970 resultados para wet digestion
Vertical number fluxes of aerosol particles and vertical fluxes of CO(2) were measured with the eddy covariance method at the top of a 53 m high tower in the Amazon rain forest as part of the LBA (The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) experiment. The observed aerosol number fluxes included particles with sizes down to 10 nm in diameter. The measurements were carried out during the wet and dry season in 2008. In this study focus is on the dry season aerosol fluxes, with significant influence from biomass burning, and these are compared with aerosol fluxes measured during the wet season. Net particle deposition fluxes dominated in daytime in both seasons and the deposition flux was considerably larger in the dry season due to the much higher dry season particle concentration. The particle transfer velocity increased linearly with increasing friction velocity in both seasons. The difference in transfer velocity between the two seasons was small, indicating that the seasonal change in aerosol number size distribution is not enough for causing any significant change in deposition velocity. In general, particle transfer velocities in this study are low compared to studies over boreal forests. The reasons are probably the high percentage of accumulation mode particles and the low percentage of nucleation mode particles in the Amazon boundary layer, both in the dry and wet season, and low wind speeds in the tropics compared to the midlatitudes. In the dry season, nocturnal particle fluxes behaved very similar to the nocturnal CO(2) fluxes. Throughout the night, the measured particle flux at the top of the tower was close to zero, but early in the morning there was an upward particle flux peak that is not likely a result of entrainment or local pollution. It is possible that these morning upward particle fluxes are associated with emission of primary biogenic particles from the rain forest. Emitted particles may be stored within the canopy during stable conditions at nighttime, similarly to CO(2), and being released from the canopy when conditions become more turbulent in the morning.
Number fluxes of particles with diameter larger than 10 nm were measured with the eddy covariance method over the Amazon rain forest during the wet season as part of the LBA (The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) campaign 2008. The primary goal was to investigate whether sources or sinks dominate the aerosol number flux in the tropical rain forest-atmosphere system. During the measurement campaign, from 12 March to 18 May, 60% of the particle fluxes pointed downward, which is a similar fraction to what has been observed over boreal forests. The net deposition flux prevailed even in the absolute cleanest atmospheric conditions during the campaign and therefore cannot be explained only by deposition of anthropogenic particles. The particle transfer velocity v(t) increased with increasing friction velocity and the relation is described by the equation v(t) = 2.4x10(-3)xu(*) where u(*) is the friction velocity. Upward particle fluxes often appeared in the morning hours and seem to a large extent to be an effect of entrainment fluxes into a growing mixed layer rather than primary aerosol emission. In general, the number source of primary aerosol particles within the footprint area of the measurements was small, possibly because the measured particle number fluxes reflect mostly particles less than approximately 200 nm. This is an indication that the contribution of primary biogenic aerosol particles to the aerosol population in the Amazon boundary layer may be low in terms of number concentrations. However, the possibility of horizontal variations in primary aerosol emission over the Amazon rain forest cannot be ruled out.
Due to rain events historical monuments exposed to the atmosphere are frequently submitted to wet and dry cycles. During drying periods wetness is maintained in some confined regions and the corrosion product layer, generally denominated patinas, builds up and gets thicker. The aim of this study is to use electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to investigate the electrochemical behaviour of pure copper coated with two artificial patina layers and submitted either to continuous or to intermittent immersion tests, this latter aiming to simulate wet and dry cycles. The experiments were performed in 0.1 mol dm(-3) NaCl solution and in artificial rainwater containing the most significant pollutants of the city of Sao Paulo. The results of the continuous immersion tests in the NaCl solution have shown that the coated samples behave like a porous electrode with finite pore length. On the other hand, in the intermittent tests a porous electrode response with semi-infinite pore length can be developed. The results were interpreted based on the model of de Levie and a critical comparison with previous interpretations reported in the literature for similar systems is presented. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydrophilic dentin adhesives are prone to water sorption that adversely affects the durability of resin-dentin bonds. This study examined the feasibility of bonding to dentin with hydrophobic resins via the adaptation of electron microscopy tissue processing techniques. Hydrophobic primers were prepared by diluting 2,2-bis[4(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloyloxy-propyloxy)-phenyl] propane/triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate resins with known ethanol concentrations. They were applied to acid-etched moist dentin using an ethanol wet bonding technique that involved: (1) stepwise replacement of water with a series of increasing ethanol concentrations to prevent the demineralized collagen matrix from collapsing; (2) stepwise replacement of the ethanol with different concentrations of hydrophobic primers and subsequently with neat hydrophobic resin. Using the ethanol wet bonding technique, the experimental primer versions with 40, 50, and 75% resin exhibited tensile strengths which were not significantly different from commercially available hydrophilic three-step adhesives that were bonded with water wet bonding technique. The concept of ethanol wet bonding may be explained in terms of solubility parameter theory. This technique is sensitive to water contamination, as depicted by the lower tensile strength results from partial dehydration protocols. The technique has to be further improved by incorporating elements of dentin permeability reduction to avoid water from dentinal tubules contaminating water-free resin blends during bonding. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 84A: 19-29, 2008.
