959 resultados para traditional management


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Assessing the spatial variability of soil chemical properties has become an important aspect of soil management strategies with a view to higher crop yields with minimal environmental degradation. This study was carried out at the Centro Experimental of the Instituto Agronomico, in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. The aim was to characterize the spatial variability of chemical properties of a Rhodic Hapludox on a recently bulldozer-cleaned area after over 30 years of coffee cultivation. Soil samples were collected in a 20 x 20 m grid with 36 sampling points across a 1 ha area in the layers 0.0-0.2 and 0.2-0.4 m to measure the following chemical properties: pH, organic matter, K+, P, Ca2+, Mg2+, potential acidity, NH4-N, and NO3-N. Descriptive statistics were applied to assess the central tendency and dispersion moments. Geostatistical methods were applied to evaluate and to model the spatial variability of variables by calculating semivariograms and kriging interpolation. Spatial dependence patterns defined by spherical model adjusted semivariograms were made for all cited soil properties. Moderate to strong degrees of spatial dependence were found between 31 and 60 m. It was still possible to map soil spatial variability properties in the layers 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm after plant removal with bulldozers.


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Cessation of traditional management threatens semi-natural grassland diversity through the colonisation or increase of competitive species adapted to nutrient-poor conditions. Regular mowing is one practice that controls their abundance. This study evaluated the ecophysiological mechanisms limiting short- and long-term recovery after mowing for Festuca paniculata, a competitive grass that takes over subalpine grasslands in the Alps following cessation of mowing. We quantified temporal variations in carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content, starch, fructan and total soluble sugars in leaves, stem bases and roots of F. paniculata during one growth cycle in mown and unmown fields and related them to the dynamics of soil mineral N concentration and soil moisture. Short-term results suggest that the regrowth of F. paniculata following mowing might be N-limited, first because of N dilution by C increments in the plant tissue, and second, due to low soil mineral N and soil moisture at this time of year. However, despite short-term effects of mowing on plant growth, C and N content and concentration at the beginning of the following growing season were not affected. Nevertheless, total biomass accumulation at peak standing biomass was largely reduced compared to unmown fields. Moreover, lower C storage capacity at the end of the growing season impacted C allocation to vegetative reproduction during winter, thereby dramatically limiting the horizontal growth of F. paniculata tussocks in the long term. We conclude that mowing reduces the growth of F. paniculata tussocks through both C and N limitation. Such results will help understanding how plant responses to defoliation regulate competitive interactions within plant communities.


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Cessation of traditional management threatens semi-natural grassland diversity through the colonisation or increase of competitive species adapted to nutrient-poor conditions. Regular mowing is one practice that controls their abundance. This study evaluated the ecophysiological mechanisms limiting short- and long-term recovery after mowing for Festuca paniculata, a competitive grass that takes over subalpine grasslands in the Alps following cessation of mowing. We quantified temporal variations in carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content, starch, fructan and total soluble sugars in leaves, stem bases and roots of F. paniculata during one growth cycle in mown and unmown fields and related them to the dynamics of soil mineral N concentration and soil moisture. Short-term results suggest that the regrowth of F. paniculata following mowing might be N-limited, first because of N dilution by C increments in the plant tissue, and second, due to low soil mineral N and soil moisture at this time of year. However, despite short-term effects of mowing on plant growth, C and N content and concentration at the beginning of the following growing season were not affected. Nevertheless, total biomass accumulation at peak standing biomass was largely reduced compared to unmown fields. Moreover, lower C storage capacity at the end of the growing season impacted C allocation to vegetative reproduction during winter, thereby dramatically limiting the horizontal growth of F. paniculata tussocks in the long term. We conclude that mowing reduces the growth of F. paniculata tussocks through both C and N limitation. Such results will help understanding how plant responses to defoliation regulate competitive interactions within plant communities.


