993 resultados para water-jet aspirator pump
Diplomityössä tutkitaan hitsausprosessien kehitystä. Työn kirjallisen osan alku kuvaa hitsauksen nykypäivää ja tulevaisuutta sekä millainen on hitsaava Suomi. Kehittyneiden hitsausprosessien tarkastelu on jaettu hiiliterästen ja alumiinien hitsausprosesseihin. Hiiliteräksien hitsauksen osalta työssä esitellään kitkahitsaus pyörivällä työkalulla, muunnettu lyhytkaarihitsaus, laserhitsaus, laser-hybridihitsaus ja kapearailohitsaus. Alumiinien hitsauksen osalta työssä esitellään laserhitsaus, muunnettu lyhytkaarihitsaus, kitkahitsaus pyörivällä työkalulla ja vaihtovirta MIG hitsaus. Diplomityön käytännönosuudessa todennettiin hitsausprosessien kehitys. Ensimmäisissä hitsauskokeissa hitsattiin merialumiinia eri kaarityypeillä. Vertailua tehdään pulssihitsauksen, lankapulssihitsauksen sekä CMT-kaarihitsauksen välillä. Koehitsaukset osoittavat CMT-hitsauksen tuottavan MIG-pulssihitsausta pienemmät hitsausmuodonmuutokset. CMT-hitsauksessa alumiinin oksidikerros aiheuttaa MIGpulssihitsausta vähemmän ongelmia, sillä kaari syttyy varmemmin suurillakin hitsausnopeuksilla, eikä hitsiin synny huokosia. Hitsausnopeudella 40 cm/min lankapulssihitsauksella ja MIG-pulssihitsauksella päittäisliitoksena hitsattujen vesileikattujen alumiinikappaleiden hitseihin ei syntynyt huokosia. Kokeen perusteella voidaan todeta, ettei oksidikerroksella ollut vaikutusta hitsin onnistumiseen. Hitsauskokeiden toinen osio tutkii hiilimangaaniteräksisen T-palkin kuitulaserhitsausta. Viiden kilowatin laserteholla hitsattiin onnistuneesti viisi metriä pitkiä T-palkkeja hitsausnopeudella 2 m/min. Takymetrimittauksella ja Tritop 3D-koordinaattimittauksella todennettiin laserhitsatun T-palkin hitsausmuodonmuutosten olevan huomattavasti Twin-jauhekaarihitsauksella hitsattua T-palkkia pienemmät.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutustua ohutlevyjen nykyaikaisiin koneellisiin leikkausmenetelmiin ja tutkia niiden soveltuvuutta yrityksen tarpeisiin. Kohdeyrityksessä investoinnin tarve jakautui tuottavuusinvestoinnin, korvausinvestoinnin ja strategisen investoinnin kesken. Tavoitteena oli luoda investointipolku, jonka avulla poissuljettiin menetelmät, jotka eivät soveltuneet yrityksen tuotantoon. Työn kirjallisuusosuudessa tarkastellaan teoriatietoja, jotka liittyvät yleisesti nykyaikaisiin ohutlevyjen leikkausmenetelmiin sekä investointiprojektin suunnitteluun ja toteutuksen teoriaan. Lisäksi käsitellään investointeihin liittyviä kannattavuus- ja kustannuslaskennan perusperiaatteita. Työn empiirisessä osassa selvitettiin yrityksen ohutlevyosien valmistuksen periaatteita nykytila-analyysin avulla. Tämän perusteella määritettiin nykyaikaisista markkinoilla olevista menetelmistä yritykselle soveltuvin. Tutkimuksen perusteella laserleikkaus oli menetelmistä soveltuvin. Perusinvestoinniltaan laser oli vaihtoehtoisista menetelmistä kallein, mutta se soveltui käytettävyyden, tehokkuuden, joustavuuden ja muiden ominaisuuksiensa perusteella parhaiten tuotannon tarpeisiin. Työn merkittävimmät tulokset osoittivat, että investoinnin kannattavuus riippui koneelle saatavasta käyttösuhteesta. Uusien koneiden tehokkuus lyhentäisi tuotannon läpimenoaikoja, mutta ilman riittävää kapasiteetin käyttöastetta kappaleiden omakustannusarvo nousisi. Lopputulokset ja suositukset on esitetty työn lopussa.
