low-wireless signals. The third contribution is a robust stochastic position optimisation algorithm for multiple autonomous relay robots which are used for wireless tethering of radio signals and thereby to enhance the wireless communication qualities. All the proposed methods and algorithms are verified and validated using simulations and field experiments with a variety of mobile robots available at CERN. In summary, this thesis offers novel methods and demonstrates their use to predict energy autonomy and wireless communication range, optimise robots position to improve communication quality and enhance communication range and wireless network qualities of mobile robots for use in applications in hostile environmental characteristics such as scientific facilities emitting ionising radiations. In simpler terms, a set of tools are developed in this thesis for improving, easing and making safer robotic missions in hostile environments. This thesis validates both in theory and experiments that mobile robots can improve wireless communication quality by exploiting robots mobility to dynamically optimise their positions and maintain connectivity even when the (radio signal) environment possess non-line-of-sight characteristics. The methods developed in this thesis are well-suited for easier integration in mobile robots and can be applied directly at the application layer of the wireless network. The results of the proposed methods have outperformed other comparable state-of-the-art methods.


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Energa termosolar (de concentracin) es uno de los nombres que hacen referencia en espaol al trmino ingls concentrating solar power. Se trata de una tecnologa basada en la captura de la potencia trmica de la radiacin solar, de forma que permita alcanzar temperaturas capaces de alimentar un ciclo termodinmico convencional (o avanzado); el futuro de esta tecnologa depende principalmente de su capacidad para concentrar la radiacin solar de manera eficiente y econmica. La presente tesis est orientada hacia la resolucin de ciertos problemas importantes relacionados con este objetivo. La mencionada necesidad de reducir costes en la concentracin de radiacin solar directa, asegurando el objetivo termodinmico de calentar un fluido hasta una determinada temperatura, es de vital importancia. Los colectores lineales Fresnel han sido identificados en la literatura cientfica como una tecnologa con gran potencial para alcanzar esta reduccin de costes. Dicha tecnologa ha sido seleccionada por numerosas razones, entre las que destacan su gran libertad de diseo y su actual estado inmaduro. Con el objetivo de responder a este desafo se desarrollado un detallado estudio de las propiedades pticas de los colectores lineales Fresnel, para lo cual se han utilizado mtodos analticos y numricos de manera combinada. En primer lugar, se han usado unos modelos para la prediccin de la localizacin y la irradiacin normal directa del sol junto a unas relaciones analticas desarrolladas para estudiar el efecto de mltiples variables de diseo en la energa incidente sobre los espejos. Del mismo modo, se han obtenido analticamente los errores debidos al llamado off-axis aberration, a la apertura de los rayos reflejados en los espejos y a las sombras y bloqueos entre espejos. Esto ha permitido la comparacin de diferentes formas de espejo planos, circulares o parablicos, as como el diseo preliminar de la localizacin y anchura de los espejos y receptor sin necesidad de costosos mtodos numricos. En segundo lugar, se ha desarrollado un modelo de trazado de rayos de Monte Carlo con el objetivo de comprobar la validez del estudio analtico, pero sobre todo porque este no es preciso en el estudio de la reflexin en espejos. El cdigo desarrollado est especficamente ideado para colectores lineales Fresnel, lo que ha permitido la reduccin del tiempo de clculo en varios rdenes de magnitud en comparacin con un programa comercial ms general. Esto justifica el desarrollo de un nuevo cdigo en lugar de la compra de una licencia de otro programa. El modelo ha sido usado primeramente para comparar la intensidad de flujo trmico y rendimiento de colectores Fresnel, con y sin reflector secundario, con los colectores cilndrico parablicos. Finalmente, la conjuncin de los resultados obtenidos en el estudio analtico con el programa numrico ha sido usada para optimizar el campo solar para diferentes orientaciones Norte-Sur y Este-Oeste, diferentes localizaciones Almera y Aswan, diferentes inclinaciones hacia el Trpico desde 0 deg hasta 32 deg y diferentes mnimos de intensidad del flujo en el centro del receptor 10 kW/m2 y 25 kW/m2. La presente tesis ha conducido a importantes descubrimientos que deben ser considerados a la hora de disear un campo solar Fresnel. En primer lugar, los espejos utilizados no deben ser plano, sino cilndricos o parablicos, ya que los espejos curvos implican mayores concentraciones y rendimiento. Por otro lado, se ha llegado a la conclusin de que la orientacin Este-Oeste es ms propicia para localizaciones con altas latitudes, como Almera, mientras que en zonas ms cercanas a los trpicos como Aswan los campos Norte-Sur conducen a mayores rendimientos. Es de destacar que la orientacin Este-Oeste requiere aproximadamente la mitad de espejos que los campos Norte-Sur, puediendo estar inclinados hacia los Trpicos para mejorar el rendimiento, y que alcanzan parecidos valores de intensidad trmica en el receptor todos los das a medioda. Sin embargo, los campos con orientacin Norte-Sur permiten un flujo ms constante a lo largo de un da. Por ltimo, ha sido demostrado que el uso de diseos pre-optimizados analticamente, con anchura de espejos y espaciado entre espejos variables a lo ancho del campo, pueden implicar aumentos de la energa generada por metro cuadrado de espejos de hasta el 6%. El rendimiento ptico anual de los colectores cilndrico parablicos es 23 % mayor que el rendimiento de los campos Fresnel en Almera, mientras que la diferencia es de solo 9 % en Aswan. Ello implica que, para alcanzar el mismo precio de electricidad que la tecnologa de referencia, la reduccin de costes de instalacin por metro cuadrado de espejo debe estar entre el 10 % y el 25 %, y que los colectores lineales Fresnel tienen ms posibilidades de ser