42 resultados para transsexual


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A Gendered Profession, RIBA Publications, Oct 2016

For a profession that claims to be so concerned with the needs of society, the continuing gender imbalance in architectural education and practice is a difficult subject. Difficult, because it’s been stagnant for some thirty years. This book seeks to change that.
Beyond the profession, the emergence of fourth wave feminism has broken a twenty-year drought in the discourse[1]. A new generation of feminist critique is emerging, characterised by a broader civic commitment, one fuelled by the recognition that time and again, women and minorities have been the first casualties of neo-liberalism.
Whereas after World War II the architectural profession rallied around its obligation to fulfil a social need, today architecture has all but capitulated its absolute servitude to capitalism. Recognising that feminist thinking is a meaningful response to the inequalities of capitalism, A Gendered Profession will be a forum for a discussion about the failure of our profession – one that is so explicitly concerned with the design of inclusive environments – to resolve its own inequalities. Contributions have been sought and responses elicited from all corners of the discipline to propose strategies, attitudes and solutions to this crisis in representation.
At stake is more than just the lack of female representation. Male architects suffer from the same ingrained mechanisms of gender stereotyping, obliged to place professional commitments above those to their family and children. And while three quarters of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual architects report being comfortable about being open about their sexuality in the workplace, that number drops to just sixteen per cent when on the building site.
A Gendered Profession will aim to perform a diagnostic check of the architecture profession from one end of the spectrum to the other. Whereas much has been written on feminism and architecture, the majority is produced exclusively by women. A Gendered Profession has worked hard towards gender parity in both its contributions and editorial structure and therefore does not limit its understanding of gender to an either/or analogue. The chapters featured in the book are written by artists, academics, practitioners and students.
Through its diverse authorship, this book will provide the first ever attempt to move the debate beyond the tradition of gender-partitioned diagnostic or merely critical discourse on the gender and wider inclusivity debate towards something more propositional, actionable and transformative.


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La transsexualité et son image représentent pour plusieurs une subversion ou une transgression de la binarité du genre. L’image de la transsexualité est souvent considérée en termes de représentation. Afin de questionner cette image transsexuelle, sa subversivité, sa transgressivité et même sa représentabilité, on tentera de la regarder autrement. Ce mémoire propose d'étudier l'image audiovisuelle de la transsexualité comme figure. Pour définir la figure, on la distinguera d'un autre concept esthétique : la représentation. Par l'analyse d'un film, Transamerica (2005), réalisé par Duncan Tucker, on verra comment certaines modalités donnent à voir la figure trans. Suite à cette analyse de la figure au cinéma, on rendra compte de la manière avec laquelle on a poursuivi, au moyen de la vidéo, la recherche qui concerne la question de la figure trans.


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Étude de cas / Case study


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Avec ce mémoire, j’ai souhaité cerner ce qui serait le propre d’une conversion, soit ce que j’ai appelé un processus de trans-formation. Avec ce concept original, j’ai voulu orienter le regard de l’observateur vers les points de basculement de l’intimité à la publicité qui caractérisent les conversions. Pour ce faire, il m’est apparu fertile de mobiliser et de réhabiliter l’étude des valeurs, un thème classique en sociologie. Des valeurs portées par des individus aux valeurs publiques, la notion de « valeur » recèle le potentiel heuristique nécessaire pour étudier les conversions à différentes échelles d’analyse et par-delà des qualifications a priori religieuses, politiques, sexuelles, etc. Avec cette perspective théorique pragmatique inspirée par Dewey et articulée à la sensibilité aux positions sociales des cultural studies, je me suis donné les moyens d’analyser la façon dont change au cours d’une vie ce à quoi les gens tiennent. Cette représentation dynamique de la conversion vient ajouter des éléments de compréhension à un phénomène trop souvent appréhendé à la lumière de « lectures préférées » modernes et coloniales qui demandaient à être subverties pour redonner place à l’exercice de l’imagination sociologique. Les apports du concept de trans-formation sont illustrés à partir de la comparaison de quatre études de cas individuels : Paul Claudel, un écrivain converti au catholicisme ; Michelle Blanc, une transsexuelle québécoise ; Joe Loya, un Mexican American qui modifie ses conceptions du bien et du mal en isolement carcéral ; et Mlle Pigut qui est devenue « vegan ».


