21 resultados para tibolone


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Objective: To evaluate changes in mammographic density and Tc-99m-sestamibi scintimammographic uptake in postmenopausal women on hormone replacement therapy (HRT).Methods: Seventy-five postmenopausal women were prospectively studied and allocated into three groups: 50 women were randomized to either Group 1 (G1, n = 25), which received 2 mg of 17 beta-oestradiol continuously combined with 1 mg of norethisterone acetate (E-2/NETA, Kliogest (R), Medley) or Group 2 (G2), which received 2.5 mg/day of tibolone (Livial (R), Organon). The remaining 25 women, who were asymptomatic and had no desire to undergo HRT, constituted the control group (G3). Each patient was submitted to both mammography and scintimammography at baseline and after six months. Mammographic density was evaluated by using the BI-RADS classification system. The classification system of Barros et al. was used in the interpretation of scintimammography. For statistical analysis, the Chi-square test, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation were used.Results: At six months, increased mammographic density was observed in 48% of G1, 12% of G2 and 16% of G3 patients (p < 0.001). The increase in sestamibi uptake was 56% in G1, 28% in G2 and 24% in G3 (p < 0.001). Increases in both density and uptake were significantly higher in the group on E-2/NETA than among tibolone users and the controls.Conclusion: In postmenopausal women, HRT with E-2/NETA was associated with increased mammographic density and increased Tc-99m-sestamibi scintimammographic uptakes, suggesting greater mithochondrial activity in the cells of the mammary duct. This was not observed in users of 2.5 mg of tibolone, demonstrating that the effects on the breast were reduced. The same was observed in the control group. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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The climateric is characterized by progressive hipoestrogenism and by tissue and functional alterations that leads the women to aging. The diagnosis approach needs to consider the symptoms originated by estrogenic deficiency and by the more prevalent chronic diseases in this lifetime, for instance, among others, the cardiovascular and osteoporosis diseases, witch need a systematic screening. The therapeutic management must consider the proposition of healthy life habits and, when indicated, pharmacological treatment for estrogenic deficiency or for anothers comorbidities existent. The estroprogestative hormonal therapeutic is a valuable tool to provide health and better quality of life, once obeyed the individualized criterion of the cases, doses, hormonal composition and mainly of the opportunity of intervention. There are nonhormonal alternatives to treat the menopausal symptoms, as the antidepressives and phytoestrogens. It's also advised to combine with regular physical activities and adequate calcium intake. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora. Todos os direitos reservados.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O fígado é uma estrutura de elevada complexidade e é fundamental entender como determinadas substâncias podem afetar sua estrutura e suas funções. OBJETIVO: Analisar a influência da tibolona no metabolismo hepático por meio da avaliação de enzimas e metabólitos comumente utilizados em provas de função hepática. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas dez ratas Wistar, divididas em dois grupos: controle (n = 4) e tibolona (n = 6), em status de menopausa cirúrgica. A tibolona (1 mg) foi administrada diariamente por gavagem durante 20 semanas, com avaliação periódica do peso corporal. Após sedação, efetuou-se coleta de sangue para avaliação bioquímica de albumina (Alb) sérica, fosfatase alcalina (FA), transaminases (aspartato aminotransferase e alanina aminotransferase [AST/ALT]), gama-glutamiltranspeptidase (GGT) e glicose, mediante espectrofotometria. O músculo esquelético da coxa foi avaliado por histomorfometria em cortes histológicos corados com hematoxilina e eosina (HE). RESULTADOS: Os animais do grupo tibolona mostraram menor peso corporal, alterações musculares esqueléticas e discretas alterações bioquímicas. Além disso, AST e FA estavam diminuídas e GGT estava mais elevada, porém sem significância estatística. A histomorfometria do músculo revelou uma tendência de menor volume celular nesse grupo. CONCLUSÃO: A tibolona, administrada em alta dose e por tempo prolongado, não interfere de forma significativa nas funções metabólicas e de síntese hepáticas, bem como na permeabilidade da membrana celular, entretanto parece modular a expressão genômica da GGT. A tibolona apresenta influência sistêmica associada a menor peso e diminuição da massa muscular e aumento significativo no peso relativo do fígado, além de alteração da glicogenólise hepática e muscular, da gliconeogênese hepática e dos níveis de glicose circulante.