Tämä diplomityö on tehty Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston, Liikuntakeskus Pajulahden ja Nastolan Energiasäätiön yhteisprojektina. Työn tarkoituksena on tutkia aurinkosähköjärjestelmien taloudellista kannattavuutta ostosähkön korvaamisessa Liikuntakeskus Pajulahden kiinteistössä. Työssä tehdään laskelmat aurinkopaneelien tuotoista, tuotetun sähkön hinnasta, investointien takaisinmaksuajoista sekä tuotetun aurinkosähkön synnyttämistä hiilidioksidipäästövähenemistä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan energiaveron vaikutusta pientuotantolaitoksen kannattavuuteen. Tämän hetkisillä aurinkosähköjärjestelmien hinnoilla pystytään tuottamaan puhdasta, ympäristöystävällistä sähköä kilpailukykyiseen hintaan. Työssä tehdään yleiskatsaus myös muiden uusiutuviin energialähteisiin perustuvien tuotantomenetelmien käyttömahdollisuuksista. Yhtenä erityistarkastelunkohteena on Pajulahden monitoimihalliin vuonna 2008 suunniteltu vesistöä lämmönlähteenä käyttävä lämpöpumppujärjestelmä, jonka toteutukseen ei saatu tarvittavia lupia. Tarkastelussa tutkitaan myös aiemmin Suomessa toteutettuja vastaavia hankkeita ja niiden lupien saantia. Lisäksi on haettu tosiasioihin perustuvia argumentteja keskusteluun vesistölämmön hyödyntämisestä. Tarkastelun kohteena oleva vesistölämpöhanke voidaan todeta olevan erittäin kannattava, taloudellisesti sekä ympäristöllisesti. Tutkimuksen pohjalta Nastolan Energiasäätiölle tuotetaan havainnollinen ja selkeä aineisto aurinkoenergian hyödyntämismahdollisuuksista Nastolan kunnassa.
Laser cutting implementation possibilities into paper making machine was studied as the main objective of the work. Laser cutting technology application was considered as a replacement tool for conventional cutting methods used in paper making machines for longitudinal cutting such as edge trimming at different paper making process and tambour roll slitting. Laser cutting of paper was tested in 70’s for the first time. Since then, laser cutting and processing has been applied for paper materials with different level of success in industry. Laser cutting can be employed for longitudinal cutting of paper web in machine direction. The most common conventional cutting methods include water jet cutting and rotating slitting blades applied in paper making machines. Cutting with CO2 laser fulfils basic requirements for cutting quality, applicability to material and cutting speeds in all locations where longitudinal cutting is needed. Literature review provided description of advantages, disadvantages and challenges of laser technology when it was applied for cutting of paper material with particular attention to cutting of moving paper web. Based on studied laser cutting capabilities and problem definition of conventional cutting technologies, preliminary selection of the most promising application area was carried out. Laser cutting (trimming) of paper web edges in wet end was estimated to be the most promising area where it can be implemented. This assumption was made on the basis of rate of web breaks occurrence. It was found that up to 64 % of total number of web breaks occurred in wet end, particularly in location of so called open draws where paper web was transferred unsupported by wire or felt. Distribution of web breaks in machine cross direction revealed that defects of paper web edge was the main reason of tearing initiation and consequent web break. The assumption was made that laser cutting was capable of improvement of laser cut edge tensile strength due to high cutting quality and sealing effect of the edge after laser cutting. Studies of laser ablation of cellulose supported this claim. Linear energy needed for cutting was calculated with regard to paper web properties in intended laser cutting location. Calculated linear cutting energy was verified with series of laser cutting. Practically obtained laser energy needed for cutting deviated from calculated values. This could be explained by difference in heat transfer via radiation in laser cutting and different absorption characteristics of dry and moist paper material. Laser cut samples (both dry and moist (dry matter content about 25-40%)) were tested for strength properties. It was shown that tensile strength and strain break of laser cut samples are similar to corresponding