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The purpose of this thesis is to analyse activity-based costing (ABC) and possible modified versions ofit in engineering design context. The design engineers need cost information attheir decision-making level and the cost information should also have a strong future orientation. These demands are high because traditional management accounting has concentrated on the direct actual costs of the products. However, cost accounting has progressed as ABC was introduced late 1980s and adopted widely bycompanies in the 1990s. The ABC has been a success, but it has gained also criticism. In some cases the ambitious ABC systems have become too complex to build,use and update. This study can be called an action-oriented case study with some normative features. In this thesis theoretical concepts are assessed and allowed to unfold gradually through interaction with data from three cases. The theoretical starting points are ABC and theory of engineering design process (chapter2). Concepts and research results from these theoretical approaches are summarized in two hypotheses (chapter 2.3). The hypotheses are analysed with two cases (chapter 3). After the two case analyses, the ABC part is extended to cover alsoother modern cost accounting methods, e.g. process costing and feature costing (chapter 4.1). The ideas from this second theoretical part are operationalized with the third case (chapter 4.2). The knowledge from the theory and three cases is summarized in the created framework (chapter 4.3). With the created frameworkit is possible to analyse ABC and its modifications in the engineering design context. The framework collects the factors that guide the choice of the costing method to be used in engineering design. It also illuminates the contents of various ABC-related costing methods. However, the framework needs to be further tested. On the basis of the three cases it can be said that ABC should be used cautiously when formulating cost information for engineering design. It is suitable when the manufacturing can be considered simple, or when the design engineers are not cost conscious, and in the beginning of the design process when doing adaptive or variant design. If the design engineers need cost information for the embodiment or detailed design, or if manufacturing can be considered complex, or when design engineers are cost conscious, the ABC has to be always evaluated critically.


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Tiedon luomiseen ja hyödyntämiseen perustuvassa liiketoiminnassa yrityksen kyky luoda tietoa ja käyttää hallussaan olevaa tietoa muodostaa perustan kilpailukyvylle ja kilpailueduille. Tutkielmassa rakennetaan konstruktiivista tutkimusotetta käyttäen innovaatioiden synnyn johtamiseen soveltuva toimintamalli Teecen tietoprosesseihin, Nonakan tiedonkonversioprosesseihin ja Ståhlen tietoympäristöihin perustuen. Tietoa syntyy esimerkiksi innovaatioissa. Innovaatioiden voidaan katsoa syntyvän vastakkaisten voimien jatkuvassa vuorovaikutuksessa. Tämä innovaatioita tuottava mekanismi rakentuu tietoa lisäävistä ja tietoa järjestävistä prosesseista, joita voidaan kuvata sekä seci-prosessin että kolmitasoisen tietoympäristön avulla. Sisäinen kilpailu ja yhteistyö vaikuttavat tämän mekanismin toimintaan. Yhteistyö lisää tiedon jakamista ja mahdollistaa radikaalien innovaatioiden ja tuoteinnovaatioiden synnyn. Kilpailun lisääminen vähentää keskinäistä tiedon jakamista ja siirtää innovaatioita fokuksen mukaisiin prosessi-innovaatioihin. Kilpailun ja yhteistyön määrään ja keskinäiseen suhteeseen voidaan vaikuttaa kolmitasoisesta tietoympäristömallista johdettujen kolmen erillisen, joskin toisiinsa vaikuttavan, johtamistavoitteen avulla. Mahdollistava johtaminen rakentaa luottamuksen ja yrityksen toiminnan perustaa. Valtuuttava johtaminen houkuttaa yhteistyöhön mahdollistaen tiedon lisääntymisen. Ohjaavan johtamisen prosessit vievät yritystä strategian mukaiseen suuntaan hyödyntäen sisäistä kilpailua.


