956 resultados para wind farm modeling


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This paper analyzes data captured by a phasor measurement unit at a wind farm, employing two-speed induction generators, and investigates aspects of the control system's interaction with the power system. Composite superimposed transient events are proposed as a method to improve the quality of the analysis and reduce errors caused by unknowns, such as wind speed variation. A Mathworks SimPowerSystems model validates the inertia contribution of the wind farm, which is an important parameter in power systems with high wind penetration. Transients caused by turbine speed transitions are identified and explained. The analysis also highlights areas where wind farm control should be improved if useful inertia contribution is to be provided.


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The increasing penetration of wind generation on the Island of Ireland has been accompanied by close investigation of low-frequency periodic pulsations contained within the active power flow from different wind farms. A primary concern is excitation of existing low-frequency oscillation modes already present on the system, particularly the 0.75 Hz mode as a consequence of the interconnected Northern and Southern power system networks. Recently grid code requirements on the Northern Ireland power system have been updated stipulating that wind farms connected after 2005 must be able to control the magnitude of oscillations in the range of 0.25 - 1.75 Hz to within 1% of the wind farm's registered output. In order to determine whether wind farm low-frequency oscillations have a negative effect (excite other modes) or possibly a positive impact (damping of existing modes) on the power system, the oscillations at the point of connection must be measured and characterised. Using time - frequency methods, research presented in this paper has been conducted to extract signal features from measured low-frequency active power pulsations produced by wind farms to determine the effective composition of possible oscillatory modes which may have a detrimental effect on system dynamic stability. The paper proposes a combined wavelet-Prony method to extract modal components and determine damping factors. The method is exemplified using real data obtained from wind farm measurements.


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The global increase in the penetration of renewable energy is pushing electrical power systems into uncharted territory, especially in terms of transient and dynamic stability. In particular, the greater penetration of wind generation in European power networks is, at times, displacing a significant capacity of conventional synchronous generation with fixed-speed induction generation and now more commonly, doubly-fed induction generators. The impact of such changes in the generation mix requires careful monitoring to assess the impact on transient and dynamic stability. This paper presents a measurement based method for the early detection of power system oscillations, with attention to mode damping, in order to raise alarms and develop strategies to actively improve power system dynamic stability and security. A method is developed based on wavelet transform and support vector data description (SVDD) to detect oscillation modes in wind farm output power, which may excite dynamic instabilities in the wider system. The wavelet transform is used as a filter to identify oscillations in different frequency bands, while SVDD is used to extract dominant features from different scales and generate an assessment boundary according to the extracted features. Poorly damped oscillations of a large magnitude or that are resonant can be alarmed to the system operator, to reduce the risk of system instability. Method evaluation is exemplified used real data from a chosen wind farm.


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The impact of power fluctuations arising from fixed-speed wind turbines on the magnitude and frequency of inter-area oscillations has been investigated. The authors introduced data acquisition equipment to record the power flow on the interconnector between the Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland systems. Through monitoring the interconnector oscillation using a fast Fourier transform, it was possible to determine the magnitude and frequency of the inter-area oscillation between the two systems. The impact of tower shadow on the output power from a wind farm was analysed using data recorded on site. A case study investigates the effect on the system of the removal of a large fixed-speed wind farm. Conclusions are drawn on the impact that conventional generation and the output from fixed-speed wind farms have on the stability of the Irish power system.


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The impact of power fluctuations arising from fixed-speed wind turbines on the magnitude and frequency of inter-area oscillations was investigated. The authors used data acquisition equipment to record the power flow on the interconnector between the Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland systems. By monitoring the interconnector oscillation using a fast Fourier transform, it was possible to determine the magnitude and frequency of the inter-area oscillation between the Northern Ireland electricity system and that of the electricity supply board. Analysis was preformed to determine the relationship (if any) between the inter-area oscillation and the observed wind power generation at the corresponding time. Subsequently, regression analysis was introduced to model this relationship between the FFT output and the wind power generation. The effect of conventional generators on the magnitude and frequency of the inter-area oscillation was also considered.


