969 resultados para vampire bat


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Complete albinism is a rare phenomenon that occurs in all vertebrate groups. In bats, albinism has been recorded in several species but this information has not previously been reviewed in detail nor has there been an analysis of its importance. In this study, cases of albinism from the literature are checked and new cases are presented. Complete albinism in bats is documented in eight families, 38 species, and at least 64 individuals (47.4% female female and 52.6% males; n = 38). of these, 39 individuals were observed and/or captured in sheltered roosts, such as caves (51.3%), mines and galleries (20.5%), buildings (17.9%), and hollow-trees and bird boxes (7.7%). Only one albino bat (2.6%) was captured in an external roost (foliage). This individual is the fruit bat, Artibeus planirostris, which is recorded here for the first time. Information on four additional cases of albino individuals of the common vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus, is also presented. It is suggested that sheltered roosts favour survival of albino bars, offering protection against sunlight, water loss, and visually hunting predators.


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Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram estudar a fidelidade ao abrigo diurno por indivíduos de ambos os sexos da espécie Desmodus rotundus e verificar a eficácia da ação da pasta vampiricida 2% na redução do tamanho de suas colônias no estado de São Paulo, por meio de estudo experimental de campo. Durante os anos de 1999 e 2000, 626 morcegos distribuídos em 12 abrigos foram capturados com redes-de-espera (armadas durante a noite) e marcados. em seguida, 10% da população previamente estimada recebeu a pasta vampiricida. No Experimento I foram tratados apenas machos, no Experimento II apenas fêmeas e no Experimento III, 5% dos machos e 5% das fêmeas foram tratados. Após 5 e 10 dias, foram feitas contagens dos morcegos que sobreviveram e morreram. As fêmeas mostraram-se mais fiéis aos abrigos (p<0,01) e melhores disseminadoras de pasta vampiricida (p<0,01).


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Embora informações acerca da composição das colônias do morcego hematófago Desmodus rotundus (E. Geoffroy, 1810) sejam importantes para o controle de suas populações, poucos estudos a esse respeito foram desenvolvidos no Brasil. São apresentadas aqui informações obtidas de colônias de D. rotundus encontradas em 12 abrigos diurnos no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em 1999 e 2000. em geral, os abrigos naturais e artificiais não possuíam grandes dimensões e estruturalmente variaram entre si. O formato dos abrigos interferiu na distribuição dos indivíduos das colônias no interior dos abrigos. Essas colônias continham, em média, 130 indivíduos distribuídos em três locais no interior dos abrigos. Havia também diversos indivíduos vivendo isolados ou em pequenos grupos dispersos. A proporção entre os sexos dos morcegos capturados foi de 1 macho: 1,37 fêmeas e, em sua maioria, os morcegos capturados eram adultos (89%). Dimorfismo sexual foi verificado estatisticamente no comprimento dos antebraços e na massa corporal, sendo as fêmeas maiores que os machos. A maior parte dos machos adultos (87%) estava sexualmente ativo, mas 65,5% das fêmeas adultas não estavam grávidas.


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Amostras de vírus rábico isoladas de animais e humanos no período de 1989 a 2000 foram tipificadas antigenicamente com a utilização de um painel de anticorpos monoclonais contra a nucleoproteína viral, pré-estabelecido para o estudo da epidemiologia molecular do vírus rábico isolado nas Américas. As amostras testadas foram isoladas no laboratório de diagnóstico do Instituto Pasteur e outros centros de diagnóstico de raiva no Brasil. Além das cepas de vírus rábico fixo CVS-31/96-IP, mantida em cérebro de camundongos e a PV-BHK/97, mantida em cultura de células, cepas de vírus rábico isoladas de cães, gatos, bovinos, eqüinos, morcegos, ovinos, caprino, suínos, raposa, sagüí, coatí, guaxinim e humanos, totalizaram 330 amostras. Seis variantes antigênicas foram definidas, compatíveis com perfís observados no painel de anticorpos monoclonais pré-estabelecido utilizado, as de número 2 (cão), 3 (Desmodus rotundus), 4 (Tadarida brasiliensis), 5 (Vampiro da Venezuela), 6 (Lasiurus cinereus) e Lab (reagente a todos os anticorpos utilizados), além de outros seis perfís desconhecidos, não compatíveis com aqueles observados no painel utilizado. A maior variabilidade foi observada entre as amostras isoladas de morcegos insetívoros e a variante mais comum isolada entre as espécies foi a variante 3 (Desmodus rotundus). Estes fatos podem representar a existência de múltiplos ciclos de transmissão independentes, envolvendo diferentes espécies de morcegos.