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ABSTRACT This work aimed to evaluate the consequences of the monthly extraction of immature leaves in survival, leaf production and reproductive performance ofCopernicia prunifera H. E. Moore palm, popularly known as carnaúba. One hundred sixty reproductive adult palms were monitored for 17 months in four extractive communities located at the coast of the state of Piauí. As a result, it was observed that leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds production were reduced in the palm submitted to 50% or 75% monthly extraction. Higher levels of extraction were followed by smaller levels in seed germination. No deaths were observed even in the group subjected to 75% monthly leaves exploration. In order not to produce damage to palm trees development it is suggested that leaf extraction rate should not exceed 25% monthly as well as pausing of extractive activity preferentially during fruit maturation.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan sitä, miten kehitetään asiantuntijaorganisaatioon soveltuvaa tuotannonohjausmallia, jota käytettäisiin pääasiassa työkaluna asiantuntijatyön ohjauksessa. Kehitettävän mallin logiikan ja rakenteen tulisi tuottaa mitattavissa olevaa tietoa, jota pystytään käyttämään päätöksenteon tukena. Tutkimuksen tuloksena havaittiin, että asiantuntijatuotannon johtamisessa vanhojen perinteisten teollisuuden johtamismallien avulla johtaminen voi tuoda pelkkää haittaa ja työntekijöiden motivaatio laskee. Asiantuntija tarvitsee signaaleja työn tuottavuudesta ja säännöllistä läpikäyntiä johtajansa kanssa. Tuloksena saatiin erilaisia Excel-pohjaisia työkaluja, joiden malleja voidaan käyttää myös tulevaisuudessa yrityksen tuotantojärjestelmissä.


