958 resultados para wear-resistant steel
Background: Exposure to fine particulate matter air pollutants (PM2.5) affects heart rate variability parameters, and levels of serum proteins associated with inflammation, hemostasis and thrombosis. This study investigated sources potentially responsible for cardiovascular and hematological effects in highway patrol troopers. Results: Nine healthy young non-smoking male troopers working from 3 PM to midnight were studied on four consecutive days during their shift and the following night. Sources of in-vehicle PM2.5 were identified with variance-maximizing rotational principal factor analysis of PM2.5-components and associated pollutants. Two source models were calculated. Sources of in-vehicle PM2.5 identified were 1) crustal material, 2) wear of steel automotive components, 3) gasoline combustion, 4) speed-changing traffic with engine emissions and brake wear. In one model, sources 1 and 2 collapsed to a single source. Source factors scores were compared to cardiac and blood parameters measured ten and fifteen hours, respectively, after each shift. The "speed-change" factor was significantly associated with mean heart cycle length (MCL, +7% per standard deviation increase in the factor score), heart rate variability (+16%), supraventricular ectopic beats (+39%), % neutrophils (+7%), % lymphocytes (-10%), red blood cell volume MCV (+1%), von Willebrand Factor (+9%), blood urea nitrogen (+7%), and protein C (-11%). The "crustal" factor (but not the "collapsed" source) was associated with MCL (+3%) and serum uric acid concentrations (+5%). Controlling for potential confounders had little influence on the effect estimates. Conclusion: PM2.5 originating from speed-changing traffic modulates the autonomic control of the heart rhythm, increases the frequency of premature supraventricular beats and elicits proinflammatory and pro-thrombotic responses in healthy young men. [Authors]
The corrosion of steel reinforcement in an aging highway infrastructure is a major problem currently facing the transportation engineering community. In the United States alone, maintenance and replacement costs for deficient bridges are measured in billions of dollars. The application of corrosion-resistant steel reinforcement as an alternative reinforcement to existing mild steel reinforced concrete bridge decks has potential to mitigate corrosion problems, due to the fundamental properties associated with the materials. To investigate corrosion prevention through the use of corrosion-resistant alloys, the performance of corrosion resistance of MMFX microcomposite steel reinforcement, a high-strength, high-chromium steel reinforcement, was evaluated. The study consisted of both field and laboratory components conducted at the Iowa State University Bridge Engineering Center to determine whether MMFX reinforcement provides superior corrosion resistance to epoxy-coated mild steel reinforcement in bridge decks. Because definitive field evidence of the corrosion resistance of MMFX reinforcement may require several years of monitoring, strict attention was given to investigating reinforcement under accelerated conditions in the laboratory, based on typical ASTM and Rapid Macrocell accelerated corrosion tests. After 40 weeks of laboratory testing, the ASTM ACT corrosion potentials indicate that corrosion had not initiated for either MMFX or the as-delivered epoxy-coated reinforcement. Conversely, uncoated mild steel specimens underwent corrosion within the fifth week, while epoxy-coated reinforcement specimens with induced holidays underwent corrosion between 15 and 30 weeks. Within the fifth week of testing, the Rapid Macrocell ACT produced corrosion risk potentials that indicate active corrosion for all reinforcement types tested. While the limited results from the 40 weeks of laboratory testing may not constitute a prediction of life expectancy and life-cycle cost, a procedure is presented herein to determine life expectancy and associated life-cycle costs.
Polymer based composite materials coated with thin layers of wear resistant materials have been proposed as replacements for steel components for certain applications with the advantage of reduced mass. Magnetron sputtered coatings can be successfully deposited on composite materials. Nevertheless there are number of issues which must be addressed such as limited temperature, which the composite can withstand because of the epoxy binder which is used, the adhesion of the coating to the composite and the limited mechanical support, the hard coating can obtain from the relatively soft epoxy. We have investigated the deposition of chromium nitride, titanium carbide and titanium doped DLC coatings on carbon fibre reinforced composites and various polymers. The adhesion of the coatings has been studied by the pull-off adhesion tester. In general, the failure mechanism has been noticed to be due to the cohesive failure for a wide range of conditions. The wear behavior of the coatings has been noticed to be complicated. Wear tests on coated composites have shown that where the reinforcing fibres are near the surface, the composite samples do not perform well due to breakage of the fibres from the polymer matrix. A fibre free surface has been noticed to improve the wear resistance.
