200 resultados para usinagem
The lack of research related to wood machining processes, including the milling, as well as the increased use of this material in the industrial sector, it creates a need to increase research involving these processes, as the sector is in full technological and environmental remodeling. This paper studies the process of milling wood, presenting an analysis of the effects of cutting speed on surface quality by measuring roughness. We used a forward speed three cutting speeds, two species of wood (Pinus elliottii and Eucalyptus grandis) and two milling tools (roughing and finishing) machined by milling concordant and discordant. Each condition was repeated six times, and the measurements were performed in the opposite direction and in favor of cutting tool, generating results of the parameters Ra (average roughness) totaling 144 trials with it. These results were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance and Tukey test. Finally it was concluded that there are significant differences between the results of varying roughness when cutting speeds, milling and types of machining types tested
This paper aims to survey data to analyze the productive capacity of a machining process of rolling bearings by methods-time measurement, in order to identify its bottlenecks and propose improvements in the system. The production times at the company are not known, the method of separation of operations and identification of its activities and the timing of production times and setup become points of departure for this paper. The results from this method of analysis provide clarity in identifying system weaknesses and by them it was possible to carry out the proposals for improvement in some process steps. The implementation of the improvements was not performed, but with the goals of this work was made possible to raise relevant information of the analyzed system
The nickel alloys have a chemical composition with high tenor of alloy elements which are responsible for the material's mechanical and thermal properties, but also are the main causative of problems during the machining, making the process difficult. The objective of this work is the study of the machining by external cylindrical turning of the nickel based alloy Nimonic 80A, seeking the machining optimization of this alloy, seeking the best condition of lubricant fluid use, providing real increases of productivity without the need of investments in new production means. Besides, the results of this work should offer more detailed information regarding the behavior of this alloy in relation to machining by turning. The machining experiences were accomplished in a specimen of the nickel alloy, considering the machining parameters: cutting speed (75 and 90 m/min), cutting depth (0,8 mm) and feed rate (0,15 and 0,18 mm/v). The valuations were accomplished in a CNC lathe and tools with of hard metal inserts. After each stage of the turning the measures of the cutting length were accomplished, of the waste of the tools through a magnifying glass (8x) and the roughness of the specimen evaluated in each phase of the process, with the aid of a portable roughness meter. Through light optical microscopy it was possible to observe the wear of the cutting tools for each appraised condition. The roughness values, Ra and Ry, for the appraised conditions were always superiors to the theoretical values. After analysis of the results it was possible to end that, the best acting for this work strip tested it was obtained for ap=0,8mm: f=0,15mm/rev and VC=75m/min, what resulted in a larger cutting length (1811 m)
This paper analyzes the impact of implementing an information system, Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP, in a small business of the furniture industry. The goal this is show the impacts felt during and after implementation, showing behavioral and technological changes made by the study. The paper concludes by citing about the importance of cultural and behavioral changes for the good use of the system, besides showing the need to adapt to new technologies and ways of working to adapt to today's world of constant change and eternal conflict of the market
The search for materials with higher properties and characteristics (wear resistance, oxidation, corrosion, etc.) has driven research of various materials. Among the materials that are being studied with such properties and characteristics are super alloys based on nickel which has an important role in the aeronautical, automotive, marine, production of gas turbines and now in space vehicles, rocket engineering , experimental aircraft, nuclear reactors, steam-powered plants, petrochemical and many other applications because besides having all the characteristics and properties mentioned above also have an excellent performance at high temperatures. The super alloy based on nickel studied in this work is the super alloy Pyromet 31v normally used in the manufacture of exhaust valves in common engines and diesel engines of high power by cater requirements such as mechanical strength and corrosion resistance at temperatures of approximately 815 ° C. The objective of this work is to produce results to demonstrate more specific information about the real influence of coatings on cutting tools and cutting fluids in turning and thus promote the optimization of the machining of these alloys. The super alloy Pyromet 31v was processed through turning, being performed with various machining parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate, depth in conditions of Minimum Amount of Fluid (MAF), abundant fluid, cutting tools with coating and without coating in early in his work life and with wear. After turning were obtained several samples of chips and the part generated during the machining process, was measured roughness of the material, subsequently made macrostructural analysis of the tools used order to detect possible wear and microstructural analysis of samples collected being that the latter was used for Optical Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The non-ferrous materials have got so many mechanical, physical and chemical advantageous properties so that is