927 resultados para ultrafine ferrite


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In the present study, the effect of nominal equivalent strain (between 0 and 1.2), deformation temperature (790– 750°C) and carbon content (0.06 – 0.35%C) was investigated on ferrite grain refinement through dynamic strain induced transformation (DSIT) in plain carbon steels in single pass rolling. The microstructural evolution of the transformation of austenite to ferrite has been evaluated through the thickness of the strip. The results showed a number of important microstructural features as a function of strain, which could be classified into three regions; no DSIT region, DSIT region, and ultrafine ferrite (UFF) grain region. Hence, two critical strains; dynamic strain induced transformation (εC, DSIT) and ultrafine ferrite formation (εC, UFF) were determined. These strains were increased significantly with an increase in carbon content. The critical strain for UFF formation reduced with decrease in deformation temperature. The UFF microstructure consisted of ultrafine, equiaxed ferrite grains (<2 μm) with very fine cementite particles. In the centre of the rolled strip, there was a conventional ferrite– pearlite microstructure, although ferrite grain refinement and the volume fraction of ferrite increased with increase in the nominal equivalent strain.


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In the present study, wedge-shaped samples were used to determine the effect of nominal equivalent strain (between 0 and 1.2) and carbon content (0.06--0.35%C) on ferrite grain refinement through dynamic strain-induced transformation (DSIT) in plain carbon steels using single-pass rolling. The microstructural evolution of the transformation of austenite to ferrite has been evaluated through the thickness of the strip. The results showed a number of important microstructural features as a function of strain which could be classified into three regions; no DSIT region, DSIT region and the ultrafine ferrite (UFF) grain region. Also, the extent of these regions was strongly influenced by the carbon content. The UFF microstructure consisted of ultrafine, equiaxed ferrite grains (<2 μ$m) with very fine cementite particles. In the centre of the rolled strip, there was a conventional ferrite-pearlite microstructure, although ferrite grain refinement and the volume fraction of ferrite increased with an increase in the nominal equivalent strain.


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In the present study, wedge-shape samples were used to study the effect of strain induced transformation on the formation of ultrafine grained structures in steel by single pass rolling. The results showed two different transition strains for bainite formation and ultrafine ferrite (UFF) formation in the surface layer of strip at reductions of 40% and 70%, respectively, in a plain carbon steel. The bainitic microstructure formed by strain induced bainitic transformation during single pass rolling was also very fine. The evolution of UFF formation in the surface layer showed that ferrite coarsening is significantly reduced through strain induced transformation combined with rapid cooling in comparison with the centre of the strip. In the surface, the ferrite coarsening mostly occurred for intragranular nucleated grains (IG) rather than grain boundary (GB) ferrite grains. The results suggest that normal grain growth occurred during overall transformation in the GB ferrite grains. In the centre of the strip, there was significantly more coarsening of ferrite grains nucleated on the prior austenite grain boundaries.


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There is now considerable interest in the development of ultrafine grained steels with an average grain size of the order of 1µm. One of the methods with currently the greatest industrial interest is by dynamic strain induced transformation from austenite to ferrite. This involves deformation below the
equilibrium transformation temperature so that transformation occurs during the deformation. However, large strains are required to completely transform the microstructure during deformation. It is potentially possible to activate transformation during deformation then continue transformation
during subsequent cooling. It is shown that there are two critical strains: the first is where dynamic transformation commences and the second is the minimum strain for a fully ultrafine final microstructure after cooling to room temperature. The deformation and potential role of dynamic
recrystallization of the dynamically formed ferrite is also considered. Overall it is clear that for full industrial exploitation there is a need to understand and exploit the competing issues of nucleation, growth and recrystallization of the ferrite by both dynamic and static processes.


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The formation of ultrafine grained steels is an area of intense research around the World. There are a number of methods to produce grain sizes of approximately 1 µm, ranging from extreme thermal and deformation cycles to more typical thermomechanical processes. This paper reviews the status of the production of ultrafine grained steels through relatively simple thermomechanical processing. It is shown that this requires deformation within the Ae3 to Ar3 temperature range for a given alloy. The formation of ultrafine ferrite involves a dynamic transformation of a significant volume fraction of the austenite to ferrite. This dynamic strain induced transformation arises from the introduction of additional intragranular nucleation sites. It is possible that the deformation also hinders the growth or coarsening of the ferrite and may also lead to dynamic recrystallization of the ferrite. The most likely commercial exploitation of ultrafine ferrite would appear to rely on the formation of a critical volume fraction of dynamic strain induced ferrite followed by controlled cooling to ensure this is maintained to room temperature and to also form other secondary phases, such as martensite, bainite and/or retained austenite to improve the formability.