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Cette thèse cherche à comprendre comment les transformations bureaucratiques influencent l’activité professionnelle des infirmières et du personnel soignant d’expérience dans le domaine des soins aux personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie depuis les années 90 au Québec. Elle s’inscrit dans une profonde remise en question de l’État-providence, de sa régulation hiérarchique, de son rapport avec le marché privé, et particulièrement des agences privées de placement du personnel. Prenant en compte le déploiement inégal des changements imposés de façon top down et promus par des considérations économiques visant une plus grande « performance » des services publics, plus près du milieu de vie de la personne, notre démarche tient aussi compte de la dimension relationnelle propre au travail infirmier, qui s’illustre par des formes différenciées tenant compte des modèles de pratique préconisés. Notre démarche s’attarde finalement aux rapports entre l’activité professionnelle et la prise de la retraite. À travers l’exploration du nouveau rôle attendu de l’infirmière, dont les habiletés de « chef » ou de « gestion d’équipe de travail » sont sollicitées à titre d’« intervenante pivot » ou de « gestionnaire de cas », et de la place importante qu’occupe la notion de compétences relationnelles dans la prescription de nouvelles modalités des services, plus près des besoins spécifiques de la personne, les données empiriques se présentent sous la forme d’un tableau hétérogène qui montre que ce ne sont pas toutes les infirmières qui souscrivent à ce type de pratique professionnelle. Leur âge, expérience et trajectoire professionnelle, le poste occupé ou encore le milieu de pratique influenceront le rapport entre leurs activités professionnelles et le cadre bureaucratique en transformation. La base empirique de la recherche est constituée d’une collecte de données réalisée entre janvier 2003 et juillet 2006 et qui comprend 9 entrevues exploratoires, 7 entrevues semi-dirigées auprès de retraité-e-s, infirmières, infirmières auxiliaires, 17 réunions incluant majoritairement des membres de la direction d’établissements, ainsi que des syndicats, 21 observations directes avec des infirmières, infirmières auxiliaires, préposées aux bénéficiaires et auxiliaires familiales et sociales, la passation de 112 questionnaires auprès de ces différentes catégories professionnelles, et 7 entrevues semi-dirigées complémentaires, réparties dans 4 établissements différents, sur deux territoires. Quatre grands constats ressortent de notre matériel empirique. Premièrement, la dimension relationnelle au sein des activités professionnelles du personnel soignant d’expérience ainsi que sa perception en ce qui concerne les compétences et l’âge présentent des formes contrastées, voire opposées. Si certains membres du personnel soignant estiment que les interactions professionnelles se sont considérablement réduites à la suite des transformations des dernières années et que la compétence n’est pas reliée à l’âge des professionnelles, les observations directes indiquent, au contraire, un rapport étroit entre ces deux derniers éléments qui s’illustre à travers de riches relations interpersonnelles. Les données quantitatives montrent, quant à elles, qu’une écrasante majorité de répondantes estiment que les compétences associées à leurs fonctions sont reconnues par l’organisation (89,3%), probablement sous l’angle de la conformité aux descriptions de travail, et qu’elles bénéficient d’une marge d’autonomie dans leur travail (83%). Deuxièmement, des résultats s’opposent également en ce qui concerne l’influence du cadre bureaucratique sur les « capacités » ou l’« intérêt » des infirmières d’expérience à maintenir un lien à l’emploi à la date d’éligibilité à la retraite. La majorité des répondantes s’estiment « incapables » de conserver un tel lien alors qu’une minorité d’entre elles exprime un intérêt face au nouveau rôle souhaité chez l’infirmière. Quantitativement, la prise de la retraite à bas âge est toutefois marquante, surtout pour celles qui occupent une fonction et possèdent une rémunération élevée (ex. cadres). Troisièmement, des contrastes apparaissent aussi en ce qui concerne les formes que prennent les rivalités entre les infirmières d’expérience et d’autres catégories professionnelles ainsi que dans les rapports intergénérationnels. Même si les trois quarts (76,2%) des répondantes d’expérience estiment que la répartition du travail devrait être le fruit d’une discussion entre elles et les plus jeunes, et non une imposition de la direction, près de la totalité (92,6%) veulent garder leurs acquis sociaux même si elles savent que la prochaine génération de travailleuses n’aura pas les mêmes avantages. Leur rapport face aux professionnelles d’agences privées de placement est également paradoxal. Huit répondantes sur dix (78,6%) perçoivent le fait que l’établissement recourt aux agences de placement contribue à alourdir leur travail, alors qu’une partie envisage de poursuivre leur activité professionnelle après leur date d’éligibilité à la retraite, par l’intermédiaire de ces mêmes agences. Finalement, il ressort de ce portrait hétérogène que la confrontation des changements du cadre bureaucratique sur l’activité professionnelle se manifestera différemment selon la vision paradigmatique qu’aura le personnel soignant de sa pratique. Les résultats quantitatifs et qualitatifs soulignent que ce paradigme sera influencé par trois dimensions : le territoire de pratique, le type d’établissement de services et l’unité spécifique de travail. Le style de gestion (traditionnel ou intégrateur) influencera également l’impact de ces changements. L’analyse et l’interprétation de l’influence différenciée des transformations bureaucratiques sur l’activité professionnelle s’illustrent par la manifestation de rapports plus conflictuels avec les autorités administrative et professionnelle, ainsi que dans les relations interprofessionnelles. Ces conflits ont émergé lors du passage d’un cadre bureaucratique historiquement construit sur un modèle médical (cure) qui considère la personne comme un « malade chronique » et associé à un style de gestion traditionnel, voire autoritaire, surtout dans certains CHSLD, à une approche « milieu de vie » privilégiant un modèle d’accompagnement (care) favorisant des services associés aux besoins spécifiques de la personne en perte d’autonomie, à titre de « partenaire actif ». Le style de gestion intégrateur de ce dernier modèle rapproche les domaines administratif et de soins de santé, approche que nous retrouvons davantage, mais non exclusivement, dans le cadre de soins à domicile. Une des conclusions majeures de cette thèse est la possibilité d’« enrichir les qualifications de base » (Le Boterf, 2005) des professionnelles lorsque le cadre bureaucratique et le style de gestion institués tendent vers un modèle care/intégrateur, ce qui constitue une forme de « compromis social » (Oiry, 2004). La « surutilisation » des effectifs (O’Brian-Pallas et al., 2005) qui en résulte peut expliquer, en partie, l’incontournable force d’attraction vers la retraite, dès la date d’admissibilité, du personnel soignant, quitte à ce qu’il poursuive ensuite ses activités professionnelles, selon des exigences personnelles, par le biais d’agences privées de placement. Les « fissures » (Laville, 2005) de la frontière entre les services publics et ceux du marché privé ne peuvent alors que s’accentuer, surtout lorsqu’on constate que le cinquième des effectifs, soit 14, 000 infirmières de 55 ans et plus, est potentiellement admissible à la retraite dès maintenant (OIIQ, 2008a).


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This paper describes a human management model as conceived in organizations that carry out a strategic direction of staff, based on a critical look of traditional management and some of its notions, such as the classical perspective of strategic addressing and human resources management. The privileged theoretical framework is the epistemological ground of the organizational theory and some of its sociological resources. In addition to the documentary review and the proposal of experts in consulting, a group of graphics made under the basic logicof set theory, designed from the analysis of several Colombian organizations, are presented. The main finding is that despite the efforts of executives, consultants and scholars to build management models different from functionalists, the way they have been thought in order to make them more strategic has made them still more functionalists that in the traditional approach. The strategic human management reproduces, with enormous power, the ideology of the macroeconomic model.