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Genetic and phylogenetic analyses of the region containing the glycoprotein (G) gene, which is related to pathogenicity and antigenicity, and the G-L intergenic region were carried out in 14 Brazilian rabies virus isolates. The isolates were classified as dog-related rabies virus (DRRV) or vampire bat-related rabies virus (VRRV), by nucleoprotein (N) analysis. The nucleotide and amino acid (AA) homologies of the area containing the G protein gene and G-L intergenic region were generally lower than those of the ectodomain. In both regions, nucleotide and deduced AA homologies were lower among VRRVs than among DRRVs. There were AA differences between DRRV and VRRV at 3 antigenic sites and epitopes (IIa, WB+ and III), suggesting that DRRV and VRRV can be distinguished by differences of antigenicity. In a comparison of phylogenetic trees between the ectodomain and the area containing the G protein gene and G-L intergenic region, the branching patterns of the chiropteran and carnivoran rabies virus groups differed, whereas there were clear similarities in patterns within the DRRV and VRRV groups. Additionally, the VRRV isolates were more closely related to chiropteran strains isolated from Latin America than to Brazilian DRRV. These results indicate that Brazilian rabies virus isolates can be classified as DRRV or VRRV by analysis of the G gene and the G-L intergenic region, as well as by N gene analysis.


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To investigate the genetic characteristics of phosphoprotein (P) and matrix protein (M) genes of variable rabies virus (RV) prevalent in Brazil, the authors genetically characterized the P and M genes from 30 Brazilian RV field isolates. Phylogenetic analysis based on the P and M genes revealed the presence of six RV variants that consisted primarily of three insectivorous bats, the vampire bat, dog and fox in Brazil. Specific amino acid substitutions corresponding to these phylogenetic lineages were observed, with ASP(42) and GlU(62) in the P protein found to be characteristic of Brazilian chiroptera- and carnivora-related RVs, respectively. Amino acid sequence motifs predicted to associate with a viral function in the P and M proteins were conserved among Brazilian RV variants.


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The testicular stroma of the vampire bat including the testicular capsula and the lamina propria of the seminiferous tubuli, was strongly PAS-positive. This observation was a possible indication of great amounts of structural glycogen and other glycoconjugates at the level of smooth muscle cells; elongated contractile cells and/or collagen frameworks of the tunica albuginea and tubular lamina propria. In the last the basement membranes of the seminiferous tubules were particularly strongly PAS positive, as an indication of their neutral mucosubstances structural composition, previously described (Malmi et al., 1987). The epithelium lining from the cavitary and surface rete testis complex showed low reactivities to mucosubstances; total proteins and lipids and oxidative enzymes studied. Although the apical granulation at the rete testis epithelium showed an intense PAS reactivity with hypothesis of glycoprotein secretion, through the rete. The PAS, Sudan Black B, NADH, MDH and LDH reactions of the testicular interstitium seem correlate to steroid metabolism (biosynthesis and secretion), at the Leydig cells level. The seminiferous epithelium generally had low reactions to all the histochemical studies realized. Particularly in the adbasal compartment the histochemical localizations of NADH diaphorase and LDH were possible related to glycolytic activities and general carbohydrates metabolism, both enzymes, and hydrogen transport, the NADH. The strong PAS, diastase and PAS, and alcian blue pH 2.5 and PAS reactions observed in the adluminal seminiferous epithelium compartment were directly related to the spermatids acrosomal glycoconjugates structuration. Also the SDH localization at this level seems to be related to the mitochondrial activities at the middle piece level in the late spermatids.