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The formation of ultrafine ferrite by strain induced transformation is assessed using rolling and hot torsion experiments. These experiments are used to examine the impact of thermomechanical processing conditions and steel chemistry on strain induced austenite to ferrite transformation and the formation of ultrafine ferrite. The critical strain for dynamic strain induced transformation increased with increasing carbon equivalence, deformation temperature and austenite grain size. The deformation structure in the austenite grains changes with the thermomechanical processing conditions. Drawing on these results and the current literature, the important factors for the production of ultrafine ferrite are described and a mechanism is proposed.


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A C-Mn-Nb-Ti steel was deformed by hot torsion to study ultrafine ferrite formation through dynamic strain-induced transformation (DSIT) in conjunction with air cooling. A systematic study was carried out first to evaluate the effect of deformation temperature and prior austenite grain size on the critical strain for ultrafine ferrite formation (ε C,UFF) through single-pass deformation. Then, multiple deformations in the nonrecrystallization region were used to study the effect of thermomechanical parameters (i.e., strain, deformation temperature, etc.) on ε C,UFF. The multiple deformations in the nonrecrystallization region significantly reduced ε C,UFF, although the total equivalent strain for a given thermomechanical condition was higher than that required in single-pass deformation. The current study on a Ni-30Fe austenitic model alloy revealed that laminar microband structures were the key intragranular defects in the austenite for nucleation of ferrite during the hot torsion test. The microbands were refined and overall misorientation angle distribution increased with a decrease in the deformation temperature for a given thermomechanical processing condition. For nonisothermal multipass deformation, there was some contribution to the formation of high-angle microband boundaries from strains at higher temperature, although the strains were not completely additive.


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The refinement of ferrite grain size is the most generally accepted approach to simultaneously improve the strength and toughness in steels. Historically, the level of ferrite refinement is limited to 5-10 μm using conventional industrial approaches. Nowadays, though, several thermomechanical processes have been developed to produce ferrite grain sizes of 1-3 μm or less, ranging from extreme thermal and deformation cycles to more typical thermomechanical processes. The present paper reviews the status of the production of ultrafine grained steels through relatively simple thermomechanical processing. This requires deformation within the Ae3 to Ar3 temperature range for a given alloy. Here, the formation of ultrafine ferrite (UFF) involves the dynamic transformation of a significant volume fraction of the austenite to ferrite. This dynamic strain induced transformation (DSIT) arises from the introduction of extensive intragranular nucleation sites that are not present in conventional controlled rolling. The DSIT route has the potential to be adjusted to suit current industrial infrastructure. However, there are a number of significant issues that have been raised, both as gaps in our understanding and as obstacles to industrial implementation. One of the critical issues is that it appears that very large strains are required. Combined with this concern is the issue of whether a combination of dynamic and static transformation can be used to achieve an adequate level of refinement. Another issue that has also become apparent is that grain sizes of 1 μm can lead to low levels of ductility and hence many workers are attempting to obtain 2-3 μm grains, or to introduce a second phase to provide the required ductility. There are also a number of areas of disagreement between authors including the role of dynamic recrystallisation of ferrite in the production of UFF by DSIT, the reasons for the low coarsening rate of UFF grains, the role of microalloying elements and the effects of austenite grain size and strain rate. The present review discusses these areas of controversy and highlights cases where experimental results do not agree.


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This paper presents a descriptive model to explain the mechanisms involved in the development of ultrafine grained structure in steels through dynamic strain induced transformation. The model considers the microstructural evolution during and after deformation as well as the role of different process variables. A key factor is the competition between nucleation and growth, where it is shown that many potential nuclei can be lost under certain conditions leading to a mixed or coarser grain size.


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A simple series of test was developed to highlight and compare the difference between the static strain induced transformation (SSIT) and the dynamic strain induced transformation (DSIT) mechanism in grain refinement and also to investigate the origin of the difference between the two mechanisms. The results showed that while the SSIT sets up a two-dimensional impingement among the ferrite grains, it cannot avoid their coarsening (normal growth). However, the DSIT forms a group of grains with a three-dimensional impingement which does not coarsen and maintains their fine size throughout the transformation, thereby, reduces the final average grain size.


