897 resultados para type-1 cytokines
L’infection à VIH-1 est associée à une forte déplétion des lymphocytes T CD4+ à polarisation Th17 au niveau des tissus lymphoïdes associés aux muqueuses intestinales (GALT, gut-associated lymphoid tissues). Ceci conduit à la translocation microbienne, qui est une cause d’activation immunitaire chronique et de progression de la maladie. Les cellules épithéliales (CE) jouent un rôle critique dans le maintien de l’intégrité et de l’homéostasie au niveau des muqueuses intestinales via le recrutement des cellules de l’immunité innée (e.g., neutrophiles) et adaptative (e.g., cellules Th17). Les neutrophiles produisent des molécules antivirales (e.g., défensines-) et ont la capacité de limiter la réplication virale au niveau des muqueuses. Les cellules Th17 jouent un double rôle lors de l’infection à VIH. Elles contribuent d’une part à la défense contre différents pathogènes opportunistes en augmentant, via la production d’IL-17, la capacité des CE à attirer les cellules Th17 et les neutrophiles. D’autre part, les cellules Th17 jouent un rôle délétère en tant que cibles de réplication virale et sources de cytokines pro-inflammatoires. La fréquence des cellules Th17 est diminuée dans les GALT mais pas dans les poumons des patients infectés par le VIH, suggérant qu’il existe des mécanismes différents par lesquels les cellules Th17 sont recrutées vers ces sites anatomiques. Nous avons testé l’hypothèse selon laquelle le VIH interfère avec la capacité des CE intestinales et non pas pulmonaires à produire des chimiokines (CK) responsables de l’attraction des cellules Th17 et des neutrophiles. Nous avons démontré que les CE intestinales et pulmonaires produisent des CK spécifiques pour les cellules Th17 (CCL20) et les neutrophiles (CXCL8) en réponse à des stimuli pro-inflammatoires tels que l’IL-1 et le TNF-. Le TNF- agit en synergie avec l’IL-17, un « signal de danger » récemment identifié, et augmente la capacité des CE intestinales mais pas pulmonaires à produire la chimiokine CCL20. Cette synergie s’explique par l’augmentation préférentielle de l’expression du récepteur à l’IL-17 à la surface des CE intestinales suite à la stimulation par le TNF-. L’exposition au VIH n’affecte pas la production de CCL20 et de CXCL8 par les CE intestinales, mais altère la capacité des CE alvéolaires à produire ces chimiokines en accord avec la permissivité sélective de ces dernières à l’infection par le VIH. En conclusion, nos résultats démontrent que (i) le VIH n’interfère pas directement avec la capacité des CE intestinales à recruter des cellules Th17 et des neutrophils et que (ii) la production de CCL20 par ces cellules est dépendantes de la synergie entre le TNF- et l’IL-17. Ainsi, la déplétion des cellules Th17 et la pénurie en IL-17 dans les GALT des sujets infectés pourrait causer de façon préférentielle des altérations fonctionnelles au niveau des CE intestinales, se traduisant par l’altération du recrutement des cellules Th17 en réponse au CCL20.
Les kinines sont des peptides vasoactifs et des neuromédiateurs centraux impliqués dans le contrôle cardiovasculaire, la douleur et l’inflammation. Leurs actions sont relayées par deux types de récepteurs couplés aux protéines G : le récepteur B2 (RB2), constitutif, et le récepteur B1 (RB1), inductible en présence de lésions tissulaires, de cytokines pro-inflammatoires, d’endotoxines bactériennes et dans certaines pathologies tel que le diabète. Le diabète sucré augmente à l’échelle mondiale et son étiologie est complexe; il aggrave les infections sévères et augmente la mortalité par hyperbactériémie résistante à un contrôle thérapeutique et une prise en charge en soins intensifs. Les décès surviennent dans la grande majorité des cas à la suite de l'apparition d'une coagulation intra- vasculaire disséminée (CIVD). Ce projet a pour but d’étudier le rôle du RB1 dans la CIVD dans un modèle