67 resultados para upbringing


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Artes de Exu trata os objetos de arte não só pelos aspectos artísticos e sociológicos, mas também pelos aspectos que ligam as obras a Exu, além do enunciado. Como coisa contida na concepção, na execução e imbricada na própria história da obra. As obras escolhidas são: Tridente de NI (2006) de Alexandre Vogler e Exu dos Ventos (1992), de Mario Cravo Júnior. As obras contêm conflitos que envolvem a mídia, religiosos e políticos. A partir de pesquisas etnográficas é feita uma análise dos olhares que se cruzam na construção dos sentidos na disputa pelo espaço simbólico, considerando ainda o trânsito percorrido pelas obras entre a oficina, o espaço de exposição e a rua. Pertence ainda ao corpo das análises as referências na mídia impressa, forma de veiculação das imagens, apropriações e discursos. As artes de Exu se evidenciam no desenrolar dessas tramas, conforme os objetos artísticos oferecem um lugar para pensar na conciliação entre diferentes: entre a cruz e o tridente, entre Cristo e Exu e entre cristãos e religiões de matriz africana


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Nesta tese discuto até que ponto a educação literária de crianças e adolescentes pode ajudar a diminuir os diversos tipos de preconceito e discriminação em relação aos variados estigmas sociais, que marcam determinados indivíduos como diferentes. Faço um recorte específico na questão da orientação sexual, pois considero que a mesma é especialmente delicada, por uma série de especificidades. O sexo sempre foi um aspecto privilegiado na questão do controle social. A manutenção do sexo dentro do que a sociedade considera como normalidade (heterossexualidade) garante o status quo do qual a mesma não deseja abrir mão. Demonstro que, pelo motivo citado, a escola, que é responsável por uma parte importante da formação de crianças e jovens, prefere manter-se indiferente diante de tal questão, contribuindo, assim, para a manutenção de todos os preconceitos. Discuto ainda as infinitas possibilidades que o ensino da literatura apresenta para tal discussão, concluindo que tal ensino não apenas pode como deve ser aproveitado para ajudar no processo de formação de seres críticos, pensantes e, principalmente, solidários


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo refletir sobre o protocolo médico dispensado à intersexualidade. Os nascimentos de bebês intersex vêm sendo entendidos como urgências biológicas e sociais, naturalizando-se uma necessidade cirúrgica durante a infância. As operações pretendem fixar anatomicamente o padrão masculino ou feminino hegemônico para que não haja equívocos na atribuição de sexo/gênero. No entanto, este tipo de solução não é consensual fora do campo biomédico e em diferentes esferas sociais, acadêmicas, ativistas e operadores da justiça, levantam-se questões no que concerne às normalizações em genitálias de crianças e adolescentes intersexuais. Partindo das divergências a respeito dos procedimentos precoces, esta pesquisa pretendeu compreender os argumentos, biológicos e sociais, acionados para sustentar a prática cirúrgica normalizadora de genitais considerados fora do padrão standart masculino ou feminino. Para tal, foram realizadas entrevistas com nove profissionais de saúde que prestam assistência a pessoas intersexuais e suas famílias na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Como estratégia complementar, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico na literatura especializada brasileira acerca de estudos longitudinais sobre os resultados cirúrgicos. A partir deste material, buscou-se refletir sobre as concepções de gênero e sexualidade que orientam o tratamento e sobre como tais concepções se articulam às definições de saúde oferecidas por esses profissionais para justificar os procedimentos corretivos. A análise permitiu refletir acerca da prática médica local, demonstrando que a atenção oferecida a estas pessoas se articula a uma vulnerabilidade social a partir de outros marcadores (classe, origem regional). Além disso, a promessa de restauração da normalidade via intervenção cirúrgica não se reflete nos estudos longitudinais que, além de escassos, trazem indicadores inconsistentes e imprecisos.


