907 resultados para unhealthy eating


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O ambiente universitário é um espaço estratégico para a promoção da alimentação saudável e da segurança alimentar e nutricional, pois muitos hábitos alimentares adquiridos pelos estudantes se mantêm na idade adulta. No Brasil, nos últimos anos, esse ambiente passou a ser ainda mais estratégico, uma vez que incorporou medidas de ação afirmativa (sistema de cotas) e de permanência dos estudantes. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o impacto da implementação do Restaurante Universitário (RU) na alimentação de estudantes de uma universidade pública brasileira. Seus resultados estão apresentados na forma de dois artigos. O primeiro objetivou descrever as práticas alimentares de estudantes do campus Maracanã da UERJ antes da implementação do RU e examiná-las segundo sua forma de ingresso na universidade (cotistas e não cotistas). No segundo semestre de 2011, foi realizado um estudo seccional com o universo de estudantes ingressantes no primeiro semestre daquele ano. Utilizou-se questionário autopreenchido e identificado que abarcou os hábitos de realizar desjejum e de substituir o almoço e/ou o jantar por lanche regularmente (≥ 5 dias/semana) e o consumo regular (≥ 5 dias/semana) de alimentos marcadores de alimentação saudável e não saudável. Participaram do estudo 1336 estudantes. Foram descritas e comparadas a distribuição da frequência semanal dessas práticas e, também, a proporção de estudantes que realizaram essas práticas em pelo menos cinco dias na semana que antecedeu o estudo. Foram observadas proporções expressivas de: não realização do desjejum, substituição do jantar por lanche, baixo consumo de frutas, hortaliças e feijão e consumo frequente de bebidas açucaradas, guloseimas e biscoitos e/ou salgadinhos de pacote. Entre cotistas, foi mais frequente o consumo de feijão, de biscoitos e/ou salgadinhos de pacote e de biscoitos doces e menos frequentes a substituição de jantar por lanche e o consumo de hortaliças e de frutas. Cotistas e não cotistas apresentaram práticas alimentares com algumas semelhanças e desfavoráveis para a saúde. As diferenças observadas entre os dois grupos foram, em sua maioria, na direção de um quadro mais desfavorável para os cotistas, exceto para o feijão. O segundo artigo objetivou avaliar o impacto da implementação do RU sobre as práticas alimentares dos estudantes segundo forma de ingresso na universidade. Para isso, entre os meses de dezembro de 2012 e março de 2013, os estudantes responderam outra vez o questionário autopreenchido no baseline complementado com questões sobre utilização do RU (n= 1131). A variação das práticas alimentares foi examinada pela diferença entre proporções obtidas antes e depois da implementação do RU e pela trajetória individual de cada estudante em relação às práticas estudadas. Foi observada associação entre maior assiduidade ao RU e maior frequência de consumo regular de feijão, hortaliças, hortaliças cruas, hortaliças cozidas e frutas e, também, menor frequência de consumo regular de batata frita e/ou salgados fritos e de biscoitos e/ou salgadinhos de pacote. Quando comparados aos demais, os usuários assíduos tiveram maior chance de trajetória positiva para realização do almoço, do jantar e consumo de feijão, hortaliças, hortaliças cruas, frutas e guloseimas e menor chance de trajetória negativa para consumo de feijão, hortaliças cruas, batata frita e/ou salgados fritos. Cotistas assíduos ao RU apresentaram resultados favoráveis para consumo de feijão, hortaliças, hortaliças cruas, biscoitos e/ou salgadinhos de pacote e batata frita e/ou salgados fritos e não cotistas assíduos ao RU, para consumo de feijão, hortaliças cruas, embutidos e guloseimas. A implementação do RU promoveu a melhoria na alimentação dos estudantes assíduos ao RU.


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Objective: The proportion of overweight and obese people has grown rapidly, and obesity has now been widely recognized as an important public health problem. At the came time, stress has increased in working life. The 2 problems could be connected if work stress promotes unhealthy eating habits and sedentary behavior and thereby contributes to weight gain. This study explored the association between work stress and body mass index (BMI; kg/m(2)). Methods: We used cross-sectional questionnaire data obtained from 45,810 female and male employees participating in the ongoing Finnish Public Sector Cohort Study. We constructed individual-level scores, as well as occupational- and organizational-level aggregated scores for work stress, as indicated by the demand/control model and the effort-reward imbalance model. Linear regression analyses were stratified by sex and socioeconomic status (SES) and adjusted for age, marital status, job contract, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and negative affectivity. Results: The results with the aggregated scores showed that lower job control, higher job strain, and higher effort-reward imbalance were associated with a higher BMI. In men, lower job demands were also associated with a higher BMI. These associations were not accounted for by SES, although an additional adjustment for SES attenuated the associations. The results obtained with the individual-level scores were in the same direction, but the relationships were weaker than those obtained with the aggregated scores. Conclusions: This study shows a weak association between work stress and BMI.