values of non-laser cut samples. Chosen method, however, did not address tensile strength of laser cut edge in particular. Thus, the assumption of improving strength properties with laser cutting was not fully proved. Laser cutting effect on possible pollution of mill broke (recycling of trimmed edge) was carried out. Laser cut samples (both dry and moist) were tested on the content of dirt particles. The tests revealed that accumulation of dust particles on the surface of moist samples can take place. This has to be taken into account to prevent contamination of pulp suspension when trim waste is recycled. Material loss due to evaporation during laser cutting and amount of solid residues after cutting were evaluated. Edge trimming with laser would result in 0.25 kg/h of solid residues and 2.5 kg/h of lost material due to evaporation. Schemes of laser cutting implementation and needed laser equipment were discussed. Generally, laser cutting system would require two laser sources (one laser source for each cutting zone), set of beam transfer and focusing optics and cutting heads. In order to increase reliability of system, it was suggested that each laser source would have double capacity. That would allow to perform cutting employing one laser source working at full capacity for both cutting zones. Laser technology is in required level at the moment and do not require additional development. Moreover, capacity of speed increase is high due to availability high power laser sources what can support the tendency of speed increase of paper making machines. Laser cutting system would require special roll to maintain cutting. The scheme of such roll was proposed as well as roll integration into paper making machine. Laser cutting can be done in location of central roll in press section, before so-called open draw where many web breaks occur, where it has potential to improve runability of a paper making machine. Economic performance of laser cutting was done as comparison of laser cutting system and water jet cutting working in the same conditions. It was revealed that laser cutting would still be about two times more expensive compared to water jet cutting. This is mainly due to high investment cost of laser equipment and poor energy efficiency of CO2 lasers. Another factor is that laser cutting causes material loss due to evaporation whereas water jet cutting almost does not cause material loss. Despite difficulties of laser cutting implementation in paper making machine, its implementation can be beneficial. The crucial role in that is possibility to improve cut edge strength properties and consequently reduce number of web breaks. Capacity of laser cutting to maintain cutting speeds which exceed current speeds of paper making machines what is another argument to consider laser cutting technology in design of new high speed paper making machines.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on selvittää Kymenlaakson Opiston energiatehokkuuden parantamista ja tutkia onko olemassa selvästi taloudellisempi sekä ekologisempi tapa kattaa Opiston lämmitystarve verrattuna nykyisin käytössä olevaan kaukolämpöön. Työn teoriaosuudessa tehdään katsaus rakennusten energiatehokkuuteen vaikuttaviin seikkoihin, lähienergian tuotantoon ja energiatehokkuuden parantamiseen liittyvään lainsäädäntöön ja säädöksiin. Useasta rakennuksesta koostuva kansanopisto tarjoaa mielenkiintoisen pohjan selvitystyölle ja suuri lämmitystehontarve yhdistettynä monille saneerauskohteille tyypillisiin ahtaisiin teknisiin tiloihin asettaa rajoituksia lämmitysjärjestelmän suunnittelulle. Soveltavassa osuudessa määritellään reunaehdot mahdolliselle kaukolämmön korvaavalle lämmitysratkaisulle. Tutkitaan vesistölämmön hyödyntämisen mahdollisuutta ja lasketaan aurinkosähkön ja -lämmön tuotantopotentiaalia. Maalämpöjärjestelmän mitoituksessa ja taloudellisessa vertailussa käytettiin apuna maalämpöjärjestelmiä toimittavia yrityksiä. Työssä saatujen tulosten perusteella maalämpöjärjestelmä on taloudellisesti kannattava isossa kohteessa, tosin järjestelmän asennukseen liittyy ahtaiden tilojen johdosta ongelmia. Maalämpö on myös selvästi ekologisempi, kuin nykyisin käytössä oleva kaukolämpö. Aurinkosähkön tuotannolle on Kymenlaakson Opistolla hyvä potentiaali ja sähkön tuotanto kohtaa hyvin sähkön käytön.