provided to them consolidated position in industry. In this context, aluminium alloys have been seen a lot on many applications of engineering areas – specially on automotive, aeronautical and aerospace due to their main properties such as low density, high corrosion resistance, favorable structure weight / material resistance relation, among others characteristics that are mencioned through this study. This study aims to analyze the aluminium alloys behavior on a general context when they are used on turning process, taking for examples the 6262 and 7050 aluminium alloys. In this way, the analysis studies the datas obtained during the turning tests realized on 3 steps each one; those datas are concerning the medium and total rugosities – obtained with the assistance of a portable Surface Roughness Finish Tester, as well as the chips obtained during the tests - visual analysis, and the cutting tools wear – with the assistance of an optical microscope, under different conditions of application of cutting fluids (dry machining, application of coolant in abundance and MQL – Minimum Quantity of Lubricant). The results concerning this study show detailed information about influence of cutting fluids on the machining by turning of the aluminium alloys related on this work and also about aluminium alloys in general when they are used on turning processes with different conditions from one another. By this way, it was evident the MQL technique is the best one for the 6262 alloy. However, for 7050 alloy, it was evident that the dry machining is responsible for the best results
The industries face increasingly fierce competition, so that differentiation becomes more and more difficult. In the case of the branch of machine tool industries this scenario is aggressive, those firms face competition from around the world, which have good quality and low price. This paper aims to propose the creation of a department to promote standardization in a company of special tools. The goal was achieved from survey of theories and applications of quality management, knowledge management and standardization, done by scholars in these areas, which added the use of qualitative study resulted in a proposal that contained not only the creation of this department as possible approaches that can be applied by him. This work is limited to the study of a company that manufactures special tools of the state of São Paulo, which despite its small size and limited number of employees, also presents common situations to other companies in the field, especially with regard to the behavior employees, and present good practices that can be implemented by any company
Many variables are indirectly involved in the transformation of raw material into a metallurgical industry, such as machine hours, hours of hand labor directly and / or indirect, setup time, etc. This research focuses on the complexity of formulating the cost of metallurgical products, based on a case study, in which one has incurred a large loss on the sale of a product called Punch. The main objective of this work is to define the variables of the cost of members and other metallurgical products, so simplified general, checking what were the failures costing the case studied, in order to help others. The method of formulating cost was determined as recommended by SEBRAE guidance for small businesses. The results showed a loss R$ 13.201,00 in the batch of 15 units of punch. Possible improvements have been identified for reducing the production cost
The nickel superalloys are known as being a material with poor machinability, they have some properties like high hardness, good resistance at high temperature, tendency to weld with the tool material at high temperature, etc. In the aerospace, biomedical and petrochemical industry, are increasing the need to use materials that resist to aggressive process and environment. In these uses, it has increased the use of nickel-based superalloys like Inconel 718 and consequently the need to research new techniques and tools to improve the machinability of this material. For the superalloys and resistant alloys at high temperatures is considered that the difficulty in the machining regards to the combination of the relatively high cutting forces and high temperatures that grow during the machine process, causing deformation or breakage of the cutting tool. This work purpose is to develop the study of the machining of external cylindrical turning of the nickel based alloy Inconel 718, using ceramic tools, seeking the optimization of machining this alloy, looking to provide real productive increases without the need of investments in new production means. The machining test were accomplished using commercials hard metal tools and the results were compared each other to find the best tool and the best parameter. The conclusion is that the tool TNMG160408-23 -class 1005- was the better one, when used with the parameter 60_15_08
Delivering to the customers a product or service with the expected quality associated to the huge competitiveness that exists in the market nowadays, has been making organizations increasingly focus on quality planning using techniques which are directed towards the continuous improvement process and production optimization. Thus, this paper aims to improve a machining process using the techniques of experimental design to the optimization and this also includes the analysis of the measurement system. For this purpose, the alloy Nimonic 80A, a nickel base superalloy, was used in the process due to its widespread use for high temperatures, applying this study the robust method proposed by Genichi Taguchi, determining the influence of the factors considered input variables, cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, type of tool, lubrication, and material hardness, in the output or response variable, surface roughness, concluding with the use of Taguchi orthogonal array L16 and by analysis of ANOVA that the factor feed rate is significant and offers greater effect on the response variable studied, should be set to 0,12mm/rev. Moreover, the factor type of tool has more influence on the process when compared to other factors, being CP250 the one more suitable to the process. Lastly, the interaction feed rate x cutting speed provides greater significance in the process regarding to surface roughness variable, being the best match between them 0,12mm/rev to the feed rate and 90m/min to the cutting speed. In order to evaluate the measurement system, it was applied the repeatability and reproducibility method (R&R), through which we saw that the system needs improvement (R & R = 88.04% >>> 30%) as the value found in the study was well above compared to the one that classifies the system as inappropriate
