938 resultados para weld bead geometry
Suojakaasun päätehtävänä on suojata hitsaustapahtumaa ympäröivän ilman vaikutukselta. Päätehtävän lisäksi suojakaasullavoidaan vaikuttaa suoraan tai välillisesti lähes kaikkiin hitsauksen asioihin, joista laatu, tehokkuus ja taloudellisuus muodostuvat. Suojakaasuja tarvitsevat hitsausmenetelmät ovat: kaasukaarihitsausprosessit (MIG/MAG-, TIG- ja plasmahitsaus), laserhitsaus sekä näiden yhdistelmät eli hybridihitsausmenetelmät sekä MIG-juotto. Hitsaussuojakaasujen peruskaasu tänä päivänä on argon, johon hitsausprosessista tai materiaalistariippuen sekoitetaan hiilidioksidia, heliumia, vetyä tai happea. Pääsääntöisesti hitsaussuojakaasut ovat kahden komponentin kaasuja, mutta 3-komponenttikaasut ovat yleistymässä. Sopivalla suojakaasuseostuksella saadaan erittäin merkittävä hyöty tuottavuuden lisääntyessä ja laadun parantuessa. Suojakaasujen oikealla toimitusmuodolla on merkittävä vaikutus kokonaiskustannuksiin. Uudet, kehittyneet sekoitinlaitteet mahdollistavat tarkat osakomponenttien sekoittamiset hitsauspaikalla. Seokset ovat jatkuvasti analysoitavissa ja jäljitettävissä. Suojakaasujen kierrätys on erityisesti kalliiden kaasujen, kuten helium ja argon, kohdalta tulevaisuuden haaste ja mahdollisuus. Suojakaasulla on suuri merkitys hitsauksen tuottavuuteen, taloudellisuuteen ja myös hitsausympäristöön ja työturvallisuuteen. Robottihitsauksen lisääntyminen asettaa vaatimuksia, joihinoikein valitulla suojakaasulla voidaan myönteisesti vaikuttaa. Tehokashitsaus on valmistusprosessin tärkeä osa, jossa oikein valituilla suojakaasuilla saavutetaan merkittävä tuottavuuden lisäys vaikuttamalla kaariominaisuuksiin, tunkeumaan, roiskeisiin, nopeuteen, hitsimetallurgiaan, lämmöntuontiin ja hitsausympäristöön. Diplomityössä tutkittiin casena Peikko Finland Oy:n suojakaasujärjestelmät, niiden tehokkuus, toimivuus ja sopivuus konepajan tuotantoon ja erityisesti robottihitsaukseen.
Yleisesti tiedetään hitsin pintageometrian vaikuttavan rakenteen väsymislujuuteen. Nopean, edullisen ja luotettavan pintageometrian mittausmenetelmän kehittäminen on askel kohti tarkempaa ja varmempaa rakenteen väsymislujuuden tarkastelua. Tässä työssä on tutkittu hitsejä, joiden pinnan geometria on mitattu norjalaisen SINTEF -yrityksen kehittämällä rakenteellisen valon menetelmällä. Osana työtä kehitettiin MatLab -pohjainen ohjelma, jolla jälkikäsitellään mittauksesta saadut x-y-z -mittapisteet. Mittausdatan jälkikäsittelyssä saadaan mittauksesta määritettyähitsin reunan pyöristys, liittymäkulma, a-mitta, reunahaava ja kateettisuhde. Kehitettyä menetelmää käyttämällä mitattiin lähes 300 voimaakantamatontaristiliitoksen hitsiä. Mittaustuloksia verrattiin vastaavista kappaleista tehtyihin hiemittauksiin. Manuaalisen hieestä tehdyn mittauksen havaittiin olevan tarkempi ja pystyttiin havaitsemaan paikallisempia muotoja. Rakenteellisen valon mittauksissa tapahtunut heijastelu saatiin pienenemään käsittelemällä mitattava pinta mattavalkoisella maalilla. Rakenteellisen valon mittatarkkuudeksi saatiin noin 0,2 mm. Pohjautuen mitattuun hitsin reunan pyöristykseen ja liittymäkulmaan voidaan yksinkertaista kaavaa käyttämällä laskea hitsin jännityskonsentraatio ja näin saada alkuarvaus väsymislujuudelle. Myös muiden tekijöiden tiedetään vaikuttavan hitsin väsymislujuuteen, joten pyöristyksen ja liittymäkulman avulla tehdyt arviot eivät ole absoluuttisen oikeita. Tämä havaittiin väsytyskokeilla, joista yhdessä väsymisvaurio ei syntynyt suurimmankaan jännityskonsentraation alueella.