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The present paper studied the school bullying and the primary impact factors, for understanding the nature of bullying, and providing measures and references to the elimination and controlling of school bullying. Primarily with methods of questionnaires and psychometrics, combined with case study and interviews, the following findings were found: in Chinese culture, bullying is a behavior intentionally causing harm to the weaker or weakers. There were 5 types of bullying-physical, social exclusion, threat, breakage and verbal. In Chinese schools the occurrence of bullying had regular patterns. The factor that impact children's bullying behavior was personality traits, interpersonal techniques, family atmosphere, education and upbringing styles. In personality traits, bullies tended to be more extroversive, impulsive, obstinate, obdurate and lack of sympathy. Victims tended to be more introversive, self-restrained, lack of confidence, lonely, anxious and depressive. Both of them expressed more mental problem tendencies than normal children did. When confronted with interpersonal conflicts, they used little problem solving strategies. Bullies had more extroverted emotional responses, and victims had more social support strategies. In the light of family influence, bullies were relatively superior in family's social economic conditions. But their parents had little time and energy spent on them. They tended to be punitive, and had indulgent, reject or despotic upbringing styles. The role of victim might be related to the disadvantage of family's social economic status. Their parents had the tendency of spoiling and overindulgence. The research concluded that in different cultures the connotation of bullying was not homogenous. The occurrence of school bullying had regular patterns. Bullying behavior was primarily influenced by the personality traits of both bullies and victims, the coping strategies of interpersonal conflicts, family's social economic status, parents' basic emotional attitudes, ways of educating, punitive tendencies and school atmosphere. The occurrence of bullying behavior was the result of the combined process of past experience, behavior habits, personality traits, cognitive evaluation, certain evocative clues and the environment conditions. It reminded that quality education and mental health education in schools was essential. Strengthening basic social skill training in school, creating positive family atmosphere, having more communications between schools and families and implementing strict regulations against bullying was essential to interfere and eliminate the school bullying.


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Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych: Zakład Teoretycznych Podstaw Edukacji


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De Quincey's conception of the literature of "power" as opposed to that of "knowledge," has proved to be one of the most influential of romantic theories of literature, playing no small part in the canonization of Wordsworth. De Quincey's early acquaintance with the Lyrical Ballads was made through the Evangelical circles of his mother, who was a follower of Hannah More and a member of the Clapham sect. In later years, however, De Quincey repudiated his early Evangelical upbringing and wrote quite scathingly of the literary pretensions of Hannah More. This paper attempts to uncover the revisionary nature of De Quincey's later reminiscences of More and to indicate thereby the covert influence of Evangelical thinking on his literary theorizing. Far from absolving literature of politics, however, colonialist and nationalist imperatives typical of Evangelical thinking may be seen to operate within the spiritualized and aesthetic sphere to which literary power is arrogated by De Quincey.


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Thomas De Quincey’s terrifying oriental nightmares, reported to sensational acclaim in his Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1821), have become a touchstone of romantic imperialism in recent studies of the literature of the period (Leask 1991; Barrell 1992 et al). De Quincey’s collocation of “all creatures, birds, beasts, reptiles, all trees and plants, usages and appearances, that are found in all tropical regions” in the hypnagogic hallucinations that characterized what he called “the pains of opium” seems to anticipate neatly Said’s theory of orientalism, whereby the orient was supplied by the west with “a mentality, a genealogy, an atmosphere,” the attitudinal basis as he argues for the continuing march of imperialism from the late eighteenth century. Yet, as Thomas Trautmann (1997) has pointed out, orientalist scholarship based in India and led by the influential Asiatic Society of Bengal in the late eighteenth century was extremely enthusiastic about Indian classical antiquity. The early orientalist scholarship posited ethnic, linguistic, cultural and religious links between Europe and India, while recognizing the greater antiquity of Indian civilization. This favourable attitude (which Trautmann calls “Indomania”) was overtaken in the nineteenth century by disavowal of that scholarship and repugnance (which he calls “Indophobia”), influenced by utilitarian and evangelical attitudes to colonialism. De Quincey’s lifespan covers this crucial period of change. My paper examines his evangelical upbringing and interest in biblical and orientalist scholarship to suggest his anxious investment in these modes of thinking. I will suggest that the bizarre orientalist fusions of his dreams can be better understood in the context of changing attitudes to the imperialism during the period. An examination of his work provides a far more dynamic understanding of the processes of orientalism than the binary model suggested by Said. The transformation implied from imperial scholarship to governance, I will suggest, is not irrelevant to a world which continues to pull apart on various grounds of race and ethnicity, and reflects on our own role in the academy today.