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O objetivo da dissertação é investigar se o perfil dos gerentes do Banco Central apresenta características que possibilitem uma atuação condizente com os conceitos contemporâneos de gestão: maior flexibilização, descentralização das decisões, delegação, participação, críatividade, inovação, suscetibilidade a mudanças, racionalidade administrativa, investimento na valorízação do corpo funcional, compartilhando uma gerência mais dialógica/comunicativa; ou se ainda perduram os conceitos de uma gestão tradicionalista, weberíana, tais como: centralização, controle e apego ao tecnicismo, autoridade hierárquica, verticalização, impessoalidade, padronização de métodos e procedimentos. Para tanto foram realizadas pesqUIsas bibliográfica e documental de forma a embasar conceitualmente as relações entre a teoria e a prática gerencial no Banco Central. As características do perfil dos gerentes foram levantadas, via entrevistas, com o Presidente e Diretores, e por intermédio de questionários com os próprios gerentes e seus subordinados, o que nos levou a perceber a gestão do Banco sob três enfoques: Alta Administração, grupo gerencial e grupo operacional. Os resultados do estudo demonstram que apesar de os gerentes do Banco Central apresentarem uma tendência ao tradicionalismo, na visão dos subordinados, eles se percebem num momento de transição, coerente com a mudança de paradigma, absorvendo os novos conceitos da gestão contemporânea, posição avalizada pela Superior Administração.


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Trata dos principais aspectos da administração ativa de portfólio de crédito a pessoa jurídica por bancos comerciais, que vem tomando o lugar do modo tradicional de administrar crédito. Inicialmente, apresenta a definição de administração ativa de portfólio de crédito, compara com a abordagem tradicional e aponta as motivações para o surgimento desta nova abordagem. Segue demonstrando as adaptações dos conceitos da Teoria Moderna de Portfólios aos portfólios de crédito e apresenta alguns modelos para a determinação de variáveis importantes para a mensuração do risco de crédito, tais como probabilidades de inadimplência, correlações entre ativos de crédito e risco de crédito de portfólio. Apresenta, ainda, o conceito de capital econômico e o Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) relativamente ao risco de crédito. Discute as responsabilidades e funções a serem desempenhadas pela administração ativa de portfólio de crédito e, como contribuição, apresenta, à luz das considerações deste trabalho, uma estrutura hipotética de um banco comercial que adota a administração ativa de portfólio de crédito.


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Com o fim da Guerra Fria e os acontecimentos que marcaram o “onze de setembro”, novas ameaças surgiram, impactando negativamente a percepção de segurança coletiva, e impondo profundas modificações nas estruturas e no modo de atuação do Poder Militar de diversas nações. A marginalidade social, o narcotráfico, o crime organizado, a degradação do meio ambiente e outras tantas ameaças, fizeram com que algumas nações se vissem motivadas a empregar suas Forças Armadas, prioritariamente, no combate a estas mazelas, ou seja, nas operações de não-guerra. Este fenômeno vem causando uma ebulição nas ciências militares, com reflexo no campo social, político e econômico, provocando um processo conhecido como “Transformação da Defesa”, que só é viável com a ruptura de alguns modelos tradicionais de administração e com a introdução de uma nova cultura organizacional que promova um ambi-ente adequado ao processo de inovações no setor de Defesa. Para fazer gestão deste processo, deve haver um sistema de inovação setorial de Defesa, já que o atual modelo, conforme apon-tou a investigação, é fragmentado e desarticulado, que produz, fundamentalmente, inovações incrementais e, raramente as de ruptura. Trata-se de um sistema virtual, que não existe for-malmente como tal, mas que possui toda a infraestrutura necessária para funcionar como um sistema formal e gerenciável. A pesquisa, de caráter epistemológico estruturalista, teve por objetivo desenvolver um modelo conceitual para gestão do sistema de inovação do setor de Defesa (segmento de não-guerra), com base em uma estrutura subjacente desvelada, que, de forma oculta, dá suporte ao sistema atual. O desvelamento desta estrutura permitiu concluir que, no campo estudado, os agentes do sistema de inovação, agindo de acordo com seus inte-resses, mobilizam, de forma consciente ou inconsciente, os fatores valorativos da inovação presentes na cultura organizacional em que estão imersos, os quais, juntamente com a influên-cia dos fatores de suporte (o Capital), são fundamentais para a formação de alianças e, em consequência, para o processo de inovação no segmento de não-guerra do setor de Defesa. Como era esperado, o desvelamento da estrutura subjacente propiciou a realização de um di-agnóstico preciso do sistema estudado, permitindo ao pesquisador o lançamento de um olhar crítico sobre o mesmo, o que contribui para a proposição de uma intervenção segura no modelo vigente. O modelo proposto buscou incentivar, também, a criação, o avanço e a difusão das inovações não-tecnológicas, contrapondo-se ao atual, que privilegia fundamentalmente a abordagem tecnológica. Adicionalmente, foram sugeridas algumas medidas, no sentido de incrementar as interações entre os principais agentes do sistema.