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt und untersucht, mit welchem Früchte annähernd verlustfrei und unter sehr hygienischen Bedingungen geschnitten werden können. Die Produkte – hier gezeigt am Beispiel von Äpfeln und Melonen – werden mit einem Hochdruckwasserstrahl geschnitten, der durch ein bildverarbeitendes System entsprechend der Anatomie der Frucht geführt werden kann. Die Vorteile dieses Verfahrens sind die individuelle Schnittführung, die Materialverluste minimiert und die Tatsache, dass die Frucht ohne wesentlichen Eingriff von Personal bearbeitet wird. Die Literaturauswertung ergab, dass diese Technologie bislang noch nicht bearbeitet wurde. Der Einsatz des Hochdruckwasserstrahlschneidens im Bereich der Agrartechnik beschränkte sich auf das Schneiden von Zuckerrüben Brüser [2008], Ligocki [2005] bzw. Kartoffeln Becker u. Gray [1992], das Zerteilen von Fleisch Bansal u. Walker [1999] und Fisch Lobash u. a. [1990] sowie die Nutzung von Wasserstrahlen im Zusammenhang mit der Injektion von Flüssigdünger in Ackerböden Niemoeller u. a. [2011]. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, die Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Wasserstrahlschneidens zu erfassen und zu bewerten. Dazu wurden in einer Vielzahl von Einzelversuchen die Zusammenhänge zwischen den Prozessparametern wie Wasserdruck, Düsendurchmesser, Vorschubgeschwindigkeit und Düsenabstand auf das Schnittergebnis, also die Rauheit der entstehenden Schnittfläche untersucht. Ein Vergleich mit konventionellen Schneidemethoden erfolgte hinsichtlich der Schnittergebnisse und der Auswirkungen des Wasserstrahlschneidens auf nachfolgende Verfahrensschritte, wie dem Trocknen.
O conhecimento da distribuição do sistema radicular de plantas, principalmente de perenes, não é muito estudado, devido a inúmeros fatores, dentre os quais, a dificuldade inerente ao método de amostragem. A presente pesquisa objetivou conhecer o sistema radicular da goiabeira através do método de escavação. Utilizando jatos de água, retirou-se a terra até um volume de 10 m³ (5x5x0,4m), subdivididos em paralelepípedos de 0,1 m³ (0,5x0,5x0,4m), expondo o sistema radical da goiabeira 'Rica'. Verificou-se um vigoroso sistema radicular sem a caracterização da raiz principal e com distribuição homogênea, grande número de raízes primárias, proporcionado pela adequada formação de mudas, através de estaquia herbácea.
