987 resultados para work schedules
Introducción: El sector de la minería es fuente de desarrollo económico y social para Colombia (La Locomotora minera), ante este espectro se hace necesario su estudio en salud ocupacional. Objetivo: Caracterizar los subprogramas de medicina preventiva y del trabajo, higiene y seguridad industrial de las empresas de minería subterránea de carbón y determinar la asociación entre los riesgos identificados por los trabajadores y los establecidos por la empresa en el departamento de Cundinamarca. Materiales y métodos Estudio de corte transversal , utilizando dos tipos de cuestionarios estructurados: uno para empresa que caracterizó el estado del Programa de Salud Ocupacional, el otro dirigido a los empleados que identificó el conocimiento de los riesgos de exposición, uso de elementos de protección personal y acciones realizadas por el empleador. Resultados El desarrollo del Programa de Salud Ocupacional en Cundinamarca es bajo, en un rango del 25,26% al 38,85%. En la identificación del riesgo se presentó asociación en temperaturas extremas (5,00%) y uso de herramientas corto punzantes (58,8%). En uso de protección personal y su suministro se encontró asociación en mascarilla (60,00%) y eslinga (94,70%). Conclusiones Es necesario la implementación de controles estatales que mitiguen los riesgos, se cumpla con buenas condiciones laborales para disminuir índices de accidentalidad y enfermedad laboral.
Descriptive exploratory study, prospective with quantitative approach, performed on the Medical Regulation Central of SAMU/Natal, aiming to identify the level of professional satisfaction of the members of the nursing team working at SAMU/Natal; and verify the degree of importance attributed by the professionals to each of the components Professional Satisfaction: autonomy, interaction, professional status , work requirements, organizational rules and remuneration. The population was of 60 professionals, with data collected from january to february 2005. We used an instrument translated and validated by Lino (1999) to the portuguese language, the Professional Satisfaction Rate (PSR). The results demonstrate that there was a slight predominance of the female gender (54,9%); aged between 36 and 45 years old (60,8%); married (58,8%), 82,4% with children, 30,8% aged between 05 and 09. Regarding formation, we observed that 78,4% were nursing technicians and 21,6% nurses, formed for 11 to 15 years (17,5%). From the 11 nurses, 09 (81,8%) informed they have specialization, 29,4% of the team has been working for 11 to 15 years on the urgency area, 58.8% works for more than 02 years on SAMU, 72,6% of the team members have fixed work schedules. There was homogeneity on the work shifts: 41,2% on the day shift and 53% on the night shift. Regarding the reason to be working on SAMU, 64% chose to work in the service, and among these 76,3% predominantly perform direct care to the patients, 96,1% like and are satisfied to work in the service. Regarding the remuneration, 90,9% informed they receive 05 to 10 minimum wages; 70% of the technicians informed they receive -2 to 05 minumum wages, 50,1% informed they receive no additional benefit. The analysis of PSR through Cronbach s Alpha Coeficient resulted on the value of 0,94 and through Kendall s Tau Coeficient on 0,87, demonstrating to be a trustworthy instrument to measure the level of professional satisfaction of the SAMU nursing team, in our environment. As for the level of importance attributed to the components of professional satisfaction, we indentified that the nursing team considered the Autonomy component as the most important, followed by the component Remuneration, Interaction, Work Requirements, Work Requirements, Organizational Rules and Professional Status . Regarding the current level of professional satisfaction, we identified they were most satisfied with the Professional Status , Autonomy, Interaction, Remuneration, Work Requirements and Organizational Rules. The real professional satisfaction level, calculated through statistics, however, tells these professionals are more satisfied with Autonomy, Remuneration, Interaction, Work Requirements, professional Status and Organizational Rules. The PSR in our work was of 8,6, indicating the SAMU Natal nursing team has little satisfaction on their work environment
One of the largest problems of the present time resulting from the economic globalization and the modern technology, of the point of view of the biological rhytms of our organism, it is offering services and production of goods available in 24 o'clock, that it demands organized workers in several work schedules besides the hours of the day. Those schedules cause a series of biopsychosocial consequences in the worker's health, in function of circadian, homeostatic and psychosocial alterations. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to accomplish an evaluation of the effects of several works schedules in the pattern of the sleep wake cycle, anxiety, stress and in the health. We counted with a sample of 274 workers subdivided in 49 daytime worker groups and 225 workers in different shift work schedules with different speeds (rotating shift group, slower day shift group, faster day shift group). From the results analysis it is verified irregularities of the daily activities, stress and alterations in the workers' health in all schedules. It was also verified thata the workers thata presented irregularities in the daily activities were the mroe stressed. On the other hand, the shift works were considered more ansious and associated with bad sleep quality. It was verified that the workers with bad sleep quality were those presented larger levels of dispocional anxiety. There was no statistically significant correlation between bad sleep quality and irregular daily lifestyle. However, it can be affirmed thata shift work schendules doesn't are the main determinant for the circadian alterations, but the answers of the individuals to the shifts work; and that the inadequate behavioural strategies to work with the effects of the shift schedules. In conclusion, individual strategies related to the coping of the work in shift (adaptation and tolerance) should be extolled as indispensable tool in the ergonomic evaluation of the work
Em face da inexistência de dados sobre esquema de trabalho em turnos em empresas de Botucatu, solicitaram-se delas informações sobre ramo de atividade, número de funcionários e esquema de trabalho. Às que registraram tal ocorrência, enviou-se um questionário visando à caracterização da forma de organização da jornada de trabalho. Das 66 empresas participantes da pesquisa, 14 referiram a existência de trabalho em turnos, englobando 6.541 funcionários, de um total de 9.502, sendo 2.346 de setores da produção. Nesses setores, os sistemas contínuo alternado e descontínuo permanente predominaram. em oito empresas os sistemas eram alternados, cinco delas com esquemas apresentando freqüência de revezamento de seis ou mais dias. São descritas outras formas de organização encontradas. Conclui-se que, com o quadro descrito, torna-se possível estudar as relações entre trabalho em turnos, saúde e vida social dos trabalhadores.
This paper tackles a Nurse Scheduling Problem which consists of generating work schedules for a set of nurses while considering their shift preferences and other requirements. The objective is to maximize the satisfaction of nurses' preferences and minimize the violation of soft constraints. This paper presents a new deterministic heuristic algorithm, called MAPA (multi-assignment problem-based algorithm), which is based on successive resolutions of the assignment problem. The algorithm has two phases: a constructive phase and an improvement phase. The constructive phase builds a full schedule by solving successive assignment problems, one for each day in the planning period. The improvement phase uses a couple of procedures that re-solve assignment problems to produce a better schedule. Given the deterministic nature of this algorithm, the same schedule is obtained each time that the algorithm is applied to the same problem instance. The performance of MAPA is benchmarked against published results for almost 250,000 instances from the NSPLib dataset. In most cases, particularly on large instances of the problem, the results produced by MAPA are better when compared to best-known solutions from the literature. The experiments reported here also show that the MAPA algorithm finds more feasible solutions compared with other algorithms in the literature, which suggest that this proposed approach is effective and robust. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Trata do trabalho docente na Educação Básica e tem como objeto de pesquisa a relação entre a política de avaliação externa e o trabalho docente na educação básica no município de Belém. O objetivo geral é analisar o modelo de avaliação educacional, estabelecida pelos órgãos governamentais e sua relação com trabalho do docente das séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental no município de Belém, com ênfase nas turmas que se submetem à Prova Brasil. A metodologia adotada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e o estudo de caso, por entender que este vem ao encontro do reconhecimento de que o problema de pesquisa ora proposto assume uma especificidade na Rede Municipal de Educação de Belém. Destaca-se também o cotejamento das entrevistas realizadas com os professores, o que permitiu articular as seguintes categorias de análise: avaliações externas, regulação educacional e trabalho docente. A investigação realizada aponta que: a) A Reforma Administrativa do Estado Brasileiro demanda novas regulações e tendo como parâmetro definidor a dinâmica de avaliação, que reduz as políticas sociais à lógica de mercado, e amplia a capilaridade da educação para a produção do fracasso escolar, responsabilizando o professor; b) A partir da implantação do exame Prova Brasil e consequentemente a divulgação do IDEB, há mudanças significativas no contexto do trabalho docente das escolas pesquisadas, uma vez que suas agendas de trabalho foram fortemente afetadas pela dinâmica das avaliações externas e em especial pela necessidade de adequar o seu trabalho à dinâmica dos testes propostos pelo MEC via Prova Brasil bem como pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SEMEC); c) Há a preocupação cotidiana de equalizar os números para o fluxo escolar que deve redundar na nota do IDEB; d) A intensificação do trabalho docente é reconhecida pelos professores das escolas pesquisadas, entretanto assumem a sua responsabilidade sem a compreensão da dinâmica de responsabilização imputada pelo Estado; e) a institucionalização das novas regulações revela uma espécie de conluio ideológico para a fabricação do mito da virtuosidade da avaliação, ou seja, há setores da sociedade interessados em manter uma escola de classe.