desarrollados en zonas de bajas latitudes. Como consecuencia de los estudios desarrollados en esta tesis se ha patentado un sistema de almacenamiento que tiene en cuenta la variacin del flujo trmico en el receptor a lo largo del da, especialmente para campos con orientacin Este-Oeste. Este invento permitira el aprovechamiento de la energa incidente durante ms parte del ao, aumentando de manera apreciable los rendimientos ptico y trmico. Abstract Concentrating solar power is the common name of a technology based on capturing the thermal power of solar radiation, in a suitable way to reach temperatures able to activate a conventional (or advanced) thermodynamic cycle to generate electricity; this quest mainly depends on our ability to concentrate solar radiation in a cheap and efficient way. The present thesis is focused to highlight and help solving some of the important issues related to this problem. The need of reducing costs in concentrating the direct solar radiation, but without jeopardizing the thermodynamic objective of heating a fluid up to the required temperature, is of prime importance. Linear Fresnel collectors have been identified in the scientific literature as a technology with high potential to reach this cost reduction. This technology has been selected because of a number of reasons, particularly the degrees of freedom of this type of concentrating configuration and its current immature state. In order to respond to this challenge, a very detailed exercise has been carried out on the optical properties of linear Fresnel collectors. This has been done combining analytic and numerical methods. First, the effect of the design variables on the ratio of energy impinging onto the reflecting surface has been studied using analytically developed equations, together with models that predict the location and direct normal irradiance of the sun at any moment. Similarly, errors due to off-axis aberration, to the aperture of the reflected energy beam and to shading and blocking effects have been obtained analytically. This has allowed the comparison of different shapes of mirrors flat, cylindrical or parabolic, as well as a preliminary optimization of the location and width of mirrors and receiver with no need of time-consuming numerical models. Second, in order to prove the validity of the analytic results, but also due to the fact that the study of the reflection process is not precise enough when using analytic equations, a Monte Carlo Ray Trace model has been developed. The developed code is designed specifically for linear Fresnel collectors, which has reduced the computing time by several orders of magnitude compared to a wider commercial software. This justifies the development of the new code. The model has been first used to compare radiation flux intensities and efficiencies of linear Fresnel collectors, both multitube receiver and secondary reflector receiver technologies, with parabolic trough collectors. Finally, the results obtained in the analytic study together with the numeric model have used in order to optimize the solar field for different orientations North-South and East-West, different locations Almera and Aswan, different tilts of the field towards the Tropic from 0 deg to 32 deg and different flux intensity minimum requirements 10 kW/m2 and 25 kW/m2. This thesis work has led to several important findings that should be considered in the design of Fresnel solar fields. First, flat mirrors should not be used in any case, as cylindrical and parabolic mirrors lead to higher flux intensities and efficiencies. Second, it has been concluded that, in locations relatively far from the Tropics such as Almera, East-West embodiments are more efficient, while in Aswan North- South orientation leads to a higher annual efficiency. It must be noted that East-West oriented solar fields require approximately half the number of mirrors than NS oriented fields, can be tilted towards the Equator in order to increase the efficiency and attain similar values of flux intensity at the receiver every day at midday. On the other hand, in NS embodiments the flux intensity is more even during each single day. Finally, it has been proved that the use of analytic designs with variable shift between mirrors and variable width of mirrors across the field can lead to improvements in the electricity generated per reflecting surface square meter up to 6%. The annual optical efficiency of parabolic troughs has been found to be 23% higher than the efficiency of Fresnel fields in Almera, but it is only around 9% higher in Aswan. This implies that, in order to attain the same levelized cost of electricity than parabolic troughs, the required reduction of installation costs per mirror square meter is in the range of 10-25%. Also, it is concluded that linear Fresnel collectors are more suitable for low latitude areas. As a consequence of the studies carried out in this thesis, an innovative storage system has been patented. This system takes into account the variation of the flux intensity along the day, especially for East-West oriented solar fields. As a result, the invention would allow to exploit the impinging radiation along longer time every day, increasing appreciably the optical and thermal efficiencies.


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A passive neutron area monitor has been designed using Monte Carlo methods; the monitor is a polyethylene cylinder with pairs of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD600 and TLD700) as thermal neutron detector. The monitor was calibrated with a bare and a thermalzed 241AmBe neutron sources and its performance was evaluated measuring the ambient dose equivalent due to photoneutrons produced by a 15 MV linear accelerator for radiotherapy and the neutrons in the output of a TRIGA Mark III radial beam port.


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AlGaAs/GaAs-based laser power PV converters intended for operation with high-power (up to 100 W/cm(2)) radiation were fabricated by LPE and MOCVD techniques. Monochromatic (lambda = 809 nm) conversion efficiency up to 60% was measured at cells with back surface field and low (x = 0.2) Al concentration 'window'. Modules with a voltage of 4 V and the efficiency of 56% were designed and fabricated.


