19 resultados para tuotantoprosessi
Diplomityössä tutkitaan tuotannonohjausmuodon vaihtamista tilausohjautuvasta varasto-ohjautuvaan. Tavoitteena on löytää kohdeyritykselle kustannustehokkain vaihtoehto tuotannonohjaukseen. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan yrityksen tuotantoprosessi nykytila-analyysilla toiminnan tehokkuuden arvioimiseksi ja tuotannon pullonkaulojen löytämiseksi. Asiakastilauksen kytkentäpisteet ja taloudelliset tuotantoeräkoot määritellään yrityksen valmistamille tuotteille. Työn tuloksissa käydään tuotannon tunnuslukujen avulla läpi tuotannon tehokkuuden kehittymistä projektin aikana. Varasto-ohjautuva tuotannonohjausmuoto osoittautui kannattavimmaksi ohjausmuodoksi tarkasteltavana ajankohtana. Toimitusvarmuus ja kapasiteetin käyttöaste parantuivat ohjausmuodon vaihtamisen myötä. Asetuskustannuksia saatiin vähennettyä ja tuotantoprosessia kehitettyä. Tuotannon läpimenoaikojen lyhennyttyä tilausohjautuvuutta tulee tarkastella uudestaan.
Iron ore treatment processes are usually continuous and high tonnage and filtration equipment has to meet these requirements. In magnetite (Fe3O4) treatment process continuous rotary disc filters are often used for filtration. Carbon dioxide (CO2) treatment is a fairly novel and un-known filtration enhancing process. The interest to use CO2 is quite high because CO2 is a greenhouse gas that is abundant, readily available and capture and use of CO2 would be environmentally beneficial. The focus of this thesis was to investigate if CO2 could be used to enhance the filtration of magnetite with ceramic disc filter. Previous studies have suggested that CO2 could be used to enhance the filtration properties of different iron ores thus increasing the filtration capacity. In the literature part, the basic theory of filtration and the particle properties affecting filtration were discussed. The basic steps of a typical ore treatment process were presented. The reasons why CO2 might enhance the filtration properties of different ores were investigated. A literature survey of earlier studies of CO2 addition as a filter aid was presented and the basic chemical properties and reactions of CO2 were also discussed. The experimental part was done at the LUT Laboratory of Separation Technology using different magnetite samples from the industry. The filtration experiments indicated that CO2 had a positive influence on the filtration properties of magnetite slurry. Zeta potential of untreated and CO2 treated magnetite was measured and CO2 treated magnetite had lower zeta potential values than the untreated magnetite. The filtration capacity was increased while the cake moisture levels were only slightly increased.
A method to synthesize ethyl β-ᴅ-glucopyranoside (BEG) was searched. Feasibility of different ion exchange resins was examined to purify the product from the synthetic binary solution of BEG and glucose. The target was to produce at least 50 grams of 99 % pure BEG with a scaled up process. Another target was to transfer the batch process into steady-state recycle chromatography process (SSR). BEG was synthesized enzymatically with reverse hydrolysis utilizing β-glucosidase as a catalyst. 65 % of glucose reacted with ethanol into BEG during the synthesis. Different ion exchanger based resins were examined to separate BEG from glucose. Based on batch chromatography experiments the best adsorbent was chosen between styrene based strong acid cation exchange resins (SAC) and acryl based weak acid cation exchange resins (WAC). CA10GC WAC resin in Na+ form was chosen for the further separation studies. To produce greater amounts of the product the batch process was scaled up. The adsorption isotherms for the components were linear. The target purity was possible to reach already in batch without recycle with flowrate and injection size small enough. 99 % pure product was produced with scaled-up batch process. Batch process was transferred to SSR process utilizing the data from design pulse chromatograms and Matlab simulations. The optimal operating conditions for the system were determined. Batch and SSR separation results were compared and by using SSR 98 % pure products were gained with 40 % higher productivity and 40 % lower eluent consumption compared to batch process producing as pure products.