973 resultados para tracking methods
We have conducted a program of trigonometric distance measurements to 13 members of the TW Hydrae Association (TWA), which will enable us (through back-tracking methods) to derive a convincing estimate of the age of the association, independent of stellar evolutionary models. With age, distance, and luminosity known for an ensemble of TWA stars and brown dwarfs, models of early stellar evolution (which are still uncertain for young ages and substellar masses) will then be constrained by observations over a wide range of masses (0.025 to 0.7 M⊙).
Understanding the origins, transport and fate of contamination is essential to effective management of water resources and public health. Individuals and organizations with management responsibilities need to understand the risks to ecosystems and to humans from contact with contamination. Managers also need to understand how key contaminants vary over time and space in order to design and prioritize mitigation strategies. Tumacacori National Historic Park (NHP) is responsible for management of its water resources for the benefit of the park and for the health of its visitors. The existence of microbial contaminants in the park poses risks that must be considered in park planning and operations. The water quality laboratory at the Maricopa Agricultural Center (in collaboration with stakeholder groups and individuals located in the ADEQ-targeted watersheds) identified biological changes in surface water quality in impaired reaches rivers to determine the sources of Escherichia coli (E. coli); bacteria utilizing innovative water quality microbial/bacterial source tracking methods. The end goal was to support targeted watershed groups and ADEQ towards E. coli reductions. In the field monitoring was conducted by the selected targeted watershed groups in conjunction with The University of Arizona Maricopa Agricultural Center Water Quality Laboratory. This consisted of collecting samples for Bacteroides testing from multiple locations on select impaired reaches, to determine contamination resulting from cattle, human recreation, and other contributions. Such testing was performed in conjunction with high flow and base flow conditions in order to accurately portray water quality conditions and variations. Microbial monitoring was conducted by The University of Arizona Water Quality Laboratory at the Maricopa Agricultural Center using genetic typing to differentiate among two categories of Bacteroides: human and all (total). Testing used microbial detection methodologies and molecular source tracking techniques.^
At present, photovoltaic energy is one of the most important renewable energy sources. The demand for solar panels has been continuously growing, both in the industrial electric sector and in the private sector. In both cases the analysis of the solar panel efficiency is extremely important in order to maximize the energy production. In order to have a more efficient photovoltaic system, the most accurate understanding of this system is required. However, in most of the cases the only information available in this matter is reduced, the experimental testing of the photovoltaic device being out of consideration, normally for budget reasons. Several methods, normally based on an equivalent circuit model, have been developed to extract the I-V curve of a photovoltaic device from the small amount of data provided by the manufacturer. The aim of this paper is to present a fast, easy, and accurate analytical method, developed to calculate the equivalent circuit parameters of a solar panel from the only data that manufacturers usually provide. The calculated circuit accurately reproduces the solar panel behavior, that is, the I-V curve. This fact being extremely important for practical reasons such as selecting the best solar panel in the market for a particular purpose, or maximize the energy extraction with MPPT (Maximum Peak Power Tracking) methods.
