989 resultados para trapping


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Movement of tephritid flies underpins their survival, reproduction, and ability to establish in new areas and is thus of importance when designing effective management strategies. Much of the knowledge currently available on tephritid movement throughout landscapes comes from the use of direct or indirect methods that rely on the trapping of individuals. Here, we review published experimental designs and methods from mark-release-recapture (MRR) studies, as well as other methods, that have been used to estimate movement of the four major tephritid pest genera (Bactrocera, Ceratitis, Anastrepha, and Rhagoletis). In doing so, we aim to illustrate the theoretical and practical considerations needed to study tephritid movement. MRR studies make use of traps to directly estimate the distance that tephritid species can move within a generation and to evaluate the ecological and physiological factors that influence dispersal patterns. MRR studies, however, require careful planning to ensure that the results obtained are not biased by the methods employed, including marking methods, trap properties, trap spacing, and spatial extent of the trapping array. Despite these obstacles, MRR remains a powerful tool for determining tephritid movement, with data particularly required for understudied species that affect developing countries. To ensure that future MRR studies are successful, we suggest that site selection be carefully considered and sufficient resources be allocated to achieve optimal spacing and placement of traps in line with the stated aims of each study. An alternative to MRR is to make use of indirect methods for determining movement, or more correctly, gene flow, which have become widely available with the development of molecular tools. Key to these methods is the trapping and sequencing of a suitable number of individuals to represent the genetic diversity of the sampled population and investigate population structuring using nuclear genomic markers or non-recombinant mitochondrial DNA markers. Microsatellites are currently the preferred marker for detecting recent population displacement and provide genetic information that may be used in assignment tests for the direct determination of contemporary movement. Neither MRR nor molecular methods, however, are able to monitor fine-scale movements of individual flies. Recent developments in the miniaturization of electronics offer the tantalising possibility to track individual movements of insects using harmonic radar. Computer vision and radio frequency identification tags may also permit the tracking of fine-scale movements by tephritid flies by automated resampling, although these methods come with the same problems as traditional traps used in MRR studies. Although all methods described in this chapter have limitations, a better understanding of tephritid movement far outweighs the drawbacks of the individual methods because of the need for this information to manage tephritid populations.


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The effectiveness of any trapping system is highly dependent on the ability to accurately identify the specimens collected. For many fruit fly species, accurate identification (= diagnostics) using morphological or molecular techniques is relatively straightforward and poses few technical challenges. However, nearly all genera of pest tephritids also contain groups of species where single, stand-alone tools are not sufficient for accurate identification: such groups include the Bactrocera dorsalis complex, the Anastrepha fraterculus complex and the Ceratitis FAR complex. Misidentification of high-impact species from such groups can have dramatic consequences and negate the benefits of an otherwise effective trapping program. To help prevent such problems, this chapter defines what is meant by a species complex and describes in detail how the correct identification of species within a complex requires the use of an integrative taxonomic approach. Integrative taxonomy uses multiple, independent lines of evidence to delimit species boundaries, and the underpinnings of this approach from both the theoretical speciation literature and the systematics/taxonomy literature are described. The strength of the integrative approach lies in the explicit testing of hypotheses and the use of multiple, independent species delimitation tools. A case is made for a core set of species delimitation tools (pre- and post-zygotic compatibility tests, multi-locus phylogenetic analysis, chemoecological studies, and morphometric and geometric morphometric analyses) to be adopted as standards by tephritologists aiming to resolve economically important species complexes. In discussing the integrative approach, emphasis is placed on the subtle but important differences between integrative and iterative taxonomy. The chapter finishes with a case study that illustrates how iterative taxonomy applied to the B. dorsalis species complex led to incorrect taxonomic conclusions, which has had major implications for quarantine, trade, and horticultural pest management. In contrast, an integrative approach to the problem has resolved species limits in this taxonomically difficult group, meaning that robust diagnostics are now available.


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We discovered a significant bias for wild dog scent station spoor (scats and scratches) to be positioned on the north-easterly side of roads and intersections. Counts of this spoor, 50 metres in each direction of north-south and east-west intersections were made in state forests near Roma in southwest Queensland, Cecil Plains on the Darling Downs and Maryborough on the coast during mating season in April/May 2007. While 51% of 190 and 83% of 120 scent station spoor were located on the north-eastern sector of the intersections at Cecil Plains and Roma respectively, spoor were more evenly distributed across all four sectors at Maryborough (n=47).