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Pest management practices that rely on pesticides are growing increasingly less effective and environmentally inappropriate in many cases and the search of alternatives is under focus nowadays. Exclusion of pests from the crop by means of pesticide-treated screens can be an eco-friendly method to protect crops, especially if pests are vectors of important diseases. The mesh size of nets is crucial to determine if insects can eventually cross the barrier or exclude them because there is a great variation in insect size depending on the species. Long-lasting insecticide-treated (LLITN) nets, factory pre-treated, have been used since years to fight against mosquitoes vector of malaria and are able to retain their biological efficacy under field for 3 years. In agriculture, treated nets with different insecticides have shown efficacy in controlling some insects and mites, so they seem to be a good tool in helping to solve some pest problems. However, treated nets must be carefully evaluated because can diminish air flow, increase temperature and humidity and decrease light transmission, which may affect plant growth, pests and natural enemies. As biological control is considered a key factor in IPM nowadays, the potential negative effects of treated nets on natural enemies need to be studied carefully. In this work, the effects of a bifentrhin-treated net (3 g/Kg) (supplied by the company Intelligent Insect Control, IIC) on natural enemies of aphids were tested on a cucumber crop in Central Spain in autumn 2011. The crop was sown in 8x6.5 m tunnels divided in 2 sealed compartments with control or treated nets, which were simple yellow netting with 25 mesh (10 x 10 threads/cm2; 1 x 1 mm hole size). Pieces of 2 m high of the treated-net were placed along the lateral sides of one of the two tunnel compartments in each of the 3 available tunnels (replicates); the rest was covered by a commercial untreated net of a similar mesh. The pest, Aphis gossypii Glover (Aphidae), the parasitoid Aphidius colemani (Haliday) (Braconidae) and the predator Adalia bipunctata L. (Coccinellidae) were artificially introduced in the crop. Weekly sampling was done determining the presence or absence of the pest and the natural enemies (NE) in the 42 plants/compartment as well as the number of insects in 11 marked plants. Environmental conditions (temperature, relative humidity, UV and PAR radiation) were recorded. Results show that when aphids were artificially released inside the tunnels, neither its number/plant nor their distribution was affected by the treated net. A lack of negative effect of the insecticide-treated net on natural enemies was also observed. Adalia bipunctata did not establish in the crop and only a short term control of aphids was observed one week after release. On the other hand, A. colemani did establish in the crop and a more long-term effect on the numbers of aphids/plant was detected irrespective of the type of net. KEY WORDS: bifenthrin-treated net, Adalia bipunctata, Aphidius colemani, Aphis gossypii, semi-field


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La construccin en la actualidad de nuevas fuentes para el uso de haces de neutrones as como los programas de renovacin en curso en algunas de las instalaciones experimentales existentes han evidenciado la necesidad urgente de desarrollar la tecnologa empleada para la construccin de guas de neutrones con objeto de hacerlas mas eficientes y duraderas. Esto viene motivado por el hecho de que varias instalaciones de experimentacin con haces de neutrones han reportado un nmero de incidentes mecnicos con tales guas, lo que hace urgente el progresar en nuestro conocimiento de los susbtratos vtreos sobre los cuales se depositan los espejos que permiten la reflexin total de los neutrones y como aquellos se degradan con la radiacin. La presente tesis se inscribe en un acuerdo de colaboracin establecido entre el Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL) de Grenoble y el Consorcio ESS-Bilbao con objeto de mejorar el rendimiento y sostenibilidad de los sistemas futuros de guiado de neutrones. El caso de la Fuente Europea de Espalacin en construccin en Lund sirve como ejemplo ya que se contempla la instalacin de guas de neutrones de ms de 100 metros en algunos de los instrumentos. Por otro lado, instalaciones como el ILL prevn tambin dentro del programa Endurance de rejuvenecimiento la reconstruccin de varias lneas de transporte de haz. Para el presente estudio se seleccionaron cuatro tipos de vidrios borosilicatados que fueron el Borofloat, N-ZK7, N-BK7 y SBSL7. Los tres primeros son bien conocidos por los especialistas en instrumentacin neutrnica ya que se han empleado en la construccin de varias instalaciones mientras que el ltimo es un candidato potencial en la fabricacin de substratos para espejos neutrnicos en un futuro. Los cuatro vidrios tiene un contenido en xido de Boro muy similar, approximadamente un 10 mol.%. Tal hecho que obedece a las regulaciones para la fabricacin de estos dispositivos hace que tales substratos operen como proteccin radiolgica absorbiendo los neutrones transmitidos a travs del espejo de neutrones. Como contrapartida a tal beneficio, la reaccin de captura 10B(n,_)7Li puede degradar el substrato vtreo debido a los 2.5 MeV de energa cintica depositados por la partcula _ y los ncleos en retroceso y de hecho la fragilidad de tales vidrios bajo radiacin ha sido atribuida desde hace ya tiempo a los efectos de esta reaccin. La metodologa empleada en esta tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de la estructura de estos vidrios borosilicatados y como esta se comporta bajo condiciones de radiacin. Los materiales en cuestin presentan estructuras que dependen de su composicin qumica y en particular del ratio entre formadores y modificadores de la red iono-covalente. Para ello se han empleado un conjunto de tcnicas de caracterizacin tanto macro- como microscpicas tales como estudios de dureza, TEM, Raman, SANS etc. que se han empleado tambin para determinar el comportamiento de estos materiales bajo radiacin. En particular, algunas propiedades macroscpicas relacionadas con la resistencia de estos vidrios como elementos estructurales de las guas de neutrones han sido estudiadas as como tambin los cambios en la estructura vtrea consecuencia de la radiacin. Para este propsito se ha diseado y fabricado por el ILL un aparato para irradiacin de muestras con neutrones trmicos en el reactor del ILL que permite controlar la temperatura alcanzada por la muestra a menos de 100 C. Tal equipo en comparacin con otros ya existences permite en cuestin de dias acumular las dosis recibidas