The machining of super alloys resistant to high temperatures such as nickel alloys, inconel 718 specifically, is a very difficult job to obtain improvements in the process, due to the difficulty of machining at high cutting speeds, the use of these alloys in industries showed great developments in recent years, its application in aeronautical industry spread being used in vane turbo, compressor parts, props and set elements. The automotive, chemical, medical and others also took advantage of the great features of inconel 718 and has used the material. The high temperature resistant alloys have high machining difficulty, a fact that is associated with high cutting forces generated during machining which result in high temperatures. High levels of temperatures can cause deterioration of the cutting edge, with subsequent deformation or breakage, wear most common obtained in machining such materials are flank wear the formation of built-up edge for cutting and notch wear. The experimental part of the work consists in machining of nickel-based alloy Inconel 718 heat treated for hardness, using a tool based ceramic silicon nitride Sandvik (Si3N4) in order to compare the best results obtained in the master's thesis of SANTOS (2010) who used a tool ceramics also the basis of silicon nitride which was developed in the doctoral thesis of SOUZA (2005). Assays were performed on a CNC lathe and was noted for each cutting edge results obtained. Tests were made starting from an initial condition of the tool with cutting speed of 200 m/min, feed 0.5 mm and 0.5 mm depth of cut was reduced cutting speed for the subsequent tests with the same conditions of feed and depth of cut. The tool presented wear instant under two 200 m/min and 100 m/min, premature rupture of 50 m/min and finally cut provided with difficulty... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Decision making is one of the most important factors for growth and future, both from a business, as in people's life and attitudes in the simplest of everyday day. This work aims to assist decision making in buying a laser cut machine, a manufacturer of auto parts and wheels, and later this technique can be considered to acquisition of other equipment. In this case was used the AHP to aid the decision by multiple criteria. First we analyzed the most important criteria of the current machine for the application of the method and were later made the application and sensitivity analysis
Atualmente, atender as necessidades dos consumidores é uma das metas mais importantes, os consumidores estão em busca de produtos com qualidade e preços mais acessíveis, para isso, é indispensável que as empresas se atualizem para melhorar seus produtos e serviços. Com este cenário, as superligas estão cada vez mais ganhando mercado, pois possuem ótimas propriedades, principalmente em relação a operar em temperaturas elevadas, podendo proporcionar maior eficiência para motores que necessitam trabalhar em altas temperaturas. Em contra partida a essa vantagem, as superligas possuem uma baixa usinabilidade, sendo importante a análise do processo de usinagem para se tornarem mais aplicáveis. Este trabalho visa à otimização do processo de torneamento cilíndrico da superliga Nimonic 80A, com o intuito de melhorar a qualidade do produto, utilizando o Método de Taguchi, com o arranjo ortogonal L16, sendo o comprimento de corte definido como variável resposta e analisados seis fatores que poderiam influenciar na sua variação, tais fatores são: velocidade de corte, avanço, profundidade de corte, tipo de pastilha, lubrificação e dureza do material. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os fatores avanço, tipo de pastilha e lubrificação são significativos e exercem influencia no processo, sendo que o avanço deve ser ajustado no nível de 0,12 mm/rev, a pastilha a ser utilizada deve ser CP250 e a lubrificação deve ser feita de maneira abundante, para a otimização do processo. Com a análise dos resultados, também podemos observar a eficiência e confiabilidade do método utilizado, mostrando resultados coerentes
Continuous improvement of industrial processes is one way to become companies more competitive in the market. For this, a fairly widespread use is the methodology of lean production systems, by eliminating waste. One of the tools of these systems is the method of rapid exchange of die or also called SMED, which will be applied in this study. The study aims to develop proposals for reducing the time of set up of two machines in two machining lines, watching also the ergonomics and safety conditions in this operations. The set up time reduction is justified among others, due to increase the machine productivity. In applying the connecting rod machining line, there were two types of exchange. Reductions in time to set up proposals reached values of 47% to one of them, and 55% to the other. It is important to underline that to reach this result, there was no need for large investments. In the application in block machining line, was developed an improvement in the ergonomic area. It was placed a pulley block that came to increase the time of tool change. Aiming to improve the security of the exchange, without productivity loss, the method was applied to reduce this time. It was developed two proposals.: the first would reduce that time by 19%, and does not require many resources of the company. The second involves the parallelization of the exchange, so that the reduction is 48%. However, this proposal requires one more manpower at the time of exchange and it is not always possible
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB