999 resultados para wet test chamber


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Joseph Nicolas Cugnot built the first primitive car in 1769 and approximately one hundred year later the first automotive race took place. Thanks to this, for the first time the aerodynamics principles began to be applied to cars. The aerodynamic study of a car is important to improve the performance on the road, or on the track. It purposely enhances the stability in the turns and increases the maximum velocity. However, it is also useful, decrease the fuel consumption, in order to reduce the pollution. Given that cars are a very complex body, the aerodynamic study cannot be conducted following an analytical method, but it is possible, in general, to choose between two different approaches: the numerical or the experimental one. The results of numerical studies depend on the computers’ potential and on the method use to implement the mathematical model. Today, the best way to perform an aerodynamic study is still experimental, which means that in the first phase of the design process the study is performed in a wind tunnel and in later phases directly on track. The automotive wind tunnels are singular mainly due to the test chamber, which typically contains a ground simulation system. The test chamber can have different types of walls: open walls, closed walls, adaptive walls or slotted walls. The best solution is to use the slotted walls because they minimize the interference between the walls and the streamlines, the interaction between the flow and the environment, and also to contain the overall costs. Furthermore, is necessary minimize the boundary layer at the walls, without accelerating the flow, in order to provide the maximum section of homogeneous flow. This thesis aims at redefining the divergent angle of the Dallara Automobili S.P.A. wind tunnel’s walls, in order to improve the overall homogeneity. To perform this study it was necessary to acquire the pressure data of the boundary layer, than it was created the profile of the boundary layer velocity and, to minimize the experimental errors, it was calculated the displacement thickness. The results obtained shows, even if the instrument used to the experiment was not the best one, that the boundary layer thickness could be minor in case of a low diffusion angle. So it is convenient to perform another experiment with a most sensitive instrument to verified what is the better wall configuration.


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BACKGROUND: Methylphenidate (MPD) is a psychostimulant commonly prescribed for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The mode of action of the brain circuitry responsible for initiating the animals' behavior in response to psychostimulants is not well understood. There is some evidence that psychostimulants activate the ventral tegmental area (VTA), nucleus accumbens (NAc), and prefrontal cortex (PFC). METHODS: The present study was designed to investigate the acute dose-response of MPD (0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg) on locomotor behavior and sensory evoked potentials recorded from the VTA, NAc, and PFC in freely behaving rats previously implanted with permanent electrodes. For locomotor behavior, adult male Wistar-Kyoto (WKY; n = 39) rats were given saline on experimental day 1 and either saline or an acute injection of MPD (0.6, 2.5, or 10.0 mg/kg, i.p.) on experimental day 2. Locomotor activity was recorded for 2-h post injection on both days using an automated, computerized activity monitoring system. Electrophysiological recordings were also performed in the adult male WKY rats (n = 10). Five to seven days after the rats had recovered from the implantation of electrodes, each rat was placed in a sound-insulated, electrophysiological test chamber where its sensory evoked field potentials were recorded before and after saline and 0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg MPD injection. Time interval between injections was 90 min. RESULTS: Results showed an increase in locomotion with dose-response characteristics, while a dose-response decrease in amplitude of the components of sensory evoked field responses of the VTA, NAc, and PFC neurons. For example, the P3 component of the sensory evoked field response of the VTA decreased by 19.8% +/- 7.4% from baseline after treatment of 0.6 mg/kg MPD, 37.8% +/- 5.9% after 2.5 mg/kg MPD, and 56.5% +/- 3.9% after 10 mg/kg MPD. Greater attenuation from baseline was observed in the NAc and PFC. Differences in the intensity of MPD-induced attenuation were also found among these brain areas. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that an acute treatment of MPD produces electrophysiologically detectable alterations at the neuronal level, as well as observable, behavioral responses. The present study is the first to investigate the acute dose-response effects of MPD on behavior in terms of locomotor activity and in the brain involving the sensory inputs of VTA, NAc, and PFC neurons in intact, non-anesthetized, freely behaving rats previously implanted with permanent electrodes.