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective: To analyze the association between sleep quality and quality of life of nursing professionals according to their work schedules. Methods: A prospective, cross-sectional, observational study was conducted between January and December 2010, with 264 nursing professionals, drawn from 989 subjects at Botucatu General Hospital and stratified by professional category. The Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index and the WHOQOL-bref were administered to evaluate sleep quality and quality of life, respectively. Self-reported demographic data were collected with a standard form. Continuous variables were reported as means and standard deviations, and categorical variables were expressed as proportions. Associations were evaluated using Spearman's correlation coefficient. The association of night-shift work and gender with sleep disturbance was evaluated by logistic regression analysis using a model adjusted for age and considering sleep disturbance the dependent variable. The level of significance was p < 0.05. Results: Night-shift work was associated with severe worsening of at least one component of sleep quality in the model adjusted for age (OR = 1.91; 95% CI 1.04; 3.50; p = 0.036). Female gender was associated with sleep disturbance (OR = 3.40; 95% CI 1.37; 8.40; p = 0.008). Quality of life and quality of sleep were closely correlated (R = -0.56; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Characteristics of the nursing profession affect sleep quality and quality of life, and these two variables are associated.
This project set out to investigate the effects of the recent massive social transitions in Eastern Europe on the everyday social lives of the inhabitants of three very different nations: Georgia, Russia and Hungary. It focused in particular on the availability and nature of the support networks available to three different segments of each of the societies (manual workers, students and entrepreneurs) and the impact of network participation on psychological and physical well-being. The group set four specific questions to investigate: the part played by individual psychological beliefs in the formation and maintenance of social networks and the consequent formation of trusting relations; the implication of the size and quality of these networks for mental health; the nature of the social groups inhabited by the respondents and the implication of their work schedule and daily routines on the maintenance of a social and family life; and an analysis of how cultures vary in their social networks and intimacy. Three different methods were used to examine social support and its implications: structured questionnaires, semi-structured short interviews and a media analysis of newspaper materials. The questionnaires were administered to 150 participants in each country, equally divided between students studying full time, manual workers employed in factories, and business people (small kiosk owners, whose work and life style differs considerably from that of the manual workers). The questionnaires investigated various predictors of social support including the locus of control, relationship beliefs, individualism-collectivism and egalitarianism, demographic variables (age, gender and occupation), social support, both in general and in relation to significant events that have occurred since the transition from communism. Those with an internal locus of control were more likely to report a higher level of social support, as were collectivists, while age too was a significant predictor, with younger respondents enjoying higher levels of support, regardless of the measures of support employed. Respondents across the cultures referred to a decline of social support and the group also found a direct correlation between social support and mental health outcomes. All 450 respondents were interviewed on their general responses to changes in their lives since the fall of communism and the effects of their work lives on their social lives and the home environment. The interviews revealed considerable variations in the way in which work-life offered opportunities for a broader social life and also provided a hindrance to the development of fulfilling relationships. Many of the work experiences discussed were culture specific, with work having a particularly negative impact on the social life of Russian entrepreneurs but being seen much more positively in Georgia. This may reflect the nature of support offered in a society as overall support levels were lowest in Russia, meaning that social support may be of particular importance there. The way in cultural values and norms about personal relationships are transmitted in a culture is a critical issue for social psychologists and the group examined newspaper articles in those newspapers read by the respondents in each of the three countries. These revealed a number of different themes. The concept of