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Large numbers of Sagmariasus verreauxi are trapped and hand collected in Australia, but discarded due to size and quota restrictions, and under the unevaluated assumption of few impacts. To test the validity of enforced discarding, trapped and hand-collected S. verreauxi (49-143. mm carapace length - CL) were examined for external damage, placed into cages, transferred to aquaria and monitored (with controls) over three months. Haemolymph was non-repetitively sampled immediately and at one, three, and seven days to quantify stress. Most trapped (64%) and hand-collected (79%) specimens were undersized (<104. mm CL), with the latter method yielding broader ranges of sizes and moult stages. Within-trap Octopus tetricus predation caused the only mortalities (3.3%). Hand collection resulted in much greater antennae and pereopod loss than trapping (53 vs. 4%) but, compared to controls, both methods evoked benign physiological responses that resolved within a week. While most wounded S. verreauxi regenerated all or some missing appendages post-moult, their mean CLs were less than those from intact conspecifics. Simple strategies, including larger mesh sizes, and/or installing modifications to reduce bycatch in traps, careful hand collection, and appropriate release techniques might minimise impacts (including predation) to unwanted S. verreauxi, and help to control stock exploitation. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The comparative trapping efficiency of indium in aluminium solid solution during vapour deposition and rapid solidification at room temperature was evaluated by studying the nature of the decomposition of the metastable solid solution. A spinodal decomposition was observed in the case of rapid solidification while vapour deposited foils decompose by a nucleation and growth type of process. From this we conclude that rapid solidification effects a more efficient non-equilibrium trapping of indium in aluminium solid solution compared to vapour deposition at room temperature.


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ObjectivesTo compare the sensitivity of inspections of cattle herds and adult fly trapping for detection of the Old World screw-worm fly (OWS). ProceduresThe incidence of myiases on animals and the number of OWS trapped with LuciTrap (R)/Bezzilure were measured concurrently on cattle farms on Sumba Island (Indonesia) and in peninsular Malaysia (two separate periods for the latter). The numbers of animal inspections and traps required to achieve OWS detection at the prevalent fly densities were calculated. ResultsOn Sumba Island, with low-density OWS populations, the sensitivity of herd inspections and of trapping for OWS detection was 0.30 and 0.85, respectively. For 95% confidence of detecting OWS, either 45 inspections of 74 animals or trapping with 5 sets of 4 LuciTraps for 14 days are required. In Malaysia, at higher OWS density, herd inspections of 600 animals (twice weekly, period 1) or 1600 animals (weekly, period 2) always detected myiases (sensitivity = 1), while trapping had sensitivities of 0.89 and 0.64 during periods 1 and 2, respectively. For OWS detection with 95% confidence, fewer than 600 and 1600 animals or 2 and 6 LuciTraps are required in periods 1 and 2, respectively. ConclusionsInspections of cattle herds and trapping with LuciTrap and Bezzilure can detect OWS populations. As a preliminary guide for OWS detection in Australia, the numbers of animals and traps derived from the Sumba Island trial should be used because the prevailing conditions better match those of northern Australia.


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Tropical forest ruminants disperse several plants; yet, their effectiveness as seed dispersers is not systematically quantified. Information on frequency and extent of frugivory by ruminants is lacking. Techniques such as tree watches or fruit traps adapted from avian frugivore studies are not suitable to study terrestrial frugivores, and conventional camera traps provide little quantitative information. We used a novel time-delay camera-trap technique to assess the effectiveness of ruminants as seed dispersers for Phyllanthus emblica at Mudumalai, southern India. After being triggered by animal movement, cameras were programmed to take pictures every 2 min for the next 6 min, yielding a sequence of four pictures. Actual frugivores were differentiated from mere visitors, who did not consume fruit, by comparing the number of fruit remaining across the time-delay photograph sequence. During a 2-year study using this technique, we found that six terrestrial mammals consumed fallen P. emblica fruit. Additionally, seven mammals and one bird species visited fruiting trees but did not consume fallen fruit. Two ruminants, the Indian chevrotain Moschiola indica and chital Axis axis, were P. emblica's most frequent frugivores and they accounted for over 95% of fruit removal, while murid rodents accounted for less than 1%. Plants like P. emblica that are dispersed mainly by large mammalian frugivores are likely to have limited ability to migrate across fragmented landscapes in response to rapidly changing climates. We hope that more quantitative information on ruminant frugivory will become available with a wider application of our time-delay camera-trap technique.


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We report magnetic trapping of Yb in the excited P-3(2) state. This state, with a lifetime of 15 s, could play an important role in studies ranging from optical clocks and quantum computation to the search for a permanent electric dipole moment. Yb atoms are first cooled and trapped in the ground state in a 399-nm magneto-optic trap. The cold atoms are then pumped into the excited state by driving the S-1(0) -> P-3(1) -> S-3(1) transition. Atoms in the P-3(2) state are magnetically trapped in a spherical quadrupole field with an axial gradient of 110 G/cm. We trap up to 10(6) atoms with a lifetime of 1.5 s.


