938 resultados para transit operations
We announce the discovery of the transiting planet CoRoT-13b. Ground-based follow-up in CFHT and IAC80 confirmed CoRoT's observations. The mass of the planet was measured with the HARPS spectrograph and the properties of the host star were obtained analyzing HIRES spectra from the Keck telescope. It is a hot Jupiter-like planet with an orbital period of 4.04 days, 1.3 Jupiter masses, 0.9 Jupiter radii, and a density of 2.34 g cm(-3). It orbits a G0V star with T(eff) = 5 945 K, M(*) = 1.09 M(circle dot), R(*) = 1.01 R(circle dot), solar metallicity, a lithium content of +1.45 dex, and an estimated age of between 0.12 and 3.15 Gyr. The lithium abundance of the star is consistent with its effective temperature, activity level, and age range derived from the stellar analysis. The density of the planet is extreme for its mass, implies that heavy elements are present with a mass of between about 140 and 300 M(circle plus).
Context. CoRoT is a pioneering space mission devoted to the analysis of stellar variability and the photometric detection of extrasolar planets. Aims. We present the list of planetary transit candidates detected in the first field observed by CoRoT, IRa01, the initial run toward the Galactic anticenter, which lasted for 60 days. Methods. We analysed 3898 sources in the coloured bands and 5974 in the monochromatic band. Instrumental noise and stellar variability were taken into account using detrending tools before applying various transit search algorithms. Results. Fifty sources were classified as planetary transit candidates and the most reliable 40 detections were declared targets for follow-up ground-based observations. Two of these targets have so far been confirmed as planets, CoRoT-1b and CoRoT-4b, for which a complete characterization and specific studies were performed.
A major challenge in successfully implementing transit-oriented development (TOD) is having a robust process that ensures effective appraisal, initiation and delivery of multi-stakeholder TOD projects. A step-by step project development process can assist in the methodic design, evaluation, and initiation of TOD projects. Successful TOD requires attention to transit, mixed-use development and public space. Brisbane, Australia provides a case-study where recent planning policies and infrastructure documents have laid a foundation for TOD, but where barriers lie in precinct level planning and project implementation. In this context and perhaps in others, the research effort needs to shift toward identification of appropriate project processes and strategies. This paper presents the outcomes of research conducted to date. Drawing on the mainstream approach to project development and financial evaluation for property projects, key steps for potential use in successful delivery of TOD projects have been identified, including: establish the framework; location selection; precinct context review; preliminary precinct design; the initial financial viability study; the decision stage; establishment of project structure; land acquisition; development application; and project delivery. The appropriateness of this mainstream development and appraisal process will be tested through stakeholder research, and the proposed process will then be refined for adoption in TOD projects. It is suggested that the criteria for successful TOD should be broadened beyond financial concerns in order to deliver public sector support for project initiation.
Predicted area under curve (AUC), mean transit time (MTT) and normalized variance (CV2) data have been compared for parent compound and generated metabolite following an impulse input into the liver, Models studied were the well-stirred (tank) model, tube model, a distributed tube model, dispersion model (Danckwerts and mixed boundary conditions) and tanks-in-series model. It is well known that discrimination between models for a parent solute is greatest when the parent solute is highly extracted by the liver. With the metabolite, greatest model differences for MTT and CV2 occur when parent solute is poorly extracted. In all cases the predictions of the distributed tube, dispersion, and tasks-in-series models are between the predictions of the rank and tube models. The dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions yields identical predictions to those for the distributed tube model (assuming an inverse gaussian distribution of tube transit times). The dispersion model with Danckwerts boundary conditions and the tanks-in series models give similar predictions to the dispersion (mixed boundary conditions) and the distributed tube. The normalized variance for parent compound is dependent upon hepatocyte permeability only within a distinct range of permeability values. This range is similar for each model but the order of magnitude predicted for normalized variance is model dependent. Only for a one-compartment system is the MIT for generated metabolite equal to the sum of MTTs for the parent compound and preformed metabolite administered as parent.