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Several factors influencing reproductive success were investigated at a Common Tern colony at Port Colborne, Ontario in 1976. In general three egg clutches hatched better than two egg clutches and early started clutches hatched eggs and fledged chicks better than late clutches; the fledging success of two and three egg clutches was similar. Early clutches took longer to hatch and hatched more synchronously than did late clutches. While hatching success differed with nesting substrate used fledging success' did not* No relationship was found between either incubation attentiveness and reproductive success or between incubation attentiveness and clutch size* At no time did food availability appear to be a factor limiting the successful upbringing of two chick broods. While fCf chicks (i.e. chicks hatching from the last laid eggs of three egg clutches) generally survived and grew poorly relative to their brood mates they grew best when they originated from clutches that hatched relatively asynchronously.


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Els assentaments de gambians, tal com succeeix amb la majoria dels assentaments d'immigrats, tendeixen a la concentració en zones determinades. Per aquest motiu, aquesta tesi se centra en les comarques de Girona, perquè és on s'hi troba l'índex més alt d'aquesta població de tot l'Estat espanyol i es posa el focus d'atenció als municipis de la demarcació que acullen més gambians, concretament Banyoles, Olot i Salt. De la mateixa manera, aquesta tesi vol introduir específicament el grup ètnic soninké o sarahule, bàsicament perquè a la demarcació de Girona és l'ètnia majoritària. Abans d'ubicar els assentaments, ens endinsem en el context d'origen dels immigrats gambians, posant èmfasi especial en l'escolarització a Gambia i també en les migracions soninké. Un cop analitzem els assentaments, ens aproximem a les trajectòries migratòries gambianes, així com en les estratègies que s'utilizen per portar a terme el projecte migratori, l'accés als canals d'informació sobre l'existència de diferents destins on hi ha oportunitats de treball, etc. Ens aproximem també a la integració dels immigrats gambians a la demarcació de Girona fent una aproximació de la inserció d'aquest col·lectiu en la societat de destí, abordant diferents vessants de la seva integració laboral, espaial, entre d'altres. Una integració que dependrà tant del resultat de la voluntat individual de cada immigrant, com també dels serveis que possibilitin la integració, així com de l'accés als propis mecanismes d'integració que té la nostra societat (accés al treball, a un habitatge, etc.) Molts dels immigrats gambians instal·lats a les comarques gironines tenen i han tingut fills i filles, podent parlar, per tant, d'una "segona generació" de gambians. Es fa una aproximació als fills i filles d'aquest col·lectiu introduint-nos en la socialització d'aquests nens i nenes, en els valors dels pares i mares en relació amb l'educació dels seus fills i filles, als canvis en l'estructura familiar un cop realitzat l'assentament en el país de destí i en les relacions de la familia amb amics i parents del mateix grup ètnic. Es fa una anàlisi de la situació escolar dels tres municipis d'estudi, analitzant la distribució d'alumnat d'origen estranger en aquests municipis, així com les estratègies educatives dels mestres que escolaritzen alumnat d'origen gambià. Es posa èmfasi especial en una estratègia bastant seguida pel col·lectiu gambià, fonamentalment d'ètnia sarahule, que ha estat la d'enviar els fills i filles a Gàmbia per temporades lllargues.


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Life quality in families: close relations and “the good life” The aim of this paper is to explore how aspects and qualities of modern family life influence subjective well-being. Although the patterns of family, work and sexuality have changed dramatically the last four decades, it is here claimed that the family is still an important base of socialization and upbringing. Thus the study of processes within the family can contribute to the understanding of the environment in which many children grow up. In most families, work, partner and family roles are intertwined, and one central hypothesis of this work is that family members influence each other in the individual formation of well-being. The main research question of this study asks: How is life quality affected by the quality of parent-child and the partner relationships and aspects of their shared everyday life? Empirical implications are tested against 2002-data from a representative, Norwegian sample. Analyses conclude that the quality of parent-child and the spousal relationship, and also aspects of families’ everyday life such as work-life balance and time pressure influence the subjective life quality, but mother’s and father’s life quality is affected by differing and partly incompatible conditions.