a divided society and its implications for personal relationships was clearest in Russian and Hungary, where widely-read newspapers dwelt on the contrast between "new Russians/Hungarians" and the older, poorer ones and extended considerable sympathy to those suffering from neglect in institutions. Magyar Nemzet, a paper widely read by Hungarian students reflects the generally more pessimistic tone about personal relationships in Russia and Hungary and gave a particularly detailed analysis of the implications this holds for human relations in a modern society. In Georgia, however, the tone of the newspapers is more positive, stressing greater social cohesion. Part of this cohesion is framed in the context of religion, with the church appealing to a broader egalitarianism, whereas in less egalitarian Hungary appeals by the Church are centred more on the nuclear family and its need for expansion in both size and influence. The division between the sexes was another prominent issue in Hungary and Russia, while the theme of generational conflict also emerged in Hungarian and Georgian papers, although with some understanding of "young people today". The team's original expectation that the different newspapers read by the different groups of respondents would present differing images of personal relationships was not fulfilled, as despite variations in style, they found little clear "ideological targeting" of any particular readership. They conclude that the vast majority of respondents recognised that the social transition from communism has had a significant impact on the well-being of social relationships and that this is a pertinent issue for all segments of society. While the group see the data collected as a source to be worked on for some time in the future, their initial impressions include the following. Social support is clearly an important concern across all three countries. All respondents (including the students) lament the time taken up by their heavy work schedules and value their social networks and family ties in particular. The level of social support differs across the countries investigated, with Georgian apparently enjoying significantly higher levels of social support. The analysis produced an image of a relatively cohesive and egalitarian society in which even the group most often seen as distant from the general population, business people, is supported by a strong social network. In contrast, the support networks available to the Russian respondents seem particularly weak and reflect a general sense of division and alienation within the culture as a whole. The implications of low levels of social support may vary across countries. While Russians reported the lowest level of mental health problems, the link between social support and mental health may be strongest in that country. In contrast, in Hungary it is the link between fatalism and mental health problems which is particularly strong, while in Georgia the strongest correlation was between mental health and marital quality, emphasising the significance of the marital relationship in that country.
Background: Methodological challenges such as recruitment problems and participant burden make clinical trials in palliative care difficult. In 2001-2004, two community-based randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of case conferences in palliative care settings were independently conducted in Australia-the Queensland Case Conferences trial (QCC) and the Palliative Care Trial (PCT). Design: A structured comparative study of the QCC and PCT was conducted, organized by known practical and organizational barriers to clinical trials in palliative care. Results: Differences in funding dictated study designs and recruitment success; PCT had 6 times the budget of QCC. Sample size attainment. Only PCT achieved the sample size goal. QCC focused on reducing attrition through gatekeeping while PCT maximized participation through detailed recruitment strategies and planned for significant attrition. Testing sustainable interventions. QCC achieved a higher percentage of planned case conferences; the QCC strategy required minimal extra work for clinicians while PCT superimposed conferences on normal work schedules. Minimizing participant burden. Differing strategies of data collection were implemented to reduce participant burden. QCC had short survey instruments. PCT incorporated all data collection into normal clinical nursing encounters. Other. Both studies had acceptable withdrawal rates. Intention-to-treat analyses are planned. Both studies included substudies to validate new outcome measures. Conclusions: Health service interventions in palliative care can be studied using RCTs. Detailed comparative information of strategies, successes and challenges can inform the design of future trials. Key lessons include adequate funding, recruitment focus, sustainable interventions, and mechanisms to minimize participant burden.
Adults returning to school face challenges including overcoming math anxiety. Many choose online courses as they balance life and work schedules. Online math courses therefore can be restructured to prevent math anxiety by catering to individual learning styles, providing tools that aid concept attainment, and using problem-based learning strategies.
