263 resultados para trattare, tumori, calore


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Questa tesi tratta lo sviluppo di un software in grado di simulare le dinamiche tra fluidi e oggetti considerando la propagazione del calore in vista di possibili applicazioni rivolte ad ambienti in cui lo stato termico del sistema e' critico (data center).


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Background: MPLC represents a diagnostic challenge. Topic of the discussion is how to distinguish these patients as a metastatic or a multifocal disease. While in case of the different histology there are less doubt on the opposite in case of same histology is mandatory to investigate on other clinical features to rule out this question. Matherials and Methods: A retrospective review identified all patients treated surgically for a presumed diagnosis of SPLC. Pre-operative staging was obtained with Total CT scan and fluoro-deoxy positron emission tomography and mediastinoscopy. Patients with nodes interest or extra-thoracic location were excluded from this study. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression with complete immunohistochemical analisis was evaluated. Survival was estimated using Kaplan-Meyer method, and clinical features were estimated using a long-rank test or Cox proportional hazards model for categorical and continuous variable, respectively. Results: According to American College Chest Physician, 18 patients underwent to surgical resection for a diagnosis of MPLC. Of these, 8 patients had 3 or more nodules while 10 patients had less than 3 nodules. Pathologic examination demonstrated that 13/18(70%) of patients with multiple histological types was Adenocarcinoma, 2/18(10%) Squamous carcinoma, 2/18(10%) large cell carcinoma and 1/18(5%) Adenosquamosu carcinoma. Expression of EGFR has been evaluated in all nodules: in 7 patients of 18 (38%) the percentage of expression of each nodule resulted different. Conclusions: MPLC represent a multifocal disease where interactions of clinical informations with biological studies reinforce the diagnosis. EGFR could contribute to differentiate the nodules. However, further researches are necessary to validate this hypothesis.


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Background: Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and circulating free plasma DNA (FPDNA) have been proposed as biomarkers predictive of outcome and response to therapy in solid tumors. We investigated the multiple associations of the presence of CTC and the levels of FPDNA with the outcome and/or the response to chemotherapy in patients with localized breast cancer (LBC), metastatic breast cancer (MBC) and advanced ovarian cancer (AOC). Experimental Design: Blood samples were collected before (baseline), during and after therapy in 40 LBC and 50 AOC patients treated with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. In 20 MBC patients blood was sampled at baseline and every each cycle of adjuvant chemotherapy. Real time PCR was applied to quantify FPDNA using the Quantifiler Human Quantification kit and CTCs through the detection of tumor-cell specific mRNA levels with or without epithelial enrichment. Results: At baseline CTCs were detected in 90% MBC, 42.5% LBC and 33% AOC patients respectively. The presence of baseline CTC was significantly associated with shorter overall survival (OS) in MBC and AOC patients, and shorter progression free survival (PFS) in LBC patients. Presence of CTCs at the end of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy was detected in 42% LBC and 18% AOC patients and was associated with shorter PFS and OS only in LBC. Increased FPDNA levels at baseline were found in 65% MBC, 17.5% LBC and 76% AOC patients but never related to OS. Baseline FPDNA high levels were associated with shorter PFS only in LBC patients. High FPDNA levels after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy were detected in 57% LBC and 48% AOC patients. Increased FPDNA after neo-adjuvant was associated with response to therapy and shorter PFS in AOC patients. Conclusions: Detection of CTCs may represent a prognostic and predictive biomarker in LBC, MBC and AOC. Quantification of FPDNA could be useful for monitoring response to therapy in AOC patients.


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Oral cavity cancers (OSCC) are among the most malignances worldwide. OSCC tipically affects men in their IV or V dedade of life, and the most relevant risk factors are tobacco and alcohol consumption. OSCCs generally exhibit poor prognosis, and late stage identification correlates with higher mortality rates. Basic prognostic factors, are tumor size and presence of lymph node and/or distance metastases (T classification, N, M). However, tumors with the same TNM grade and similar morphology may have completely different evolution, because of their intrinsic biological characteristics. For these reasons, the identification of new molecular markers with a predictive value, could represent useful tools in OSCC prevention, prognosis and treatment. In the first part of my PhD project I evaluated the loss of heterozygosity as a possible cause of deregulation of well-known tumor suppressors genes. Obtained data put on light the importance of this rearrangement and genes PDCD4, CTNB1, CASP4 and HSP23, in the onset and progression of OSCC. Subsequently, the analysis of the expression profile of miRNAs, led to the identification of some miRNAs that seems to be involved in cancer development and metastatic progression. In both cases, we need further investigations to understand whether these molecules may be used ideal markers in OSCC diagnosis and treatment.