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This paper includes the experimental study, analysis, redesign and subsequent test of the parts of a closed circuit, low speed wind tunnel which are relevant in terms of total pressure loss. The objective is to lower the energy consumption of this system for given conditions in test chamber, so as to reduce the operational costs. In order to achieve this objective, several tasks were performed as the text shows in its different parts. For these tasks, the ETSIAE wind tunnel was used, although the results of this work can be extrapolated to any wind tunnel with the same characteristics. Part II presents a theoretical previous study of the general running of a closed circuit, low speed wind tunnel, as well as the followed procedure to conduct experimental tests for obtaining the total pressure loss in its parts. Results from these tests and their analysis are included in this part. In part III, the analysis of the influence of corner 1 on the pressure loss takes place. As it is said in this part, corner 1 has great importance in the total pressure loss of the wind tunnel. Therefore, it is the first part that should be modified in order to improve the performances of the wind tunnel. During part IV, an optimised guide vane is designed in order to reduce the pressure loss in corner 1 of the wind tunnel. Software MISES is used to achieve this goal by means of selecting the optimum guide vane. In order to introduce the new guide vane in wind tunnels with affordable costs, the easily constructable criterion is kept during design. For this reason, the guide vane will consist of simple aerodynamic contours. Part V includes some possible improvements for the proposed guide vane, in order to evaluate if there is room for improvement in its design. Finally, part VI includes the tests that were conducted in the wind tunnel with the new guide vane cascade and the analysis of their results, in order to asses whether the proposed design fulfills the requirement of lowering the total pressure loss in the wind tunnel. Part VII gathers the main ideas resulting from the whole work.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la influencia que tiene sobre el comportamiento aerodinámico del perfil el hecho de que este presente un borde de salida más grueso que el perfil original del que se partía. Este estudio se ha centrado fundamentalmente en la influencia sobre su sustentación aerodinámica, resistencia aerodinámica y, especialmente, sobre la eficiencia aerodinámica del perfil, es decir sobre la relación entre la sustentación y la resistencia aerodinámica. También se ha analizado su influencia en otros aspectos aerodinámicos de los perfiles, como la entrada en pérdida, el ángulo de ataque de sustentación máxima, el ángulo de ataque de eficiencia máxima, el coeficiente de momento aerodinámico y la posición del centro aerodinámico. Estas imperfecciones en el borde de salida pueden aparecer en algunos procesos de fabricación de determinados elementos aerodinámicos, como alas de aviones no tripulados o palas de aeroturbina. Este fenómeno no ha sido analizado en profundidad en la literatura científica, aunque si que se ha analizado por varios autores la influencia sobre el perfil con el borde de salida truncado, o perfiles con la parte final regruesada, utilizados en otras aplicaciones. Para la realización de este estudio se han analizado perfiles de distinto tipo, laminares y no laminares, perfiles simétricos y con curvatura, así como perfiles con distinto espesor, a fin de comparar el grado de influencia del fenómeno estudiado sobre cada tipo de perfil para comparar su grado de sensibilidad a dicha anomalía geométrica. El estudio se ha realizado experimentalmente utilizando una cámara de ensayos diseñada específicamente a tal efecto, así como una balanza electrónica para medir las fuerzas y los momentos sobre el perfil, y un escáner de presiones para medir la distribución de presiones en determinados casos. También se ha abordado el estudio del comportamiento de perfiles con borde de salida más grueso que el nominal pero redondeado en vez de romo, con el objeto de analizar la eficacia de redondear el borde de salida, que es uno de los métodos que se puede utilizar para mitigar este efecto. Por otro lado, como el comportamiento de los perfiles aerodinámicos tiene una fuerte dependencia del número de Reynolds, el estudio se ha centrado en el análisis del comportamiento