por una gua en operacin a lo largo de varios aos. El uso conjunto de varias tcnicas de caracterizacin ha llevado a revelar que los vidrios aqui estudiados son significativamente diferentes en cuanto a su estructura y que tales diferencias afectan a sus propiedades macroscpicas asi como a su comportamiento bajo radiacin. Tal resultado ha sido sorprendente ya que, como se ha mencionado antes, algunos de estos vidrios eran bien conocidos por los fabricantes de guas de neutrones y hasta el momento eran considerados prcticamente similares debido a su contenido comparable en xido de Boro. Sin embargo, los materiales N-BK7 and S-BSL7 muetran gran homogeneidad a todas las escalas de longitud, y ms especficamente, a escalas nanomtricas las subredes de Slice y xido de Boro se mezclan dando logar a estructuras locales que recuerdan a la del cristal de Reedmergnerita. Por el contrario, N-ZK7 y Borofloat muestran dominios separados ricos en Slice o Boro. Como era de esperar, las importantes diferencias arriba mencionadas se traducen en comportamientos dispares de estos materiales bajo un haz de neutrones trmicos. Los resultados muestran que el N-BK7 y el S-BSL7 son los ms estables bajo radiacin, lo que macroscpicamente hace que estos materiales muestren un comportamiento similar expandindose lentamente en funcin de la dosis recibida. Por el contario, los otros dos materiales muestran un comportamiento mucho ms reactivo, que hace que inicialmente se compacten con la dosis recibida lo que hace que las redes de Silicio y Boro se mezclen resultando en un incremento en densidad hasta alcanzar un valor lmite, seguido por un proceso de expansin lenta que resulta comparable al observado para N-BK7 y SBSL7. Estos resultados nos han permitido explicar el origen de las notorias diferencias observadas en cuanto a las dosis lmite a partir de las cuales estos materiales desarrollan procesos de fragmentacin en superficie. ABSTRACT The building of new experimental neutron beam facilities as well as the renewal programmes under development at some of the already existing installations have pinpointed the urgent need to develop the neutron guide technology in order to make such neutron transport devices more efficient and durable. In fact, a number of mechanical failures of neutron guides have been reported by several research centres. It is therefore important to understand the behaviour of the glass substrates on top of which the neutron optics mirrors are deposited and how these materials degrade under radiation conditions. The case of the European Spallation Source (ESS) at present under construction at Lund is a good example. It previews the deployment of neutron guides having more than 100 metres of length for most of the instruments. Also, the future renovation programme of the ILL, called Endurance, foresees the refurbishment of several beam lines. This Ph.D. thesis was the result of a collaboration agreement between the ILL and ESS-Bilbao aiming to improve the performance and sustainability of future neutron delivery systems. Four different industrially produced alkali-borosilicate glasses were selected for this study: Borofloat, N-ZK7, N-BK7 and SBSL7. The first three are well known within the neutron instrumentation community as they have already been used in several installations whereas the last one is at present considered as a candidate for making future mirror substrates. All four glasses have a comparable content of boron oxide of about 10 mol.%. The presence of such a strong neutron absorption element is in fact a mandatory component for the manufacturing of neutron guides because it provides a radiological shielding for the environment. This benefit is however somewhat counterbalanced since the resulting 10B(n,_)7Li reactions degrade the glass due to the deposited energy of 2.5 MeV by the _ particle and the recoil nuclei. In fact, the brittleness of some of these materials has been ascribed to this reaction. The methodology employed by this study consisted in understanding the general structure of borosilicates and how they behave under irradiation. Such materials have a microscopic structure strongly dependent upon their chemical content and particularly on the ratios between network formers and modifiers. The materials have been characterized by a suite of macroscopic and structural techniques such as hardness, TEM, Raman, SANS, etc. and their behaviour under irradiation was analysed. Some macroscopic properties related to their resistance when used as guide structural elements were monitored. Also, changes in the vitreous structure due to radiation were observed by means of several experimental tools. For such a purpose, an irradiation apparatus has been designed and manufactured to enable irradiation with thermal neutrons within the ILL reactor while keeping the samples below 100 C. The main advantage of this equipment if compared to others previously available was that it allowed to reach in just some days an equivalent neutron dose to that accumulated by guides after several years of use. The concurrent use of complementary characterization techniques lead to the discovery that the studied glasses were deeply different in terms of their glass network. This had a strong impact on their macroscopic properties and their behaviour under irradiation. This result was a surprise since, as stated above, some of these materials were well known by the neutron guide manufacturers, and were considered to be almost equivalent because of their similar boron oxide content. The N-BK7 and S-BSL7 materials appear to be fairly homogeneous glasses at different length scales. More specifically, at nanometre scales, silicon and boron oxide units seem to mix and generate larger structures somewhat resembling crystalline Reedmergnerite. In contrast, N-ZK7 and Borofloat are characterized by either silicon or boron rich domains. As one could expect, these drastic differences lead to their behaviour under thermal neutron flux. The results show that N-BK7 and S-BSL7 are structurally the most stable under radiation. Macroscopically, such stability results in the fact that these two materials show very slow swelling as a function or radiation dose. In contrast, the two other glasses are much more reactive. The whole glass structure compacts upon radiation. Specifically, the silica network, and the boron units tend to blend leading to an increase in density up to some saturation, followed by a very slow expansion which comes to be of the same order than that shown by N-BK7 and S-BSL7. Such findings allowed us to explain the drastic differences in the radiation limits for macroscopic surface splintering for these materials when they are used in neutron guides.