High reflectivity and high thermal conductivity, high vapour pressure of alloyingelements as well as low liquid surface tension and low ionisation potential, make laser welding of aluminium and its alloys a demanding task.Problems that occur during welding are mainly process instabilities of the keyhole and the melt pool, increased plasma formation above the melt pool and loss of alloying elements. These problems lead to unwanted metallurgical defects like hot cracks and porosity in the weld bead andother problems concerning the shape and appearance of the weld bead. In order to minimise the defects and improve the weld quality, the process and beam parameters need to be carefully adjusted along with a consideration concerning the use of filler wire for the welding process. In this work the welding of 3,0 mm thick grade 5083 aluminium alloy plates using a 3,0 kW Nd:YAG laser with grade 5183 filler wire addition is investigated. The plates were welded as butt joints with air gap sizes 0,5 mm, 0,7mm and 1,0 mm. The analysis of the weld beads obtained from the weldedsamples showed that the least imperfections were produced with 0,7 mm air gaps at moderate welding speeds. The analysis also covered the calculation of the melting efficiency and the study of the shape of the weld bead. The melting efficiency was on average around 20 % for the melting process of the welded plates. The weld beads showed the characteristic V-shape of a laser weld and retained this shape during the whole series of experiments.
The Tandem-GMAW method is the latest development as the consequences of improvements in the welding methods. The twin-wire and then the Tandem-method with the separate power sources has got a remarkable place in the welding of many types of materials with different joint types. The biggest advantage of Tandem welding method is the flexibility of choosing both the electrodes of different types from each other according to the type of the parent material. This is possible because of the feasibility of setting the separate welding parameters for both the wires. In this thesis work the effect of the variation in three parameters on the weld bead in Tandem-GMA welding method is studied. Theses three parameters are the wire feed rate in the slave wire, the wire feed rate in the master wire and the voltage difference in both the wires. The results are then compared to study the behaviour of the weld bead with the change in these parameters.
In this research work, the results of an investigation dealing with welding of sheet metals with diverse air gap using FastROOT modified short arc welding method and short circuit MAG welding processes have been presented. Welding runs were made under different conditions and, during each run, the different process parameters were continuously monitored. It was found that maximum welding speed and less HAZ are reached under specific welding conditions with FastROOT method with the emphasis on arc stability. Welding results show that modified short arc exhibits a higher electrode melting coefficient and with virtually spatter free droplet transition. By adjusting the short circuit duration the penetration can be controlled with only a small change in electrode deposition. Furthermore, by mixing pulsed MIG welding with modified arc welding the working envelope of the process is greatly extended allowing thicker material sections to be welded with improved weld bead aesthetics. FastROOT is a modified short arc welding process using mechanized or automated welding process based on dip transfer welding, characterized by controlled material deposition during the short circuit of the wire electrode to the workpiece.
Konecranes Corporation manufactures huge steel structures in 16 factories worldwide, in which the environment and quality varies. The company has a desire to achieve the same weld quality in each factory, regardless of the manufacturing place. The main subject of this master’s thesis was to develop the present box girder crane welding process, submerged arc welding and especially the fillet welding. Throughput time and manufacturing costs can be decreased by welding the full penetration fillet weld without a bevel, changing present groove types for more appropriate ones and by achieving the desired weld quality on the first time. Welding experiments of longitudinal fillet welding were made according to the present challenges, which the manufacturing process is facing. In longitudinal fillet welding tests the main focus was to achieve full penetration fillet weld for 6, 8 and 10 millimeters thick web plates with single and twin wire submerged arc welding. Full penetration was achieved with all the material thicknesses, both with single and twin wire submerged arc welding processes. The main problem concerning the weld was undercutting and shape of the weld bead. The question about insufficiency of presently used power sources with twin wire was risen up during testing, due to the thicknesses that require high welding current. Bigger power source is required when box girders are welded nonstop, if twin wire is used. For single wire process the penetration was achieved with significantly less amperage than with twin wire.