The feasibility of detecting instability in wet spouted beds via pressure fluctuation (PF) time-series analyses was investigated. Experiments were carried out in a cylindrical Plexiglas column of diameter 150 mm with a conical base of internal angle 60 degrees, an inlet orifice diameter of 25 mm and glass beads of diameter 2.4 mm. Transducers at several axial positions measured PF time series with incremental addition of aqueous sucrose solutions of different concentrations. Liquid addition affected the spouted bed dynamics, causing irregular spouting, increased voidage in the annulus, increased fountain height, irregular annulus height, channelling, agglomeration, and adhesion of particles to the column walls. Autocorrelations indicated the appearance of periodicities in the PF signals with increasing sucrose addition. Dominant peaks in power-spectral density developed at low frequencies with changing system dynamics. The results indicate that PF signals furnish relevant information on system dynamics, useful for monitoring and control of spouted bed operations such as particle coating and drying of paste-like materials.
Dimensionless spray flux Ψa is a dimensionless group that characterises the three most important variables in liquid dispersion: flowrate, drop size and powder flux through the spray zone. In this paper, the Poisson distribution was used to generate analytical solutions for the proportion of nuclei formed from single drops (fsingle) and the fraction of the powder surface covered by drops (fcovered) as a function of Ψa. Monte-Carlo simulations were performed to simulate the spray zone and investigate how Ψa, fsingle and fcovered are related. The Monte-Carlo data was an excellent match with analytical solutions of fcovered and fsingle as a function of Ψa. At low Ψa, the proportion of the surface covered by drops (fcovered) was equal to Ψa. As Ψa increases, drop overlap becomes more dominant and the powder surface coverage levels off. The proportion of nuclei formed from single drops (fsingle) falls exponentially with increasing Ψa. In the ranges covered, these results were independent of drop size, number of drops, drop size distribution (mono-sized, bimodal and trimodal distributions), and the uniformity of the spray. Experimental data of nuclei size distributions as a function of spray flux were fitted to the analytical solution for fsingle by defining a cutsize for single drop nuclei. The fitted cutsizes followed the spray drop sizes suggesting that the method is robust and that the cutsize does indicate the transition size between single drop and agglomerate nuclei. This demonstrates that the nuclei distribution is determined by the dimensionless spray flux and the fraction of drop controlled nuclei can be calculated analytically in advance.
Granule impact deformation has long been recognised as important in determining whether or not two colliding granules will coalesce. Work in the last 10 years has highlighted the fact that viscous effects are significant in granulation. The relative strengths of different formulations can vary with strain rate. Therefore, traditional strength measurements made at pseudo-static conditions give no indication, even qualitatively, of how materials will behave at high strain rates, and hence are actually misleading when used to model granule coalescence. This means that new standard methods need to be developed for determining the strain rates encountered by granules inside industrial equipment and also for measuring the mechanical properties of granules at these strain rates. The constitutive equations used in theoretical models of granule coalescence also need to be extended to include strain-rate dependent components.
The nutrient contents and accessions in litterfall over a period of 3 y are reported for undisturbed areas and at two sites disturbed by selective harvesting in tropical rain forest in North Queensland, Australia. Mean concentrations (mg g(-1) dry weight) of nutrients in litterfall ranged from 10 to 12 for nitrogen; 0.33 to 0.43 for phosphorus; 3.6 to 4.3 for potassium; 6.0 to 10.5 for calcium and 1.7 to 2.6 for magnesium. These concentrations are in the middle to lower part of the spectrum of values recorded for tropical forest. Accessions of nutrients in litterfall (kg ha(-1) y(-1)) ranged from 59 to 64 N; 1.9 to 2.4 P; 20 to 24K; 34 to 63 Ca; and 9 to 16 Mg. These rates, particularly for IN and P, are among the lowest recorded for tropical forests. There were no consistent between-site differences in total nutrient accessions in small litterfall. In terms of the contribution of litterfall to the accessions of nutrients to the forest floor, this suggests that the logged sites have recovered from the effects of selective harvesting within 25 y. Nutrient accessions at each site were distinctly seasonal, with maximum accessions occurring in the late dry season to late in the wet season. Leaf-fall accounted for the largest proportion of nutrient accessions over the study period, although at certain times accessions in both reproductive material and wood were significant. A cyclone which crossed the coast near the study sites resulted in large nutrient accessions over a short period but had little effect on the total annual accession. A comparison with previous studies of litterfall in Australian tropical rainforests indicates that nutrient return in litterfall is directly related to soil fertility.