Although titanium and its alloys own good mechanical properties and excellent corrosion resistance, these materials present poor tribological properties for specific applications that require wear resistance. In order to produce wear-resistant surfaces, this work is aimed at achieving improvement of wear characteristics in Ti-Si-B alloys by means of high temperature nitrogen plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII). These alloys were produced by powder metallurgy using high energy ball milling and hot pressing. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction identified the presence of α-titanium, Ti6Si2B, Ti5Si3, TiB and Ti3Si phases. Wear tests were carried out with a ball-on-disk tribometer to evaluate the friction coefficient and wear rate in treated and untreated samples. The worn profiles were measured by visible light microscopy and examined by SEM in order to determine the wear rates and wear mechanisms. Ti-7.5Si-22.5B alloy presented the highest wear resistance amongst the untreated alloys produced in this work. High temperature PIII was effective to reduce the wear rate and friction coefficient of all the Ti-Si-B sintered alloys. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Manganese is commonly known to be a metal of great strategic importance. It is essential in the production of all steels, first as a scavenger to remove oxygen and sulfur, and second as an alloying element in wear-resistant steels.
Erosive tooth wear in children is a common condition. Besides the anatomical differences between deciduous and permanent teeth, additional histological differences may influence their susceptibility to dissolution. Considering laboratory studies alone, it is not clear whether deciduous teeth are more liable to erosive wear than permanent teeth. However, results from epidemiological studies imply that the primary dentition is less wear resistant than permanent teeth, possibly due to the overlapping of erosion with mechanical forces (like attrition or abrasion). Although low severity of tooth wear in children does not cause a significant impact on their quality of life, early erosive damage to their permanent teeth may compromise their dentition for their entire lifetime and require extensive restorative procedures. Therefore, early diagnosis of erosive wear and adequate preventive measures are important. Knowledge on the aetiological factors of erosive wear is a prerequisite for preventive strategies. Like in adults, extrinsic and intrinsic factors, or a combination of them, are possible reasons for erosive tooth wear in children and adolescents. Several factors directly related to erosive tooth wear in children are presently discussed, such as socio-economic aspects, gastroesophageal reflux or vomiting, and intake of some medicaments, as well as behavioural factors such as unusual eating and drinking habits. Additionally, frequent and excessive consumption of erosive foodstuffs and drinks are of importance.
Neste trabalho, foi investigado o efeito do tamanho do abrasivo e do pH do meio na resistência ao desgaste abrasivo do aço H-13 com matriz martensítica e do aço Hadfield com matriz austenítica. Ensaios de abrasão foram realizados utilizando o equipamento roda de borracha a úmido, variando o tamanho do abrasivo entre 0,15 e 2,40 mm e o pH do meio entre 5,5 e 12,8. As microestruturas dos materiais estudados foram analisadas utilizando microscopia óptica, as superfícies de desgaste e as partículas de desgaste foram analisadas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura. A macrodureza e a microdureza, antes e após os ensaios, foram obtidas utilizando durômetro Vickers. A topografia da região central da superfície de desgaste foi obtida utilizando Perfilometria 3D, visando obter valores de profundidade de penetração do abrasivo. Os resultados mostraram que o aço Hadfield é mais resistente do que o aço H-13 em todos os valores de pH e tamanhos de abrasivo utilizados. Para os dois materiais, a perda de massa aumenta linearmente até um tamanho crítico de abrasivo (TCA) e, após este, a mesma continua a aumentar, mas com uma intensidade menor. Para os dois materiais e para todos os tamanhos de abrasivo, o aumento do pH do meio resultou em menores perdas de massa, sendo este efeito maior para os dois menores tamanhos de abrasivo. Para maiores valores de pH, foram observadas menores profundidades de penetração do abrasivo. A microdureza da superfície de desgaste do aço H-13 sofreu um pequeno aumento com o aumento do tamanho do abrasivo enquanto que para o aço Hadfield esse aumento foi mais intenso. A análise das partículas de desgaste mostraram que, para todas as condições ensaiadas, os debris do aço H-13 tinham duas morfologias, contínuas e descontínuas enquanto que os cavacos do aço Hadfield foram sempre descontínuos. Para os dois materiais, foram observados dois micromecanismos de desgaste, sendo eles microcorte e microsulcamento. Por fim, os resultados apresentados neste trabalho sugerem que a análise de desempenho do aço Hadfield em serviço deve considerar o pH do meio bem como a granulometria do abrasivo em contato.