a bajos números de Reynolds debido a su uso reciente en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, desde vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV) hasta palas de aeroturbinas de baja potencia, e incluso debido a su uso potencial en aeronaves diseñadas para volar en atmósferas de baja densidad como la que existe en Marte. El interés de este estudio está orientado al establecimiento de criterios para cuantificar la influencia que tiene el hecho de que el borde de salida sea más grueso que el nominal en la degradación de su eficiencia aerodinámica máxima, con el objeto de poder establecer los límites de aceptación o rechazo de estas piezas una vez fabricadas, según el tipo de perfil aerodinámico utilizado. Del resultado del análisis de los casos estudiados se puede concluir que según aumenta el espesor del borde de salida, dentro del intervalo de estudio, la sustentación aerodinámica aumenta, así como la sustentación máxima, pero aumenta en mayor proporción la resistencia aerodinámica, por lo que se produce una reducción de la eficiencia aerodinámica, en particular de su valor máximo. Por otro lado, el hecho de redondear el borde de salida del perfil ayuda ligeramente a reducir este efecto. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to analyze the effects of airfoil trailing edges thickness when this is thicker than the airfoil nominal. Several factors may lead to an airfoil trailing edge being thicker than the nominal airfoil, and this may affect various aerodynamic parameters. This study has focus on its influence on the airfoil’s aerodynamic lift, drag and, particularly on the aerodynamic efficiency of the airfoil, that is, the relationship between the aerodynamic lift and drag. It has also been studied how this fact may alter some other aerodynamic aspects of airfoils, such as stall, angle of attack of maximum lift, angle of maximum efficiency, aerodynamic moment coefficient and aerodynamic center position. These imperfections in the trailing edge may appear in some manufacturing processes of certain aerodynamic elements, such as unmanned aircraft wings or wind turbine blades. This phenomenon has not been deeply analyzed in the literature, although several authors have discussed its influence on airfoil with truncated trailing edge, or airfoils with thickened end, used in other applications. Various types of airfoils have been analyzed, laminar and non-laminar, symmetric and curved airfoils, and airfoils with different thickness, in order to compare the degree of influence of the phenomenon studied on each airfoil type and thus, to estimate the degree of sensitivity to the anomaly geometry. The study was carried out experimentally using a test chamber designed specifically for this purpose, as well as an electronic balance to measure the forces and moments on the airfoil, and a pressure scanner to measure distribution of pressures in certain cases. It has also been investigated the behavior of airfoils with trailing edge thicker than the nominal, but rounded instead of blunt, in order to analyze the effectiveness of the trailing edge rounding, which is one of the methods that can be used to mitigate this phenomenon. Moreover, as the behavior of the airfoil is highly dependent on the Reynolds number, the study has been focused on the analysis of the behavior at low Reynolds numbers due to recent use of low Reynolds numbers airfoils in a wide range of applications, from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to low power wind turbine blades, or even due to their potential use in aircraft designed to fly in low density atmospheres as the one existing in Mars. The main purpose of this research is to establish a set of criteria for quantifying the influence that a thicker-than–nominal-trailing edge has in the degradation of maximum aerodynamic efficiency, aiming at establishing the acceptance limits for these pieces when they are manufactured, according to the type of airfoil used. Based on the results obtained from the analysis of the cases under study it can be concluded that increasing the thickness of the trailing edge, within the range of study, increases aerodynamic lift, as well as maximum lift, but the aerodynamic drag increases in a higher proportion, and consequently there is a reduction of aerodynamic efficiency, particularly, of its maximum value. On the other hand, rounding the trailing edge of the airfoil slightly helps to reduce this effect.