The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between multiple characteristics of maternal employment, parenting practices, and adolescents’ transition outcomes to young adulthood. The research addressed four main research questions. First, are the characteristics of maternal work (i.e., hours worked, multiple jobs held, work schedules, earnings, and occupation) related to adolescents’ enrollment in post-secondary education, employment, or involvement in neither of these types of activities as young adults? Second, are the work characteristics related to parental involvement and monitoring, and are the parenting practices related to adolescents’ transition outcomes? Third, do parental involvement and monitoring mediate any relationships between the characteristics of maternal employment and adolescents’ transition outcomes? Finally, do any associations between characteristics of maternal employment and parenting practices and adolescents’ transition outcomes vary by poverty status, race/ethnicity, or gender? To address these research questions, secondary data analysis was conducted, using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) from 1998 through 2004. The study sample consisted of 849 youths who were 15 through 17 years of age in either 1998 or 2000, and were 19 through 21 years of age when their transition outcomes in young adulthood were measured four years later. Multinomial logistic and ordinary least squares regression models were estimated to answer the research questions. Study findings indicated that of the maternal work characteristics, mothers’ multiple jobs held, occupation, and work schedule were significantly related to the youths’ transition outcomes. When mothers held multiple jobs for 1 to 25 weeks per year, and when mothers held jobs involving lower levels of occupational complexity, their youths were more likely to experience employment rather than post-secondary education. Adolescents whose mothers worked a standard work schedule were less likely to experience other types of transitions than post-secondary education. With regard to the effects of maternal employment on parenting practices, none of the maternal work variables were related to parental involvement, and only one variable, mothers working less than 40 hours per week, was negatively related to parental monitoring. In addition, when parents were more involved with their youths’ education, the youths were less likely to transition into employment and other types of transitions rather than post-secondary education. The parenting practices did not mediate the relation between the significant work variables (holding multiple jobs, work schedule, and occupation) and youths’ transition outcomes. Finally, none of the interactions between maternal work characteristics and poverty status, race/ethnicity, and gender met the criteria for determining significance; but in a series of sub-group analyses, some differences according to poverty status and gender were found. Despite the lack of mediation and moderation, the findings of this study have important implications for social policy and social work intervention. Based on the findings, suggestions are made in these areas to improve working mothers’ lives and their adolescents’ development and successful transition to adulthood. Finally, directions for future research are discussed.
O estilo de vida, atualmente, tem bastante influência na higiene do sono. São diversos os fatores que contribuem tanto para a sua manutenção como para a sua falha. O trabalho por turnos está frequentemente associado a elevadas cargas de stresse e fadiga devido a situações imprevisíveis e perigosas que possam advir da área profissional, da rotatividade do horário laboral, a um sono deficiente, à falta de atividades desportivas e de lazer, bem como à má alimentação. Estilo de vida, este, que reduz a qualidade de vida em geral e aumenta drasticamente a probabilidade de surgir doenças quer ao nível físico como mental. O sono, por sua vez, é um fenómeno universal de grande importância para o desenvolvimento humano. A qualidade do sono é determinada por vários fatores, entre eles as rotinas de sono. Torna-se, assim, importante estudar as rotinas de forma a incrementar o conhecimento sobre este determinante. A alternância do dia-noite –claro/escuro -, os horários de trabalho, os horários de lazer, as atividades familiares são todos fatores exógenos que sincronizam o ciclo sono-vigília. Estudar a qualidade de sono em profissionais que trabalham por turnos é de extrema relevância visto tratar-se de uma população cada vez mais em risco e em que se considera que o sono seja um dos fatores mais comprometidos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo caraterizar e avaliar a qualidade do sono em profissionais, em função dos horários de trabalho. A metodologia utilizada é quantitativa e centrou-se na aplicação do questionário IQSP – Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Buysse et al. (1989), adaptado e traduzido para português. O questionário foi aplicado a 50 indivíduos pertencentes à Polícia Marítima, na Zona Norte de Portugal Continental, na maioria (92%) homens com idades compreendidas entre os 36 e os 55 anos. Do total de participantes, 76% (n=38) encontra-se a trabalhar por turnos. A análise dos dados foi efetuada através do Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versão 22, tendo sido realizadas análises descritivas, inferenciais e correlacionais. Com maior relevância, no presente estudo, conclui-se que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas na qualidade do sono entre aqueles que trabalham por turnos e os que têm horário fixo, bem como, que a qualidade do sono também não se diferencia em função da idade, do tempo de profissão e da existência de filhos pequenos. Conclui-se, ainda, que a qualidade do sono parece estar relacionada com a satisfação com o horário de trabalho.
College students usually exhibit an irregular sleep-wake cycle characterized by great phase delays on weekends and short sleep length on weekdays. As the temporal organization of social activities is an important synchronizer of human biological rhythms, we investigated the role played by study's schedules and work on the sleep-wake cycle. Three groups of female college students were investigated: (1) no-job morning group, (2) no-job evening group, (3) job evening group. The volunteers answered a sleep questionnaire in the classroom. The effects of day of the week and group on the sleep schedules and sleep length were analyzed by a two way ANOVA for repeated measures. The three groups showed delays in the wake up time on weekends. No-job evening and morning groups also delayed bedtime, but the job evening group slept at the same time on weekdays as on weekends. Sleep length increased on weekends for morning group and job evening group, whereas the no-job evening group maintained the amount of sleep from weekdays to weekends. This survey showed that the tendency of phase delay on weekends was differently expressed according to study's schedules and work.