Xylem sap from woody species in the wet/dry tropics of northern Australia was analyzed for N compounds. At the peak of the dry season, arginine was the main N compound in sap of most species of woodlands and deciduous monsoon forest. In the wet season, a marked change occurred with amides becoming the main sap N constituents of most species. Species from an evergreen monsoon forest, with a permanent water source, transported amides in the dry season. In the dry season, nitrate accounted for 7 and 12% of total xylem sap N in species of deciduous and evergreen monsoon forests, respectively In the wet season, the proportion of N present as nitrate increased to 22% in deciduous monsoon forest species. These results suggest that N is taken up and assimilated mainly in the wet season and that this newly assimilated N is mostly transported as amide-N (woodland species, monsoon forest species) and nitrate (monsoon forest species). Arginine is the form in which stored N is remobilized and transported by woodland and deciduous monsoon forest species in the dry season. Several proteins, which may represent bark storage proteins, were detected in inner bark tissue from a range of trees in the dry season, indicating that, although N uptake appears to be limited in the dry season, the many tree and shrub species that produce flowers, fruit or leaves in the dry season use stored N to support growth. Nitrogen characteristics of the studied species are discussed in relation to the tropical environment.
A heterogeneous copper catalyst supported on mesoporous MCM-41 was developed. The parent MCM-41 has a large pore area of over 1400 m(2)/g. Copper was chosen as the active element of catalyst and loaded into MCM-41 by adsorption at ambient temperature. The prepared catalysts were evaluated in the catalytic wet oxidation of phenol solution with an initial concentration of 1,300 ppm at 150 and 200 degreesC. The catalyst was found to be of high catalytic activity. It is also shown that the catalyst with a higher copper loading exhibits higher ability of accelerating the catalytic reaction to certain extent but reaches its constant level afterwards. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A method involving bubbling of air through a fibrous filter immersed in water has recently been investigated (Agranovski et al. [1]). Experimental results showed that the removal efficiency for ultra-fine aerosols by such filters was greatly increased compared to dry filters. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) imaging was used to examine the wet filter and to determine the nature of the gas flow inside the filter (Agranovski et al. [2]). It was found that tortuous preferential pathways (or flow tubes) develop within the filter through which the air flows and the distribution of air and water inside the porous medium has been investigated. The aim of this paper is to investigate the geometry of the pathways and to make estimates of the flow velocities and particle removal efficiency in such pathways. A mathematical model of the flow of air along the preferred pathways has been developed and verified experimentally. Even for the highest realistic gas velocity the flow field was essentially laminar (Re approximate to 250). We solved Laplace's equation for stream function to map trajectories of particles and gas molecules to investigate the possibility of their removal from the carrier.
This work concerns the influence of industrialized agriculture in the tropics on precipitation chemistry. A total of 264 rain events were sampled using a wet-only collector in central Sao Paulo State, Brazil, between January 2003 and July 2007. Electroneutrality balance calculations (considering H(+), K(+), Na(+), NH(4)(+), Ca(2)(+), Mg(2)(+), Cl(-), NO(3)(-), SO(4)(2-), F(-), PO(4)(3-), H(3)CCOO(-), HCOO(-), C(2)O(4)(2-) and HCO(3)(-)) showed that there was an excess of cations (similar to 15%), which was attributed to the presence of unmeasured organic anion species originating from biomass burning and biogenic emissions. On average, the three ions NH(4)(+), NO(3)(-) and H(+) were responsible for >55% of the total ion concentrations in the rainwater samples. Concentrations (except of H(+)) were significantly higher (t-test; P = 0.05), by between two to six-fold depending on species, during the winter sugar cane harvest period, due to the practice of pre-harvest burning of the crop. Principal component analysis showed that three components could explain 88% of the variance for measurements made throughout the year: PC1 (52%, biomass burning and soil dust resuspension); PC2 (26%, secondary aerosols); PC3 (10%, road transport emissions). Differences between harvest and non-harvest periods appeared to be mainly due to an increased relative importance of road transport/industrial emissions during the summer (non-harvest) period. The volume-weighted mean (VWM) concentrations of ammonium (23.4 mu mol L(-1)) and nitrate (17.5 mu mol L(-1)) in rainwater samples collected during the harvest period were similar to those found in rainwater from Sao Paulo city, which emphasizes the importance of including rural agro-industrial emissions in regional-scale atmospheric chemistry and transport models. Since there was evidence of a biomass burning source throughout the year, it appears that rainwater composition will continue to be affected by vegetation fires, even after sugar cane burning is phased out as envisaged by recent Sao Paulo State legislation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of