de diabète de type 1 induit par la streptozotocine (STZ) (Article 1) et dans l’insulite (Article 2). La CIVD est produite par l’injection de lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 2 mg/kg, i.p.), 4 jours après le traitement à la STZ (65 mg/kg, i.p.). Dans le premier article, nous avons montré une augmentation significative de l'œdème et de la perméabilité vasculaire par le bleu d’Évans dans le rein, le poumon, le coeur et le foie chez les rats traités au LPS et/ou à la STZ, une situation qui favorise une hémoconcentration et le développement d'un état d'hypercoagulabilité. Nous avons aussi montré la présence d'indices de thrombus et de lésions tissulaires dans l'étude histologique ainsi qu’une augmentation de l'expression du RB1 dans le coeur, le rein et les plaquettes sanguines. Un traitement avec l’antagoniste du RB1, le SSR240612, a corrigé l’apparition de ces anomalies et a rendu normale la glycémie chez les rats STZ et l’hyperthermie induite par le LPS. De même, le SSR240612 a nettement amélioré la survie des animaux. Les bénéfices du SSR240612 ont été reproduits par l’inhibition de la iNOS avec le 1400W et de la COX-2 avec l’acide niflumique, suggérant que les médiateurs de ces enzymes pro-inflammatoires agissent en aval du RB1.Dans le deuxième article, le rat STZ est traité du jour 4 au jour 7 avec le SSR240612 (10 mg/kg/jr per os). Cet antagoniste du RB1 bloque l’infiltration du pancréas par les macrophages et les lymphocytes TCD4+ qui sont porteurs du RB1. L’antagoniste prévient aussi l’augmentation de l’expression de la iNOS, du TNF-α, du RB1 et du TRPV1 dans le pancréas des rats diabétiques. Le traitement avec l’antagoniste du RB1 a limité la perte des cellules β des îlots de Langerhans et a corrigé l’hypoinsulinémie et l’hyperglycémie. Ces deux études mettent en lumière un rôle important du RB1 dans la létalité associée au choc septique, à la thrombose et à l’insulite. Par conséquent, le RB1 représente une cible thérapeutique prometteuse dans le traitement du diabète et de ses complications.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective: To study the activation of an inflammatory cascade through leukocyte mRNA expression of TLR2, TLR4, MyD88, and pro-inflammatory cytokines in individuals with childhood onset type 1 diabetes. Design and methods: Seventy-six type 1 diabetic patients and 100 normoglycemic subjects (NG) 6 to 20 years old were recruited. Type 1 diabetic patients (DM1) were considered to have good (DM1G) or poor (DM1P) glycemic control according to the values of glycated hemoglobin. TLR2, TLR4, MyD88, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) mRNA expressions were measured in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Urea, creatinine, albumin, and total protein serum levels were determined. Urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) was calculated. Results: DM1 and DM1P patients showed higher glycated hemoglobin (10 and 11%, respectively) and serum glucose concentrations (208 and 226 mg/ dL, respectively) compared to NG (Glycated hemoglobin: 7% and glucose: 76 mg/ dL) (p < 0.05). PBL mRNA expressions of TLR2, MyD88, IL-1 beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha were higher in DM1 and TLR2, IL-1 beta, and IL-6 expressions were higher in DMP1 compared to NG (p < 0.05). In DM1, serum albumin and total protein were lower, while serum urea and ACR were higher in comparison to NG (p < 0.05). However, these differences compared to NG were more pronounced in DM1P, which included nine individuals with microalbuminuria. Conclusions: Increased mRNA expression of TLR2, MyD88, and pro-inflammatory cytokines in leukocytes of patients with childhood onset type 1 diabetes indicates the development of a TLR2-mediated pro-inflammatory process, which may also be associated with an early inflammatory process in the kidney and the occurrence of microalbuminuria.