It is recognized that vascular dispersion in the liver is a determinant of high first-pass extraction of solutes by that organ. Such dispersion is also required for translation of in-vitro microsomal activity into in-vivo predictions of hepatic extraction for any solute. We therefore investigated the relative dispersion of albumin transit times (CV2) in the livers of adult and weanling rats and in elasmobranch livers. The mean and normalized variance of the hepatic transit time distribution of albumin was estimated using parametric non-linear regression (with a correction for catheter influence) after an impulse (bolus) input of labelled albumin into a single-pass liver perfusion. The mean +/- s.e. of CV2 for albumin determined in each of the liver groups were 0.85 +/- 0.20 (n = 12), 1.48 +/- 0.33 (n = 7) and 0.90 +/- 0.18 (n = 4) for the livers of adult and weanling rats and elasmobranch livers, respectively. These CV2 are comparable with that reported previously for the dog and suggest that the CV2 Of the liver is of a similar order of magnitude irrespective of the age and morphological development of the species. It might, therefore, be justified, in the absence of other information, to predict the hepatic clearances and availabilities of highly extracted solutes by scaling within and between species livers using hepatic elimination models such as the dispersion model with a CV2 of approximately unity.
The convection-dispersion model and its extended form have been used to describe solute disposition in organs and to predict hepatic availabilities. A range of empirical transit-time density functions has also been used for a similar purpose. The use of the dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions and transit-time density functions has been queried recently by Hisaka and Sugiyanaa in this journal. We suggest that, consistent with soil science and chemical engineering literature, the mixed boundary conditions are appropriate providing concentrations are defined in terms of flux to ensure continuity at the boundaries and mass balance. It is suggested that the use of the inverse Gaussian or other functions as empirical transit-time densities is independent of any boundary condition consideration. The mixed boundary condition solutions of the convection-dispersion model are the easiest to use when linear kinetics applies. In contrast, the closed conditions are easier to apply in a numerical analysis of nonlinear disposition of solutes in organs. We therefore argue that the use of hepatic elimination models should be based on pragmatic considerations, giving emphasis to using the simplest or easiest solution that will give a sufficiently accurate prediction of hepatic pharmacokinetics for a particular application. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association J Pharm Sci 89:1579-1586, 2000.
Current theoretical thinking about dual processes in recognition relies heavily on the measurement operations embodied within the process dissociation procedure. We critically evaluate the ability of this procedure to support this theoretical enterprise. We show that there are alternative processes that would produce a rough invariance in familiarity (a key prediction of the dual-processing approach) and that the process dissociation procedure does not have the power to differentiate between these alternative possibilities. We also show that attempts to relate parameters estimated by the process dissociation procedure to subjective reports (remember-know judgments) cannot differentiate between alternative dual-processing models and that there are problems with some of the historical evidence and with obtaining converging evidence. Our conclusion is that more specific theories incorporating ideas about representation and process are required.
Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a known parameter that is related to arterial distensibility. However, its potential is hampered by the absence of appropriate techniques to estimate it noninvasively. PWV can be used as an assessment of increased arterial stiffness that is linked to systolic hypertension, excess cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.(1,2)
The dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions uses a single parameter, the dispersion number, to describe the hepatic elimination of xenobiotics and endogenous substances. An implicit a priori assumption of the model is that the transit time density of intravascular indicators is approximated by an inverse Gaussian distribution. This approximation is limited in that the model poorly describes the tail part of the hepatic outflow curves of vascular indicators. A sum of two inverse Gaussian functions is proposed as ail alternative, more flexible empirical model for transit time densities of vascular references. This model suggests that a more accurate description of the tail portion of vascular reference curves yields an elimination rate constant (or intrinsic clearance) which is 40% less than predicted by the dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions. The results emphasize the need to accurately describe outflow curves in using them as a basis for determining pharmacokinetic parameters using hepatic elimination models. (C) 1997 Society for Mathematical Biology.
Aims We have characterized the relative dispersion of vascular and extravascular markers in the limbs of three patients undergoing isolated limb perfusions with the cytotoxic melphalan for recurrent malignant melanoma both before and after melphalan dosing. Methods A bolus of injectate containing [Cr-51] labelled red blood cells, [C-14]-sucrose and [H-3]-water was injected into an iliac or femoral artery and outflow samples collected at 1 s intervals by a fraction collector. The radioactivity due to each isotype was analysed by either gamma [Cr-51] or beta [C-14 and H-3] counting. The moments of the outflow fraction-time profiles were estimated by a nonparametric (numerical integration) method and a parametric model (sum of two inverse Gaussian functions). Results The availability, mean transit time and normalised variance (CV2) obtained for labelled red blood cells, sucrose and water were similar before and after melphalan dosing and with the two methods of calculation but varied between the patients. Conclusions The vascular space is not well-stirred but characterized by a CV2 similar that reported previously for in situ rat hind limb and rat liver perfusions. A flow-limited blood-tissue exchange was observed for the permeating indicators. Administration of melphalan did not influence the distribution characteristics of the indicators.
