888 resultados para ultraviolet spectroscopy
Room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) was observed in undoped and 2 mol% Cr-, Al- and Y-doped amorphous SrTiO3 thin films. Doping increased the PL, and in the case of Cr significantly reduced the associated PL wavelength. The optical bandgaps, calculated by means of UV-vis absorption spectra, increased with crystallinity and decreased with the doping level. It was considered that yttrium and aluminum substituted Sr2+, whereas chromium replaced Ti4+. It is believed that luminescence centers are oxygen-deficient BO6 complexes, or the same centers with some other defects, such as oxygen or strontium vacancies, or BO6 complexes with some other defects placed in their neighborhood. The character of excitation and the competition for negatively charged non-bridging oxygen (NBO) among numerous types of BO6 defect complexes in doped SrTiO3 results in various broadband luminescence peak positions. The results herein reported are an indicative that amorphous titanates are sensitive to doping, which is important for the control of the electro-optic properties of these materials. The probable incorporation of Cr into the Ti site suggests that the existence of a double network former can lead to materials displaying a more intense photoluminescence.
The interaction between humic substances and poly(o-ethoxyaniline) (POEA), a conducting polymer, was investigated for both solution and self-assembled films. The results have shown that the humic substances induce a doping of POEA by protonation, as indicated by UV-Vis and Raman spectroscopies. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies on the self-assembled films have shown that the average roughness of the polymer film has increased after exposing it to humic substances (fulvic and humic acids), consistent with the interaction between POEA and humic substances. However, this change in morphology is reversible by washing the films with water in agreement with the electrical data allowing using this system in sensor applications. Here, the sensor formed by an array of different sensing units was able to detect and distinguish humic substances in aqueous solution, as shown by multivariate analysis (principal component analysis). The motivation to detect humic substance comes due to its importance in terms of quality control of water or soil. ©2005 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
An alternative method using liquid chromatography with UV detection for the determination of prochloraz as 2,4,6-trichlorophenol in mango, papaya and orange is described. Ethyl acetate, acetone and dichloromethane were tested for extraction of prochloraz from the fruits. After extraction the residue of prochloraz was derivatized with pyridine hydrochloride. The analysis was carried out using liquid chromatography with UV detection and gas chromatography with electron-capture detection. Average recoveries of prochloraz from spiked fruits (0.1 and 0.2 mg kg-1) ranged from 80% to 94% with relative standard deviations between 5.6% and 12.6% (n=8). Detection and quantification limits were 0.05 and 0.1 mg kg-1, respectively. The LC-UV method was applied to mango and papaya samples submitted to dip treatment with a prochloraz formulation under laboratory conditions. In addition, fruit samples obtained from local markets were analysed. ©2005 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
An exocellular β-(1→6)-d-glucan (lasiodiplodan) produced by a strain of Lasiodiplodia theobromae (MMLR) grown on sucrose was derivatized by sulfonation to promote anticoagulant activity. The structural features of the sulfonated β-(1→6)-d-glucan were investigated by UV-vis, FT-IR and 13C NMR spectroscopy, and the anticoagulant activity was investigated by the classical coagulation assays APTT, PT and TT using heparin as standard. The content of sulfur and degree of substitution of the sulfonated glucan was 11.73% and 0.95, respectively. UV spectroscopy showed a band at 261 nm due to the unsaturated bond formed in the sulfonation reaction. Results of FT-IR and 13C NMR indicated that sulfonyl groups were inserted on the polysaccharide. The sulfonated β-(1→6)-d-glucan presented anticoagulant activity as demonstrated by the increase in dose dependence of APTT and TT, and these actions most likely occurred because of the inserted sulfonate groups on the polysaccharide. The lasiodiplodan did not inhibit the coagulation tests. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Ba(Zr0.75Ti0.25)O3 (BZT-75/25) powders were synthesized by the polymeric precursor method. Samples were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinement, X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) techniques. Their electronic structures were evaluated by first-principle quantum mechanical calculations based on density functional theory at the B3LYP level. Their optical properties were investigated by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) measurements at room temperature. XRD patterns and Rietveld refinement data indicate that the samples have a cubic structure. XANES spectra confirm the presence of pyramidal [TiO5] clusters and octahedral [TiO6] clusters in the disordered BZT-75/25 powders. EXAFS spectra indicate distortion of Ti-O and Ti-O-Ti bonds the first and second coordination shells, respectively. UV-Vis absorption spectra confirm the presence of different optical bandgap values and the band structure indicates an indirect bandgap for this material. The density of states demonstrates that intermediate energy levels occur between the valence band (VB) and the conduction band (CB). These electronic levels are due to the predominance of 4d orbitals of Zr atoms in relation to 3d orbitals of Ti atoms in the CB, while the VB is dominated by 2p orbitals related to O atoms. There was good correlation between the experimental and theoretical optical bandgap values. When excited at 482 nm at room temperature, BZT-75/25 powder treated at 500 C for 2 h exhibited broad and intense PL emission with a maximum at 578 nm in the yellow region. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Darunavir is a protease inhibitor used in the treatment of HIV infection. It is a pillar of the drug cocktail for patients diagnosed with the virus. Quality control in the pharmaceutical industry, to verify the content of active substance and study the physicochemical characteristics of the drug, is essential to ensure final product quality. Until now, standardized methods for the analysis of darunavir have not been available in official compendia. This justifies new research, to develop and validate analytical methods, as well as physicochemical and pharmaceutical analysis for this drug, both as a raw material and a finished product. Thus, in this study, (a) the average weight of darunavir tablets and (b) the melting point of the pure drug were determined, and the following analytical techniques were performed: (c) thin-layer chromatography, (d) ultraviolet spectroscopy, (e) infrared spectroscopy and (f) high performance liquid chromatography. By developing the above techniques, it is possible to make a qualitative assessment of the quality of darunavir tablets.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vitro anticandidal activity of a methanolic extract of Syngonanthus nitens scapes against different Candida species and clinical isolates from patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), and its effect in vivo in the treatment of vaginal infection. Chemical characterization of the extract was performed by HPLC-UV analyses and showed the presence of flavones derivatives. The extract was effective against several Candida strains from our collection and species recovered from VVC patients, and was able to inhibit the yeast-hyphal transition. No cytotoxic activity against human female reproductive tract epithelial cells and no hemolytic activity against human red blood cells were observed. In the in vivo model of VVC, we evaluated the efficacy of the intravaginal treatment with a cream containing the extract at doses of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0%. The treatment eradicated the vaginal fungal burden in infected rats after 8 days of treatment. S. nitens extract could be considered as an effective and non-toxic natural antifungal agent in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis. © 2013 ISHAM.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A obtenção e a avaliação da formulação fitoterápica foi traçada através de parâmetros de controle de qualidade realizando-se a caracterização físico-química da matéria-prima vegetal desidratada e triturada, do seu derivado (extrato liofilizado da tintura hidroalcóolica) e da formulação semi-sólida fitoterápica antimicrobiana contendo a tintura das folhas de Vismia guianensis (Aubl) Choisy. Para tais caracterizações utilizaram-se os parâmetros específicos para as drogas vegetais contidos na Farmacopéia Brasileira 4. Ed., a análise térmica: termogravimetria, análise térmica diferencial e calorimetria exploratória diferencial e a espectroscopia na região do infravermelho e do ultravioleta. A avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana pelo método de difusão em disco em meio