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El principal objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de mtodos de sntesis de diagramas de radiacin de agrupaciones de antenas, en donde se realiza una caracterizacin electromagntica rigurosa de los elementos radiantes y de los acoplos mutuos existentes. Esta caracterizacin no se realiza habitualmente en la gran mayora de mtodos de sntesis encontrados en la literatura, debido fundamentalmente a dos razones. Por un lado, se considera que el diagrama de radiacin de un array de antenas se puede aproximar con el factor de array que nicamente tiene en cuenta la posicin de los elementos y las excitaciones aplicadas a los mismos. Sin embargo, como se mostrar en esta tesis, en mltiples ocasiones un riguroso anlisis de los elementos radiantes y del acoplo mutuo entre ellos es importante ya que los resultados obtenidos pueden ser notablemente diferentes. Por otro lado, no es sencillo combinar un mtodo de anlisis electromagntico con un proceso de sntesis de diagramas de radiacin. Los mtodos de anlisis de agrupaciones de antenas suelen ser costosos computacionalmente, ya que son estructuras grandes en trminos de longitudes de onda. Generalmente, un diseo de un problema electromagntico suele comprender varios anlisis de la estructura, dependiendo de las variaciones de las caractersticas, lo que hace este proceso muy costoso. Dos mtodos se utilizan en esta tesis para el anlisis de los arrays acoplados. Ambos estn basados en el mtodo de los elementos finitos, la descomposicin de dominio y el anlisis modal para analizar la estructura radiante y han sido desarrollados en el grupo de investigacin donde se engloba esta tesis. El primero de ellos es una tcnica de anlisis de arrays finitos basado en la aproximacin de array infinito. Su uso es indicado para arrays planos de grandes dimensiones con elementos equiespaciados. El segundo caracteriza el array y el acoplo mutuo entre elementos a partir de una expansin en modos esfricos del campo radiado por cada uno de los elementos. Este mtodo calcula los acoplos entre los diferentes elementos del array usando las propiedades de traslacin y rotacin de los modos esfricos. Es capaz de analizar agrupaciones de elementos distribuidos de forma arbitraria. Ambas tcnicas utilizan una formulacin matricial que caracteriza de forma rigurosa el campo radiado por el array. Esto las hace muy apropiadas para su posterior uso en una herramienta de diseo, como los mtodos de sntesis desarrollados en esta tesis. Los resultados obtenidos por estas tcnicas de sntesis, que incluyen mtodos rigurosos de anlisis, son consecuentemente ms precisos. La sntesis de arrays consiste en modificar uno o varios parmetros de las agrupaciones de antenas buscando unas determinadas especificaciones de las caractersticas de radiacin. Los parmetros utilizados como variables de optimizacin pueden ser varios. Los ms utilizados son las excitaciones aplicadas a los elementos, pero tambin es posible modificar otros parmetros de diseo como son las posiciones de los elementos o las rotaciones de estos. Los objetivos de las sntesis pueden ser dirigir el haz o haces en una determinada direccin o conformar el haz con formas arbitrarias. Adems, es posible minimizar el nivel de los lbulos secundarios o del rizado en las regiones deseadas, imponer nulos que evitan posibles interferencias o reducir el nivel de la componente contrapolar. El mtodo para el anlisis de arrays finitos basado en la aproximacin de array infinito considera un array finito como un array infinito con un nmero finito de elementos excitados. Los elementos no excitados estn fsicamente presentes y pueden presentar tres diferentes terminaciones, corto-circuito, circuito abierto y adaptados. Cada una de estas terminaciones simular mejor el entorno real en el que el array se encuentre. Este mtodo de anlisis se integra en la tesis con dos mtodos diferentes de sntesis de diagramas de radiacin. En el primero de ellos se presenta un mtodo basado en programacin lineal en donde es posible dirigir el haz o haces, en la direccin deseada, adems de ejercer un control sobre los lbulos secundarios o imponer nulos. Este mtodo es muy eficiente y obtiene soluciones ptimas. El mismo mtodo de anlisis es tambin aplicado a un mtodo de conformacin de haz, en donde un problema originalmente no convexo (y de difcil solucin) es transformado en un problema convexo imponiendo restricciones de simetra, resolviendo de este modo eficientemente un problema complejo. Con este mtodo es posible disear diagramas de radiacin con haces de forma arbitraria, ejerciendo un control en el rizado del lbulo principal, as como en el nivel de los lbulos secundarios. El mtodo de anlisis de arrays basado en la expansin en modos esfricos se integra en la tesis con tres tcnicas de sntesis de diagramas de radiacin. Se propone inicialmente una sntesis de conformacin del haz basado en el mtodo de la recuperacin de fase resuelta de forma iterativa mediante mtodos convexos, en donde relajando las restricciones del problema original se consiguen unas soluciones cercanas a las ptimas de manera eficiente. Dos mtodos de sntesis se han propuesto, donde las variables de optimizacin son las posiciones y las rotaciones de los elementos respectivamente. Se define una funcin de coste basada en la intensidad de radiacin, la cual es minimizada de forma iterativa con el mtodo del gradiente. Ambos mtodos reducen el nivel de los lbulos secundarios minimizando una funcin de coste. El gradiente de la funcin de coste es obtenido en trminos de la variable de optimizacin en cada mtodo. Esta funcin de coste est formada por la expresin rigurosa de la intensidad de radiacin y por una funcin de peso definida por el usuario para imponer prioridades sobre las diferentes regiones de radiacin, si as se desea. Por ltimo, se presenta un mtodo en el cual, mediante tcnicas de programacin entera, se buscan las fases discretas que generan un diagrama de radiacin lo ms cercano posible al deseado. Con este mtodo se obtienen diseos que minimizan el coste de fabricacin. En cada uno de las diferentes tcnicas propuestas en la tesis, se presentan resultados con elementos reales que muestran las capacidades y posibilidades que los mtodos ofrecen. Se comparan los resultados con otros mtodos disponibles en la literatura. Se muestra la importancia de tener en cuenta los diagramas de los elementos reales y los acoplos mutuos en el proceso de sntesis y se comparan los resultados obtenidos con herramientas de software comerciales. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the development of optimization methods for the radiation pattern synthesis of array antennas in which a rigorous electromagnetic characterization of the radiators and the mutual coupling between them is performed. The electromagnetic characterization is usually overlooked in most of the available synthesis methods in the literature, this is mainly due to two reasons. On the one hand, it is argued that the radiation pattern of an array is mainly influenced by the array factor and that the mutual coupling plays a minor role. As it is shown in this thesis, the mutual coupling and the rigorous characterization of the array antenna influences significantly in the array performance and its computation leads to differences in the results obtained. On the other hand, it is difficult to introduce an analysis procedure into a synthesis technique. The analysis of array antennas is generally expensive computationally as the structure to analyze is large in terms of wavelengths. A synthesis method requires to carry out a large number of analysis, this makes the synthesis problem very expensive computationally or intractable in some cases. Two methods have been used in this thesis for the analysis of coupled antenna arrays, both of them have been developed in the research group in which this thesis is involved. They are based on the finite element method (FEM), the domain decomposition and the modal analysis. The first one obtains a finite array characterization with the results obtained from the infinite array approach. It is specially indicated for the analysis of large arrays with equispaced elements. The second one characterizes the array elements and the mutual coupling between them with a spherical wave expansion of the radiated field by each element. The mutual coupling is computed using the properties of translation and rotation of spherical waves. This method is able to analyze arrays with elements placed on an arbitrary distribution. Both techniques provide a matrix formulation that makes them very suitable for being integrated in synthesis techniques, the results obtained from these synthesis methods will be very accurate. The array synthesis stands for the modification of one or several array parameters looking for some desired specifications of the radiation pattern. The array parameters used as optimization variables are usually the excitation weights applied to the array elements, but some other array characteristics can be used as well, such as the array elements positions or rotations. The desired specifications may be to steer the beam towards any specific direction or to generate shaped beams with arbitrary geometry. Further characteristics can be handled as well, such as minimize the side lobe level in some other radiating regions, to minimize the ripple of the shaped beam, to take control over the cross-polar component or to impose nulls on the radiation pattern to avoid possible interferences from specific directions. The analysis method based on the infinite array approach considers an infinite array with a finite number of excited elements. The infinite non-excited elements are physically present and may have three different terminations, short-circuit, open circuit and match terminated. Each of this terminations is a better simulation for the real environment of the array. This method is used in this thesis for the development of two synthesis methods. In the first one, a multi-objective radiation pattern synthesis is presented, in which it is possible to steer the beam or beams in desired directions, minimizing the side lobe level and with the possibility of imposing nulls in the radiation pattern. This method is very efficient and obtains optimal solutions as it is based on convex programming. The same analysis method is used in a shaped beam technique in which an originally non-convex problem is transformed into a convex one applying symmetry restrictions, thus solving a complex problem in an efficient way. This method allows the synthesis of shaped beam radiation patterns controlling the ripple in the mainlobe and the side lobe level. The analysis method based on the spherical wave expansion is applied for different synthesis techniques of the radiation pattern of coupled arrays. A shaped beam synthesis is presented, in which a convex formulation is proposed based on the phase retrieval method. In this technique, an originally non-convex problem is solved using a relaxation and solving a convex problems iteratively. Two methods are proposed based on the gradient method. A cost function is defined involving the radiation intensity of the coupled array and a weighting function that provides more degrees of freedom to the designer. The gradient of the cost function is computed with respect to the positions in one of them and the rotations of the elements in the second one. The elements are moved or rotated iteratively following the results of the gradient. A highly non-convex problem is solved very efficiently, obtaining very good results that are dependent on the starting point. Finally, an optimization method is presented where discrete digital phases are synthesized providing a radiation pattern as close as possible to the desired one. The problem is solved using linear integer programming procedures obtaining array designs that greatly reduce the fabrication costs. Results are provided for every method showing the capabilities that the above mentioned methods offer. The results obtained are compared with available methods in the literature. The importance of introducing a rigorous analysis into the synthesis method is emphasized and the results obtained are compared with a commercial software, showing good agreement.


