971 resultados para total mercury


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This paper proposes a simple methodology for mercury quantification in natural water by stripping chronopotentiometry at constant current, using gold (film) electrodes constructed from recordable CDs in stationary cell. The proposed method allows the direct measurement of labile mercury in natural waters. To quantify total mercury, a robust and low cost UV irradiation system was developed for the degradation of organic constituents of water. The proposed system presents such advantages as excellent sensitivity, low cost, versatility, and smaller dimensions (portability for on-field applications) when compared with other techniques (ICP, GFAAS, fluorimetry) traditionally utilized for mercury quantification. A large linear region of responses was observed, situated over the range 0.02 - 200 μ g L-1. Various experimental parameters were optimized and the system allowed quantifications in natural samples, with detection limit of 8 ng L-1 and excellent reproducibility (RSD of 1.4% for 48 repetitive measurements using a 10 μ g L-1 mercury solution). Different metal ions were evaluated, including copper, as possible interferences on stripping mercury signals. Applications of the new method were demonstrated for the analysis of certified and groundwater samples spiked with a known amount of mercury and for the quantification of methylmercury in synthetic oceanic water, originally utilized for fishes contamination experiment.


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Total (HgT), reactive (HgR) and organic (Hg ORG) mercury species have been quantified in non-filtered waters collected from the Negro River Basin, Amazon (from January/2002 through January/2004), in both black and white water bodies. Black waters presented the highest HgT, HgORG and HgR concentration (29.1 ng L-1, 1.63 ng L-1 and 3.9 ng L-1, respectively), while, white waters presented the lowest HgT, Hg ORG and HgR concentration (8.8 ng L-1, 0.49 ng L-1 and 1.2 ng L-1, respectively). An inverse correlation between HgT and the water level over the basin was obtained, although the HgORG concentration has increased in the first rainy months and then decreased as the water level rose. Total mercury in surface sediments (0-10 cm) ranged from 70 to 271 mg kg-1 being the methylmercury 0.47-1.79 % of this stock. The results indicate that HgR and the labile dissolved organic matter were introduced into the aquatic environment during the flooding season, especially in the earlier stages, thus contributing to mercury methylation. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as concentrações de mercúrio total em penas de Ardea albus coletadas em uma assembléia de aves localizada nas imediações da cidade de Belém, Pará, com vistas a investigar a possibilidade do uso desta espécie nos estudos de biomonitoramento deste metal. Para determinação de mercúrio total foi utilizada a espectrofotometria de absorção atômica com amalgamação. A concentração média de mercúrio total nas penas do corpo foi 2,2 ± 1,5 µg.g-1 e nas penas das asas foi 1.3 ± 0.9 µg/g-1. Não foi observada correlação entre a concentração de mercúrio total e o comprimento das penas do corpo e da asa. Foi observado teor de mercúrio total superior a 5 µg.g-1 em apenas uma amostra de pena do corpo.


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Este estudo avalia a contaminação mercurial em comunidades de pescadores em quatro localidades nas margens do rio Tapajós: Rainha, Barreiras, São Luís do Tapajós e Paraná-Mirim. Análises toxocológicas das amostras de cabelo foram realizadas por espectofotometria de absorção atômica. Os níveis de mercúrio total em amostras de cabelo variaram entre 2,9µg/g e 71,5µg/g. Os valores mais baixos foram encontrados na comunidade de Paraná-Mirim. Os mais elevados, em São Luís do Tapajós e Barreiras, cerca de seis a sete vezes superiores ao valor estabelecido. As diferenças entre as concentrações médias de mercúrio total nas amostras, coletadas em populações ribeirinhas, a montante e a jusante do rio Tapajós em Itaituba, não apresentaram significância estatística (p > 0,05). Conclui-se que a exposição humana ao mercúrio por ingestão de peixes contaminados constitui risco potencial para o aparecimento de sintomas e sinais da doença de Minamata, o que recomenda a manutenção de um programa de vigilância epidemiológica.


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O emprego de mercúrio metálico nos processos de extração do ouro libera toneladas de mercúrio ao meio ambiente, provocando um aumento considerável nas concentrações presentes. Com a finalidade de prevenir a exposição humana a concentrações excessivas, o que poderá resultar em graves episódios de intoxicação mercurial, bem como avaliar a possibilidade de sedimentos tornarem-se fontes potenciais de contaminação para os seres vivos, é de fundamental importância a monitorização do mercúrio em diversos compartimentos ambientais. Efetuou-se a padronização de uma metodologia analítica para determinação de mercúrio total em amostras de água, sólidos em suspensão e sedimentos de corpos aquáticos para monitorização ambiental do xenobiótico. Posteriormente, foram analisadas amostras oriundas de regiões garimpeiras, com vistas a avaliar o desempenho do método em amostras reais e efetuar levantamento preliminar sobre a contaminação mercurial na área de estudo.