In ship and offshore terminal construction, welded cross sections are thick and the number of welds very high. Consequently, there are two aspects of great importance; cost and heat input. Reduction in the welding operation time decreases the costs of the work force and avoids excessive heat, preventing distortion and other weld defects. The need to increase productivity while using a single wire in the GMAW process has led to the use of a high current and voltage to improve the melting rate. Unfortunately, this also increases the heat input. Innovative GMAW processes, mostly implemented for sheet plate sections, have shown significant reduction in heat input (Q), low distortion and increase in welding speed. The aim of this study is to investigate adaptive pulsed GMAW processes and assess relevant applications in the high power range, considering possible benefits when welding thicker sections and high yield strength steel. The study experimentally tests the usability of adaptive welding processes and evaluates their effects on weld properties, penetration and shapes of the weld bead.The study first briefly reviews adaptive GMAW to evaluate different approaches and their applications and to identify benefits in adaptive pulsed. Experiments are then performed using Synergic Pulsed GMAW, WiseFusionTM and Synergic GMAW processes to weld a T-joint in a horizontal position (PB). The air gap between the parts ranges from 0 to 2.5 mm. The base materials are structural steel grade S355MC and filler material G3Si1. The experiment investigates heat input, mechanical properties and microstructure of the welded joint. Analysis of the literature reveals that different approaches have been suggested using advanced digital power sources with accurate waveform, current, voltage, and feedback control. In addition, studies have clearly indicated the efficiency of lower energy welding processes. Interest in the high power range is growing and a number of different approaches have been suggested. The welding experiments in this study reveal a significant reduction of heat input and a weld microstructure with the presence of acicular ferrite (AF) beneficial for resistance to crack propagation. The WiseFusion bead had higher dilution, due to the weld bead shape, and low defects. Adaptive pulse GMAW processes can be a favoured choice when welding structures with many welded joints. The total heat reduction mitigates residual stresses and the bead shape allows a higher amperage limit. The stability of the arc during the process is virtually spatter free and allows an increase in welding speed.
The objective of this work was to optimize the parameter setup for GTAW of aluminum using an AC rectangular wave output and continuous feeding. A series of welds was carried-out in an industrial joint, with variation of the negative and positive current amplitude, the negative and positive duration time, the travel speed and the feeding speed. Another series was carried out to investigate the isolate effect of the negative duration time and travel speed. Bead geometry aspects were assessed, such as reinforcement, penetration, incomplete fusion and joint wall bridging. The results showed that currents at both polarities are remarkably more significant than the respective duration times. It was also shown that there is a straight relationship between welding speed and feeding speed and this relationship must be followed for obtaining sound beads. A very short positive duration time is enough for arc stability achievement and when the negative duration time is longer than 5 ms its effect on geometry appears. The possibility of optimizing the parameter selection, despite the high inter-correlation amongst them, was demonstrate through a computer program. An approach to reduce the number of variables in this process is also presented.