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The globalization of markets has confirmed for the processes of change in organizations both in structure and in management. This dynamic was also observed in credit unions because they are financial institutions and are under the rules of the Brazil´s Financial System. Given the context of organizational changes in the financial capital has played the traditional management reform is urgent. In organizations credit unions, given its dual purpose, because in the same organizational environment and capitalism coexist cooperative whose logics are antagonistic, but can live through the balance between instrumental rationality and substantive rationality in credit unions. Based on this concept a new form of management should be thought to be able to accommodate the demand of cooperative, community, government and the market. Hybridization has been observed in management practices` COOPERUFPA into dimensions financial, social and solidarity participation with a trend in paradigmatic form of hybrid management, in that it directly or indirectly affect the management decisions in the credit union. The hybrid management is a trend that has been setting the basis for societal transformation, so that credit unions promote actions of welfare oriented cooperative members and the community around the same time that attend the dynamics of market globalization. These actions, in the context of hybrid management should be implemented by COOPERUFPA from the sociability of the remains and the wide diffusion of solidarity culture between cooperative partnership as a way to recover their participation in trade relations, financial and the social collective developement. For the members of COOPERUFPA financial interest is evidenced in greater relevance for the social interest given its dominant relationship as "mere customer" of the credit union, however, the proactive participation of the life of the cooperative credit union is one of its expectative among of participation of to share power in decisions by general meetings. This passivity`s cooperator of the COOPERUFPA in defending the ideals overshadowed the spread of cooperative principles and values of cooperation among them. Thus his conception for COOPERUFPA in the financial dimension, social and solidarity democracy, performed transversely. The COOPERUFPA for not developing an education policy for the cooperation among its members, contributed to a process of collective alienation of cooperative ideals, since the cooperative do not understand the reality that surrounds them as members of an organization whose mission is to social and financial sustainability of its members


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O experimento foi conduzido na área agrícola da Associação Brasileira de Agricultura Biodinâmica, no Município de Botucatu, SP. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho da cultura do milho (Zea mays L.), variedade AL 30, em sucessão com aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb.), em um sistema agroflorestal em aleias com Leucaena diversifolia (Schlecht.) Bentham e em um sistema agrícola tradicional, seguindo-se um delineamento estatístico de blocos casualizados. Os tratamentos utilizados, em ambos os sistemas, foram: T - Testemunha; F - Fertilizante; B - Biomassa da poda das aleias de L. diversifolia; e B+F - Biomassa da poda de L. diversifolia + Fertilizante. Os parâmetros avaliados foram os rendimentos de matéria seca de aveiapreta, produtividade média de grãos de milho, massa de 100 grãos de milho, altura da planta de milho e altura de inserção da espiga. Os resultados foram semelhantes aos relatados por outros autores. Concluiu-se que ambos os sistemas apresentaram viabilidade do ponto de vista produtivo e que o uso de biomassa pode substituir parcial ou totalmente a fertilização química.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)