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En esta tesis se analiza el sistema de traccin de un vehculo elctrico de batera desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia energtica y de la exposicin a campos magnticos por parte de los pasajeros (radiacin electromagntica). Este estudio incluye tanto el sistema de almacenamiento de energa como la mquina elctrica, junto con la electrnica de potencia y los sistemas de control asociados a ambos. Los anlisis y los resultados presentados en este texto estn basados en modelos matemticos, simulaciones por ordenador y ensayos experimentales a escala de laboratorio. La investigacin llevada a cabo durante esta tesis tuvo siempre un marcado enfoque industrial, a pesar de estar desarrollada en un entorno de considerable carcter universitario. Las lneas de investigacin acometidas tuvieron como destinatario final al diseador y al fabricante del vehculo, a pesar de lo cual algunos de los resultados obtenidos son preliminares y/o excesivamente acadmicos para resultar de inters industrial. En el mbito de la eficiencia energtica, esta tesis estudia sistemas hbridos de almacenamiento de energa basados en una combinacin de bateras de litio y supercondensadores. Este tipo de sistemas son analizados desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia mediante modelos matemticos y simulaciones, cuantificando el impacto de sta en otros parmetros tales como el envejecimiento de las bateras. Respecto a la mquina elctrica, el estudio se ha centrado en mquinas sncronas de imanes permanentes. El anlisis de la eficiencia considera tanto el diseo de la mquina como la estrategia de control, dejando parcialmente de lado el inversor y la tcnica de modulacin (que son incluidos en el estudio como fuentes adicionales de prdidas, pero no como potenciales fuentes de optimizacin de la eficiencia). En este sentido, tanto la topologa del inversor (trifsico, basado en IGBTs) como la tcnica de modulacin (control de corriente en banda de histresis) se establecen desde el principio. El segundo aspecto estudiado en esta tesis es la exposicin a campos magnticos por parte de los pasajeros. Este tema se enfoca desde un punto de vista predictivo, y no desde un punto de vista de diagnstico, puesto que se ha desarrollado una metodologa para estimar el campo magntico generado por los dispositivos de potencia de un vehculo elctrico. Esta metodologa ha sido validada mediante ensayos de laboratorio. Otros aspectos importantes de esta contribucin, adems de la metodologa en s misma, son las consecuencias que se derivan de ella (por ejemplo, recomendaciones de diseo) y la comprensin del problema proporcionada por esta. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis se listan a continuacin: una recopilacin de modelos de prdidas correspondientes a la mayora de dispositivos de potencia presentes en un vehculo elctrico de batera, una metodologa para analizar el funcionamiento de un sistema hbrido de almacenamiento de energa para aplicaciones de traccin, una explicacin de cmo ponderar energticamente los puntos de operacin par-velocidad de un vehculo elctrico (de utilidad para evaluar el rendimiento de una mquina elctrica, por ejemplo), una propuesta de incluir un convertidor DC-DC en el sistema de traccin para minimizar las prdidas globales del accionamiento (a pesar de las nuevas prdidas introducidas por el propio DC-DC), una breve comparacin entre dos tipos distintos de algoritmos de minimizacin de prdidas para mquinas sncronas de imanes permanentes, una metodologa predictiva para estimar la exposicin a campos magnticos por parte de los pasajeros de un vehculo elctrico (debida a los equipos de potencia), y finalmente algunas conclusiones y recomendaciones de diseo respecto a dicha exposicin a campos magnticos. ABSTRACT This dissertation analyzes the powertrain of a battery electric vehicle, focusing on energy efficiency and passenger exposure to electromagnetic fields (electromagnetic radiation). This study comprises the energy storage system as well as the electric machine, along with their associated power electronics and control systems. The analysis and conclusions presented in this dissertation are based on mathematical models, computer simulations and laboratory scale tests. The research performed during this thesis was intended to be of industrial nature, despite being developed in a university. In this sense, the work described in this document was carried out thinking of both the designer and the manufacturer of the vehicle. However, some of the results obtained lack industrial readiness, and therefore they remain utterly academic. Regarding energy efficiency, hybrid energy storage systems consisting in lithium batteries, supercapacitors and up to two DC-DC power converters are considered. These kind of systems are analyzed by means of mathematical models and simulations from the energy efficiency point of view, quantifying its impact on other relevant aspects such as battery aging. Concerning the electric machine, permanent magnet synchronous machines are studied in this work. The energy efficiency analysis comprises the machine design and the control strategy, while the inverter and its modulation technique are taken into account but only as sources of further power losses, and not as potential sources for further efficiency optimization. In this sense, both the inverter topology (3-phase IGBT-based inverter) and the switching technique (hysteresis current control) are fixed from the beginning. The second aspect studied in this work is passenger exposure to magnetic fields. This topic is approached from the prediction point of view, rather than from the diagnosis point of view. In other words, a methodology to estimate the magnetic field generated by the power devices of an electric vehicle is proposed and analyzed in this dissertation. This methodology has been validated by laboratory tests. The most important aspects of this contribution, apart from the methodology itself, are the consequences (for instance, design guidelines) and the understanding of the magnetic radiation issue provided by it. The main contributions of this dissertation are listed next: a compilation of loss models for most of the power devices found in a battery electric vehicle powertrain, a simulation-based methodology to analyze hybrid energy storage performance in traction applications, an explanation of how to assign energy-based weights to different operating points in traction drives (useful when assessing electrical machine performance, for instance), a proposal to include one DC-DC converter in electric powertrains to minimize overall power losses in the system (despite the new losses added by the DC-DC), a brief comparison between two kinds of loss-minimization algorithms for permanent magnet synchronous machines in terms of adaptability and energy efficiency, a predictive methodology to estimate passenger magnetic field exposure due to power devices in an electric vehicle, and finally some useful conclusions and design guidelines concerning magnetic field exposure.


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When linacs operate above 8MV an undesirable neutron field is produced whose spectrum has three main components: the direct spectrum due to those neutrons leaking out from the linac head, the scattered spectrum due to neutrons produced in the head that collides with the nuclei in the head losing energy and the third spectrum due to room-return effect. The third category of spectrum has mainly epithermal and thermal neutrons being constant at any location in the treatment hall. These neutrons induce activation in the linac components, the concrete walls and in the patient body. Here the induced radioisotopes have been identified in concrete samples located in the hall and in one of the wedges. The identification has been carried out using a gamma-ray spectrometer.