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Este estudo foi desenvolvido na Plataforma Continental do Amazonas (PCA) com o objetivo de determinar os níveis de Hg total no sedimento de fundo, e assim contribuir como matriz ambiental indicadora para o plano geral de gerenciamento costeiro na região norte do Brasil. Foram amostrados 20 pontos entre maio e junho dos anos de 1999 a 2002, 2005 e 2007. Os resultados indicam não haver evidências de atividades antrópicas relacionadas à contaminação de mercúrio na região. Os teores encontrados variaram entre 0,047 e 0,166 mg kg-1 com média 0,085±0,026 mg kg-1, estando dentro do intervalo de "background" referido para os rios amazônicos não contaminados, que é de 0,05 a 0,28 mg kg-1. As concentrações de Hg no sedimento, especialmente no sedimento lamoso, mostraram uma estreita dependência com os teores de argila (material fino) e matéria orgânica, corroborando mecanismos geoquímicos importantes na dinâmica do metal. A maior adsorção do mercúrio pode estar associada ao aumento dos teores de compostos (óxidos e hidróxidos) de ferro, alumínio, manganês e os minerais primários e secundários formadores das rochas da bacia de drenagem amazônica.


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The present study raised the hypothesis that the trophic status in a tropical coastal food web from southeastern Brazil can be measured by the relation between total mercury (THg) and nitrogen isotope (delta(15)N) in their components. The analysed species were grouped into six trophic positions: primary producer (phytoplankton), primary consumer (zooplankton), consumer 1 (omnivore shrimp), consumer 2 (pelagic carnivores represented by squid and fish species), consumer 3 (demersal carnivores represented by fish species) and consumer 4 (pelagic-demersal top carnivore represented by the fish Trichiurus lepturus). The values of THg, delta(15)N, and trophic level (TLv) increased significantly from primary producer toward top carnivore. Our data regarding trophic magnification (6.84) and biomagnification powers (0.25 for delta(15)N and 0.83 for TLv) indicated that Hg biomagnification throughout trophic positions is high in this tropical food web, which could be primarily related to the quality of the local water.


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Mercury (Hg) contamination is a global issue due to its anthropogenic release, long-range transport, and deposition in remote areas. In Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, Nova Scotia, Canada, high concentrations of total mercury (THg) were found in tissues of yellow perch (Perca flavescens). The aim of this study was to evaluate a possible relationship between THg concentrations and the morphology of perch liver as a main site of metal storage and toxicity. Yellow perch were sampled from five lakes known to contain fish representing a wide range in Hg concentrations in fall 2013. The ultrastructure of hepatocytes and the distribution of Hg within the liver parenchyma were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron energy loss spectrometry (EELS). The relative area of macrophage aggregates (MAs) in the liver was determined using image analysis software and fluorescence microscopy. No relation between general health indicators (Fulton's condition index) and THg was observed. In line with this, TEM examination of the liver ultrastructure revealed no prominent pathologies related to THg accumulation. However, a morphological parameter that appeared to increase with muscle THg was the relative area of MAs in the liver. The hepatic lysosomes appeared to be enlarged in samples with the highest THg concentrations. Interestingly, EELS analysis revealed that the MAs and hepatic lysosomes contained Hg.


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Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are exposed to high concentrations of mercury because they are apex predators in the Arctic ecosystem. Although mercury is a potent neurotoxic heavy metal, it is not known whether current exposures are of neurotoxicological concern to polar bears. We tested the hypotheses that polar bears accumulate levels of mercury in their brains that exceed the estimated lowest observable adverse effect level (20 µg/g dry wt) for mammalian wildlife and that such exposures are associated with subtle neurological damage, as determined by measuring neurochemical biomarkers previously shown to be disrupted by mercury in other high-trophic wildlife. Brain stem (medulla oblongata) tissues from 82 polar bears subsistence hunted in East Greenland were studied. Despite surprisingly low levels of mercury in the brain stem region (total mercury = 0.36 ± 0.12 µg/g dry wt), a significant negative correlation was measured between N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor levels and both total mercury (r = -0.34, p < 0.01) and methylmercury (r = -0.89, p < 0.05). No relationships were observed among mercury, selenium, and several other neurochemical biomarkers (dopamine-2, gamma-aminobutyric acid type A, muscarinic cholinergic, and nicotinic cholinergic receptors; cholinesterase and monoamine oxidase enzymes). These data show that East Greenland polar bears do not accumulate high levels of mercury in their brain stems. However, decreased levels of NMDA receptors could be one of the most sensitive indicators of mercury's subclinical and early effects.


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Total mercury (THg), methylmercury (MeHg) and stable isotopes of nitrogen (d15N) and carbon (d13C) were measured in three invertebrate, five fish, three seabird and three marine mammal species of central West Greenland to investigate trophic transfer of mercury in this Arctic marine food web. The food web magnification factor (FWMF) estimated as the slope of the regression between the natural logarithm of THg or MeHg concentrations (mg/kg dw) and tissue d15N (per mil) was estimated to 0.183 (SE = 0.052) for THg and 0.339 (SE = 0.075) for MeHg. The FWMFs were not only comparable with those reported for other Arctic marine food webs but also with quite different food webs such as freshwater lakes in the sub-Arctic, East Africa and Papua New Guinea. This suggests similar mechanisms of mercury assimilation and isotopic (d15N) discrimination among a broad range of aquatic taxa and underlines the possibility of broad ecosystem comparisons using the combined contaminant and stable isotope approach.


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Total mercury concentration in waters of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea measured in January-April 1982 varied from 0.007 to 0.192 µg/l. Particulate form was 1.6-16% of dissolved form. Inorganic mercury accounted for 16-67% of dissolved mercury. Total mercury concentration in the surface film was 0.74-1.85 µg/l, 10-40 times higher than in seawater. Concentration of particulate form in the film was from 100 to 400 times higher than in seawater.


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This project examined the pathways of mercury (Hg) bioaccumulation and its relation to trophic position and hydroperiod in the Everglades. I described fish-diet differences across habitats and seasons by analyzing stomach contents of 4,000 fishes of 32 native and introduced species. Major foods included periphyton, detritus/algal conglomerate, small invertebrates, aquatic insects, decapods, and fishes. Florida gar, largemouth bass, pike killifish, and bowfin were at the top of the piscine food web. Using prey volumes, I quantitatively classified the fishes into trophic groups of herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores. Stable-isotope analysis of fishes and invertebrates gave an independent and similar assessment of trophic placement. Trophic patterns were similar to those from tropical communities. I tested for correlations of trophic position and total mercury. Over 4,000 fish, 620 invertebrate, and 46 plant samples were analyzed for mercury with an atomic-fluorescence spectrometer. Mercury varied within and among taxa. Invertebrates ranged from 25–200 ng g −1 ww. Small-bodied fishes varied from 78–>400 ng g −1 ww. Large predatory fishes were highest, reaching a maximum of 1,515 ng−1 ww. Hg concentrations in both fishes and invertebrates were positively correlated with trophic position. I examined the effects of season and hydroperiod on mercury in wild and caged mosquitofish at three pairs of marshes. Nine monthly collections of wild mosquitofish were analyzed. Hydroperiod-within-site significantly affected concentrations but it interacted with sampling period. To control for wild-fish dispersal, and to measure in situ uptake and growth, I placed captive-reared, neonate mosquitofish with mercury levels from 7–14 ng g−1 ww into field cages in the six study marshes in six trials. Uptake rates ranged from 0.25–3.61 ng g−1 ww d −1. As with the wild fish, hydroperiod-within-site was a significant main effect that also interacted with sampling period. Survival exceeded 80%. Growth varied with season and hydroperiod, with greatest growth in short-hydroperiod marshes. The results suggest that dietary bioaccumulation determined mercury levels in Everglades aquatic animals, and that, although hydroperiod affected mercury uptake, its effect varied with season. ^


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This study investigated how harvest and water management affected the ecology of the Pig Frog, Rana grylio. It also examined how mercury levels in leg muscle tissue vary spatially across the Everglades. Rana grylio is an intermediate link in the Everglades food web. Although common, this inconspicuous species can be affected by three forms of anthropogenic disturbance: harvest, water management and mercury contamination. This frog is harvested both commercially and recreationally for its legs, is aquatic and thus may be susceptible to water management practices, and can transfer mercury throughout the Everglades food web. ^ This two-year study took place in three major regions: Everglades National Park (ENP), Water Conservation Areas 3A (A), and Water Conservation Area 3B (B). The study categorized the three sites by their relative harvest level and hydroperiod. During the spring of 2001, areas of the Everglades dried completely. On a regional and local scale Pig Frog abundance was highest in Site A, the longest hydroperiod, heavily harvested site, followed by ENP and B. More frogs were found along survey transects and in capture-recapture plots before the dry-down than after the dry-down in Sites ENP and B. Individual growth patterns were similar across all sites, suggesting differences in body size may be due to selective harvest. Frogs from Site A, the flooded and harvested site, had no differences in survival rates between adults and juveniles. Site B populations shifted from a juvenile to adult dominated population after the dry-down. Dry-downs appeared to affect survival rates more than harvest. ^ Total mercury in frog leg tissue was highest in protected areas of Everglades National Park with a maximum concentration of 2.3 mg/kg wet mass where harvesting is prohibited. Similar spatial patterns in mercury levels were found among pig frogs and other wildlife throughout parts of the Everglades. Pig Frogs may be transferring substantial levels of mercury to other wildlife species in ENP. ^ In summary, although it was found that abundance and survival were reduced by dry-down, lack of adult size classes in Site A, suggest harvest also plays a role in regulating population structure. ^


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Reduced organic sulfur (ROS) compounds are environmentally ubiquitous and play an important role in sulfur cycling as well as in biogeochemical cycles of toxic metals, in particular mercury. Development of effective methods for analysis of ROS in environmental samples and investigations on the interactions of ROS with mercury are critical for understanding the role of ROS in mercury cycling, yet both of which are poorly studied. Covalent affinity chromatography-based methods were attempted for analysis of ROS in environmental water samples. A method was developed for analysis of environmental thiols, by preconcentration using affinity covalent chromatographic column or solid phase extraction, followed by releasing of thiols from the thiopropyl sepharose gel using TCEP and analysis using HPLC-UV or HPLC-FL. Under the optimized conditions, the detection limits of the method using HPLC-FL detection were 0.45 and 0.36 nM for Cys and GSH, respectively. Our results suggest that covalent affinity methods are efficient for thiol enrichment and interference elimination, demonstrating their promising applications in developing a sensitive, reliable, and useful technique for thiol analysis in environmental water samples. The dissolution of mercury sulfide (HgS) in the presence of ROS and dissolved organic matter (DOM) was investigated, by quantifying the effects of ROS on HgS dissolution and determining the speciation of the mercury released from ROS-induced HgS dissolution. It was observed that the presence of small ROS (e.g., Cys and GSH) and large molecule DOM, in particular at high concentrations, could significantly enhance the dissolution of HgS. The dissolved Hg during HgS dissolution determined using the conventional 0.22 μm cutoff method could include colloidal Hg (e.g., HgS colloids) and truly dissolved Hg (e.g., Hg-ROS complexes). A centrifugal filtration method (with 3 kDa MWCO) was employed to characterize the speciation and reactivity of the Hg released during ROS-enhanced HgS dissolution. The presence of small ROS could produce a considerable fraction (about 40% of total mercury in the solution) of truly dissolved mercury (< 3 kDa), probably due to the formation of Hg-Cys or Hg-GSH complexes. The truly dissolved Hg formed during GSH- or Cys-enhanced HgS dissolution was directly reducible (100% for GSH and 40% for Cys) by stannous chloride, demonstrating its potential role in Hg transformation and bioaccumulation.


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Hair samples from 117 Northwest Greenland polar bears (Ursus maritimus) were taken during 1892-2008 and analyzed for total mercury (hereafter Hg). The sample represented 28 independent years and the aim of the study was to analyze for temporal Hg trends. Mercury concentrations showed yearly significant increases of 1.6-1.7% (p < 0.0001) from 1892 to 2008 and the two most recent median concentrations from 2006 and 2008 were 23- to 27-fold higher respectively than baseline level from 1300 A.D. in the same region (Nuullit). This indicates that the present (2006-2008) Northwest Greenland polar bear Hg exposure is 95.6-96.2% anthropogenic in its origin. Assuming a continued anthropogenic increase, this model estimated concentrations in 2050 and 2100 will be 40- and 92-fold the baseline concentration, respectively, which is equivalent to a 97.5 and 98.9% man-made contribution. None of the 2001-2008 concentrations of Hg in Northwest Greenland polar bear hair exceeded the general guideline values of 20-30 µg/g dry weight for terrestrial wildlife, whereas the neurochemical effect level of 5.4 µg Hg/g dry weight proposed for East Greenland polar bears was exceeded in 93.5% of the cases. These results call for detailed effect studies in main target organs such as brain, liver, kidney, and sexual organs in the Northwest Greenland polar bears.