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La recherche portera sur la montée des vidéos de gay bashing depuis 2013. Par vidéo de gay bashing, nous entendons des vidéos documentant l’abus physique ou verbal d’individus perçus par les agresseurs comme étant gais, lesbiennes, bisexuels, transgenres ou queer, mais nous nous concentrerons spécifiquement sur des vidéos montrant des agressions envers des hommes. Ces vidéos peuvent être enregistrées par les agresseurs eux-mêmes ou par des témoins de la scène. Il s’agira de situer cette montée dans un contexte politique de retour de lois et sentiments anti-LGBT dans les pays d’où proviennent certaines des vidéos étudiées et par rapport aux différentes théories anthropologiques et socio-historiques concernant les sources et motivations derrière les actes de violence homophobe. Le corpus se composera de trois vidéos venant de Russie («Putin’s Crackdown on LGBT Teens un Russia»), de Lybie («Gay torture and violent in Lybia») et des États-Unis («Attack at gay pride event in Detroit»). L’analyse du corpus se fera en trois temps : d’abord l’analyse de la forme et du contenu des vidéos en tant que tels, ensuite, l’analyse de leur circulation et des différents utilisateurs qui distribuent les vidéos en ligne, et, finalement, l’analyse de la réception des vidéos en portant attention aux commentaires des utilisateurs. Il s’agira de montrer comment les vidéos de gay-bashing effectuent une rupture par rapport à une vision de YouTube, et autres médias sociaux, comme libérateurs et comme lieux d’expression de soi (particulièrement pour les membres des communautés LGBT) et les transforment en lieux d’une humiliation triplée par l’enregistrement de l’humiliation physique et sa diffusion sur le web. Il s’agira ensuite de voir comment la circulation et la redistribution de ces vidéos par différents groupes et utilisateurs les instrumentalisent selon différents agendas politiques et idéologiques, pour finalement se questionner, en s’inspirant du triangle de l’humiliation de Donald Klein, sur le rôle ambivalent du témoin (physique ou virtuel) dont la présence est nécessaire pour qu’il y ait humiliation. Finalement, nous nous intéresserons aux vidéos de témoignages de gay-bashing, vidéos faites par les victimes elles-mêmes, racontant leur traumatisme à la caméra, renouant ainsi avec les vidéos de coming out sous la forme de l’aveu et de la spectacularisation du soi. La présente recherche sera également l’occasion de développer des outils théoriques et méthodologiques propres aux nouveaux médias et aux nouvelles formes et contenus qui s’y développent.


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On the twenty-third of May 2015, Ireland became the first country to legalise same-sex marriage by popular vote. This event reversed a large part, if not all, of Ireland’s reputation for a Catholic-led conservatism concerning sexual and gender identities. I argue in this article that we can see a parallel-in-miniature to this momentous shift in something of a reversal of children’s literature’s views in this respect too, and I will concentrate on exploring what is at stake in the ways that childhood, sexual and gender identities are constructed in some recent children’s literature criticism in the light of these shifts. My interest is to consider: what is the ever-burgeoning interest in the gay, queer, cross-dressing, transsexual or transgender child precisely about? I ask this question on the grounds of not assuming that this interest in these identities arises necessarily simply out of a self-evident, progressive, liberatory impulse, and, alongside this, I also do not assume that ‘identities’ are essential, self-organised traits awaiting revelation and liberation.


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In 2004, the Victorian Government enacted legislation allowing people treated for transsexualism to correct the record of their sex on the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages and obtain a new certificate reflecting their contemporaneous circumstances. It was the last of all the States and Territories to do so.

The legislation gave effect to some important changes to the law and was generally couched in terms more sensitive than those already in place in the other jurisdictions. In the view of the author, however, its proponents failed to both understand the import of the expert medical evidence adduced in, and to implement the common law position enunciated by, the Family Court in Re Kevin (validity of marriage of transsexual) [2001] FamCA 1074 and subsequently confirmed on appeal two years later by the Full Court.