Tracking the movement of migratory freshwater fish is essential to those invested in rebuilding declining fish populations. Using strontium isotopic signatures to match calcified fish tissues to streams where fish spawn is a useful method of tracking migratory fish where physical tracking methods such as radio, acoustic, or external tags, have proven unsuccessful. In this study, we develop tools to practice this method of tracking fish in Lake Roosevelt and its upstream tributaries in Washington State by analyzing the elemental concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of water samples, and mussel shell samples. This study evaluates whether mussel shells act as an appropriate proxy for water chemistry by comparing the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of water samples to the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of mussel shells sampled from the same, or nearby, locations. We compare concentrations of Ba, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mg, Pb, Sr, and U in the water and mussel shell samples to determine the feasibility of using mussel shells as a proxy for water chemistry. If it is determined that the concentrations of these elements in mussel shells reflect that of the surrounding water composition, the elemental composition of mussel shells can be compared to that of calcified tissues in fish, such as otoliths, to infer the location of the natal stream. We report analyses of water and mussel shell samples collected from Lake Roosevelt, Sanpoil River, Spokane River, Colville River, Kettle River, Pend Oreille River, Kootenay River, and Columbia River in Washington State. Each of these rivers is a tributary to Lake Roosevelt, and each flows through different geologic units. We hypothesize that the differences in the rock units of each stream’s watershed are reflected in the elemental concentrations and strontium isotopic ratios of water in each stream and in the lake. We also hypothesize that the composition of the mussel shells will match the composition of the water samples, therefore allowing us to use the mussel shells as a proxy for local water chemistry. Additionally, we hypothesize that the composition of the mussel shells will vary by location, and that we will be able to then infer where a fish is from by matching the composition of the fish in question to the mussels we have analyzed. We found that 87Sr/86Sr values for water and mussel hinge samples collected from tributaries east of Lake Roosevelt are significantly higher than the 87Sr/86Sr values for samples collected from tributaries west of Lake Roosevelt with averages of 0.7235 and 0.7089, respectively. The average 87Sr/86Sr ratios for water and mussel hinge samples collected within Lake Roosevelt is 0.7158, which is between the averages for samples collected east and west of the lake. Generally, older rocks are exposed on the east side of the lake, and younger rocks on the west side of the lake, so our 87Sr/86Sr values support the hypothesis that geologic units are a primary control on water chemistry, and that tributary compositions mix to form an average weighed by flow in Lake Roosevelt. The 87Sr/86Sr values for water and mussel shell samples collected from the same locations have a strong, positive linear correlation, suggesting that mussel shell 87Sr/86Sr ratios reflect the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the ambient water. With these data, we can distinguish between different streams and the lake, but cannot distinguish between samples from within the same stream or within Lake Roosevelt. The Sr:Ca and Fe:Ca ratios of water samples show positive correlations with mussel shell compositions, with R2 values of 0.82 and 0.52, respectively. Ratios of Mg, Ba, Cu, Cd, Pb, and U to Ca showed little or no positive correlation between water and mussel shell samples. The elemental concentration data collected for this study do not demonstrate whether a correlation between elemental ratios in water samples and elemental ratios in mussel shell samples collected from the same location exists. Positive Sr:Ca and Fe:Ca correlations for water versus mussel shell samples indicate that perhaps for some elements, the composition of mussel shells are representative of the composition of ambient water. Using elemental concentration ratios to complement 87Sr/86Sr isotopic data may enhance our ability to identify correlations between water and mussel shell samples, and ultimately between mussel shell and otolith samples. The hinge part of a mussel shell may be used as a proxy for local water composition because the mussel shell composition reflects that of the local ambient water. The hinge of the mussel has the same composition as the whole mussel shell. We measured variation of 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the water among different streams and Lake Roosevelt. The 87Sr/86Sr values for samples collected in tributaries east of Lake Roosevelt, which erode older rocks, are higher for mussel shell and water samples than the average 87Sr/86Sr values for mussel shell and water samples collected in tributaries west of Lake Roosevelt, which flow through younger rocks.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Water remains a predominant vector for human enteric pathogens not just for developing countries but also developed nations, where numerous infectious disease outbreaks, linked to the contamination of drinking water have been documented. Private drinking water wells are a source of drinking water that is largely unstudied even though a significant percentage of the population in Ontario relies on wells as their primary water source. As there exists little to no systematic surveillance for enteric infections or outbreaks related to well water sources, these individuals may be at higher risk of waterborne infectious diseases. The relationships between various fecal indicators in the water of private drinking water wells, including E. coli, Total Coliforms (TC) and Bacteroides, and enteric pathogens, including Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella spp., and Shiga toxin producing E. coli, were studied. Convenience private well water samples collected from various regions of interest during the summer of 2014 underwent membrane filtration and culture to determine quantities of E. coli and TC colony forming units. 289 E. coli positive and 230 TC-only waters were successfully analyzed by individual qPCR assays for the aforementioned enteric pathogens. Microbial source tracking methods targeted to specific Bacteroides were used to determine the source of fecal contamination as either human or bovine. The source of fecal contamination varied by geographic region and is thought to be due to such things as differences in septic tank density and underlying geology, among others. Fecal indicators, E. coli and Bacteroides, were significantly correlated. E. coli as measured by qPCR was more strongly correlated to both total and human-specific Bacteroides genetic markers than culturable E. coli. Lastly, 1.9% of samples showed molecular evidence of contamination with enteric pathogens. Although low, this finding is significant given the limited volume of water available for testing, and suggests a potential health risk to consumers. Knowing the extent of contamination, as well as the biologic source, can better inform risk assessment and the development of potential intervention strategies for private well water in specific regions of Ontario.
