48 resultados para videoconference
Background: Antiretroviral therapy has changed the natural history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in developed countries, where it has become a chronic disease. This clinical scenario requires a new approach to simplify follow-up appointments and facilitate access to healthcare professionals. Methodology: We developed a new internet-based home care model covering the entire management of chronic HIV-infected patients. This was called Virtual Hospital. We report the results of a prospective randomised study performed over two years, comparing standard care received by HIV-infected patients with Virtual Hospital care. HIV-infected patients with access to a computer and broadband were randomised to be monitored either through Virtual Hospital (Arm I) or through standard care at the day hospital (Arm II). After one year of follow up, patients switched their care to the other arm. Virtual Hospital offered four main services: Virtual Consultations, Telepharmacy, Virtual Library and Virtual Community. A technical and clinical evaluation of Virtual Hospital was carried out. Findings: Of the 83 randomised patients, 42 were monitored during the first year through Virtual Hospital (Arm I) and 41 through standard care (Arm II). Baseline characteristics of patients were similar in the two arms. The level of technical satisfaction with the virtual system was high: 85% of patients considered that Virtual Hospital improved their access to clinical data and they felt comfortable with the videoconference system. Neither clinical parameters [level of CD4 + T lymphocytes, proportion of patients with an undetectable level of viral load (p = 0.21) and compliance levels 90% (p = 0.58)] nor the evaluation of quality of life or psychological questionnaires changed significantly between the two types of care. Conclusions: Virtual Hospital is a feasible and safe tool for the multidisciplinary home care of chronic HIV patients. Telemedicine should be considered as an appropriate support service for the management of chronic HIV infection.
Ce document présente les résultats d’une étude empirique sur l’utilisation de la vidéoconférence mobile selon le contexte de l’usager afin de proposer des lignes directrices pour la conception des interfaces des dispositifs de communication vidéo mobile. Grâce à un échange riche d’informations, ce type de communication peut amener un sentiment de présence fort, mais les interfaces actuelles manquent de flexibilité qui permettrait aux usagers d’être créatifs et d’avoir des échanges plus riches lors d’une vidéoconférence. Nous avons mené une recherche avec seize participants dans trois activités où leurs conversations, leurs réactions et leurs comportements ont été observés. Deux groupes de discussion ont aussi servi à identifier les habitudes développées à partir de leur utilisation régulière de la vidéoconférence. Les résultats suggèrent une différence importante entre l’utilisation de la caméra avant et la caméra arrière de l’appareil mobile, et la nécessité de fournir des outils qui offrent plus de contrôle sur l’échange dans la conversation. L’étude propose plusieurs lignes directrices de conception pour les interfaces de communication vidéo mobiles, concernant la construction du contexte mobile de l’utilisateur.
In the two last decades of the past century, following the consolidation of the Internet as the world-wide computer network, applications generating more robust data flows started to appear. The increasing use of videoconferencing stimulated the creation of a new form of point-to-multipoint transmission called IP Multicast. All companies working in the area of software and the hardware development for network videoconferencing have adjusted their products as well as developed new solutionsfor the use of multicast. However the configuration of such different solutions is not easy done, moreover when changes in the operational system are also requirede. Besides, the existing free tools have limited functions, and the current comercial solutions are heavily dependent on specific platforms. Along with the maturity of IP Multicast technology and with its inclusion in all the current operational systems, the object-oriented programming languages had developed classes able to handle multicast traflic. So, with the help of Java APIs for network, data bases and hipertext, it became possible to the develop an Integrated Environment able to handle multicast traffic, which is the major objective of this work. This document describes the implementation of the above mentioned environment, which provides many functions to use and manage multicast traffic, functions which existed only in a limited way and just in few tools, normally the comercial ones. This environment is useful to different kinds of users, so that it can be used by common users, who want to join multimedia Internet sessions, as well as more advenced users such engineers and network administrators who may need to monitor and handle multicast traffic
This article brings some of the results of a study that analyzes a hybrid course for in-service teachers in the Project Teletandem Brazil: foreign languages for all. In this project, Brazilian teachers of Spanish as a foreign language took part in a blended tandem learning course, communicating via videoconferencing with Uruguayan teachers of Portuguese as a foreign language. The aim of the study was to verify Brazilian teachers' concepts and beliefs concerning language and culture and how the teletandem interactions affected them. After the interactions, teachers' views of culture seemed to also incorporate aspects of culture as an interpersonal process, instead of the factual and static view which was previously predominant. Therefore teacher education programs must consider the possibility of conjugating theory and reflective practice through the use of videoconference tools in order to allow teachers to experience culture rather learn facts about it. © 2011 ACADEMY PUBLISHER.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Bilayer segmentation of live video in uncontrolled environments is an essential task for home applications in which the original background of the scene must be replaced, as in videochats or traditional videoconference. The main challenge in such conditions is overcome all difficulties in problem-situations (e. g., illumination change, distract events such as element moving in the background and camera shake) that may occur while the video is being captured. This paper presents a survey of segmentation methods for background substitution applications, describes the main concepts and identifies events that may cause errors. Our analysis shows that although robust methods rely on specific devices (multiple cameras or sensors to generate depth maps) which aid the process. In order to achieve the same results using conventional devices (monocular video cameras), most current research relies on energy minimization frameworks, in which temporal and spacial information are probabilistically combined with those of color and contrast.