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En esta tesis se ha analizado la influencia que tienen ciertas imperfecciones en el borde de ataque de un perfil aerodinámico sobre el comportamiento aerodinámico general del mismo, centrándose fundamentalmente en la influencia sobre el coeficiente de sustentación máxima, coeficiente de resistencia y sobre la eficiencia aerodinámica del perfil, es decir sobre la relación entre la sustentación y la resistencia aerodinámicas. También se ha analizado su influencia en otros aspectos, como la entrada en pérdida, ángulo de ataque de sustentación máxima, ángulo de ataque de eficiencia máxima, coeficiente de momento aerodinámico y posición del centro aerodinámico. Estos defectos de forma en el borde de ataque pueden aparecer en algunos procesos de fabricación de determinados elementos aerodinámicos, como pueden ser las alas de pequeños aviones no tripulados o las palas de aeroturbina. Los perfiles se ha estudiado a bajos números de Reynolds debido a su uso reciente en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, desde vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV) hasta palas de aeroturbina de baja potencia, e incluso debido a su potencial utilización en aeronaves diseñadas para volar en atmósferas de baja densidad. El objeto de estudio de esta tesis no ha sido analizado en profundidad en la literatura científica, aunque sí que se ha estudiado por varios autores el comportamiento de perfiles a bajos números de Reynolds, con ciertas protuberancias sobre su superficie o también con formación de hielo en el borde de ataque. Para la realización de este estudio se han analizado perfiles de distinto tipo, perfiles simétricos y con curvatura, perfiles laminares, y todos ellos con igual o distinto espesor, con el objeto de obtener y comparar la influencia del fenómeno estudiado sobre cada tipo de perfil y así analizar su grado de sensibilidad a estas imperfecciones en la geometría del borde de ataque. Este trabajo ha sido realizado experimentalmente utilizando una túnel aerodinámico diseñado específicamente a tal efecto, así como una balanza electrónica para medir las fuerzas y los momentos sobre el perfil, y un escáner de presiones para medir la distribución de presiones sobre la superficie de los perfiles en determinados casos de interés. La finalidad de este estudio está orientada al establecimiento de criterios para cuantificar la influencia en la aerodinámica del perfil que tiene el hecho de que el borde de ataque presente una discontinuidad geométrica, con el objeto de poder establecer los límites de aceptación o rechazo de estas piezas en el momento de ser fabricadas. Del análisis de los casos estudiados se puede concluir que según aumenta el tamaño de la imperfección del borde de ataque, la sustentación aerodinámica máxima en general disminuye, al igual que la eficiencia aerodinámica máxima, pues la resistencia aerodinámica aumenta. Sin embargo, en algunos casos, para pequeños defectos se produce un efecto contrario. La sustentación máxima aumenta apreciablemente sin apenas pérdida de eficiencia aerodinámica máxima. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to analyze the effects of leading edge imperfections on the aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils at low Reynolds numbers. The leading edge imperfection here considered being a slight displacement of half airfoil with respect to the other. This study has focus on its influence on the airfoil’s aerodynamic lift, drag and on the aerodynamic efficiency of the airfoil, that is, the relationship between the aerodynamic lift and drag. It has also been studied how this fact may alter some other aerodynamic aspects of airfoils, such as stall, angle of attack of maximum lift, angle of maximum efficiency, aerodynamic moment coefficient and aerodynamic center position. These imperfections in the leading edge may appear in some manufacturing processes of certain aerodynamic elements, such as unmanned aircraft wings or wind turbine blades. The study has focused on the analysis of the behavior at low Reynolds numbers due to recent use of low Reynolds numbers airfoils in a wide range of applications, from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to low power wind turbine blades, or even due to their potential use in aircraft designed to fly in low density atmospheres as the one existing in Mars. This phenomenon has not been deeply analyzed in the literature, although several authors have discussed on airfoils at low Reynolds number, with leading edge protuberances or airfoils with ice accretions. Various types of airfoils have been analyzed, laminar and non-laminar, symmetric and curved airfoils, and airfoils with different thickness, in order to compare the degree of influence of the phenomenon studied on each airfoil type and thus, to estimate the degree of sensitivity to the anomaly geometry. The study was carried out experimentally using a test chamber designed specifically for this purpose, as well as an electronic balance to measure the forces and moments on the airfoil, and a pressure scanner to measure distribution of pressures in certain cases. The main purpose of this research is to establish a criteria for quantifying the influence that a slight displacement of half aerofoil with respect to the other has in the degradation of aerodynamics characteristics, aiming at establishing the acceptance limits for these pieces when they are manufactured, according to the type of airfoil used. Based on the results obtained from the analysis of the cases under study it can be concluded that displacements, within the range of study, decreases maximum aerodynamic lift, but the aerodynamic drag increases, and consequently there is a reduction of aerodynamic efficiency. However, in some cases, for small defects opposite effect occurs. The maximum lift increases significantly with little loss of maximum aerodynamic efficiency.