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An evaluation framework, called the Hong Kong Healthy Schools Award, has been developed to enable comprehensive collection and analysis of data reflecting the status of health-promoting schools (HPS) in Hong Kong. The key findings revealed a high prevalence of emotional problems, unhealthy eating habits, physical inactivity and risk-taking behaviours, leading to both intentional and unintentional injuries among students with higher prevalence among secondary school students. The results indicated a substantial lack of health policies in schools; it also indicated health services in schools not readily accessible to students and staff, and insufficient staff training in health promotion and education. However, most schools have made initiatives in environmental protection, established safety guidelines and strategies for managing students with emotional problems. The success of HPS depends largely on teachers' understanding of its building blocks. Evidence from the comprehensive mapping of the status of HPS in Hong Kong and from student surveys does show encouraging outcomes as well as identifying priority issues to be addressed in the next 5 years.


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Sporting organisations provide an important setting for health promotion strategies that involve policies, communication of healthy messages and creation of health promoting environments. The introduction of policy interventions within sporting organisations is one strategy to target high risk behaviours such as smoking, alcohol consumption, excess sun exposure, unhealthy eating and discrimination.

To review all controlled evaluation studies of policy interventions organised through sporting settings to increase healthy behaviour (related to smoking, alcohol, healthy eating, sun protection, discrimination, safety and access).

Search strategy
We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsyclNFO, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, Sociological Abstracts, Dissertation Abstracts, freely available online health promotion and sports-related databases hosted by leading agencies, and the internet using sport and policy-related key words. We identified further studies in the bibliographies of articles and by contacting authors of key articles in the area.

Selection criteria
We aimed to identify research that had used study designs that incorporated an evaluated intervention and comparison. Uncontrolled studies, meeting other inclusion criteria, were to be reported in an annex to the review.
Types of studies: Studies in which sporting organisations were allocated to a policy intervention or control/comparison group. No minimum follow-up required.
Types of participants: People of all ages.
Types of interventions: Any policy intervention implemented through sporting organisations to instigate and/or sustain healthy behaviour change, intention to change behaviour, or changes in attitudes, knowledge or awareness of healthy behaviour. Policies must address any of the following: smoking, alcohol, healthy eating, sun protection, access for disadvantaged groups, physical safety (not including injuries), and social and emotional health (e.g.. anti-vilification, anti-discrimination).
Types of outcome measures: Behaviour change, intention to change behaviour, change in attitudes, knowledge or awareness of healthy behaviour, and policy presence.

Data collection and analysis
We assessed whether identified citations were controlled evaluation studies and investigated the use of policy implemented in sporting settings. Abstracts were independently inspected by two reviewers and full papers were obtained where necessary. As no controlled evaluation studies were located, no data collection or analysis was undertaken. No uncontrolled studies meeting other inclusion criteria were identified and therefore no annex is presented.

Main results
No rigorous studies were located to test the effectiveness of policy interventions organised through sporting organisations to increase healthy behaviours, attitudes, knowledge or inclusion of health oriented policies within the organisarions.

Authors' conclusions
We were unable to find any controlled studies to guide the use of policy interventions used in sporting settings. The search process revealed a number of case studies with anecdotal reporting of outcomes. We strongly recommend that rigorous evaluation techniques are employed more commonly in this field to illuminate the impact of health promoting policy on outcomes, and the contexts and processes which are likely ro be effective in reducing harmful behaviours.


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Body dissatisfaction is often associated with negative psychological functioning, such as depression, and maladaptive behaviors, such as unhealthy eating and extreme weight loss behaviors, which have serious negative implications for women’s health and well-being, and potentially also for the unborn fetus during pregnancy. This article summarizes contemporary research in the area of body image during pregnancy, showing the development of knowledge in this area with increasing research interest in this topic in more recent times.


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Objective: In this study, an instrument was created to measure the healthy and unhealthy characteristics of food environments and investigate associations between the whole of the food environment and fast food consumption.