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This paper deals with the ultrastructural study of mature vampire bat Sertoli cells and their relationships with the different stages of testicular germ cells. In vampire bat seminiferous epithelium there are different types of junctional specializations among Sertoli cells and among Sertoli cells and different germ cells, with special emphasis to tight junctions and to junctions like as desmosomes. Ectoplasmic junctions through the Sertoli cells, including the smooth ER, are observed. These cellular interactions and their cytophysiological roles are discussed. Also are related some ultrastructural peculiarities of the Sertoli cell nucleus, nucleolus, cytoplasmic organelles and lipidic inclusions.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O implemento de Unidades de Conservação constitui um dos meios para se evitar a perda de biodiversidade nas regiões de influência das grandes metrópoles, e o monitoramento de certos grupos zoológicos nessas unidades pode contribuir ao êxito de programas conservacionistas locais. O Parque Ecológico de Gunma (PEG), com área de 540 hectares administrada pela Associação Gunma Kenjin-Kai do Norte do Brasil, protege um remanescente florestal no município de Santa Bárbara do Pará, região da Grande Belém, Estado do Pará, constituído principalmente por fitofisionomias de Terra Firme e Igapó. Este trabalho tem por objetivo oferecer um perfil taxonômico e ecológico da quiropterofauna (Mammalia) nos limites do Parque e seu entorno. A análise quantitativa incluiu medidas de esforço de captura, riqueza e diversidade, assim como uma avaliação da estrutura de comunidades por Escalonamento Multidimensional (MDS) considerando-se as fisionomias vegetais principais e duas áreas selecionadas de Terra Firme. Num conjunto de seis campanhas, de julho a dezembro de 2005, identificaram-se 37 espécies de morcegos, distribuídas em cinco famílias. Contudo, em nenhum ambiente as curvas de rarefação atingiram a assíntota. Os índices de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener (H’) e Simpson (D) foram de 1,86 e 0,69, respectivamente. Carollia perspicillata exibiu a mais alta abundância relativa, abrangendo 50% das capturas, mas de modo distinto entre fisionomias com aproximadamente 59% em Terra Firme e 32% em Igapó. O achado de Neonycteris pusilla representa a segunda ocorrência do táxon para o Estado do Pará. As estimativas de diversidade foram mais elevadas no Igapó (H’ = 1,91; [1-D] = 0,80) do que na Terra Firme (H’ = 1,71; [1-D] = 0,63), apesar da pequena área do primeiro (3,3% da extensão do PEG) e da maior riqueza de espécies da segunda. Isto pode refletir o fato de que a quase totalidade das capturas se deu nos meses mais secos do ano na região, quando em tese haveria tropismo das espécies por espaços de maior oferta hídrica. Assim, parece imperativo complementar o levantamento com amostragens na estação chuvosa para uma descrição fidedigna da quiropterofauna do PEG. Confirmando-se o previsto, a comparação de duas áreas de Terra Firme com distintos graus de alteração apontou maior diversidade de quirópteros na área mais conservada. A importância do PEG como Unidade de Conservação pode ser atestada pela presença de espécies sob risco (vulneráveis ou quase ameaçadas), p.ex. N. pusilla e Tonatia carrikeri. Verificou-se a ameaça de interferências antrópicas sobre os seus ecossistemas devido principalmente à proximidade com áreas rurais e urbanas. O monitoramento da riqueza e dinâmica ecológica dos morcegos no Parque Ecológico de Gunma pode evitar a extinção local de táxons raros, assim como a proliferação de outros, que em situações especiais se tornam ameaçadores à saúde humana, caso do hematófago Desmodus rotundus, potencial hospedeiro e transmissor do vírus rábico.