Following previously published observations that a conditioned response (CR) was lost more quickly by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exhibiting a high responsiveness to stressors than by low responding individuals this study was designed to investigate the effects of exogenous cortisol on the retention of a CR in unselected rainbow trout. Fish held in isolation were conditioned over a 10-day period by pairing an innocuous signal (conditioned stimulus, CS: a water jet played on the surface of the tank water) with a mild stressor (unconditioned stimulus, US: 30 min of confinement). This resulted in a brief elevation of plasma cortisol levels (the CR) when the fish was exposed to the CS only. The effect of exogenous cortisol on the retention of the CR was evaluated by comparing the performance of fish that received cortisol-containing slow-release intraperitoneal implants, with fish receiving vehicle-only implants. Retention of the CR was assessed at intervals up to 35 days after conditioning ceased. The CR was considered to be evident when 30 min following presentation of the CS, mean plasma cortisol levels were significantly higher in conditioned than untrained fish. on day 1 both cortisol-implanted and vehicle-implanted conditioned fish exhibited a CR. However, from day 5 onwards the CR was observed only in the vehicle-implanted and conditioned group. This finding indicates that administration of cortisol accelerated the extinction of the CR in the cortisol-implanted fish, suggesting that elevated plasma cortisol levels can impair memory processes in rainbow trout. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Since ancient times, it has been a huge challenge to all people around the world to manage to get their fresh water, keeping it clean and providing it to every human being, so that it can be used for their daily needs. This is especially true for small properties in the countryside and in isolated areas with low demographic density. Pumping the water in those regions is a solution that rationalizes its use in domestic chores, in animal rearing and in the irrigation systems of cultivated areas. Making feasible local, renewable and non-polluted energetic alternatives is the aim for those areas that are usually far away from the public electric network. Using photovoltaic solar energy is the alternative now proposed. For this objective was built a system with two monocrystalline panels, one pump, two water tanks, two level sensors and a solenoid valve to pump water, using a pump powered an array of monocrystalline solar panels. The main goal was to compare their rate of water flow and their energy consumption. The use of one data acquisition equipment allowed collecting meteorological, electrical and hydraulic values, and also serving for the control and activation of the pumping system. During four months in a row as from April 2009, arrangements with one or two panels were tested. Mathematics correlations and adjustment lines were used to interpret the behavior of obtained dataset. During the analyzed period the system followed the linear equations with great accuracy. The daily average amount of water pumped by the several tested arrays stayed between 1,100 and 2,500 liters, and that is enough to supply a small rural property. The pumping system with two panels effectively showed the major amount of water, but a system with one panel can be an economical solution until 1,500 liters on day. It did not characterize a direct relationship between power or quantity of photovoltaic panels and daily outflow of water pumping.
New and improved strategies are needed for managing overabundant blackbird (Icteridae spp.) populations in some areas of the United States. From 2004 to 2007, we evaluated sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) as a wetting agent during controlled outdoor cage and flight pen tests in Colorado and small-scale field tests at urban blackbird roosts in Missouri. In the outdoor cage tests (ambient temperature -5 to 2° C), mortality of male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) sprayed with 1, 2, and 5 ml of SLS on the back feathers only, on the breast feathers only, or on both breast and back feathers ranged from 25% to 100%. A SLS spray on male red-winged blackbirds at 2° C ambient temperature with 1 ml of SLS sprayed on breast feathers and back feathers resulted in 90% mortality in less than 60 minutes. In a flight pen test (-12 to -5° C ambient temperature ), SLS sprayed at 20 l per 3,400 l of water with a single ground-based sprinkler-head system over 35 male red-winged blackbirds roosting in cedar trees (Juniperus virginiana) resulted in 53% mortality. There was no mortality in the control group exposed to the same treatment without the SLS. Small-scale field tests conducted in Missouri at 6 sites with a single ground-based sprinkler-head spray system and at 2 sites with 4 sprinkler-head spray systems resulted in mortality that ranged from 0 to 4,750 and 4,500 to 15,000 blackbirds and starlings, respectively. Spray operations lasted from 28 to 208 minutes. Each spray covered about 200 m2 . At all sites, mortality of blackbirds sprayed with the SLS occurred as soon as 30 minutes post-SLS application. Mortality at two sites where pump problems precluded completing the spray ranged from 0 to 800 birds. Air leaving the system as the system was activated caused birds to flush from the roost trees. Poor water quality and pump durability were problems at some sites.
For many years the Torino Cosmogeophysics group has been studying sediment cores drilled from the Gallipoli Terrace in the Gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea) and deposited in the last millennia. The gravity core GT90-3, in which the 18O series was measured, was drilled from the Gallipoli Terrace in the Gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea) at 39°45'53''N, 17°53'33''E. It was extracted at a depth of 178 m and its length is 3.57 m. Thanks to its geographical location, the Gallipoli Terrace is a favourable site for climatic studies based on marine sediments, because of its closeness to the volcanically active Campanian area, a region that is unique in the world for its detailed historical documentation of volcanic eruptions. Tephra layers corresponding to historical eruptions were identified along the cores, thus allowing for accurate dating and determination of the sedimentation rate. The measurements performed in different cores from the same area showed that the sedimentation rate is uniform across the whole Gallipoli Terrace. We measured the oxygen isotope composition d18O of planktonic foraminifera. These measurements provided a high-resolution 2,200-year-long record. We sampled the core using a spacing of 2.5 mm corresponding to 3.87 years. Each sample of sediment (5 g) was soaked in 5% calgon solution overnight, then treated in 10% H2O2 to remove any residual organic material. Subsequently it was washed with a distilled-water jet through a sieve with a 150 µm mesh. The fraction > 150 µm was kept and oven-dried at 5°C. The planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber were picked out of the samples under a microscope. For each sample, 20-30 specimens were selected from the fraction comprised between 150 µm and 300 µm. The use of a relatively large number of specimens for each sample reduces the isotopic variability of individual organisms, giving a more representative d18O value. The stable isotope measurements were performed using a VG-PRISM mass spectrometer fitted with an automated ISO-CARB preparation device. Analytical precision based on internal standards was better than 0.1 per mil. Calibration of the mass spectrometer to VPDB scale was done using NBS19 and NBS18 carbonate standards. The strategic location of the drilling area makes this record a unique tool for climate and oceanographic studies of the Central Mediterranean.
This paper summarizes the results of an experimental research to assess the residual mechanical properties of an ordinary concrete after fire. It was studied the influence of the cooling process, the maximum temperature that the concrete was subjected to and the loading level on the residual mechanical properties of calcareous and granite aggregate concretes. The properties studied were the residual compressive, tensile, splitting and flexural strengths and modulus of elasticity. Four levels of temperature; 20, 300, 500 and 700ºC; two loading levels (0.3f and 0.7fcd) and two cooling processes (cooling in the air and by water jet) were tested. The high temperatures attained and the sudden cooling down process on the concrete showed a negative effect on its residual mechanical properties. This effect was more notorious on the residual compression strength than in the other mechanical properties
O concreto, de um modo geral, apresenta um bom comportamento em situação de incêndio quando comparado com o aço, todavia em função da temperatura ocorrem algumas transformações químicas e físicas que podem comprometer esse desempenho. Apesar das alterações das propriedades mecânicas e térmicas do concreto quando sujeito a temperaturas elevadas e após situação de incêndio já terem sido avaliadas em vários estudos, ainda é um campo aberto onde é necessário muita investigação. O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo experimental sobre a avaliação das propriedades mecânicas residuais de concretos normais após incêndio. Para o efeito foram selecionados agregados graníticos e agregados calcários, dado serem os agregados mais utilizados na construção civil em Portugal e em muitos outros países. Os parâmetros testados foram: o nível de carregamento (0,3fcd e 0,7fcd); o processo de arrefecimento (arrefecimento ao ar e arrefecimento por jato de água) e o nível máximo de temperatura atingida (20, 300, 500 e 700ºC). As propriedades mecânicas estudadas foram a resistência à compressão residual, resistência à tração direta e resistência à tração por compressão diametral, resistência à flexão, módulo de elasticidade e coeficiente de Poisson. As temperaturas atingidas e o arrefecimento rápido do concreto apresentaram um efeito negativo sobre as propriedades mecânicas residuais. Este efeito foi mais notório na resistência à compressão residual do que nas restantes propriedades mecânicas estudadas.