Interleukin-18 (IL-18) and interferon-gamma (IFN-?) exert important functions in both innate and adaptive immune responses against intracellular pathogens and viruses. Previous studies suggested that host genetic factors, including cytokines gene polymorphisms, could be involved in the pathogenesis of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). Thus, we analyzed -137C/G and -607A/C of the IL-18 promoter and +874T/A of the IFN-? in DNA samples from 98 HTLV-1-infected individuals exhibiting or not clinical symptoms and 150 healthy control individuals. The IL-18 promoter -607CC genotype was significantly lower in HTLV-1 asymptomatic carriers (HAC) and HTLV-1-infected individuals (HAC + HAM/TSP) than healthy control group. In contrast, the -607AC genotype was significantly higher in HAC and HTLV-1-infected individuals group compared to the healthy control group. The -137G/-607A IL-18 haplotype was higher in infected group than healthy control group, and the -137C/-607C IL-18 haplotype was increased in the healthy control group compared to the others. Finally, the IFN-? polymorphism analysis showed that the HTLV-1-infected individuals with +874AT genotype presented higher proviral load than +874AA genotype. These data indicate that the IL-18-607AC genotype and -137G/-607A haplotype could be a risk factor for HTLV-1 infection, whereas the protective effect could be conferred by -607CC genotype and -137C/-607C haplotype. Also, the IFN-? could be implicated on the proviral load levels.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of vitamin D-3 on cytokine levels, regulatory T cells, and residual beta-cell function decline when cholecalciferol (vitamin D-3 administered therapeutically) is given as adjunctive therapy with insulin in new-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Design and Setting: An 18-month (March 10, 2006, to October 28, 2010) randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted at the Diabetes Center of Sao Paulo Federal University, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants: Thirty-eight patients with new-onset T1DM with fasting serum C-peptide levels greater than or equal to 0.6 ng/mL were randomly assigned to receive daily oral therapy of cholecalciferol, 2000 IU, or placebo. Main Outcome Measure: Levels of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, regulatory T cells, hemoglobin A(1c), and C-peptide; body mass index; and insulin daily dose. Results: Mean (SD) chemokine ligand 2 (monocyte chemoattractant protein 1) levels were significantly higher (184.6 [101.1] vs 121.4 [55.8] pg/mL) at 12 months, as well as the increase in regulatory T-cell percentage (4.55%[1.5%] vs 3.34%[1.8%]) with cholecalciferol vs placebo. The cumulative incidence of progression to undetectable (<= 0.1 ng/mL) fasting C-peptide reached 18.7% in the cholecalciferol group and 62.5% in the placebo group; stimulated C-peptide reached 6.2% in the cholecalciferol group and 37.5% in the placebo group at 18 months. Body mass index, hemoglobin A(1c) level, and insulin requirements were similar between the 2 groups. Conclusions: Cholecalciferol used as adjunctive therapy with insulin is safe and associated with a protective immunologic effect and slow decline of residual beta-cell function in patients with new-onset T1DM. Cholecalciferol may be an interesting adjuvant in T1DM prevention trials.
Carcinoma of the cervix is causally related to infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), and T cells play a pivotal role in the immune response of the host to rid itself of HPV infection. Therefore, we assessed the T-cell function of women with HPV-related cervical neoplasia against a superantigen, Staphylococcus enterotoxin B (SEB). Each woman provided a cervical brush specimen for HPV DNA testing and Papanicolaou (Pap) smears for the staging of cervical lesions. They also provided a blood specimen for determination of the ability of CD4(+) T and CD8(+) T cells to synthesize Th1 (interleukin-2 [IL-2], gamma interferon [IFN-gamma], and tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-alpha]) and Th2 (IL-10) cytokines in response to activation with SEB. Compared with control subjects with self-attested negative Pap smears, women with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) had significantly lower percentages of activated CD4(+) T cells that produced IL-2 (P = 0.045), IFN-gamma (P = 0.040), and TNF-alpha (P = 0.015) and a significantly lower percentage of activated CD8(+) T cells that produced IL-2 (P < 0.01). These data indicate that women with HPV-related cervical HSIL show a decrease in Th1 cytokine production by activated CD4(+) T cells and suggested that compromised T-helper functions may negatively impact the function of cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells.
Type 1 diabetes is caused by autoimmune-mediated β cell destruction leading to insulin deficiency. The histone deacetylase SIRT1 plays an essential role in modulating several age-related diseases. Here we describe a family carrying a mutation in the SIRT1 gene, in which all five affected members developed an autoimmune disorder: four developed type 1 diabetes, and one developed ulcerative colitis. Initially, a 26-year-old man was diagnosed with the typical features of type 1 diabetes, including lean body mass, autoantibodies, T cell reactivity to β cell antigens, and a rapid dependence on insulin. Direct and exome sequencing identified the presence of a T-to-C exchange in exon 1 of SIRT1, corresponding to a leucine-to-proline mutation at residue 107. Expression of SIRT1-L107P in insulin-producing cells resulted in overproduction of nitric oxide, cytokines, and chemokines. These observations identify a role for SIRT1 in human autoimmunity and unveil a monogenic form of type 1 diabetes.