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There are several classes of homogeneous Fermi systems that are characterized by the topology of the energy spectrum of fermionic quasiparticles: (i) gapless systems with a Fermi surface, (ii) systems with a gap in their spectrum, (iii) gapless systems with topologically stable point nodes (Fermi points), and (iv) gapless systems with topologically unstable lines of nodes (Fermi lines). Superfluid 3He-A and electroweak vacuum belong to the universality class 3. The fermionic quasiparticles (particles) in this class are chiral: they are left-handed or right-handed. The collective bosonic modes of systems of class 3 are the effective gauge and gravitational fields. The great advantage of superfluid 3He-A is that we can perform experiments by using this condensed matter and thereby simulate many phenomena in high energy physics, including axial anomaly, baryoproduction, and magnetogenesis. 3He-A textures induce a nontrivial effective metrics of the space, where the free quasiparticles move along geodesics. With 3He-A one can simulate event horizons, Hawking radiation, rotating vacuum, etc. High-temperature superconductors are believed to belong to class 4. They have gapless fermionic quasiparticles with a relativistic spectrum close to gap nodes, which allows application of ideas developed for superfluid 3He-A.


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There has been a great deal of recent attention on the suspected increase in amphibian deformities. However, most reports of amphibian deformities have been anecdotal, and no experiments in the field under natural conditions have been performed to investigate this phenomenon. Under laboratory conditions, a variety of agents can induce deformities in amphibians. We investigated one of these agents, UV-B radiation, in field experiments, as a cause for amphibian deformities. We monitored hatching success and development in long-toed salamanders under UV-B shields and in regimes that allowed UV-B radiation. Embryos under UV-B shields had a significantly higher hatching rate and fewer deformities, and developed more quickly than those exposed to UV-B. Deformities may contribute directly to embryo mortality, and they may affect an individuals subsequent survival after hatching.


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Previous research has shown that amphibians have differential sensitivity to ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation. In some species, ambient levels of UV-B radiation cause embryonic mortality in nature. The detrimental effects of UV-B alone or with other agents may ultimately affect amphibians at the population level. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a synergistic effect between UV-B radiation and a pathogenic fungus in the field that increases the mortality of amphibian embryos compared with either factor alone. Studies investigating single factors for causes of amphibian egg mortality or population declines may not reveal the complex factors involved in declines.


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Context. The X-ray spectra observed in the persistent emission of magnetars are evidence for the existence of a magnetosphere. The high-energy part of the spectra is explained by resonant cyclotron upscattering of soft thermal photons in a twisted magnetosphere, which has motivated an increasing number of efforts to improve and generalize existing magnetosphere models. Aims. We want to build more general configurations of twisted, force-free magnetospheres as a first step to understanding the role played by the magnetic field geometry in the observed spectra. Methods. First we reviewed and extended previous analytical works to assess the viability and limitations of semi-analytical approaches. Second, we built a numerical code able to relax an initial configuration of a nonrotating magnetosphere to a force-free geometry, provided any arbitrary form of the magnetic field at the star surface. The numerical code is based on a finite-difference time-domain, divergence-free, and conservative scheme, based of the magneto-frictional method used in other scenarios. Results. We obtain new numerical configurations of twisted magnetospheres, with distributions of twist and currents that differ from previous analytical solutions. The range of global twist of the new family of solutions is similar to the existing semi-analytical models (up to some radians), but the achieved geometry may be quite different. Conclusions. The geometry of twisted, force-free magnetospheres shows a wider variety of possibilities than previously considered. This has implications for the observed spectra and opens the possibility of implementing alternative models in simulations of radiative transfer aiming at providing spectra to be compared with observations.


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Context. The rotational evolution of isolated neutron stars is dominated by the magnetic field anchored to the solid crust of the star. Assuming that the core field evolves on much longer timescales, the crustal field evolves mainly though Ohmic dissipation and the Hall drift, and it may be subject to relatively rapid changes with remarkable effects on the observed timing properties. Aims. We investigate whether changes of the magnetic field structure and strength during the star evolution may have observable consequences in the braking index n. This is the most sensitive quantity to reflect small variations of the timing properties that are caused by magnetic field rearrangements. Methods. We performed axisymmetric, long-term simulations of the magneto-thermal evolution of neutron stars with state-of-the-art microphysical inputs to calculate the evolution of the braking index. Relatively rapid magnetic field modifications can be expected only in the crust of neutron stars, where we focus our study. Results. We find that the effect of the magnetic field evolution on the braking index can be divided into three qualitatively different stages depending on the age and the internal temperature: a first stage that may be different for standard pulsars (with n ~ 3) or low field neutron stars that accreted fallback matter during the supernova explosion (systematically n < 3); in a second stage, the evolution is governed by almost pure Ohmic field decay, and a braking index n > 3 is expected; in the third stage, at late times, when the interior temperature has dropped to very low values, Hall oscillatory modes in the neutron star crust result in braking indices of a high absolute value and both positive and negative signs. Conclusions. Current magneto-thermal evolution models predict a large contribution to the timing noise and, in particular, to the braking index, from temporal variations of the magnetic field. Models with strong ( 1014 G) multipolar or toroidal components, even with a weak (~1012 G) dipolar field are consistent with the observed trend of the timing properties.