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Summary To become, to be and to have been: about the  Jehovah’s Witnesses The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, in the following text referred to as the Jehovah’s Witnesses or “the organisation”, is a worldwide Christian organisation with about 6.7 million members. The organisation has many times, without any success so far, proclaimed Armageddon when they expect Jehovah to return to Earth. They interpret the Bible in their own, often very literal way, and require their members to live according to these interpretations. Among the consequences of this, members are forbidden to vote, to do military service or to receive blood transfusions. Apart from attending the three weekly meetings, members are expected to be active in missionary work, known as “publishing”. If a member fails to do a certain number of hours’ publishing, he or she risks being deprived of active membership status Sweden in general is considered to be a society where the population is not very religious. The formerly state-governed Lutheran church has lost its influence and the vast majority of ordinary Swedes do not visit church on other occasions than weddings, funerals or christenings. Expressing one’s own religious values has become somewhat of a private matter where publicity is seldom appreciated, which is contrary to the practice of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is one of the reasons why the Jehovah’s Witnesses are commonly perceived by average Swedes as a “suspicious” religious organisation. The aim and methods of the study This dissertation seeks to describe and investigate the entering and leaving of a highly structured and hierarchical religious community, exemplified in this case by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. What are the thoughts and aspirations of someone who is considering becoming a Jehovah’s Witness? What are the priorities and what experiences seem important when a person is going through such a process? And when this person has finally reached his or her goal of becoming a member, is it the same motivation that makes him or her stay in the organisation for longer periods of time, possibly for the rest of their lives, or does it change during the process of entering, or does this motivation change its character during the transition from entering to being a regular member? Why do some of the members change their attitude to the Jehovah’s Witnesses from rejoicing to bitterness? And how does this process of exit manifest itself? In what way is it different from the process of entry? The respondents in this study were chosen from both active members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sweden and those who have left the organisation for personal reasons. Repeated interviews with ten active members of the organisation have been conducted in the course of the study and compared to equal numbers of former members. The interviews have been semi-structured to deal with questions of how a person has come into contact with the organisation; how they retrospectively experienced the process of entry; the reasons for becoming a member. Questions have also been asked about life in the organisation. The group of “exiters” have also been asked about the experience of leaving, why they wanted to leave, and how this process was started and carried out. In addition to this I have analysed a four-year diary describing the time inside and the process of leaving the organisation. This has given me an extra psychological insight into the inner experience of someone who has gone through the whole process. The analysis has been done by categorising the content of the transcribed interviews. An attempt to outline a model of an entry and exit process has been made, based on ideas and interpretations presented in the interviews. The analysis of the diary has involved thorough reading, resulting in a division of it into four different parts, where each part has been given a certain key-word, signifying the author’s emotional state when writing it. A great deal of the information about the Jehovah’s Witnesses has been collected through discussion boards on the Internet, informal talks with members and ex-members, interviews with representatives of the organisations during visits to its different offices (Bethels), such as St. Petersburg, Russia, and Brooklyn, New York, USA. The context Each organisation evolves in its own context with its own norms, roles and stories that would not survive outside it. With this as a starting point, there is a chapter dedicated to the description of the organisation’s history, structure and activities. It has been stated that the organisation’s treatment of its critical members and the strategies for recruiting new members have evolved over the years of its history. At the beginning there was an openness allowing members to be critical. As the structure of the organisation has become more rigid and formalised, the treatment of internal critics has become much less tolerated and exclusion has become a frequent option. As a rule many new members have been attracted to the organisation when (1) the day of Armageddon has been pronounced to be approaching; (2) the members of the organisation have been persecuted or threatened with persecution; and (3) the organisation has discovered a “new market”. The processes for entering and exiting How the entering processes manifest themselves depends on whether the person has been brought up in the organisation or not. A person converting as an adult has to pass six phases before being considered a Jehovah’s Witness by the organisation. These are:  Contact with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Studying the bible with members of the organisation, Questioning, Accepting, Being active as publisher (spreading the belief), Being baptised.  For a person brought up in the organisation, the process to full membership is much shorter:   Upbringing in the organisation, Taking a stand on the belief, Being baptised. The exit process contains of seven phases:   Different levels of doubts, Testing of doubts, Turning points, Different kinds of decisions, Different steps in executing the decisions, Floating, a period of emotional and cognitive consideration of membership and its experiences, Realtive neutrality.   The process in and the process out are both slow and are accompanied with anguish and doubts. When a person is going through the process in or out of the organisation he or she experiences criticism. This is when people around the adept question the decision to continue in the process. The result of the criticism depends on where in the process the person is. If he or she is at the beginning of the process, the criticism will probably make the person insecure and the process will slow down or stop. If the criticism is pronounced in a later phase, the process will probably speed up. The norms of the organisation affect the behaviour of the members. There are techniques for inclusion that both bind members to the organisation and shield them off from the surrounding society. Examples of techniques for inclusion are the “work situation” and “closed doors”. The work situation signifies that members who do as the organisation recommends – doing simple work – often end up in the same branch of industry as many other Jehovah’s Witnesses. This often means that the person has other witnesses as workmates. If the person is unemployed or moves to another town it is easy to find a new job through connections in the organisation. Doubts and exclusions can lead to problems since they entail a risk of losing one’s job. This can also result in problems getting a new job. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not supposed to talk to excluded members, which of course mean difficulties working together. “Closed doors” means that members who do as the organisation recommends – not pursuing higher education, not engaging in civil society, working with a manual or in other way simple job, putting much time into the organisation – will, after a long life in the organisation, have problems starting a new life outside the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The language used in the organisation shows the community among the members, thus the language is one of the most important symbols. A special way of thinking is created through the language. It binds members to the organisation and sometimes it can work as a way to get back into the normative world of the organisation. Randall Collins’s (1990, 2004) thoughts about “emotional energy” have enabled an understanding of the solidarity and unity in the organisation. This also gives an understanding of the way the members treat doubting and critical members. The members who want to exit have to open up the binding/screening off. A possible way to do that is through language, to become aware of the effect the language might have. Another way is to search for emotional energy in another situation. During the exit process, shame might be of some importance. When members become aware of the shame they feel, because they perceive they are “acting a belief”, the exit process might accelerate.