Over the last decade, ocean sunfish movements have been monitored worldwide using various satellite tracking methods. This study reports the near-real time monitoring of fine-scale (< 10 m) behaviour of sunfish. The study was conducted in southern Portugal in May 2014 and involved satellite tags and underwater and surface robotic vehicles to measure both the movements and the contextual environment of the fish. A total of four individuals were tracked using custom-made GPS satellite tags providing geolocation estimates of fine-scale resolution. These accurate positions further informed sunfish areas of restricted search (ARS), which were directly correlated to steep thermal frontal zones. Simultaneously, and for two different occasions, an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) video-recorded the path of the tracked fish and detected buoyant particles in the water column. Importantly, the densities of these particles were also directly correlated to steep thermal gradients. Thus, both sunfish foraging behaviour (ARS) and possibly prey densities, were found to be influenced by analogous environmental conditions. In addition, the dynamic structure of the water transited by the tracked individuals was described by a Lagrangian modelling approach. The model informed the distribution of zooplankton in the region, both horizontally and in the water column, and the resultant simulated densities positively correlated with sunfish ARS behaviour estimator (rs = 0.184, p<0.001). The model also revealed that tracked fish opportunistically displace with respect to subsurface current flow. Thus, we show how physical forcing and current structure provide a rationale for a predator’s fine-scale behaviour observed over a two weeks in May 2014.
Over the last decade, ocean sunfish movements have been monitored worldwide using various satellite tracking methods. This study reports the near-real time monitoring of fine-scale (< 10 m) behaviour of sunfish. The study was conducted in southern Portugal in May 2014 and involved satellite tags and underwater and surface robotic vehicles to measure both the movements and the contextual environment of the fish. A total of four individuals were tracked using custom-made GPS satellite tags providing geolocation estimates of fine-scale resolution. These accurate positions further informed sunfish areas of restricted search (ARS), which were directly correlated to steep thermal frontal zones. Simultaneously, and for two different occasions, an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) video-recorded the path of the tracked fish and detected buoyant particles in the water column. Importantly, the densities of these particles were also directly correlated to steep thermal gradients. Thus, both sunfish foraging behaviour (ARS) and possibly prey densities, were found to be influenced by analogous environmental conditions. In addition, the dynamic structure of the water transited by the tracked individuals was described by a Lagrangian modelling approach. The model informed the distribution of zooplankton in the region, both horizontally and in the water column, and the resultant simulated densities positively correlated with sunfish ARS behaviour estimator (rs = 0.184, p<0.001). The model also revealed that tracked fish opportunistically displace with respect to subsurface current flow. Thus, we show how physical forcing and current structure provide a rationale for a predator’s fine-scale behaviour observed over a two weeks in May 2014.