Evidence suggests that sex-based differences in immune function may predispose women to numerous hypersensitivity conditions such as Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Hashimoto's thyroiditis and asthma. To date, the exact mechanisms of sexual dimorphism in immunity are not fully characterized but sex hormones such as 17-β estradiol (E2) and progesterone (PR) are believed to be involved. Since E2 and PR may modulate the production of critical regulatory cytokines, we sought to characterize their effects on the in vitro human type-1/type-2 cytokine balance. We hypothesized that E2 and/or PR vary cytokine production and influence costimulatory molecule expression and apoptosis. We first described the effect of E2 and/or PR on type-1 (IFN-γ and IL-12) and type-2 (IL-4 and IL-10) cytokine production by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) treated with various T-lymphocyte and monocyte stimuli. E2 and/or PR were each used at concentrations similar to those found at the maternal-fetal interface during pregnancy. At this dose, E2 increased IFN-γ and IL-12 production and PR decreased IFN-γ production and tended to increase IL-4 production. Furthermore, the combination of E2+PR decreased IL-12 production. This suggests that E2 shifts the type-1/type-2 cytokine balance towards a type-1 response and that PR and E2+PR shift the balance towards a type-2 response. Next, we used intracellular cytokine detection to demonstrate that E2 and/or PR are capable of altering cytokine production of CD3+ T-cells and the CD3+CD4+ and CD3+CD8+ subsets. In addition, we used the H9 T-lymphocyte cell line and the THP-1 monocyte cell line to show that E2 and/or PR can induce cytokine effects in both T-cells and monocytes independent of their interaction. Lastly, we determined the effect of E2 and/or PR on costimulatory molecule expression and apoptosis as potential mechanisms for the cytokine-induced alterations. E2 increased and PR decreased CD80 expression on THP-1 cells and PR and E2+PR decreased CD28 expression in PBMC and Jurkat cells. Furthermore, E2, PR and E2+PR increased Fas-mediated apoptosis in Jurkat cells and E2 increased FasL expression on THP-1 cells. Thus, E2 and/or PR may alter the cytokine balance by modulating the CD28/CD80 costimulatory pathway and apoptosis. ^
A growing number of studies show strong associations between stress and altered immune function. In vivo studies of chronic and acute stress have demonstrated that cognitive stressors are strongly correlated with high circulating levels of catecholamines (CT) and corticosteroids (CS) that are associated with changes in type-1/type-2 cytokine expression. Although individual pharmacologic doses of CS and CT can inhibit the expression of T-helper 1 (Th1, type-1 like) and promote the production of T-helper 2 (Th2, type-2 like) cytokines in antigen-specific and mitogen stimulated human leukocyte cultures in vitro, little attention has been focused on the effects of combination physiologic-stress doses of CT and CS that may be more physiologically relevant. In addition, both in-vivo and in-vitro studies suggest that the differential expression of the B7 family of costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86 may promote the expression of type-1 or type-2 cytokines, respectively. Furthermore, corticosteroids can influence the expression of β2-adrenergic receptors in various human tissues. We therefore investigated the combined effects of physiologic-stress doses of in vitro CT and CS upon the type-1/type-2 cytokine balance and expression of B7 costimulatory molecules of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) as a model to study the immunomodulatory effects of physiologic stress. Results demonstrated a significant decrease in type-1 cytokine expression and a significant increase in type-2 cytokine production in our CS+CT incubated cultures when compared to either CT or CS agents alone. In addition, we demonstrated the differential expression of CD80/CD86 in favor of CD86 at the cellular and population level as determined by flow cytometry in lipopolysaccharide stimulated human Monocytes. Furthermore, we developed flow cytometry based assays to detect total β2AR in human CD4+ T-lymphocytes that demonstrated decreased expression of β2AR in mitogen stimulated CD4+ T-lymphocytes in the presence of physiologic stress levels of CS and CT as single in vitro agents, however, when both CS and CT were combined, significantly higher expression of β2AR was observed. In summary, our in vitro data suggest that both CS and CT work cooperatively to shift immunity towards type-2 responses. ^
The proinflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) promote HIV type 1 viral replication in vitro. In the present studies, HIV production was increased in the macrophagic U1 cell line expressing the HIV genome after exposure to IL-1β, osmotic stress, or surface adhesion, suggesting a confluence of signaling pathways for proinflammatory cytokines and cell stressors. The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) mediates both cytokine and stress responses; thus the role of this kinase in HIV production was investigated. HIV production as measured by p24 antigen correlated with changes in the expression of a specific (non-alpha) isoform of p38 MAPK. In the presence of a specific p38 MAPK inhibitor (p38 inh), IL-1β-induced HIV production was suppressed by more than 90% and IL-1β-induced IL-8 production was suppressed completely, both with IC50 of 0.01 μM. p38 inhibition blocked cell-associated p24 antigen and secreted virus to a similar extent. The p38 inh also decreased constitutive HIV production in freshly infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells by up to 50% (P < 0.05). Interruption of p38 MAPK activity represents a viable target for inhibition of HIV.