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This study shows the air flow behavior through the geometry of a freight truck inside a AF6109 wind tunnel with the purpose to predict the speed, pressure and turbulence fields made by the air flow, to decrease the aerodynamic resistance, to calculate the dragging coefficient, to evaluate the aerodynamics of the geometry of the prototype using the CFD technique and to compare the results of the simulation with the results obtained experimentally with the “PETER 739 HAULER” scaled freight truck model located on the floor of the test chamber. The Geometry went through a numerical simulation process using the CFX 5,7. The obtained results showed the behavior of the air flow through the test chamber, and also it showed the variations of speed and pressure at the exit of the chamber and the calculations of the coefficient and the dragging force on the geometry of the freight truck. The evaluation of the aerodynamics showed that the aerodynamic deflector is a device that helped the reduction the dragging produced in a significant way by the air. Furthermore, the dragging coefficient and force on the prototype freight truck could be estimated establishing an incomplete similarity.


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Acoustic stimuli within the sonic range are effective triggers of C-type escape behaviours in fish. We have previously shown that fish have an acute sensitivity to infrasound also, with acceleration thresholds in the range of 10(-5) m s(-2). In addition, infrasound at high intensities around 10(-2) m s(-2) elicits strong and sustained avoidance responses in several fish species. In the present study, the possible triggering of C-escapes by infrasonic single-cycle vibrations was examined in juvenile roach Rutilus rutilus. The fish were accelerated in a controlled and quantifiable manner using a swing system. The applied stimuli simulated essential components of the accelerations that a small fish would encounter in the hydrodynamic flow field produced by a predatory fish. Typical C- and S-type escape responses were induced by accelerations within the infrasonic range with a threshold of 0.023 m s(-2) for an initial acceleration at 6.7 Hz. Response trajectories were on average in the same direction as the initial acceleration. Unexpectedly, startle behaviours mainly occurred in the trailing half of the test chamber, in which the fish were subjected to linear acceleration in combination with compression, i.e. the expected stimuli produced by an approaching predator. Very few responses were observed in the leading half of the test chamber, where the fish were subjected to acceleration and rarefaction, i.e. the stimuli expected from a suction type of predator. We conclude that particle acceleration is essential for the directionality of the startle response to infrasound, and that the response is triggered by the synergistic effects of acceleration and compression.


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Objective: Ocular allergy is a broad group of allergic conditions involving inflammation of the conjunctiva and the most common forms are seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC; 90% of cases) and perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC; 5% of cases). The main symptom is ocular itching caused by mast cell degranulation leading to the release of histamine and other mediators such as tryptase. Tryptase is a neutral protease that is selectively concentrated in the secretory granules of human mast cells and has been shown to be a sensitive and specific marker of type I hypersensitivity reaction. The objective was to ascertain the best assay method for determining the tryptase levels in tear samples and whether this can be used to determine the efficacy of non-pharmacological treatments compared to no treatment or their combined effect with anti-allergic medication for SAC and PAC. Method: Thirty patients with a history of SAC were recruited into a randomised blind study during winter months when all the patients were asymptomatic. Suitability was determined by skin prick and conjunctival provocation tests. Patients were randomly assigned to either a non-pharmacological or a pharmacological Intervention group and received each test condition assigned to their group in a randomly assigned order. Symptoms were provoked by exposure to pollen in an environmental test chamber where the temperature, humidity and grass pollen levels were set to a high pollen count day. Tear samples were taken set intervals during the visit and then processed by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of tryptase levels. Preliminary results: Results are still being analysed but the preliminary optimisation experiments tested four different ELISA systems; two indirect assays and two capture ‹sandwich› assays. The results suggest that in both sandwich assay systems non-specific binding occurred which could not be easily overcome. The indirect assay systems both showed specific reactions, and the sensitivity achieved was greater with the monoclonal than the polyclonal antibody. Using these findings the indirect assay system was optimised to provide a standardised system for measuring tryptase. Initial trials using human tear samples displayed tryptase levels between 23.1 and 175.1 ng/ml; levels which fall within the anticipated range for patients with SAC. Further statistical work is needed to determine whether tryptase levels vary between the treatments 75.