Da una riflessione sul multilinguismo e sul diritto di immigrati e turisti, o più in generale residenti stranieri, di accedere ai servizi pubblici nella propria lingua, nasce l’idea di questo elaborato. Ci si è voluti concentrare sull’interpretazione telefonica (IT) in quanto mezzo utile per accedere a un interprete rapidamente, soprattutto in caso di emergenza. L’elaborato presenta inizialmente un excursus storico sull’interpretazione grazie al quale si giunge a trattare dell’interpretazione a distanza, che viene divisa in videoconference interpreting e interpretazione telefonica (IT): Di quest’ultima, tema dell’elaborato,si analizza l’implementazione e si espongono le controversie che la riguardano. A seguire ci si dedica alla ricerca sull’IT che viene svolta in una realtà aziendale basca di punta nel settore spagnolo: Dualia. Viene descritta l’azienda, la sua storia, i servizi che fornisce, e le modalità di lavoro degli interpreti. La seconda parte dell’elaborato tratta dell’esposizione e analisi dei risultati della ricerca. L’obiettivo dello studio è quello di ricavare la prospettiva di interpreti e clienti sull’IT e trarne spunti di miglioramento per il servizio. La ricerca è avvenuta per mezzo di due tipi di questionari indirizzati uno ai clienti dell’IT, e l’altro agli interpreti telefonici che lavorano con Dualia. Il questionario per i clienti ha riscontrato che essi utilizzano facilmente l’IT, che è un grande aiuto nel loro lavoro e che gli interpreti sono considerati professionali. Il questionario per gli interpreti ha creato un profilo dell’interprete telefonico, ha riscontrato una propensione degli interpreti e ha mostrato le problematiche principali dell’interprete telefonico.
Interpreter profession is currently changing: migration flows, the economic crisis and the fast development of ICTs brought unexpected changes in our societies and in traditional interpreting services all over. Remote interpreting (RI), which entails new methods such as videoconference interpreting and telephone interpreting (TI), has greatly developed and now sees interpreters working remotely and being connected to service users via videoconference set up or telephone calls. This dissertation aims at studying and analyzing the relevant aspects of interpreter-mediated telephone calls, describing the consequences for the interpreters in this new working field, as well as defining new strategies and techniques interpreters must develop in order to adjust to the new working context. For these purposes, the objectives of this dissertation are the following: to describe the settings in which RI is mostly used, to study the prominent consequences on interpreters and analyze real interpreter-mediated conversations. The dissertation deals with issues studied by the Shift project, a European project which aims at creating teaching materials for remote interpreting; the project started in 2015 and the University of Bologna and in particular the DIT - Department of Interpreting and Translation is the coordinating unit and promoting partner. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 contains an outline of the major research related to RI and videoconference interpreting as well as a description of its main settings: healthcare, law, business economics and institution. Chapter 2 focuses on the physiological and psychological implications for interpreters working on RI. The concepts of absence, presence and remoteness are discussed; some opinions of professional interpreters and legal practitioners (LPs) concerning remote interpreting are offered as well. In chapter 3, telephone interpreting is presented; basic concepts of conversational analysis and prominent traits of interpreter-mediated calls are also explored. Chapter 4 presents the materials and methodology used for the analysis of data. The results, discussed in Chapter 5, show that telephone interpreting may be suitable for some specific contexts; however, it is clear that interpreters must get appropriate training before working in any form of RI. The dissertation finally offers suggestions for the implementation of training in RI for future interpreting students.
Nowadays video and web conferencing systems have become effective tools for communication and collaboration inside organizations. However, although these systems have evolved and now provide very nice features (e.g. sharing multimedia and documents), they are still too focused on the moment the meeting takes place. The existing systems provide very few facilities to organize the meeting and they do not take advantage of the possibilities the generated content offers once the meeting is finished. In this paper, we analyze the life cycle of a web conference and how existing systems monitor these conferences. Finally we present our solution, based on our know-how in videoconference management and our experience with these existing systems.
Nowadays, Internet is a place where social networks have reached an important impact in collaboration among people over the world in different ways. This article proposes a new paradigm for building CSCW business tools following the novel ideas provided by the social web to collaborate and generate awareness. An implementation of these concepts is described, including the components we provide to collaborate in workspaces, (such as videoconference, chat, desktop sharing, forums or temporal events), and the way we generate awareness from these complex social data structures. Figures and validation results are also presented to stress that this architecture has been defined to support awareness generation via joining current and future social data from business and social networks worlds, based on the idea of using social data stored in the cloud.