Small particles and their dynamics are of widespread interest due both to their unique properties and their ubiquity. Here, we investigate several classes of small particles: colloids, polymers, and liposomes. All these particles, due to their size on the order of microns, exhibit significant similarity in that they are large enough to be visualized in microscopes, but small enough to be significantly influenced by thermal (or Brownian) motion. Further, similar optical microscopy and experimental techniques are commonly employed to investigate all these particles. In this work, we develop single particle tracking techniques, which allow thorough characterization of individual particle dynamics, observing many behaviors which would be overlooked by methods which time or ensemble average. The various particle systems are also similar in that frequently, the signal-to-noise ratio represented a significant concern. In many cases, development of image analysis and particle tracking methods optimized to low signal-to-noise was critical to performing experimental observations. The simplest particles studied, in terms of their interaction potentials, were chemically homogeneous (though optically anisotropic) hard-sphere colloids. Using these spheres, we explored the comparatively underdeveloped conjunction of translation and rotation and particle hydrodynamics. Developing off this, the dynamics of clusters of spherical colloids were investigated, exploring how shape anisotropy influences the translation and rotation respectively. Transitioning away from uniform hard-sphere potentials, the interactions of amphiphilic colloidal particles were explored, observing the effects of hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions upon pattern assembly and inter-particle dynamics. Interaction potentials were altered in a different fashion by working with suspensions of liposomes, which, while homogeneous, introduce the possibility of deformation. Even further degrees of freedom were introduced by observing the interaction of particles and then polymers within polymer suspensions or along lipid tubules. Throughout, while examination of the trajectories revealed that while by some measures, the averaged behaviors accorded with expectation, often closer examination made possible by single particle tracking revealed novel and unexpected phenomena.
Processing language is postulated to involve a mental simulation, or re-enactment of perceptual, motor, and introspective states that were acquired experientially (Barsalou, 1999, 2008). One such aspect that is mentally simulated during processing of certain concepts is spatial location. For example, upon processing the word “moon” the prominent spatial location of the concept (e.g. ‘upward’) is mentally simulated. In six eye-tracking experiments, we investigate how mental simulations of spatial location affect processing. We first address a conflict in previous literature whereby processing is shown to be impacted in both a facilitatory and inhibitory way. Two of our experiments showed that mental simulations of spatial association facilitate saccades launched toward compatible locations; however, a third experiment showed an inhibitory effect on saccades launched towards incompatible locations. We investigated these differences with further experiments, which led us to conclude that the nature of the effect (facilitatory or inhibitory) is dependent on the demands of the task and, in fitting with the theory of Grounded Cognition (Barsalou, 2008), that mental simulations impact processing in a dynamic way. Three further experiments explored the nature of verticality – specifically, whether ‘up’ is perceived as away from gravity, or above our head. Using similar eye-tracking methods, and by manipulating the position of participants, we were able to dissociate these two possible standpoints. The results showed that mental simulations of spatial location facilitated saccades to compatible locations, but only when verticality was dissociated from gravity (i.e. ‘up’ was above the participant’s head). We conclude that this is not due to an ‘embodied’ mental simulation, but rather a result of heavily ingrained visuo-motor association between vertical space and eye movements.
Future generations of mobile communication devices will serve more and more as multimedia platforms capable of reproducing high quality audio. In order to achieve a 3-D sound perception the reproduction quality of audio via headphones can be significantly increased by applying binaural technology. To be independent of individual head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) and to guarantee a good performance for all listeners, an adaptation of the synthesized sound field to the listener's head movements is required. In this article several methods of head-tracking for mobile communication devices are presented and compared. A system for testing the identified methods is set up and experiments are performed to evaluate the prosand cons of each method. The implementation of such a device in a 3-D audio system is described and applications making use of such a system are identified and discussed.
