995 resultados para vertical movements


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Gabion faced re.taining walls are essentially semi rigid structures that can generally accommodate large lateral and vertical movements without excessive structural distress. Because of this inherent feature, they offer technical and economical advantage over the conventional concrete gravity retaining walls. Although they can be constructed either as gravity type or reinforced soil type, this work mainly deals with gabion faced reinforced earth walls as they are more suitable to larger heights. The main focus of the present investigation was the development of a viable plane strain two dimensional non linear finite element analysis code which can predict the stress - strain behaviour of gabion faced retaining walls - both gravity type and reinforced soil type. The gabion facing, backfill soil, In - situ soil and foundation soil were modelled using 20 four noded isoparametric quadrilateral elements. The confinement provided by the gabion boxes was converted into an induced apparent cohesion as per the membrane correction theory proposed by Henkel and Gilbert (1952). The mesh reinforcement was modelled using 20 two noded linear truss elements. The interactions between the soil and the mesh reinforcement as well as the facing and backfill were modelled using 20 four noded zero thickness line interface elements (Desai et al., 1974) by incorporating the nonlinear hyperbolic formulation for the tangential shear stiffness. The well known hyperbolic formulation by Ouncan and Chang (1970) was used for modelling the non - linearity of the soil matrix. The failure of soil matrix, gabion facing and the interfaces were modelled using Mohr - Coulomb failure criterion. The construction stages were also modelled.Experimental investigations were conducted on small scale model walls (both in field as well as in laboratory) to suggest an alternative fill material for the gabion faced retaining walls. The same were also used to validate the finite element programme developed as a part of the study. The studies were conducted using different types of gabion fill materials. The variation was achieved by placing coarse aggregate and quarry dust in different proportions as layers one above the other or they were mixed together in the required proportions. The deformation of the wall face was measured and the behaviour of the walls with the variation of fill materials was analysed. It was seen that 25% of the fill material in gabions can be replaced by a soft material (any locally available material) without affecting the deformation behaviour to large extents. In circumstances where deformation can be allowed to some extents, even up to 50% replacement with soft material can be possible.The developed finite element code was validated using experimental test results and other published results. Encouraged by the close comparison between the theory and experiments, an extensive and systematic parametric study was conducted, in order to gain a closer understanding of the behaviour of the system. Geometric parameters as well as material parameters were varied to understand their effect on the behaviour of the walls. The final phase of the study consisted of developing a simplified method for the design of gabion faced retaining walls. The design was based on the limit state method considering both the stability and deformation criteria. The design parameters were selected for the system and converted to dimensionless parameters. Thus the procedure for fixing the dimensions of the wall was simplified by eliminating the conventional trial and error procedure. Handy design charts were developed which would prove as a hands - on - tool to the design engineers at site. Economic studies were also conducted to prove the cost effectiveness of the structures with respect to the conventional RCC gravity walls and cost prediction models and cost breakdown ratios were proposed. The studies as a whole are expected to contribute substantially to understand the actual behaviour of gabion faced retaining wall systems with particular reference to the lateral deformations.


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Insects migrating at high altitude over southern Britain have been continuously monitored by automatically-operating, vertical-looking radars over a period of several years. During some occasions in the summer months, the migrants were observed to form well-defined layer concentrations, typically at heights of 200-400 m, in the stable night-time atmosphere. Under these conditions, insects are likely to have control over their vertical movements and are selecting flight heights which are favourable for long-range migration. We therefore investigated the factors influencing the formation of these insect layers by comparing radar measurements of the vertical distribution of insect density with meteorological profiles generated by the UK Met. Office’s Unified Model (UM). Radar-derived measurements of mass and displacement speed, along with data from Rothamsted Insect Survey light traps provided information on the identity of the migrants. We present here three case studies where noctuid and pyralid moths contributed substantially to the observed layers. The major meteorological factors influencing the layer concentrations appeared to be: (a) the altitude of the warmest air, (b) heights corresponding to temperature preferences or thresholds for sustained migration and (c), on nights when air temperatures are relatively high, wind-speed maxima associated with the nocturnal jet. Back-trajectories indicated that layer duration may have been determined by the distance to the coast. Overall, the unique combination of meteorological data from the UM and insect data from entomological radar described here show considerable promise for systematic studies of high-altitude insect layering.


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Insect pests that have a root-feeding larval stage often cause the most sustained damage to plants because their attrition remains largely unseen, preventing early diagnosis and treatment. Characterising movement and dispersal patterns of subterranean insects is inherently difficult due to the difficulty in observing their behaviour. Our understanding of dispersal and movement patterns of soil-dwelling insects is therefore limited compared to above ground insect pests and tends to focus on vertical movements within the soil profile or assessments of coarse movement patterns taken from soil core measurements in the field. The objective of this study was to assess how the dispersal behaviour of the clover root weevil (CRW), Sitona lepidus larvae was affected by differing proportions of host (clover) and non-host (grass) plants under different soil water contents (SWC). This was undertaken in experimental mini-swards that allowed us to control plant community structure and soil water content. CRW larval survival was not affected either by white clover content or planting pattern or SWC in either experiment; however, lower clover composition in the sward resulted in CRW larvae dispersing further from where they hatched. Because survival was the same regardless of clover density, the proportion of infested plants was highest in sward boxes with the fewest clover plants (i.e. the low host plant density). Thus, there is potential for clover plants over a larger area to be colonised when the clover content of the sward is low.