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Indoor Air 2016 - The 14th International Conference Indoor Air Quality and Climate


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In light of deep-sea mining industry development, particularly interested in massive-sulphide deposits enriched in metals with high commercial value, efforts are increasing to better understand potential environmental impacts to local fauna. The aim of this study was to assess the natural background levels of biomarkers in the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata and their responses to copper exposure at in situ pressure (30MPa) as well as the effects of depressurization and pressurization of the high-pressure aquarium IPOCAMP. R. exoculata were collected from the chimney walls of the hydrothermal vent site TAG (Mid Atlantic Ridge) at 3630m depth during the BICOSE cruise in 2014. Tissue metal accumulation was quantified in different tissues (gills, hepatopancreas and muscle) and a battery of biomarkers was measured: metal exposure (metallothioneins), oxidative stress (catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione-S-transferase and glutathione peroxidase) and oxidative damage (lipid peroxidation). Data show a higher concentration of Cu in the hepatopancreas and a slight increase in the gills after incubations (for both exposed groups). Significant induction of metallothioneins was observed in the gills of shrimps exposed to 4μM of Cu compared to the control group. Moreover, activities of enzymes were detected for the in situ group, showing a background protection against metal toxicity. Results suggest that the proposed method, including a physiologically critical step of pressurizing and depressurizing the test chamber to enable the seawater exchange during exposure to contaminants, is not affecting metal accumulation and biomarkers response and may prove a useful method to assess toxicity of contaminants in deep-sea species.


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A possible future scenario for the water injection (WI) application has been explored as an advanced strategy for modern GDI engines. The aim is to verify whether the PWI (Port Water Injection) and DWI (Direct Water Injection) architectures can replace current fuel enrichment strategies to limit turbine inlet temperatures (TiT) and knock engine attitude. In this way, it might be possible to extend the stoichiometric mixture condition over the entire engine map, meeting possible future restrictions in the use of AES (Auxiliary Emission Strategies) and future emission limitations. The research was first addressed through a comprehensive assessment of the state-of-the-art of the technology and the main effects of the chemical-physical water properties. Then, detailed chemical kinetics simulations were performed in order to compute the effects of WI on combustion development and auto-ignition. The latter represents an important methodology step for accurate numerical combustion simulations. The water injection was then analysed in detail for a PWI system, through an experimental campaign for macroscopic and microscopic injector characterization inside a test chamber. The collected data were used to perform a numerical validation of the spray models, obtaining an excellent matching in terms of particle size and droplet velocity distributions. Finally, a wide range of three-dimensional CFD simulations of a virtual high-bmep engine were realized and compared, exploring also different engine designs and water/fuel injection strategies under non-reacting and reacting flow conditions. According to the latter, it was found that thanks to the introduction of water, for both PWI and DWI systems, it could be possible to obtain an increase of the target performance and an optimization of the bsfc (Break Specific Fuel Consumption), lowering the engine knock risk at the same time, while the TiT target has been achieved hardly only for one DWI configuration.