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Background: The recent increasing incidence of intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinoma (ICC) in cirrhosis increased the problem of noninvasive differential diagnosis between ICC and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in cirrhosis. In literature there isn’t data about treatment and prognosis of ICC in cirrhosis. Aim: To investigate the role of the different imaging techniques in the diagnosis of ICC in cirrhosis; to analyze treatments and prognosis with particular attention to factors associated with survival. Methods: The data of 30 cirrhotic patients with ICC were retrospectively collected; patients were referred to Liver Units (S.Orsola-Malpighi and S.Matteo Hospitals) between 2005 and 2011. The results of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) were evaluated; the enhancement pattern at different imaging techniques were analysed, with particular attention to misdiagnosis of HCC. We evaluated the different treatments and survival of the study group and then we performed the survival analysis of different clinico-pathologic factors. Results: Twenty-five patients underwent CEUS, 27 CT and 10 MR. In 3 cases (12%) CEUS misdiagnosed ICC for HCC, in 7 cases (26%) CT misdiagnosed ICC and in 1 case (10%) MR misdiagnosed ICC. Patient were followed for a mean of 30 months (range:4-86), with a mean survival of 30 months. Twenty-four out of 30 patients were treated with curative approach, while the other 6 underwent TACE (n=4), radioembolization (n=1) or systemic treatment with Gemcitabine (n=1). The univariate analysis revealed that CA19-9 levels, surveillance program and nodule size were significantly related with survival. By multivariate analysis only nodule size £ 40mm was significant (p=0,004). Conclusion: Diagnosis of ICC in cirrhosis remains difficult because there isn’t a typical enhancement pattern and in some cases it cannot be distinguished from HCC by the different imaging techniques. The study of survival related factors shows that nodule size ≤ 40mm is correlated with improved survival.


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La riduzione dei consumi energetici è una problematica che riguarda appieno il campo dell'autotrazione, a fronte delle misure sempre più stringenti per il taglio delle emissioni di anidride carbonica. A tal scopo, il recupero di energia dai gas di scarico tramite ciclo Rankine appare la soluzione più vantaggiosa, a fronte di onerosità e complessità affrontabili nel breve periodo. L'obiettivo della presente tesi di laurea è lo sviluppo di metodologie per la simulazione di scambiatori di calore bifase per un sistema a ciclo Rankine, utilizzato per il recupero di energia in un'autovettura. Lo svolgimento di test per la validazione dei modelli utilizzati, è risultato fondamentale al fine di ottenere il setup idoneo per la simulazione termofluidodinamica del componente oggetto di studio.


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I virus tumorali inducono oncogenesi nel loro ospite naturale o in sistemi animali sperimentali, manipolando diverse vie cellulari. Ad oggi, sono stati identificati sette virus capaci di causare specifici tumori umani. Inoltre HPV, JCV ed SV40, sono stati associati con un grande numero di tumori umani in sedi corporee non convenzionali, ma, nonostante molti anni di ricerca, nessuna eziologia virale è stata ancora confermata. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato di valutare la presenza ed il significato sia di JCV ed SV40 in tumori ossei umani, e di HPV nel carcinoma della mammella (BC), galattoforectomie (GF), secrezioni mammarie patologiche (ND) e glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Tecniche di biologia molecolare sono state impiegate per esaminare campioni di tessuto tumorale di 70 tumori ossei (20 osteosarcomi [OS], 20 tumori a cellule giganti [TCG], 30 condrosarcomi [CS]), 168 BCs , 30 GFs, 59 GBM e 30 campioni di ND. Il genoma di SV40 e JCV è stato trovato nel 70% dei CS + 20% degli OS, e nel 13% dei CS +10% dei TCG, rispettivamente. Il DNA di HPV è stato rilevato nel 30% dei pazienti con BC, nel 27% dei campioni GF e nel 13% dei NDs. HPV16 è stato il genotipo maggiormente osservato in tutti questi campioni, seguito da HPV18 e HPV35. Inoltre, il DNA di HPV è stato trovato nel 22% dei pazienti con GBM, in questo tumore HPV6 era il tipo più frequentemente rilevato, seguito da HPV16. L’ ISH ha mostrato che il DNA di HPV è situato all’interno di cellule tumorali mammarie e di GBM. I nostri risultati suggeriscono un possibile ruolo di JCV, SV40 e HPV in questi tumori, se non come induttori come promotori del processo neoplastico, tuttavia diversi criteri devono ancora essere soddisfatti prima di chiarirne il ruolo.


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All'interno della tesi si tratta il modello del calore, di cui si trova una rappresentazione integrale della soluzione fondamentale e da questa, attraverso la seconda identità di Green, vengono ricavate le formule di media superficiali e di volume sugli insiemi di livello su cui è definita la soluzione fondamentale.


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Progettazione pompa di calore a CO2.