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The population-based case–control study CECILE investigated the impact of various menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) products on breast cancer (BC) risk in 1,555 postmenopausal women [1]. The case group (n = 739) included incident cases of in situ (!) or invasive BC in postmenopausal women. The control group (n = 816) included women from the general population within predefined quotas by age and socio-economic status (SES). While quotas by age were applied to obtain similar distributions by age among controls and among cases, quotas by SES in control women were applied to reflect the distribution by SES of women in the general population in the study area. Data of participants were obtained by a structured questionnaire during in-person interviews, and from pathology reports if applicable, respectively. Women were divided into current and past MHT user. MHTs were classified in estrogen-only therapy (ET), estrogen combined with progestin therapy (EPT) and tibolone. EPT was subdivided in three subtypes according to the progestogen constituent: natural micronized progesterone, progesterone derivatives, and testosterone derivatives. In comparison to never MHT users, any current or past MHT use (ET, EPT, tibolone) was not associated with an increased BC risk. However, in subanalysis BC risk was significantly increased for current use of EPT for 4 or more years (n = 73 cases and n = 56 controls, adjusted OR 1.55; 95 % CI 1.02–2.36). Within the group of current EPT users for 4 or more years, 14 cases had used estrogens combined with micronized progesterone (n = 17 controls), and 55 a combination with a synthetic progestogen (n = 34 controls), respectively. Compared to never MHT use, current use of EPT containing a synthetic progestogen for 4 or more years was associated with a significantly increased BC risk (adjusted OR 2.07; 95 % CI 1.26–3.39), but EPT containing micronized progesterone was not (adjusted OR 0.79; 95 % CI 0.37–1.71). 73 % of current MHT users started treatment within the first year of onset of menopause. Early EPT (n = 52 cases and n = 38 controls, adjusted OR 1.65; 95 % CI 1.02–2.69), but not early ET, starters had a significantly higher BC risk compared to never MHT users. In contrast, MHT initiation beyond 1 year after menopause was not associated with an increased BC risk. The authors concluded that: (1) ET and EPT containing natural progesterone did not increase BC risk whereas, (2) BC risk was increased in users of tibolone or EPT containing a synthetic progestogen, respectively, and that (3) MHT use early after onset of menopause was associated with an increased BC risk as compared to women who delay MHT beyond 1 or more years.


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OBJECTIVE This study aims to assess the odds of developing incident gout in association with the use of postmenopausal estrogen-progestogen therapy, according to type, timing, duration, and route of administration of estrogen-progestogen therapy. METHODS We conducted a retrospective population-based case-control analysis using the United Kingdom-based Clinical Practice Research Datalink. We identified women (aged 45 y or older) who had a first-time diagnosis of gout recorded between 1990 and 2010. We matched one female control with each case on age, general practice, calendar time, and years of active history in the database. We used multivariate conditional logistic regression to calculate odds ratios (ORs) with 95% CIs (adjusted for confounders). RESULTS The adjusted OR for gout with current use of oral formulations of opposed estrogens (estrogen-progestogen) was 0.69 (95% CI, 0.56-0.86) compared with never use. Current use was associated with a decreased OR for gout in women without renal failure (adjusted OR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.57-0.87) and hypertension (adjusted OR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.44-0.87) compared with never use. Tibolone was associated with a decreased OR for gout (adjusted OR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.63-0.95) compared with never use. Estrogens alone did not alter the OR for gout. CONCLUSIONS Current use of oral opposed estrogens, but not unopposed estrogens, is associated with a decreased OR for incident gout in women without renal failure and is more pronounced in women with hypertension. Use of tibolone is associated with a decreased OR for incident gout. The decreased OR for gout may be related to the progestogen component rather than the estrogen component.