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The aim in this chapter is to develop a deeper understanding about the informal Björling 'School' in Sweden. Contextually the example is related to the micro history of opera education contributing to the macro perspective illuminating a provincial example of the concept of domestic opera schooling. The specific focus was on Karl David Björling (1873-1926), the teaching parent of the Swedish tenor Jussi Björling (1911-1960) and his brothers Gösta and Olle.   The Björling family model of opera schooling belongs to the classical canon of domestic home education which was common during the epoch. The phenomenon is also within the field of opera singing an important reference to the historical context of the Nordic opera history of vocal education.   The uniqueness concerning the Björling School seems to be the rigorous and exceptionally early training. David Björling’s pedagogy was rooted in earlier German theories of musical upbringing. It's clear from his results that he was familiar with the neo-humanistic ideal on which reformed music education was based. Of a specific interest is the term Gesang als Unterricht as a concept for developing childrens musical and memorising capacities.   Conceptually the roots of the Björling model are in the eighteenth-century Romantic view of prodigies and their abilities. The extensive touring is connected to the promotion of wonder-children, and David Björling’s educational style to the conservative Master-pupil tradition.   David Björling's vocal ideal was a part of the contemporary debate about “The decadence of the singing art”, and seems to have its roots in an older Italian tradition. There are recurring similarities between his educational methods and the didactic principles of the Lamperti School: Enjoying a revival around the late 1800s and early 1900s, it has been called the natural or the national school. Nevertheless, through authentic experiences and gramophone recordings the Italian tenor Enrico Caruso became David Björling’s pedagogical role model.


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 ”A new form of musical upbringing”: Pretenses of reform pedagogy content in the Siljan school In this article, I describe the Siljan school in Tällberg as a Swedish example of alternative pedagogy. The overall questions relate to the reform pedagogy content of the school and its ability to give Swedish music teaching a new form of musical upbringing. An important issue is how the Siljan school as a model for Swedish reform has been inspired by the reform pedagogy movements in USA and Germany. Te analysis is thus based on the Alm couple’s ability to give the school an international character which shines light on Swedish reforms in the greater context of reform pedagogy. With its basis in discursive education of the 1930s, two main questions are discussed: what perspective on musical education can be identifed in the personal development ethos of the Siljan school? How can the school’s relation to the reform pedagogy music movement during the start of the 1900s be understood? From a hermeneutic perspective, the article contributes by investigating how the Siljan school can have afected decisions in education politics, Swedish schooling, and Swedish musical life. In summary, the article contributes with new knowledge on a chapter in the history of Swedish music pedagogy.