sólido identificou a sensibilidade de S. aureus (ATCC 25923) ao extrato seco da tintura dissolvido em DMSO, nas concentrações de 500, 250, 125 e 62,5 mg/mL. A CLAE traçou o perfil de composição das sub-frações A e B provenientes da fração acetato de etila da tintura e evidenciou o alcance máximo de absorção em 290 nm para a fração acetato de etila semelhante ao alcance máximo da emodia, sendo essa então utilizada como padrão de referência e marcador externo. A validação do método foi realizada através da espectrofotometria no ultravioleta, demonstrando ser um método seletivo, linear, repetitivo e robusto. A análise térmica evidenciou possíveis incompatibilidades existentes entre a mistura binária do extrato liofilizado da tintura com a hidroxietilcelulose e o propilenoglicol; obtendo-se então um gel com características não homogêneas devido à precipitação de proteínas, ocorrida pela interação polifenol-protéina. A avaliação da estabilidade preliminar da formulação permaneceu dentro dos parâmetros, apresentando resultados dentro dos limites aceitáveis para os testes de centrifugação, estresse térmico e características organolépticas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A partir deste estudo, métodos para análise qualitativa foram desenvolvidos a fim de identificar ceftazidima em matéria-prima e em formulações farmacêuticas. Esses métodos incluíram testes físico-químicos baseados em propriedades químicas por reações clássicas de coloração e testes instrumentais, tais como cromatografia em camada delgada, calorimetria e espectroscopia no ultravioleta. Os resultados foram obtidos diretamente através de identificação visual pela coloração desenvolvida e pela análise dos espectros obtidos nos testes instrumentais. Esses métodos mostraram-se reprodutíveis e rápidos para identificar ceftazidima na presença de outros antibióticos -lactâmicos, podendo ser usados rotineiramente em análises de controle de qualidade. Palavras-chave: Análise qualitativa. Controle de qualidade. Ceftazidima. ABSTRACT Qualitative methods for the identification of ceftazidime In this study, qualitative analytical methods were developed for the identification of ceftazidime in raw material and in pharmaceutical formulations. These methods included physicochemical tests based on chemical properties, performed by classical colorimetric reactions, and instrumental tests, such as thin-layer chromatography, calorimetry and ultraviolet spectroscopy. Results were obtained directly, through the visual identification of the drug by the color developed, and by analyzing the spectra obtained. These methods proved to be reproducible and fast means of identifying ceftazidime in the presence of other beta-lactam antibiotics and may be used for routine quality control tests. Keywords: Qualitative analysis. Quality control. Ceftazidime.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this paper we report a simple and environmentally friendly synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNps) and their electrocatalytic activity for borohydride oxidation reaction (BOR). Ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV- vis) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirmed the formation of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)protected colloidal AuNps through direct reduction of Au3+ by glycerol in alkaline medium at room temperature. For the BOR tests the AuNps were directly produced onto carbon to yield the Au/C catalyst. Levich plots revealed that the process occured via 7.2 electrons, therefore near the theoretical value of 8 electrons. When compared to bulk Au, the gold nanoparticles presented enhanced catalytic properties since the onset potential for BOR was shifted 200 mV towards negative potentials. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we report a simple and environmentally friendly synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNps) and their activities towards the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). Ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV-vis) and transmission electron microscopy confirmed the formation of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)-protected colloidal AgNps through direct reduction of Ag+ by glycerol in alkaline medium at room temperature. For the ORR tests, the AgNps were directly produced onto carbon to yield the Ag/C catalyst. Levich plots revealed the process to occur via 2.7 electrons, suggesting that the carbon support contributes to the ORR. We discuss here possibilities of improving the catalytic properties of the Ag/C for ORR by optimizing the parameters of the synthesis.
Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring (TDM) wird zur individuellen Dosiseinstellung genutzt, um die Effizienz der Medikamentenwirkung zu steigern und das Auftreten von Nebenwirkungen zu senken. Für das TDM von Antipsychotika und Antidepressiva besteht allerdings das Problem, dass es mehr als 50 Medikamente gibt. Ein TDM-Labor muss dementsprechend über 50 verschiedene Wirkstoffe und zusätzlich aktive Metaboliten messen. Mit der Flüssigchromatographie (LC oder HPLC) ist die Analyse vieler unterschiedlicher Medikamente möglich. LC mit Säulenschaltung erlaubt eine Automatisierung. Dabei wird Blutserum oder -plasma mit oder ohne vorherige Proteinfällung auf eine Vorsäule aufgetragen. Nach Auswaschen von störenden Matrixbestandteilen werden die Medikamente auf einer nachgeschalteten analytischen Säule getrennt und über Ultraviolettspektroskopie (UV) oder Massenspektrometrie (MS) detektiert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, LC-Methoden zu entwickeln, die die Messung möglichst vieler Antipsychotika und Antidepressiva erlaubt und die für die TDM-Routine geeignet ist. Eine mit C8-modifiziertem Kieselgel gefüllte Säule (20 µm 10x4.0 mm I.D.) erwies sich in Vorexperimenten als optimal geeignet bezüglich Extraktionsverhalten, Regenerierbarkeit und Stabilität. Mit einer ersten HPLC-UV-Methode mit Säulenschaltung konnten 20 verschiedene Psychopharmaka einschließlich ihrer Metabolite, also insgesamt 30 verschiedene Substanzen quantitativ erfasst werden. Die Analysenzeit betrug 30 Minuten. Die Vorsäule erlaubte 150 Injektionen, die analytische Säule konnte mit mehr als 300 Plasmainjektionen belastet werden. Abhängig vom Analyten, musste allerdings das Injektionsvolumen, die Flussrate oder die Detektionswellenlänge verändert werden. Die Methode war daher für eine Routineanwendung nur eingeschränkt geeignet. Mit einer zweiten HPLC-UV-Methode konnten 43 verschiedene Antipsychotika und Antidepressiva inklusive Metaboliten nachgewiesen werden. Nach Vorreinigung über C8-Material (10 µm, 10x4 mm I.D.) erfolgte die Trennung auf Hypersil ODS (5 µm Partikelgröße) in der analytischen Säule (250x4.6 mm I.D.) mit 37.5% Acetonitril im analytischen Eluenten. Die optimale Flussrate war 1.5 ml/min und die Detektionswellenlänge 254 nm. In einer Einzelprobe, konnten mit dieser Methode 7 bis 8 unterschiedliche Substanzen gemessen werden. Für die Antipsychotika Clozapin, Olanzapin, Perazin, Quetiapin und Ziprasidon wurde die Methode validiert. Der Variationskoeffizient (VK%) für die Impräzision lag zwischen 0.2 und 6.1%. Im erforderlichen Messbereich war die Methode linear (Korrelationskoeffizienten, R2 zwischen 0.9765 und 0.9816). Die absolute und analytische Wiederfindung lagen zwischen 98 und 118 %. Die für das TDM erforderlichen unteren Nachweisgrenzen wurden erreicht. Für Olanzapin betrug sie 5 ng/ml. Die Methode wurde an Patienten für das TDM getestet. Sie erwies sich für das TDM als sehr gut geeignet. Nach retrospektiver Auswertung von Patientendaten konnte erstmalig ein möglicher therapeutischer Bereich für Quetiapin (40-170 ng/ml) und Ziprasidon (40-130 ng/ml) formuliert werden. Mit einem Massenspektrometer als Detektor war die Messung von acht Neuroleptika und ihren Metaboliten möglich. 12 Substanzen konnten in einem Lauf bestimmt werden: Amisulprid, Clozapin, N-Desmethylclozapin, Clozapin-N-oxid, Haloperidol, Risperidon, 9-Hydroxyrisperidon, Olanzapin, Perazin, N-Desmethylperazin, Quetiapin und Ziprasidon. Nach Vorreinigung mit C8-Material (20 µm 10x4.0 mm I.D.) erfolgte die Trennung auf Synergi MAX-RP C12 (4 µm 150 x 4.6 mm). Die Validierung der HPLC-MS-Methode belegten einen linearen Zusammenhang zwischen Konzentration und Detektorsignal (R2= 0,9974 bis 0.9999). Die Impräzision lag zwischen 0.84 bis 9.78%. Die für das TDM erforderlichen unteren Nachweisgrenzen wurden erreicht. Es gab keine Hinweise auf das Auftreten von Ion Suppression durch Matrixbestandteile. Die absolute und analytische Wiederfindung lag zwischen 89 und 107 %. Es zeigte sich, dass die HPLC-MS-Methode ohne Modifikation erweitert werden kann und anscheinend mehr als 30 verschiedene Psychopharmaka erfasst werden können. Mit den entwickelten flüssigchromatographischen Methoden stehen neue Verfahren für das TDM von Antipsychotika und Antidepressiva zur Verfügung, die es erlauben, mit einer Methode verschiedene Psychopharmaka und ihre aktiven Metabolite zu messen. Damit kann die Behandlung psychiatrischer Patienten insbesondere mit Antipsychotika verbessert werden.