The objective of this thesis is the development of cooperative localization and tracking algorithms using nonparametric message passing techniques. In contrast to the most well-known techniques, the goal is to estimate the posterior probability density function (PDF) of the position of each sensor. This problem can be solved using Bayesian approach, but it is intractable in general case. Nevertheless, the particle-based approximation (via nonparametric representation), and an appropriate factorization of the joint PDFs (using message passing methods), make Bayesian approach acceptable for inference in sensor networks. The well-known method for this problem, nonparametric belief propagation (NBP), can lead to inaccurate beliefs and possible non-convergence in loopy networks. Therefore, we propose four novel algorithms which alleviate these problems: nonparametric generalized belief propagation (NGBP) based on junction tree (NGBP-JT), NGBP based on pseudo-junction tree (NGBP-PJT), NBP based on spanning trees (NBP-ST), and uniformly-reweighted NBP (URW-NBP). We also extend NBP for cooperative localization in mobile networks. In contrast to the previous methods, we use an optional smoothing, provide a novel communication protocol, and increase the efficiency of the sampling techniques. Moreover, we propose novel algorithms for distributed tracking, in which the goal is to track the passive object which cannot locate itself. In particular, we develop distributed particle filtering (DPF) based on three asynchronous belief consensus (BC) algorithms: standard belief consensus (SBC), broadcast gossip (BG), and belief propagation (BP). Finally, the last part of this thesis includes the experimental analysis of some of the proposed algorithms, in which we found that the results based on real measurements are very similar with the results based on theoretical models.
Multi-camera 3D tracking systems with overlapping cameras represent a powerful mean for scene analysis, as they potentially allow greater robustness than monocular systems and provide useful 3D information about object location and movement. However, their performance relies on accurately calibrated camera networks, which is not a realistic assumption in real surveillance environments. Here, we introduce a multi-camera system for tracking the 3D position of a varying number of objects and simultaneously refin-ing the calibration of the network of overlapping cameras. Therefore, we introduce a Bayesian framework that combines Particle Filtering for tracking with recursive Bayesian estimation methods by means of adapted transdimensional MCMC sampling. Addi-tionally, the system has been designed to work on simple motion detection masks, making it suitable for camera networks with low transmission capabilities. Tests show that our approach allows a successful performance even when starting from clearly inaccurate camera calibrations, which would ruin conventional approaches.
En esta tesis se presenta un análisis en profundidad de cómo se deben utilizar dos tipos de métodos directos, Lucas-Kanade e Inverse Compositional, en imágenes RGB-D y se analiza la capacidad y precisión de los mismos en una serie de experimentos sintéticos. Estos simulan imágenes RGB, imágenes de profundidad (D) e imágenes RGB-D para comprobar cómo se comportan en cada una de las combinaciones. Además, se analizan estos métodos sin ninguna técnica adicional que modifique el algoritmo original ni que lo apoye en su tarea de optimización tal y como sucede en la mayoría de los artículos encontrados en la literatura. Esto se hace con el fin de poder entender cuándo y por qué los métodos convergen o divergen para que así en el futuro cualquier interesado pueda aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en esta tesis de forma práctica. Esta tesis debería ayudar al futuro interesado a decidir qué algoritmo conviene más en una determinada situación y debería también ayudarle a entender qué problemas le pueden dar estos algoritmos para poder poner el remedio más apropiado. Las técnicas adicionales que sirven de remedio para estos problemas quedan fuera de los contenidos que abarca esta tesis, sin embargo, sí se hace una revisión sobre ellas.---ABSTRACT---This thesis presents an in-depth analysis about how direct methods such as Lucas- Kanade and Inverse Compositional can be applied in RGB-D images. The capability and accuracy of these methods is also analyzed employing a series of synthetic experiments. These simulate the efects produced by RGB images, depth images and RGB-D images so that diferent combinations can be evaluated. Moreover, these methods are analyzed without using any additional technique that modifies the original algorithm or that aids the algorithm in its search for a global optima unlike most of the articles found in the literature. Our goal is to understand when and why do these methods converge or diverge so that in the future, the knowledge extracted from the results presented here can efectively help a potential implementer. After reading this thesis, the implementer should be able to decide which algorithm fits best for a particular task and should also know which are the problems that have to be addressed in each algorithm so that an appropriate correction is implemented using additional techniques. These additional techniques are outside the scope of this thesis, however, they are reviewed from the literature.