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Low cost ferrite and bainite(FB) steels offer the prospect of high ultimate tensile strength combined with high hole expansion ratio. The enhanced strain hardening and formabilityof FB steels were primarily associated with the fine ferrite matrix, the low residual stresses and dislocation densityand compatible deformation between both phases.This overview describes the various techniques to produce FB steels, and comparestheresulting microstructure, tensile propertiesand tretchflangeabilitywith conventional HSLA and DP steels.A new generation of ultrafine ferrite and nano-scalebainiteautomotive steelsisunder development forthe futuredemands of extremely high strength and ductilitythroughthe fabricationtechnologiesinvolvingphase transformationsandplastic deformation.


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An Fe-0.26C-1.96Si-2Mn with 0.31Mo (wt%) steel was subjected to a novel thermomechanical processing route to produce fine ferrite with different volume fractions, bainite, and retained austenite. Two types of fine ferrites were found to be: (i) formed along prior austenite grain boundaries, and (ii) formed intragranularly in the interior of austenite grains. An increase in the volume fraction of fine ferrite led to the preferential formation of blocky retained austenite with low stability, and to a decrease in the volume fraction of bainite with stable layers of retained austenite. The difference in the morphology of the bainitic ferrite and the retained austenite after different isothermal ferrite times was found to be responsible for the deterioration of the mechanical properties. The segregation of Mn, Mo, and C at distances of 2-2.5 nm from the ferrite and retained austenite/martensite interface on the retained austenite/martensite site was observed after 2700 s of isothermal hold. It was suggested that the segregation occurred during the austenite-to-ferrite transformation, and that this would decrease the interface mobility, which affects the austenite-to-ferrite transformation and ferrite grain size.


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The goal in the heat treatment or thermomechanical processing of steel is to improve the mechanical properties. For structural steel applications the general aim is to refine the ferrite grain size as this is the only method that improves both the strength and toughness simultaneously. For conventional hot rolling and accelerated cooling processes, it is difficult to refine the grain size below 5. μm without extensive alloying. However, it has been found that inducing transformation during deformation (i.e. dynamic transformation) can lead to grain sizes of the order of 1. μm, even in very simple steel compositions. The exact mechanism(s) for this transformation process are still being debated, and this has also been complicated by recent studies where such grain sizes can be obtained by static transformation from austenite that has been heavily deformed at low temperatures prior to the transformation. This chapter reviews the various major studies related in particular to dynamic transformation and considers the contributions from the deformed austenite structure developed prior to the transformation and the potential for dynamic recrystallisation of the ferrite. A key factor is proposed to be the early three-dimensional impingement of the ferrite which also provides an insight into cases where ultrafine grains are achieved statically.


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One of the major challenges in assessing the mechanical properties of recovery annealed steel is the strain localization that occurs almost immediately on the formation of the first Lüders band, such that no or limited propagation of the Lüders band occurs along the tensile coupon. The stress raiser associated with the geometry of the standard tensile coupon means that this plastic deformation is often completely outside the standard extensometers on the coupon. Hence, no strain is measured during the test. While this is not important for assessing the tensile strength of the steel, it does mean that the strain related properties, such as the elastic limit of the steel, cannot be measured using standard testing techniques.This work addresses this issue by examining three techniques for ensuring that the strain occurs inside the extensometer. It is shown that the best technique is the extended extensometer, where the gauge length covers slightly more than the tensile coupon parallel length. While this leads to some variation in the width of the material being measured, compensation can be be made by adjusting the strain to correct the Young's Modulus.This technique has direct implications not just for recovery annealed steels, but for other high strength, low work hardening materials such as ultrafine ferrite. A particular requirement of these high strength steels in structural applications is a high elastic limit; hence, measurement of the strain related properties for these high strength materials must be considered vital in their mechanical assessment.


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The development of modern steels is based on the tailoring of the microstructure to achieve the required properties. While historically this was performed at the micrometre scale length, there is now the scope to undertake this at the nanoscale or atom scale. The present paper reviews recent work related to the development of ultrafine and nanoscale microstructures in steel as well as changes at shorter scale lengths, such as cluster formation and solute effects. This includes the development of ultrafine ferrite through phase transformation, nanoscale and ultrafine bainite, precipitation and cluster strengthening and bake hardening of steels. A key element of the present work has been the use of atom probe tomography to unlock the nature of these structures.