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Over-fishing may lead to a decrease in fish abundance and a proliferation of jellyfish. Active movements and prey search might be thought to provide a competitive advantage for fish, but here we use data-loggers to show that the frequently occurring coastal jellyfish (Rhizostoma octopus) does not simply passively drift to encounter prey. Jellyfish (327 days of data from 25 jellyfish with depth collected every 1 min) showed very dynamic vertical movements, with their integrated vertical movement averaging 619.2 m d−1, more than 60 times the water depth where they were tagged. The majority of movement patterns were best approximated by exponential models describing normal random walks. However, jellyfish also showed switching behaviour from exponential patterns to patterns best fitted by a truncated Lévy distribution with exponents (mean μ = 1.96, range 1.2–2.9) close to the theoretical optimum for searching for sparse prey (μopt ≈ 2.0). Complex movements in these ‘simple’ animals may help jellyfish to compete effectively with fish for plankton prey, which may enhance their ability to increase in dominance in perturbed ocean systems.


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Settlement rate may not reflect larval supply to coastal waters in different marine invertebrates and demersal fishes. The importance of near-shore oceanography and behaviour of late larval stages may be underestimated. The present study conducted neustonic sampling over station grids and along full-length transects at two embayments in south-eastern Brazil to (1) compare diurnal and nocturnal occurrence of most frequent decapod stages to assess their vertical movements, (2) describe the formation of larval patches and (3) measure competence of crab megalopae according to their distance to recruitment grounds. Several shrimp species apparently undergo a diel vertical migration, swimming crab megalopae showed no vertical movements and megalopae of the intertidal crab Pachygrapsus transversus revealed a reversed vertical migration. During the day, crab megalopae aggregated in convergence zones just below surface slicks. These larvae consisted of advanced, pre-moult stages, at both mid-bay and near-shore patches. Competence, measured as the time to metamorphosis in captivity, was similar between larval patches within each taxon. Yet, subtidal portunids moulted faster to juveniles than intertidal grapsids, possibly because they were closer to settlement grounds. Megalopae of Pachygrapsus from benthic collectors moulted faster than those from bay areas. These results suggest that alternative vertical migration patterns of late megalopae favour onshore transport, and actual competence takes place very close to suitable substrates, where larvae may remain for days before settlement. Lack of correlation between larval supply and settlement for Pachygrapsus suggests that biological processes, besides onshore transport, may play an important role in determining settlement success of coastal crabs.


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O presente estudo avaliou as modificações no perfil facial de 15 pacientes portadores de má oclusão Classe III esquelética que foram submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico pré-cirúrgico e cirurgia ortognática bimaxilar estabilizada com fixação rígida. Oito pacientes foram submetidos à mentoplastia. Foram utilizadas telerradiografias pré-cirúrgicas (T1) e pós-cirúrgicas (T2) com um intervalo mínimo de 6 meses. Foram analisados deslocamentos horizontais e verticais em pontos do tecido ósseo e tecido mole. Foi realizada uma comparação entre os casos tratados com e sem mentoplastia (teste t) mostrando não haver diferenças entre os grupos. A regressão linear múltipla evidenciou uma correlação significante no sentido horizontal para os pontos Pg e Pgm e vertical para os pontos Me e Mem. Foi encontrada baixa correlação para movimentos no sentido horizontal nos pontos Sena e A, e para os pontos Pn, Sn e Ph. No sentido vertical, os deslocamentos mais evidentes foram entre os pontos Pg, Gn e Me e Sena e A, porém com correlações de baixa intensidade.