Design and subjects: In consultation with other academic researchers in this field, food stores were categorised to either healthy or unhealthy and weighted (between +10 and −10) by their likely contribution to healthy/unhealthy eating practices. A healthy and unhealthy food environment score (FES) was created using these weightings. Using a cross-sectional study design, multilevel multinomial regression was used to estimate the effects of the whole food environment on the fast food purchasing habits of 2547 individuals.

Results: Respondents in areas with the highest tertile of the healthy FES had a lower likelihood of purchasing fast food both infrequently and frequently compared with respondents who never purchased, however only infrequent purchasing remained significant when simultaneously modelled with the unhealthy FES (odds ratio (OR) 0.52; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.32–0.83). Although a lower likelihood of frequent fast food purchasing was also associated with living in the highest tertile of the unhealthy FES, no association remained once the healthy FES was included in the models. In our binary models, respondents living in areas with a higher unhealthy FES than healthy FES were more likely to purchase fast food infrequently (OR 1.35; 95% CI 1.00–1.82) however no association was found for frequent purchasing.

Conclusion: Our study provides some evidence to suggest that healthier food environments may discourage fast food purchasing.


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Skipping meals is particularly common during adolescence and can have a detrimental effect on multiple aspects of adolescent health. Understanding the correlates of meal-skipping behaviours is important for the design of nutrition interventions. The present study examined maternal and best friends’ influences on adolescent meal-skipping behaviours. Frequency of skipping breakfast, lunch and dinner was assessed using a Web-based survey completed by 3001 adolescent boys and girls from years 7 and 9 of secondary schools in Victoria, Australia. Perceived best friend and maternal meal skipping, modelling of healthy eating (eating healthy food, limiting junk food, eating fruit and vegetables) and weight watching were assessed. Best friend and maternal factors were differentially associated with meal-skipping behaviours. For example, boys and girls who perceived that their best friend often skipped meals were more likely to skip lunch (OR ¼ 2·01, 95% CI 1·33, 3·04 and OR ¼ 1·93, 95% CI 1·41, 2·65; P,0·001). Boys and girls who perceived that their mother often skipped meals were more likely to skip breakfast (OR ¼ 1·48, 95% CI 1·01, 2·15; P,0·05 and OR ¼ 1·93, 95% CI 1·42, 2·59; P,0·001) and lunch (OR ¼ 2·05, 95% CI 1·35, 3·12 and OR ¼ 2·02, 95% CI 1·43, 2·86; P,0·001). Educating adolescents on how to assess and interpret unhealthy eating behaviours that they observe from significant others may be one nutrition promotion strategy to reduce meal-skipping behaviour. The involvement of mothers may be particularly important in such efforts. Encouraging a peer subculture that promotes regular consumption of meals and educates adolescents on the detrimental impact of meal-skipping behaviour on health may also offer a promising nutrition promotion strategy.


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Available data suggest that body dissatisfaction is common during pregnancy and may even be a precursor to post-natal depression. However, in order to accurately identify at-risk women, it is essential to first establish that body image measures function appropriately in pregnant populations. Our study examines the suitability of the Body Attitudes Questionnaire (BAQ) for measuring body dissatisfaction among pregnant women by comparing the psychometric functioning of the BAQ: (1) across key phases of pregnancy, and (2) between pregnant and non-pregnant women. 

A total of 176 pregnant women from Melbourne, Victoria filled out a questionnaire battery containing demographic questions and the Body Attitudes Questionnaire at 16, 24, and 32 weeks during pregnancy. A comparison group of 148 non-pregnant women also completed the questionnaire battery at Time 1. Evaluations of the psychometric properties of the BAQ consisted of a series of measurement invariance tests conducted within a structural equation modelling framework.

Although the internal consistency and factorial validity of the subscales of the BAQ were established across time and also in comparisons between pregnant and non- pregnant women, measurement invariance tests showed non-invariant item intercepts across pregnancy and also in comparison with the non-pregnant subgroup. Inspection of modification indices revealed a complex, non-uniform pattern of differences in item intercepts across groups.

Collectively, our findings suggest that comparisons of body dissatisfaction between pregnant and non-pregnant women (at least based on the BAQ) are likely to be conflated by differential measurement biases that serve to undermine attempts to accurately assess level of body dissatisfaction. Researchers should be cautious in assessments of body dissatisfaction among pregnant women until a suitable measure has been established for use in this population. Given the fact that body dissatisfaction is often associated with maladaptive behaviours, such as unhealthy eating and extreme weight loss behaviours, and with ante-and post-natal depression, that have serious negative implications for women’s health and well-being, and potentially also for the unborn foetus during pregnancy, developing a suitable body image screening tool, specific to the perinatal period is clearly warranted.