Simple equations are proposed for determining elastic modulus and hardness properties of thin films on substrates from nanoindentation experiments. An empirical formulation relates the modulus E and hardness H of the film/substrate bilayer to corresponding material properties of the constituent materials via a power-law relation. Geometrical dependence of E and H is wholly contained in the power-law exponents, expressed here as sigmoidal functions of indenter penetration relative to film thickness. The formulation may be inverted to enable deconvolution of film properties from data on the film/substrate bilayers. Berkovich nanoindentation data for dense oxide and nitride films on silicon substrates are used to validate the equations and to demonstrate the film property deconvolution. Additional data for less dense nitride films are used to illustrate the extent to which film properties may depend on the method of fabrication.
Selluteollisuuden puunkäsittelylaitoksilla laitteiden kuluminen on prosessin luonteesta johtuen suurta ja kulumisen aiheuttamat kunnossapitokustannukset laitteiden elinkaaren aikana ovat huomattavia. Näissä olosuhteissa toimivan hakun osien kulumista on tutkittu ja tutkimusten pohjalta on kehitetty kulutusta kestäviä materiaalivaihtoehtoja. Vaihtoehtojen vertailut prosesseittain kuitenkin puuttuvat. Terävasteen osalta tutkimus- ja kehitystyötä on tehty vähän. Tässä diplomityössä selvitetään ja vertaillaan hakun kulutusosien kulumismekanismeja, osien materiaalivaihtoehtoja, valmistus- ja kunnostusmenetelmiä ja -kustannuksia laitteen elinkaaren aikana kolmessa erilaisessa puunkäsittelyprosessissa. Työssä annetaan suosituksia kuhunkin prosessiin ja kunnossapitostrategiaan parhaiten soveltuvista ratkaisuista. Työn Case-osuudessa tutkitaan uusia kulutusta kestäviä materiaalivaihtoehtoja terävasteelle. Case-tutkimuksen tuloksena löydettiin terävasteelle kolme uutta materiaalivaihtoehtoa sekä muita vaihtoehtoja, joiden käyttökelpoisuutta kannattaa tutkia lisää. Samalla saatiin terävasteelle parempaan laatuun pystyvä ja kilpailukykyisempi toimittaja. Tutkimuksen perusteella saatiin uusia suosituksia myös muiden kulutusosien materiaali- ja/tai pinnoitusvaihtoehdoiksi. Tuloksista voidaan mainita lisäksi, että kulutusosille löydettiin suositeltavimmat elinkaarikustannuksiltaan edullisimmat vaihtoehdot. Kulutusosien kunnostamiseen liittyen havaittiin, että kunnostaminen on kannattavaa yhtä poikkeusta lukuun ottamatta. Kunnostusprosessista löydettiin kehitettävää. Työn tuloksena saatiin myös useita uusia kehittämisideoita ja runsaasti suosituksia jatkotoimenpiteistä. Hakun kulutusosien nykytilasta saatiin hyvä käsitys ja kattava tietopaketti.