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This study evaluated in vitro the pulp chamber temperature rise induced by the light-activated dental bleaching technique using different light sources. The root portions of 78 extracted sound human mandibular incisors were sectioned approximately 2 mm below the cementoenamel junction. The root cavities of the crowns were enlarged to facilitate the correct placing of the sensor into the pulp chamber. Half of specimens (n=39) was assigned to receive a 35% hydrogen peroxide gel on the buccal surface and the other halt (n=39) not to receive the bleaching agent. Three groups (n=13) were formed for each condition (bleach or no bleach) according to the use of 3 light sources recommended for dental bleaching: a light-emitting diode (LED)laser system, a LED unit and a conventional halogen light. The light sources were positioned perpendicular to the buccal surface at a distance of 5 mm and activated during 30 s. The differences between the initial and the highest temperature readings for each specimen were obtained, and, from the temperature changes, the means for each specimen and each group were calculated. The values of temperature rise were compared using Kruskal-Wallis test at 1% significance level. Temperature rise varied significantly depending on the light-curing unit, with statistically significant differences (p<0.01) among the groups. When the bleaching agent was not applied, the halogen light induced the highest temperature rise (2.38±0.66ºC). The LED unit produced the lowest temperature increase (0.29±0.13ºC); but there was no significant difference between LED unit and LED-laser system (0.35±0.15ºC) (p>0.01). When the bleaching agent was applied, there were significant differences among groups (p<0.01): halogen light induced the highest temperature rise (1.41±0.64ºC), and LED-laser system the lowest (0.33±0.12ºC); however, there was no difference between LED-laser system and LED unit (0.44±0.11ºC). LED and LED-laser system did not differ significantly from each other regardless the temperature rise occurred with or without bleaching agent application. It may be concluded that during light-activated tooth bleaching, with or without the bleaching agent, halogen light promoted higher pulp chamber temperature rise than LED unit and LED-laser system. The tested light-curing units provided increases in the pulp chamber temperature that were compatible with pulpal health.


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The aim of this study was to verify whether screw abutment lubrication can generate higher preload values compared to non-lubricated screws, a titanium abutment was screwed onto an implant analog and scanned with the Procera System to generate 20 zirconia abutments. MKIII Brånemark implants were clamped to a precision torque device, and the abutments were distributed in dry and wet groups with 10 specimens each. In the wet groups, the inner threads of the implants were filled with artificial saliva. All abutments were fastened with a Torqtite screw under 32 Ncm. Ten detorque measurements were performed per group pushing the reverse button of the Torque controller soon after screw tightening with values registered. The mean detorque values were calculated and compared by a Student's t test (?=0.05). The wet condition presented significantly higher mean detorque than the dry condition (31.5 ± 1.2 versus 27.5 ± 1.5 Ncm, respectively; p=0.0000024). In conclusion, there was always a loss in the initial torque values when the removal torque was measured under both conditions. The wet condition presented higher mean torque than the dry condition. Better preload values were established in the wet group, suggesting that the abutment screw must be lubricated in saliva to avoid further loosening.


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This work concerns the influence of industrialized agriculture in the tropics on precipitation chemistry. A total of 264 rain events were sampled using a wet-only collector in central Sao Paulo State, Brazil, between January 2003 and July 2007. Electroneutrality balance calculations (considering H(+), K(+), Na(+), NH(4)(+), Ca(2)(+), Mg(2)(+), Cl(-), NO(3)(-), SO(4)(2-), F(-), PO(4)(3-), H(3)CCOO(-), HCOO(-), C(2)O(4)(2-) and HCO(3)(-)) showed that there was an excess of cations (similar to 15%), which was attributed to the presence of unmeasured organic anion species originating from biomass burning and biogenic emissions. On average, the three ions NH(4)(+), NO(3)(-) and H(+) were responsible for >55% of the total ion concentrations in the rainwater samples. Concentrations (except of H(+)) were significantly higher (t-test; P = 0.05), by between two to six-fold depending on species, during the winter sugar cane harvest period, due to the practice of pre-harvest burning of the crop. Principal component analysis showed that three components could explain 88% of the variance for measurements made throughout the year: PC1 (52%, biomass burning and soil dust resuspension); PC2 (26%, secondary aerosols); PC3 (10%, road transport emissions). Differences between harvest and non-harvest periods appeared to be mainly due to an increased relative importance of road transport/industrial emissions during the summer (non-harvest) period. The volume-weighted mean (VWM) concentrations of ammonium (23.4 mu mol L(-1)) and nitrate (17.5 mu mol L(-1)) in rainwater samples collected during the harvest period were similar to those found in rainwater from Sao Paulo city, which emphasizes the importance of including rural agro-industrial emissions in regional-scale atmospheric chemistry and transport models. Since there was evidence of a biomass burning source throughout the year, it appears that rainwater composition will continue to be affected by vegetation fires, even after sugar cane burning is phased out as envisaged by recent Sao Paulo State legislation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.