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Children of low socioeconomic position (SEP) generally have poorer diets than children of high SEP. However there is no consensus on which SEP variable is most indicative of SEP differences in children’s diets. This study investigated associations between diet and various SEP indicators among children aged 9–13 years.

Families (n = 625) were recruited from 27 Adelaide primary schools in 2010. Children completed semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaires providing intake scores for fruit, vegetables, non-core foods, sweetened drinks, and healthy and unhealthy eating behaviours. Parents reported demographic information by telephone interview. Differences in dietary intake scores were compared across parental education, income, occupation, employment status and home postcode.

Across most SEP indicators, lower SEP was associated with poorer dietary outcomes, including higher intake of non-core foods and sweetened drinks, and more unhealthy behaviours; and lower intake of fruit and vegetables, and fewer healthy behaviours. The number and type of significant SEP-diet associations differed across SEP indicators and dietary outcomes. Mother’s education appeared most frequently as a predictor of children’s dietary intake, and postcode was the least frequent predictor of children’s dietary intake.

Socioeconomic gradients in children’s dietary intake varied according to the SEP indicator used, suggesting indicator-specific pathways of influence on children’s dietary intake. Researchers should consider multiple indicators when defining SEP in relation to children’s eating.


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BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To examine the relationship between diet quality and mental health in an ethnically diverse adolescent population in New Zealand.

SUBJECTS/METHODS: Cross-sectional, population-based study design. Data were available at baseline for 4249 students. Responses from self-reported dietary questionnaires were used to assess diet quality; healthy eating and unhealthy eating were assessed as two separate scales. Mental health was assessed by the emotional subscale of the PedsQL instrument.

RESULTS: Eating a healthy diet was significantly associated with better emotional health (Po0.001) and eating an unhealthy diet was significantly associated with greater emotional distress (Po0.001), after controlling for age, ethnicity and gender. The healthy and unhealthy eating scales were independently related to mental health scores. 

CONCLUSIONS: These findings contribute to a growing body of literature that diet quality is associated with mental health in adolescents. Further research is warranted to determine whether improvements to the diets of adolescents can have meaningful improvements to mental well-being.


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Background: The implementation of healthy school canteen policies has been recommended as a strategy to help prevent unhealthy eating and excessive weight gain. Internationally, research suggests that schools often fail to implement practices consistent with healthy school canteen policies. Without a population wide implementation, the potential benefits of these policies will not be realised. The aim of this trial is to assess the effectiveness of an implementation intervention in increasing school canteen practices consistent with a healthy canteen policy of the New South Wales (NSW), Australia, government known as the 'Fresh Tastes @ School NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy'.Methods/design: The parallel randomised trial will be conducted in 70 primary schools located in the Hunter region of New South Wales, Australia. Schools will be eligible to participate if they are not currently meeting key components of the healthy canteen policy. Schools will be randomly allocated after baseline data collection in a 1:1 ratio to either an intervention or control group using a computerised random number function in Microsoft Excel. Thirty-five schools will be selected to receive a multi-component intervention including implementation support from research staff, staff training, resources, recognition and incentives, consensus and leadership strategies, follow-up support and implementation feedback. The 35 schools allocated to the control group will not receive any intervention support as part of the research trial. The primary outcome measures will be i) the proportion of schools with a canteen menu that does not contain foods or beverages restricted from regular sale ('red' and 'banned' items) and ii) the proportion of schools where healthy canteen items ('green' items) represent the majority (>50%) of products listed on the menu. Outcome data will be collected via a comprehensive menu audit, conducted by dietitians blind to group allocation. Intervention effectiveness will be assessed using logistic regression models adjusting for baseline values.Discussion: The proposed trial will represent a novel contribution to the literature, being the first randomised trial internationally to examine the effectiveness of an intervention to facilitate implementation of a healthy canteen policy.


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BACKGROUND: Links between socioeconomic disadvantage and unhealthy eating behaviours among adolescents are well established. Little is known about strategies that might support healthy eating among this target group. This study aimed to identify potential strategies and preferred dissemination methods that could be employed in nutrition promotion initiatives focussed on improving eating behaviours among socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2011 among 22 adolescents (12-15 years) recruited from secondary schools in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Victoria, Australia. RESULTS: Strategies suggested by adolescents to support healthy eating included increasing awareness about healthy eating; greater cooking involvement; greater parental and peer support; frequent family meal participation; greater parental and peer role-modelling of healthy eating; increased availability of healthy foods and decreased availability of unhealthy foods in homes and schools. Adolescents preferred electronic media, adolescent-specific recipe books, and school-based methods for distributing nutrition promotion messages and strategies. CONCLUSIONS: A number of suggested strategies and methods identified in the present investigation have been employed with success in previous nutrition promotion interventions targeting socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents. The present study also contributes novel insights into potential strategies and methods that could be employed in initiatives aiming to improve eating behaviours in this vulnerable group, and particularly highlights the importance of incorporating strategies involving parents and modifying the home food environment.