Carbon nanotubes are highly versatile materials; new applications using them are continuously being developed. Special attention is being dedicated to the possible use of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in biomaterials contacting with bone. However, carbon nanotubes are also controversial in regards to effects exerted on living organisms. Carbon nanotubes can be used to improve the tribological properties of polymer/composite materials. Ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is a polymer widely used in orthopedic applications that imply wear and particle generation. We describe here the response of human osteoblast-like MG63 cells after 6 days of culture in contact with artificially generated particles from both UHMWPE polymer and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT)/UHMWPE nanocomposites. This novel composite has superior wear behavior, having thus the potential to reduce the number of revision hip arthroplasty surgeries required by wear failure of acetabular cups and diminish particle-induced osteolysis. The results of an in vitro study of viability and proliferation and interleukin-6 (IL-6) production suggest good cytocompatibility, similar to that of conventional UHMWPE (WST-1 assay results are reported as percentage of control ± SD: UHMWPE = 96.19 ± 7.92, MWCNT/UHMWPE = 97.92 ± 8.29%; total protein: control = 139.73 ± 10.78, UHMWPE = 137.07 ± 6.17, MWCNT/UHMWPE = 163.29 ± 11.81 µg/mL; IL-6: control = 90.93 ± 10.30, UHMWPE = 92.52 ± 11.02, MWCNT/UHMWPE = 108.99 ± 9.90 pg/mL). Standard cell culture conditions were considered as control. These results, especially the absence of significant elevation in the osteolysis inductor IL-6 values, reinforce the potential of this superior wear-resistant composite for future orthopedic applications, when compared to traditional UHMWPE.
The optimal combination of the mechanical characteristics of austempered spheroidal graphitic cast steel together with modern casting techniques yielded an economically promising product. The maximum potential of the usage of these steels is related to fabrication and characterization techniques, among which, one of the most important is the cooling diagram (TTT curve). In this work, 3 heats of graphitic steels with the following nominal compositions were cast: 1.0 % C, 2.3 % Si, 0.4 % Mn, and with niobium contents of. 0.0 %, 0.5 % and 1.0 %. TTT curves were determined by dilatometric testing and test specimens of these steels were austempered. The samples were then characterized by hardness testing and optical and SEM microscopy. Tensile, impact (no notch) and wear testing were also performed. The addition of niobium produced significant alterations in the TTT diagrams. Increasing niobium content moves the pearlite transformation nose to the right and the bainitic transformation nose to the left. Tensile strength of these alloys was high, in the range of 1700 MPa and impact values were around of 45 Joules for alloy with 1 % Nb, 49 Joules for alloy with 0.5 % Nb and fracture did not occur for the alloy without the addition of Nb.
Advanced ceramic materials constitute a mature technology with a very broad base of current and potential applications and a growing list of material compositions. Within the advanced ceramics category, silicon nitride based ceramics are wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant and lightweight materials, and are superior to many materials with regard to stability in high-temperature environments. Because of this combination the silicon nitride ceramics have an especially high potential to resolve a wide number of machining problems in the industries. Presently the Si3N4 ceramic cutting tool inserts are developed using additives powders that are pressed and sintered in the form of a cutting tool insert at a temperature of 1850 °C using pressureless sintering. The microstructure of the material was observed and analyzed using XRD, SEM, and the mechanical response of this array microstructure was characterized for hardness Vickers and fracture toughness. The results show that Si3N4/20 wt.% (AlN and Y 2O3) gives the best balance between hardness Vickers and fracture toughness. The Si3N4/15 wt.% (AlN and Y 2O3) composition allows the production of a very fine-grained microstructure with low decreasing of the fracture toughness and increased hardness Vickers. These ceramic cutting tools present adequate characteristics for future application on dry machining. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Zusammen mit einem namhaften Kettenhersteller hat das Institut für Fördertechnik und Logistik (IFT) im Rahmen eines AIF-geförderten Forschungsprojektes einen Kettenverschleißprüfstand für Last- und Treibketten entwickelt und gebaut, um neuentwickelte Ketten in kurzen Testphasen unter normierter Umgebung auf ihre Lebensdauer bzw. Verschleißfestigkeit zu prüfen. Durch steigende Rohstoffkosten und den immer größer werdenden Konkurrenzdruck im Bereich der Ketten entsteht ein hoher Bedarf an der Entwicklung neuer leistungsfähigerer Produkte. Die Neuheit dieser Projektidee liegt in dem erstmaligen Einsatz alternativer Werkstoffe und Konstruktionen in Kombination mit neuen verschleißarmen Beschichtungsverfahren für Kettenbauteile um Schmierstoffe langfristig einzulagern und bedarfsgerecht abzugeben