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As drenagens costeiras do leste do Brasil correspondem a áreas de grande significado biogeográfico, apresentando um alto grau de endemismo em sua fauna de peixes. Padrões filogenéticos sugerem uma relação próxima entre os rios que correm para o Atlântico a os adjacentes das terras altas do escudo cristalino. Entretanto, pouco tem sido dito sobre a dinâmica dos processos geológicos relacionados aos eventos cladogenéticos entre estas áreas. Padrões de distribuição e filogenéticos sugerem uma íntima associação com a história geológica da margem continental passiva da América do Sul, desde o Cretáceo aos dias atuais. Soerguimentos macrodômicos, rifteamento, movimentos verticais entre blocos falhados e o recuo erosivo da margem leste sul-americana são considerados como as principais forças geológicas atuando sobre a distribuição da ictiofauna de água doce nestas áreas. A atividade tectônica associada à ruptura do Gondwana e separação da América do Sul e África criou seis megadomos que são responsáveis por configurar a maior parte do atual curso das principais bacias hidrográficas do escudo cristalino. Com exceção das bacias localizadas às margens de tais megadomos, estes rios desenvolveram longos e sinuosos circuitos sobre o antigo escudo cristalino brasileiro antes de desaguarem no então recentemente aberto Oceano Atlântico. Eventos cladogenéticos iniciais entre drenagens de terras altas do escudo cristalino e tributários do Atlântico podem estar associados com processos vicariantes desta fase inicial, e alguns táxons antigos, basais, grupos-irmão de táxons muito inclusivos e de ampla distribuição são encontrados nestas bacias hidrográficas. Mais tarde, a denudação erosiva generalizada resultou em um ajuste isostático da margem leste da plataforma. Tal ajuste, concomitantemente a reativações de antigas zonas de falha, resultou em movimentos verticais entre blocos falhados, dando origem, no sudeste do Brasil, a bacias tafrogênicas. Tais bacias, como a de Taubaté, São Paulo, Curitiba e Volta Redonda, entre outras, capturaram drenagens e fauna de terras altas adjacentes. Os peixes fósseis da Formação Tremembé (Eoceno-Oligoceno da Bacia de Taubaté) exemplificam este processo. Outros sistemas tafrogênicos de idade Terciária foram também identificados em outros segmentos da margem continental Atlântica, como na Província Borborema, no NE do Brasil, com marcada influência sobre o padrão de drenagem. Ao mesmo tempo, o recuo erosivo da margem leste da plataforma capturou sucessivamente rios de planalto, os quais se tornaram tributários atlânticos, evoluindo associados aos principais sistemas de falha. A natureza continuada destes processos explica os padrões filogenéticos e de distribuição miscigenados entre os tributários atlânticos e as terras altas do escudo cristalino adjacente, especialmente na margem sudeste do continente, representados por sucessivos, cada vez menos inclusivos, grupos irmãos, associados a eventos cladogenéticos desde o final do Cretáceo ao presente.


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Introduction: The objective of this study was to analyze rates of canine movement over the first 2 months of continuous retraction, when rate changes are expected. Methods: Ten patients with bone markers placed in the maxilla and the mandible had their canines retracted over a 2-month period. Retraction was accomplished with beta-titanium alloy T-loop springs. Standardized 45 degrees oblique cephalograms where taken initially and every 28 days thereafter. The radiographs were scanned and digitized twice (the average was used for the analyses). The radiographs were superimposed by using the bone markers and oriented on the functional occlusal plane. Paired t tests were used to compare side and jaw effects. Results: There were no significant differences between sides. The maxillary cusp was retracted 3.2 mm, with less movement during the first (1.1 mm) than during the second 4 weeks (2.1 mm). The maxillary apices did not move horizontally. There were no significant vertical movements in the cusps and apices of the maxillary canines. The mandibular cusp was retracted 3.8 mm-1.1 mm during the first and 2.7 mm during the second 4 weeks. The mandibular apices were protracted 1.1 mm. The cusps and apices were intruded 0.6 and 0.7 mm, respectively. The only difference between jaws was the greater protraction of the mandibular apices during the second 4 weeks and in overall movement. Conclusions: The rate of canine cusp retraction was greater during the second than the first 4 weeks. The mandibular canines were retracted by uncontrolled tipping whereas the maxillary canines were retracted by controlled tipping. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009; 136: 87-93)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo tenta trazer um novo ponto de vista sobre a importância do Oceano Atlântico Equatorial no padrão sazonal, durante o período de verão e de outono da região Amazônica. Desta maneira, contribui de uma forma diferente para os estudos na área de modelagem climática e variabilidade pluviométrica na região. Para isto, foi utilizado o modelo RegCM3, com esquema de convecção Grell, aplicando a técnica donwscaling e utilizando como condição inicial os dados de reanalise do NCEP/NCAR. Após a obtenção das simulações foi aplicado o método estatístico Viés para avaliar o quanto o modelo consegue reproduzir a precipitação sazonal. Em uma primeira análise, constata-se que o modelo é sensível a entrada de SF ou ZCAS, bem como, aproxima-se da dinâmica dos trópicos e extratropicos. Os resultados sugerem que a baixa resolução e a parametrização Grell são os principais fatores para a inadequação da qualidade das simulações. Apesar de o esquema Grell ser indicado para regiões com intensa convecção e fortes movimentos verticais, o mesmo necessita ser ajustado com as características físicas da região. Este estudo contribuiu para o aprimoramento dos modelos climáticos regionais para a região amazônica, considerando a contribuição dos processos oceano-atmosfera, durante o período de verão e outono do hemisfério sul.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)