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The role of cobalt centers in promoting the recombination and trapping processes in n-type germanium has been investigated. Data on lifetime measurements carried out by the steadystate photoconductivity and photo-magneto-electric methods in the temperature range 145 to 300°K on n-type germanium samples containing cobalt in the concentration range 1·1013 to 5.·014/cm3 are presented. The results are analysed on the basis of Sah-Shockley's multi-level formula to yield the capture cross-sections Sp= (hole capture cross-section at doubly negatively charged center) and Sn-(electron capture cross-section at singly negatively charged center) and temperature dependence. It is found that Sp= is (22 ± 6). 10-16 cm2 and Sn- is ∼ 0·1. 10-16 cm2 at 145°K. Sp= varies (n = 3·5 to 4·5) in the range 145-220°K; above 225°K the index 'n' tends to a smaller value. Sn- is practically temperature independent below 180°K and increases with increase of temperature above 180°K. The value of Sp= and its temperature variation lead one to the conclusion that during capture at attractive centers, the phonon cascade mechanism is responsible for the dissipation of the recombination energy.


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Individual carbon nanotubes being substantially smaller than the wavelength of light, are not much responsive to optical manipulation. Here we demonstrate how decorating single-walled carbon nanotubes with palladium particles makes optical trapping and manipulation easier. Palladium decorated nanotubes (Pd/SWNTs) have higher effective dielectric constant and are trapped at much lower laser power level with greater ease. In addition, we report the transportation of Pd/SWNTs using an asymmetric line trap. Using this method carbon nanotubes can be transported in any desired direction with high transportation speed. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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Norbornadiene and 1,2-bismethoxycarbonylcyclobutadiene furnish a novel heptacyclic system 3(whose X-ray crystal structure has been determined)and an annulated pterodactylane derivative 4 in a single step.


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A mechanism involving the intermediacy of nitrene 5, formed from the oxime of spironaphthalenone 1 by acid catalysed dehydration, has been proposed to explain the formation of pyrrolotropones/pyrrolo esters from spironaphthalenones. The initially formed nitrene rearranges to the isopyrrole 6, which either undergoes sigmatropic migration to the pyrrolotropone 2 or adds alcohol to form the pyrrolo ester depending on substitution at 1′ position. The isopyrrole intermediate 6 has been trapped as a Diels-Alder adduct 8.


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In the theoretical treatments of the dynamics of solvation of a newly created ion in a dipolar solvent, the self-motion of the solute is usually ignored. Recently, it has been shown that for a light ion the translational motion of the ion can significantly enhance its own rate of solvation. Therefore, solvation itself may not be the rate determining step in the equilibration. Instead, the rate determining step is the search of the low energy configuration which serves to localize the light ion. In this article a microscopic calculation of the probability distribution of the interaction energy of the nascent charge with the dipolar solvent molecules is presented in order to address this problem of solute trapping. It is found that to a good approximation, this distribution is Gaussian and the second moment of this distribution is exactly equal to the half of its own solvation energy. It is shown that this is in excellent agreement with the simulation results that are available for the model Brownian dipolar lattice and for liquid acetonitrile. If the distortion of the solvent by the ion is negligible then the same relation gives the energy distribution for the solvated ion, with the average centered at the final equilibrium solvation energy. These results are expected to be useful in understanding various chemical processes in dipolar liquids. Another interesting outcome of the present study is a simple dynamic argument that supports Onsager's ''inverse snow-ball'' conjecture of solvation of a light ion. A simple derivation of the semi-phenomenological relation between the solvation time correlation function and the single particle orientation, reported recently by Maroncelli et al. (J. Phys. Chem. 97 (1993) 13), is also presented.


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Investigations of two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) have been achieved with two model experimental systems, covering two distinct, non-overlapping regimes of the 2DES phase diagram, namely the quantum liquid phase in semiconducting heterostructures and the classical phases observed in electrons confined above the surface of liquid helium. Multielectron bubbles in liquid helium offer an exciting possibility to bridge this gap in the phase diagram, as well as to study the properties of electrons on curved flexible surfaces. However, this approach has been limited because all experimental studies have so far been transient in nature. Here we demonstrate that it is possible to trap and manipulate multielectron bubbles in a conventional Paul trap for several hundreds of milliseconds, enabling reliable measurements of their physical properties and thereby gaining valuable insight to various aspects of curved 2DES that were previously unexplored.


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We observe coherent population trapping (CPT) in a two-electron atom-Yb-174-using the S-1(0), F= 0 -> P-3(1), F `= 1 transition. CPT is not possible for such a transition according to one-electron theory because the magnetic sublevels form a V-type system, but in a two-electron atom like Yb, the interaction of the electrons transforms the level structure into a V-type system, which allows the formation of a dark state and hence the observation of CPT. Since the two levels involved are degenerate, we use a magnetic field to lift the degeneracy. The single fluorescence dip then splits into five dips-the central unshifted one corresponds to coherent population oscillation, while the outer four are due to CPT. The linewidth of the CPT resonance is about 300 kHz and is limited by the natural linewidth of the excited state, which is to be expected because the excited state is involved in the formation of the dark state.