The author argues that, while a welcome improvement to the human rights record of successive Victorian Governments, the result is still a largely disappointing piece of legislation. Rather than being truly 'beneficial' to all who need security of their personal identities, it perpetuates some of the very worst discrimination directed at people with transsexualism and their families by continuing to portray them as psychologically deluded rather than physiologically atypical and denying a small number of them their rights on the basis of legal reasoning which is no longer regarded as tenable. She asserts the legislation serves as a clear demonstration that prejudices and misconceptions about transsexualism stilI abound and explains much more is needed if real human rights, acceptance and freedom from discrimination are to be eventually obtained by those affected by the phenomenon.


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À luz do instituído pela Constituição Federal de 1988, os direitos fundamentais passaram a ser vistos sob um novo olhar. Todavia, temas considerados complexos, como o transexualismo, segundo a Classificação Internacional das Doenças (CID 10) considerado “Transtorno de Identidade Sexual”, ainda suscitam maior aprofundamento por parte da sociedade, do poder judiciário e do poderes executivo e legislativo. O Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS passou a permitir a cirurgia de transgenitalização no Brasil, na qual se opera a redesignação de sexo, tendo sido estipulados por lei critérios para a sua realização. Após a cirurgia, surge um problema: o da identidade civil, uma vez que o novo gênero da pessoa operada não se coaduna com o seu registro civil, causando-lhe constrangimento. Não há lei que regule a matéria. A partir desta constatação, o presente estudo se propõe a explorar as decisões judiciais de todos os estados da Federação, por intermédio de pesquisa nos sites dos seus respectivos tribunais, bem como das cortes superiores, buscando os termos “transexual” e “prenome” e utilizando o filtro temporal a partir de 1988, ano da promulgação da Carta Cidadã, até final de 2010. Tendo em vista a falta de lei que normatize a matéria, o escopo primordial consiste na obtenção de uma narrativa de como vêm sendo decididas as demandas na temática ora proposta. A conclusão do trabalho sugere que apesar de não haver um marco normativo estabelecido, o discurso do poder judiciário se utiliza de diversos argumentos de ordem social, psicológica e jurídica, devidamente sistematizados e apreciados, bem como de princípios jurídicos, sendo, nesse caso, o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, previsto na Carta Magna, o mais utilizado.


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Servindo-nos da trajetória de Kátia Tapety - a primeira travesti eleita a cargo político no Brasil - e baseando-nos nos estudos seminais de Peter Fry, esboçaremos algumas reflexões sobre as articulações transitivas dos sistemas de representações sobre a sexualidade no Brasil e as maneiras peculiares como sexualidade e gênero, enquanto poderosos marcadores sociais da diferença, se relacionam na base desses sistemas de representações.


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Considering that our practice is intended to deconstruct stigmas andstereotypes socially produced and institutionalized from normativities ofgender and sexuality, this work proposes a reflection on two issues which hascaused concerns: the secrecy and the ethics in relation to the patients whocome to us. This is because, most of these are LGBTs (lesbian, gay, bisexual,transvestite, transsexual and transgender), and that by being in a situation ofghettoization created by homophobia and resized by inner city context, aresubject to coexist and to relate, what makes be serviced by the same internshipproject or have friends or lovers in this. And, in this configuration, the group isquestioned by ethical dilemmas which imposes on the therapeutic relationship,forcing him to repositioning the respect of aesthetics, this is, the pictureframe setting, the treatment policy, the transference, the ethics and thesecrecy, forcing these concepts to the limit.


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This article approaches the questions about the sexes, genders, desires and sexual standardization practices, starting from the appearance of new sexual identities that can be classified as queer – travesty, transsexual and transgender people. Still, we problematize how the manners of established forms of subjectivity and the hegemonic institutions marginalize such forms of existences, because of the immense difficulty in the encounter with the stranger, the different and the unusual. With those analyses, we are trying to provide the creation of devices to reduce the intensities of the discrimination, of the stigmatization, of the violence, so frequently lived by the people dissident from the heterosexual gender normative, what was reported about their own lived experiences.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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To evaluate the prevalence of prolapse and related bladder, bowel, and sexual problems in transsexual patients (TS) after sex reassignment surgery.