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This work contains the problematic of sub-education among the population that was excluded from school attendance in the regular time, contributing to knowledge production about educational practices developed in EJA (the Young and Adult Education). It focuses on the Pedagogical proposal and on the experience in young and adult literacy in the context of the mobilization of people affected by dam building. It depicts the international, national and regional mobilization against huge dams building and the emergence of the Movement of Dam Affected People (MAB), highlighting their general project and registering their teaching performance, particularly in young and adult literacy. In methodological and theoretical approaches, two interconnected categories are considered: the historical entirety, essentially theoretical, and the young and adult education practice. Based on the entirety, it outlines a contextualized explanation about the stakeholder s situation and, respecting the second category, which is part of the first one, places literacy as one of the basic aspects of an omnilateral man upbringing. The study broaches a wide context of dams in the world, placing the socio-environmental effects resulting from dams building in Brazil, in Northeast region and in Paraíba, and emphasizing the consequences of Acauã Dam building in the Paraíba cities of Aroeiras, Itatuba and Natuba. It presents the particular context of the population affected by Acauã, summarizing a panoramic view about the involved Paraíba cities and learning the conditions of residents relocation. It appraises the educational project and the National-MAB literacy proposal, operationalized by Paraíba-MAB in resettlements sited on Acauã s surroundings. It ensures that, besides public policies including financing, the feasibility of literacy problem solution can be completed with Pedagogical actions attached to the target people peculiarities and immediate necessities, respecting actions connected through one comprehensive and contextualized educational project. It evaluates the young and adult literacy project developed in the restricted Paraíba-MAB area, as an example of a Pedagogical action minimally contextualized. Eventually, it recommends researchers and teachers in general, that are committed to this work perspective, to pay attention to the way they articulate discussions and participation, so as to contemplate these communities expectations and necessities in Pedagogical projects and spaces based on discussion, dialogue and collective reflection


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In contemporary society, distance education is expanding, especially in the offering of courses of initiatory professor training. By the side of possibilities, there is the need to critically reflect on the government decision to finance, and even to incite distance education, as a more economic way to achieve, within different time and space, the greatest quantity of the population, trying to fill the gaps of the Brazilian school education. The research was made in the Biology Bachelor Course offered by the Pernambuco University (UPE), in the context of the Presential Support Pole of the Paraiba State University, located in the city of Campina Grande. Along this study, we intend to analyze the evaluation practice and the instruments of valuation available in the virtual environment of learning (AVA), used by the former professors in the learning evaluation of the contents offered by the reference course. The relevance of the discussion is to reflect about the results of distance education in the initial of the professor training. To perceive the possibilities and limitations concerning the technological resources available at the educational process, especially to the evaluation practice, is primordial in order to comprehend the contents of learning that can be explored by the professors and which is the dialogical relation that is firmed between professor, preceptor and student, in favor of the learning development and an effective and meaningful education. The qualitative research had the symbolic interacionism as a methodological-theoretical approach. We gathered informations through institutional documents, documental records, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Treating and analyzing the data we used the content analysis method (Bardin, 1977). As a theoretical basis, we relied on authors such as Zabala (1998, 1999), Aretio (2002), Hoffmann (2003, 2005), Silva, M. (2003, 2006), Belloni (2006), Luckesi (2008), Silva, J. (2008), Vasconcelos (2008) and Domingos (2009). It was evident the need to reflect about the educational practice of the professors and preceptors responsible for the academic distance learning, concerning the evaluation of the learning contents in a autonomous and innovatory way, identifying its influence in the development of values which are considered vital to a complete professor upbringing. The evaluation in a mediator approach is necessary to the reality of an online classroom, because of its character to promote the improvement of the action of the one who is teaching and the one Who is learning in an interactive, collaborative and cooperative perspective, seeking a transformative praxis. Involved in this formation, the bachelors will be able to promote the development of capacities and skills necessary to the complete learning of theirs future students, certifying the education for life, which is a perspective that includes the knowing, the knowing how to do and how to be, a living being with sustainable relations with the others and with nature