BACKGROUND: Antiretroviral therapy has changed the natural history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in developed countries, where it has become a chronic disease. This clinical scenario requires a new approach to simplify follow-up appointments and facilitate access to healthcare professionals. METHODOLOGY: We developed a new internet-based home care model covering the entire management of chronic HIV-infected patients. This was called Virtual Hospital. We report the results of a prospective randomised study performed over two years, comparing standard care received by HIV-infected patients with Virtual Hospital care. HIV-infected patients with access to a computer and broadband were randomised to be monitored either through Virtual Hospital (Arm I) or through standard care at the day hospital (Arm II). After one year of follow up, patients switched their care to the other arm. Virtual Hospital offered four main services: Virtual Consultations, Telepharmacy, Virtual Library and Virtual Community. A technical and clinical evaluation of Virtual Hospital was carried out. FINDINGS: Of the 83 randomised patients, 42 were monitored during the first year through Virtual Hospital (Arm I) and 41 through standard care (Arm II). Baseline characteristics of patients were similar in the two arms. The level of technical satisfaction with the virtual system was high: 85% of patients considered that Virtual Hospital improved their access to clinical data and they felt comfortable with the videoconference system. Neither clinical parameters [level of CD4+ T lymphocytes, proportion of patients with an undetectable level of viral load (p = 0.21) and compliance levels >90% (p = 0.58)] nor the evaluation of quality of life or psychological questionnaires changed significantly between the two types of care. CONCLUSIONS: Virtual Hospital is a feasible and safe tool for the multidisciplinary home care of chronic HIV patients. Telemedicine should be considered as an appropriate support service for the management of chronic HIV infection. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical-Trials.gov: NCT01117675.
Lately, videoconference applications have experienced an evolution towards the World Wide Web. New technologies have given browsers real-time communications capabilities. In this context, WebRTC aims to provide this functionality by following and defining standards. Being a new effort, WebRTC still lacks advanced videoconferencing services such as session recording, media mixing and adjusting to varying network conditions. This paper analyzes these challenges and proposes an architecture based on a traditional communications entity, the Multipoint Control Unit or MCU as a solution.
The educational platform Virtual Science Hub (ViSH) has been developed as part of the GLOBAL excursion European project. ViSH (http://vishub.org/) is a portal where teachers and scientist interact to create virtual excursions to science infrastructures. The main motivation behind the project was to connect teachers - and in consequence their students - to scientific institutions and their wide amount of infrastructures and resources they are working with. Thus the idea of a hub was born that would allow the two worlds of scientists and teachers to connect and to innovate science teaching. The core of the ViSH?s concept design is based on virtual excursions, which allow for a number of pedagogical models to be applied. According to our internal definition a virtual excursion is a tour through some digital context by teachers and pupils on a given topic that is attractive and has an educational purpose. Inquiry-based learning, project-based and problem-based learning are the most prominent approaches that a virtual excursion may serve. The domain specific resources and scientific infrastructures currently available on the ViSH are focusing on life sciences, nano-technology, biotechnology, grid and volunteer computing. The virtual excursion approach allows an easy combination of these resources into interdisciplinary teaching scenarios. In addition, social networking features support the users in collaborating and communicating in relation to these excursions and thus create a community of interest for innovative science teaching. The design and development phases were performed following a participatory design approach. An important aspect in this process was to create design partnerships amongst all actors involved, researchers, developers, infrastructure providers, teachers, social scientists, and pedagogical experts early in the project. A joint sense of ownership was created and important changes during the conceptual phase were implemented in the ViSH due to early user feedback. Technology-wise the ViSH is based on the latest web technologies in order to make it cross-platform compatible so that it works on several operative systems such as Windows, Mac or Linux and multi-device accessible, such as desktop, tablet and mobile devices. The platform has been developed in HTML5, the latest standard for web development, assuring that it can run on any modern browser. In addition to social networking features a core element on the ViSH is the virtual excursions editor. It is a web tool that allows teachers and scientists to create rich mash-ups of learning resources provided by the e-Infrastructures (i.e. remote laboratories and live webcams). These rich mash-ups can be presented in either slides or flashcards format. Taking advantage of the web architecture supported, additional powerful components have been integrated like a recommendation engine to provide personalized suggestions about educational content or interesting users and a videoconference tool to enhance real-time collaboration like MashMeTV (http://www.mashme.tv/).
This paper presents the Virtual Science Hub platform. It is an open source platform that combines a social network, an e-learning authoring tool, a videoconference service and a learning object repository for science teaching enrichment. These four main functionalities fit very well together. The platform was released in April 2012 and since then it has not stopped growing. Finally we present the results of the surveys conducted and the statistics gathered to validate this approach.