To obtain a process stability and a quality weld bead it is necessary an adequate parameters set: base current and time, pulse current and pulse time, because these influence the mode of metal transfer and the weld quality in the MIG-P, sometimes requiring special sources with synergistic modes with external control for this stability. This work aims to analyze and compare the effects of pulse parameters and droplet size in arc stability in MIG-P, four packets of pulse parameters were analysed: Ip = 160 A, tp = 5.7 ms; Ip = 300 A and tp = 2 ms, Ip = 350 A, tp = 1.2 ms and Ip = 350 A, tp = 0.8 ms. Each was analyzed with three different drop diameters: drop with the same diameter of the wire electrode; droplet diameter larger drop smaller than the diameter of the wire electrode. For purposes of comparison the same was determined relation between the average current and welding speed was determined generating a constant (Im / Vs = K) for all parameters. Welding in flat plate by simple deposition for the MIG-P with a distance beak contact number (DBCP) constant was perfomed subsequently making up welding in flat plate by simple deposition with an inclination of 10 degrees to vary the DBCP, where by assessment on how the MIG-P behaved in such a situation was possible, in addition to evaluating the MIG-P with adaptive control, in order to maintain a constant arc stability. Also high speed recording synchronized with acquiring current x voltage (oscillogram) was executed for better interpretation of the transfer mechanism and better evaluation in regard to the study of the stability of the process. It is concluded that parameters 3 and 4 exhibited greater versatility; diameters drop equal to or slightly less than the diameter of the wire exhibited better stability due to their higher frequency of detachment, and the detachment of the drop base does not harm the maintenance the height of the arc
The industry's interest in having a greater control of the deformations caused by welding is due to the geometric and dimensional tolerances been more and more precise in the project specifications, motivating the manufacturing engineering to develop stable processes and to ensure routine production. Aiming at it, the main goal of this present work is to analyze how much routine situations used in automatic aluminum welding can influence on the angular deformations of this material. Using the alloy AA 5052 H34, and the automatic welding in pulsed GMAW process, three types of weaving were applied throughout the length of the weld, in butt joints assembled without groove and with 60 degrees single-V-groove, arranged transversely as well as longitudinally to the rolling direction of the plate. The measurement of the deformations was made by a three-dimensional equipment, before and after the welding, in three distinct regions in the specimens. The profile of the weld bead was the main factor for the different types of deformations found, as revealed by macrographical analysis. The 60 degrees single-V-groove had higher amplitudes of deformations as the joint without groove. The torch oscillation wasn't a variable of statistically significant influence on this amplitudes.
Welding in the dentistry has been used for great part of the specialized dentist-surgeons in the implants area to solve prosthesis supported by implant adaptation problems. The development of new equipments Laser and TIG allowed a larger use of these processes in the prosthesis production. In this work, it was studied welded joints made by Laser and TIG, using commercial purity titanium, cpTi, applied in prosthesis supported by implants. The weld characterizations were carried out by light microscopy, EDS_elementary mapping, microhardness and tensile test. Through metallographic characterization, the weld bead presented a martensitic microstructure in the Laser welding process, originated from shear provoked by deformations in the lattice. This caused structural changes of the transformed area, which determines a fine plate-like morphology. In the weld bead from TIG, besides presenting higher hardness, was observed formation of Widmansttaten structure, which is characteristic of a geometric model, resulted of new phase formation along of the crystallographic plans. The martensitic structure is more refined than Widmansttaten structure, due to the high-speed cooling (10(3)degrees C/s) imposed by the Laser process.
The interface formed between the metal and the porcelain of laser-welded Ni-Cr-Mo alloy was studied on a metallurgical basis. The characterization was carried out by using optical microscope, electron scan microscopy and X-ray dispersive spectroscopy techniques and mechanical three-point flexion tests, in the laser-welded region, with and without porcelain. The union of the porcelain with the alloy is possible only after the oxidation of the metallic surface and the subsequent application of a bonding agent known as opaque. The porcelain applied to the base metal and weld bead showed different behaviours - after the flexion test, the base metal showed cracks, while that in the weld bead broke away completely. It was noted that the region subjected to laser welding had lower adherence to the porcelain than the base metal region, due to microstructural refinement of the weld bead. These results can be shown by the X-ray dispersive spectroscopy carried out on the regions studied. The flexion tests demonstrated that the Ni-Cr-Mo alloy subject to laser welding had significant alterations in its mechanical properties after application of the porcelain.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In any welding process is of utmost importance by welders and responsible qualities of the area understand the process and the variables involved in it, in order to have maximum efficiency in welding both in terms of quality as the final cost , never forgetting, of course, the process conditions which the welder or welding operator shall be submitted. Therefore, we sought to understand the variables relevant to the welding process and develop an EPS (Welding Procedure Specification) as ASME IX for cored wire welding process (FCAW Specification AWS) with shielding gas and automated process for base material ASTM a 131, with 5/16 thick, using a single pass weld, for conditions with pre-and post-heating and the destructive testing for verification and analysis of the resulting weld bead