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The common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus has as main food source blood of medium and large sizes mammals, but sporadically is observed feeding on birds, causing occasionally excessive bleeding and economic losses. Due to this D. rotundus is one of the most studied species of bats in the Americas. Once known that the lunar clarity might influence the nocturnal activities of the common vampire bats, the present study was carried out to know the behavior and schedules of emergencies and returns of bats to the shelter, its social behavior at the shelter´s entrance, especially of the dominant male, and the size and composition of the colony in different moon phases. The colony was composed by 105 individuals (65 females and 40 males) harboring in a hollow-tree of Farm Edgardia in Botucatu Municipality, State of São Paulo. Through the eight filming sessions, two for each moon phase, it was possible to observe that the distribution of emergences and returns to the shelter thought the night followed a specific pattern for each moon phase. The greatest number of emerging bats occurred in periods in which the moon was not born yet and the largest number of returns just before moon has been reached its maximum level in the sky. Therefore, the time period that bats are staying outside the shelter seems to be directly influenced by lunar light. This factor can influence the social activity of the colony and, in particular, the dominant male, who remains still on tree’s trunk, near the entrance of the shelter with greater frequency during periods of low moon light


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Hematological values from captive vampire bats Desmodus rotundus (E. Geoffroy, 1810). Desmodus rotundus is one of the hematophagous bat species that are responsible for significant losses to livestock and has important involvement on public health. The great interest on this bat species made it becomes the target of many investigations a required its maintenance in laboratories. Similarly to others mammals, hematological evaluation has been utilized to assess the health and morbidity state of bats, however there are scarce studies with captive bats. The aim of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that is possible to feed the vampire bat D. rotundus with frozen blood treated with citrate during a long captivity period without hematological dyscrasias. Therefore, complete blood count was performed monthly from 15 adult females kept for 345 days in cages and fed with frozen blood added to citrate. The erythrocyte concentration (9.02 ± 1.43 x1012/L), PCV (0.47 ± 0.08 L/L) and hemoglobin (163.9 ± 31.5 g/L) obtained from free-living bats (immediately after capture) were lower or similar to those obtained after 345 days of captivity, presenting erythrocytes’ count of 11.01 ± 0.82 x1012/L, packed cell volume of 0.50 ± 0.05 L/L and hemoglobin level of 158 ± 10.1 g/L. The total white blood cell (11.09 ± 6.07 x109 /L) and segmented neutrophil counts (9.85 ± 3.5 x109 /L) of free living D. rotundus decreased significantly after 345 days of captivity, with values of 3.98 ± 1.98 and 1.87 ± 978.6 x109 /L respectively, which are similar to bats from temperate regions in hibernation period. This study proved that is possible to feed D. rotundus for long periods of captivity with citrated blood without the occurrence of anemia, erythrocyte or other hematologic dyscrasia


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The identification of northern and southern components in different vertebrate species led researchers to accept a two-component hypothesis for the Brazilian Atlantic forest (BAF). Nevertheless, neither a formal proposal nor a meta-analysis to confirm this coincidence was ever made. Our main objective here was therefore to systematically test in how many vertebrate components the BAF could be divided by analysing existing empirical data. We used two approaches: (1) mapping and comparing the proposed areas of vertebrate endemism in the BAF and (2) analysing studies mentioning spatial subdivisions in distinct forest-dependent vertebrates within the biome, by the use of panbiogeography. The four large-scale endemism area components together with the six small-scale panbiogeographical ones allowed the definition of three BAF greater regions, subdivided into nine vertebrate components, latitudinally and longitudinally organized. Empirical time estimates of the diversification events within the BAF were also reviewed. Diversification of these vertebrates occurred not only in the Pleistocene but also throughout the Miocene. Our results confirm the BAF's complex history, both in space and time. We propose that future research should be small-scale and focused in the vertebrate components identified herein. Given the BAF's heterogeneity, studying via sections will be much more useful in identifying the BAF's historical biogeography. (c) 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 107, 39-55.