The use of Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MLV)-based vectors to deliver therapeutic genes into target cells is limited by their inability to transduce nondividing cells. To test the capacity of HIV-based vectors to deliver genes into nondividing cells, we have generated replication-defective HIV type 1 (HIV-1) reporter vectors carrying neomycin phosphotransferase or mouse heat stable antigen, replacing the HIV-1 sequences encoding gp160. These vectors also harbor inactive vpr, vpu, and nef coding regions. Pseudotyped HIV-1 particles carrying either the ecotropic or the amphotropic Mo-MLV envelope proteins or the vesicular stomatitis virus G protein were released after single or double transfections of either human 293T or monkey COS-7 cells with titers of up to 107 colony-forming units per milliliter. A simple ultrafiltration procedure resulted in an additional 10- to 20-fold concentration of the pseudotyped particles. These vectors along with Mo-MLV-based vectors were used to transduce primary human skin fibroblasts and human peripheral blood CD34+ cells. The HIV-1 vector system was significantly more efficient than its Mo-MLV-based counterpart in transducing human skin fibroblasts arrested at the G0/G1 stage of the cell cycle by density-dependent inhibition of growth. Human CD34+ cells were transduced efficiently using HIV-1 pseudotype particles without prior stimulation with cytokines.
In the present study, we have determined the kinetics of constitutive expression of a panel of cytokines [interleukin (IL) 2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)] in sequential peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples from nine individuals with primary human immunodeficiency virus infection. Expression of IL-2 and IL-4 was barely detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. However, substantial levels of IL-2 expression were found in mononuclear cells isolated from lymph node. Expression of IL-6 was detected in only three of nine patients, and IL-6 expression was observed when transition from the acute to the chronic phase had already occurred. Expression of IL-10 and TNF-alpha was consistently observed in all patients tested, and levels of both cytokines were either stable or progressively increased over time. Similar to IL-10 and TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma expression was detected in all patients; however, in five of nine patients, IFN-gamma expression peaked very early during primary infection. The early peak in IFN-gamma expression coincided with oligoclonal expansions of CD8+ T cells in five of six patients, and CD8+ T cells mostly accounted for the expression of this cytokine. These results indicate that high levels of expression of proinflammatory cytokines are associated with primary infection and that the cytokine response during this phase of infection is strongly influenced by oligoclonal expansions of CD8+ T cells.
Two chemokine (chemoattractant cytokines) beta peptides, macrophage inflammatory proteins 1 alpha and 1 beta (MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta), were induced in human monocyte cultures following infection with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Induction depended on productive viral infection: not only did the kinetics of MIP-1 peptide induction closely follow those of viral replication, but monocyte cultures inoculated with heat-inactivated virus or infected in the presence of AZT failed to produce these chemokine beta peptides. In addition, HIV infection markedly altered the pattern of beta chemokine expression elicited by tumor necrosis factor (TNF), itself a potent proinflammatory cytokine upregulated during the development of AIDS. Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR and RT-in situ PCR studies on brain tissue from patients with AIDS dementia demonstrated elevated MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta mRNA expression relative to comparable samples from HIV-1-infected patients without dementia. Cells expressing chemokines in HIV-1-infected brains were identified morphologically as microglia and astrocytes. As MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta are potent chemoattractants for both monocytes and specific subpopulations of lymphocytes, this dysregulation of beta chemokine expression may influence the trafficking of leukocytes during HIV infection. These data, taken together, suggest a mechanism by which HIV-1-infected monocytes might recruit uninfected T cells and monocytes to sites of active viral replication or inflammation, notably the brain and lymph nodes.
Extracellular human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Tat protein promotes growth of spindle cells derived from AIDS-associated Kaposi sarcoma (AIDS-KS), an angioproliferative disease very frequent in HIV-1-infected individuals. Normal vascular cells, progenitors of AIDS-KS cells, proliferate in response to Tat after exposure to inflammatory cytokines, whose levels are augmented in HIV-1-infected individuals and in KS lesions. Here we show that Tat also promotes AIDS-KS and normal vascular cells to migrate and to degrade the basement membrane and stimulates endothelial cell morphogenesis on a matrix substrate. These effects are obtained at picomolar concentrations of exogenous Tat and are promoted by the treatment of the cells with the same inflammatory cytokines stimulating expression of the receptors for Tat, the integrins alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha v beta 3. Thus, under specific circumstances, Tat has angiogenic properties. As Tat and its receptors are present in AIDS-KS lesions, these data may explain some of the mechanisms by which Tat can induce angiogenesis and cooperate in the development of AIDS-KS.