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The professional market for physical education and fitness demands for perfect and aesthetically beautiful bodies from its professionals, and the additional pressure of media, both add to the risk for body image dissatisfaction among these professional, increasing the risk for developing body image distortions and, ultimately, eating disorders. Body image dissatisfaction affects more women in their attempts for thin ideal. However, lately, because of social pressure for body aesthetical habits in both genders, men are faced with higher risk for distortions in body perception, leading to unhealthy eating habits and pathogenic exercise. With this in mind, the purpose of this study was to compare freshmen and senior physical education (PE) students from the State University of São Paulo (UNESP), as well as to make gender comparisons. Two groups comprise each, 46 freshmen PE students (23 females and 23 males), average age 18.7 ± 1.7 years; and 26 senior PE students (13 females and 13 males), average age 23 ± 1.9 years. Both groups filled out the questionnaires: Eating Attitudes Test/ EAT-26, Body Shape Questionnaire/ BSQ, Body Shape Questionnaire/ BSQ, and motivation state questionnaire/ LEA-RI. Results showed that the majority of participants wanted to change some aspect of their looks; women were more dissatisfied with their bodies than men; eating behavior scores were within the normal range for both groups. Finally, freshmen PE students are at a higher risk for body image distortion than senior PE students. We concluded that women, as well as younger individuals in general, are at higher risk for body image distortions. It is likely that experience in the further years of a physical education course has positive impact on body self image.


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Background: In the last decades, children’s and adolescents’ obesity and overweight have increased in European Countries. Unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle have been recognized to determine such an epidemic. Schools represent an ideal setting to modify harmful behaviors, and physical activity could be regarded as a potential way to avoid the metabolic risks related to obesity. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was carried out to summarize the evidence of school-based interventions aimed to promote, enhance and implement physical activity in European schools. Only randomized controlled trials were included, carried out in Europe from January 2000 to April 2014, universally delivered and targeting pupils aged between 3 and 18 years old. Results: Forty-seven studies were retrieved based either on multicomponent interventions or solely physical activity programs. Most aimed to prevent obesity and cardiovascular risks among youths. While few studies showed a decrease in BMI, positive results were achieved on other outcomes, such as metabolic parameters and physical fitness. Conclusion: Physical activity in schools should be regarded as a simple, non-expensive and enjoyable way to reach all the children and adolescents with adequate doses of moderate to vigorous physical activity.


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Introdução: A adolescência é uma fase importante para formação e consolidação de hábitos alimentares adequados à promoção da saúde. Entretanto, dados estatísticos recentes indicam enorme comprometimento no padrão alimentar de indivíduos nesse período da vida. Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade da dieta e identificar seus fatores associados em adolescentes de três regiões administrativas do município de Vitória. Métodos: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 396 adolescentes de ambos os sexos, de 8 a 17 anos, de escolas públicas e privadas de três regiões administrativas de Vitória-ES. Foram coletados dados antropométricos, socioeconômicos, demográficos e alimentares. Para a entrevista alimentar utilizou-se o método de Recordatório de 24h. A qualidade da dieta foi avaliada pelo Índice de Qualidade da Dieta adaptado (IQDa). Análises de regressão logística foram utilizadas para verificar a associação das variáveis independentes sobre a qualidade da dieta dos adolescentes. Resultados: A média do IQDa foi de 35,6 pontos. Os componentes verduras e legumes, leite e derivados e frutas apresentaram os mais baixos valores médios de pontos; e carnes e ovos apresentaram a pontuação média mais alta do IQDa. Na análise de regressão observou-se que quanto maior a idade, menor a pontuação do IQDa e que os adolescentes do sexo masculino apresentaram IQDa maior que as do sexo feminino. Conclusão: A qualidade da dieta está associada ao sexo e a idade e necessita de melhorias. Conhecendo esses fatores associados é possível analisar e identificar as práticas alimentares não saudáveis e abordá-las em programas de educação nutricional, proporcionando melhores condições de saúde a essa população.