Spleen removal may be recommended during organ transplantation in ABO-incompatible recipients as well as for hypoperfusion of the grafted liver, besides conventional surgical indications, but elevation of serum lipids has been observed in certain contexts. Aiming to analyze the influence of two dietary regimens on lipid profile, an experimental study was conducted. Methods: Male Wistar rats (n = 86, 333.0 +/- 32.2 g) were divided in four groups: group 1: controls; group 2: sham operation; group 3: total splenectomy; group 4: subtotal splenectomy with upper pole preservation; subgroups A (cholesterol reducing chow) and B (cholesterol-rich mixture) were established, and diet was given during 90 days. Total cholesterol (Tchol), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), and triglycerides were documented. Results: After total splenectomy, hyperlipidemia ensued with cholesterol-reducing chow. Tchol, LDL, VLDL, triglycerides, and HDL changed from 56.4 +/- 9.2, 24.6 +/- 4.7, 9.7 +/- 2.2, 48.6 +/- 11.1, and 22.4 +/- 4.3 mg/dL to 66.9 +/- 11.4, 29.9 +/- 5.9, 10.9 +/- 2.3, 54.3 +/- 11.4, and 26.1 +/- 5.1 mg/dL, respectively. Upper pole preservation inhibited abnormalities of Tchol, HDL, VLDL, and triglycerides, and LDL decreased (23.6 +/- 4.9 vs. 22.1 +/- 5.1, P = 0.002). Higher concentrations were triggered by splenectomy and cholesterol-enriched diet (Tchol 59.4 +/- 10.1 vs. 83.9 +/- 14.3 mg/dL, P = 0.000), and upper-pole preservation diminished without abolishing hyperlipidemia (Tchol 55.9 +/- 10.0 vs. 62.3 +/- 7.8, P = 0.002). Conclusions: After splenectomy, hyperlipidemia occurred with both diets. Preservation of the upper pole tended to correct dyslipidemia in modality A and to attenuate it in subgroup B. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Microsurgery 29:154-160, 2009.
Transanal access is one of many currently used procedures for rectal cancer treatment. The techniques used for local excision include conventional transanal excision, posterior access, therapeutic colonoscopy and transanal endoscopic approaches. The aim of the present study was to present a new surgical proctoscope for the endoscopic transanal excision of rectal lesions. A cylindrical proctoscope with a diameter of 4 cm was devised and built. The end inserted into the anus has a bevelled aspect and rounded borders, allowing correct exposure of the anal lesion. The rectoscope is fixed to the anal border with surgical thread through perforations in the external end. A base screw holds a fibre-light which illuminates the operative field. Part of the equipment is a guide which is positioned inside the rectoscope on insertion into the anus. In operations utilizing this proctoscope, 17 adenomas, 25 adenocarcinomas, 1 carcinoid and 1 endometrioma were excised. The diameter of the lesions varied from 1 to 6 cm. The range of procedures that are possible with this new proctoscope are similar to those achieved with conventional techniques which, however, require more expensive equipment. Hence, the present study demonstrates that this newly devised low-cost proctoscope is an efficient tool for the transanal endoscopic excision of rectal lesions.
Background: Alterations in gastrointestinal tract physiology after gastrectomy may affect appetite and energy balance. Objective: The objective of this study was to examine energy balance, appetite, and gastrointestinal transit in subjects with gastrectomy. Design: Seven subjects with total gastrectomy (TG) and 14 subjects with partial gastrectomy (PG), who were free from signs of recurrent disease, and 10 healthy control subjects were studied. Resting energy expenditure (REE) was measured by indirect calorimetry and compared with REE predicted by the Harris-Benedict equation (mREE/pREE%). Gastrointestinal transit was measured by scintigraphy. Habitual food intake was assessed, and appetite was measured during scintigraphy after ingestion of a test meal (361 kcal). Results: Body mass index was not different among the groups. mREE/pREE% was higher in patients with PG (P < 0.01) than in control subjects. The TG group showed higher energy intake (P < 0.05) than the PG group and control subjects. Gastric emptying was faster in the PG group than in control subjects, and gastrointestinal transit was accelerated in both PG and TG groups. An intense, precocious postprandial fullness and a relatively early recovery of hunger and prospective consumption sensations were seen in these patients. Conclusions: Patients with PG or TG have higher than predicted energy expenditure, which in TG seems to be compensated for by increased energy intake. These patients have preserved postprandial appetite responses and precocious postprandial fullness, which seem to be associated with disturbances in gastrointestinal transit of the ingested meal and are likely to be independent of vagal fiber integrity or stomach-released ghrelin. Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 89: 231-9.