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The inertia of fixed-speed wind turbine generators (WTGs) helps to mitigate under-frequency transients, promotes fault ride-through and damps inter-area oscillations. It is therefore important to quantify this inertia. The authors use measured wind farm responses during under-frequency transients to provide this information. They discuss the extent of the data and the criteria used to select certain events for further analysis. The estimation of WTG inertia is based on a induction generator model. The basis of the model will be described. The manner in which the model is applied to estimate the inertia from the measured data is then explained. Finally, the implications of the results for power system operation are assessed.


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This paper investigates a flexible fault ride through strategy for power systems in China with high wind power penetration. The strategy comprises of adaptive fault ride through requirements and maximum power restrictions of the wind farms with weak fault ride through capabilities. The slight faults and moderate faults with high probability are the main defending objective of the strategy. The adaptive fault ride through requirement in the strategy consists of two sub fault ride through requirements, a temporary slight voltage ride through requirement corresponding to a slight fault incident, with a moderate voltage ride through requirement corresponding to a moderate fault. The temporary overloading capability of the wind farm is reflected in both requirements to enhance the capability to defend slight faults and to avoid tripping when the crowbar is disconnected after moderate faults are cleared. For those wind farms that cannot meet the adaptive fault ride through requirement, restrictions are put on the maximum power output. Simulation results show that the flexible fault ride through strategy increases the fault ride through capability of the wind farm clusters and reduces the wind power curtailment during faults.


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In this paper, the development of bidding strategies is investigated for a wind farm owner. The optimization model is characterized by making the analysis of scenarios. The proposed approach allows evaluating alternative production strategies in order to submit bids to the electricity market with the goal of maximizing profits. The problem is formulated as a linear programming problem. An application to a case study is presented


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Ensuring sustainable development conditions is presently world widely recognized as a critically important goal. This makes the use of electricity generation technologies based on renewable energy sources very relevant. Developing countries depend on an adequate availability of electrical energy to assure economic progress and are usually characterized by a high increase in electricity consumption. This makes sustainable development a huge challenge but it can also be taken as an opportunity, especially for countries which do not have fossil resources. This paper presents a study concerning the expansion of an already existent wind farm, located in Praia, the capital of Cape Verde Republic. The paper includes results from simulation studies that have been undertaken using PSCAD software and some economic considerations.


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The MATLAB model is contained within the compressed folders (versions are available as .zip and .tgz). This model uses MERRA reanalysis data (>34 years available) to estimate the hourly aggregated wind power generation for a predefined (fixed) distribution of wind farms. A ready made example is included for the wind farm distribution of Great Britain, April 2014 ("CF.dat"). This consists of an hourly time series of GB-total capacity factor spanning the period 1980-2013 inclusive. Given the global nature of reanalysis data, the model can be applied to any specified distribution of wind farms in any region of the world. Users are, however, strongly advised to bear in mind the limitations of reanalysis data when using this model/data. This is discussed in our paper: Cannon, Brayshaw, Methven, Coker, Lenaghan. "Using reanalysis data to quantify extreme wind power generation statistics: a 33 year case study in Great Britain". Submitted to Renewable Energy in March, 2014. Additional information about the model is contained in the model code itself, in the accompanying ReadMe file, and on our website: http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/~energymet/data/Cannon2014/


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Advanced forecasting of space weather requires simulation of the whole Sun-to-Earth system, which necessitates driving magnetospheric models with the outputs from solar wind models. This presents a fundamental difficulty, as the magnetosphere is sensitive to both large-scale solar wind structures, which can be captured by solar wind models, and small-scale solar wind “noise,” which is far below typical solar wind model resolution and results primarily from stochastic processes. Following similar approaches in terrestrial climate modeling, we propose statistical “downscaling” of solar wind model results prior to their use as input to a magnetospheric model. As magnetospheric response can be highly nonlinear, this is preferable to downscaling the results of magnetospheric modeling. To demonstrate the benefit of this approach, we first approximate solar wind model output by smoothing solar wind observations with an 8 h filter, then add small-scale structure back in through the addition of random noise with the observed spectral characteristics. Here we use a very simple parameterization of noise based upon the observed probability distribution functions of solar wind parameters, but more sophisticated methods will be developed in the future. An ensemble of results from the simple downscaling scheme are tested using a model-independent method and shown to add value to the magnetospheric forecast, both improving the best estimate and quantifying the uncertainty. We suggest a number of features desirable in an operational solar wind downscaling scheme.