sheep digestion and mastication on Malva parviflora L. seed transmission, viability and germination was investigated. Mature M. parviflora seeds were subjected to 2 seed treatments: 'scarified', where the hard seed coat was manually cut to allow inhibition, and 'unscarified', where the hard seed coat was not cut. Seeds were placed directly into the rumen of fistulated sheep and removed at 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h of rumen digestion. After 12 h of in sacco exposure to digestion in the rumen, the germination of seeds that were initially scarified dropped from 99.2 to 1.4% and longer exposure periods produced no germinable seeds. In contrast, seeds that were unscarified when placed in the rumen produced over 92% germination regardless of in sacco digestion time, although manual scarification after retrieval was essential to elicit germination. In a second experiment, unscarified seeds (29000) were fed in a single meal to fistulated sheep and feces were collected at regular intervals between 6 and 120 h after feeding. Fecal subsamples were taken to determine number of seeds excreted, seed germination on agar and seed germination from feces. Major seed excretion in the feces commenced after 12 h and continued until 144 h, with peaks between 36 and 72 h after consumption. Although mastication and gut passage killed the majority of unscarified seeds, about 20% were recovered intact and over 90% of these recovered seeds were viable and could, thus, potentially form an extensive seed bank. A few excreted seeds (1%) were able to germinate directly from feces, which increased to a maximum of 10% after subsequent dry summer storage (3 months). Through information gained in this study, there is a potential to utilise livestock in an integrated weed management program for the control of M. parviflora, provided additional measures of weed control are in place such as holding periods (> 7 days) for movement of livestock from weed infested areas.
Protein, amino acids and ammonium were the main forms of soluble soil nitrogen in the soil solution of a subtropical heathland (wallum). After fire, soil ammonium and nitrate increased 90- and 60-fold, respectively. Despite this increase in nitrate availability after fire, wallum species exhibited uniformly low nitrate reductase activities and low leaf and xylem nitrate, During waterlogging soil amino acids increased, particularly gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which accounted for over 50% of amino nitrogen. Non-mycorrhizal wallum species were significantly (P < 0.05) N-15-enriched (0.3-4.3 parts per thousand) compared to species with mycorrhizal associations (ericoid-type, ecto-, va-mycorrhizal) which were strongly depleted in N-15 (-6.3 to -1.8 parts per thousand). Lignotubers and roots had delta(15)N signatures similar to that of the leaves of respective species. The exceptions were fine roots of ecto-, ecto/va-, and ericoid type mycorrhizal species which were enriched in N-15 (0.1-2 4 parts per thousand). The delta(15)N signatures of delta(15)N(total soil N) and delta(15)N(soil NH4+) were in the range 3.7-4.5 parts per thousand, whereas delta(15)N(soil NO3-) was significantly (P < 0.05) more enriched in N-15 (9.2-9.8 parts per thousand). It is proposed that there is discrimination against N-15 during transfer of nitrogen from fungal to plant partner. Roots of selected species incorporated nitrogen sources in the order of preference: ammonium > glycine > nitrate. The exception were proteoid roots of Hakea (Proteaceae) which incorporated equal amounts of glycine and ammonium.
The success of plant reproduction depends on pollen-pistil interactions occurring at the stigma/style. These interactions vary depending on the stigma type: wet or dry. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) represents a model of wet stigma, and its stigmas/styles express genes to accomplish the appropriate functions. For a large-scale study of gene expression during tobacco pistil development and preparation for pollination, we generated 11,216 high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from stigmas/styles and created the TOBEST database. These ESTs were assembled in 6,177 clusters, from which 52.1% are pistil transcripts/genes of unknown function. The 21 clusters with the highest number of ESTs (putative higher expression levels) correspond to genes associated with defense mechanisms or pollen-pistil interactions. The database analysis unraveled tobacco sequences homologous to the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genes involved in specifying pistil identity or determining normal pistil morphology and function. Additionally, 782 independent clusters were examined by macroarray, revealing 46 stigma/style preferentially expressed genes. Real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction experiments validated the pistil-preferential expression for nine out of 10 genes tested. A search for these 46 genes in the Arabidopsis pistil data sets demonstrated that only 11 sequences, with putative equivalent molecular functions, are expressed in this dry stigma species. The reverse search for the Arabidopsis pistil genes in the TOBEST exposed a partial overlap between these dry and wet stigma transcriptomes. The TOBEST represents the most extensive survey of gene expression in the stigmas/styles of wet stigma plants, and our results indicate that wet and dry stigmas/styles express common as well as distinct genes in preparation for the pollination process.