61 resultados para thesauri
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OCLC, ref. 165521547.
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The last part has special t. p.; Notae in Anglo-Saxonum nummos.
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Mode of access: Internet.
The use of ontologies as representations of knowledge is widespread but their construction, until recently, has been entirely manual. We argue in this paper for the use of text corpora and automated natural language processing methods for the construction of ontologies. We delineate the challenges and present criteria for the selection of appropriate methods. We distinguish three ma jor steps in ontology building: associating terms, constructing hierarchies and labelling relations. A number of methods are presented for these purposes but we conclude that the issue of data-sparsity still is a ma jor challenge. We argue for the use of resources external tot he domain specific corpus.
Vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Auswirkungen von selbst-definierten Extensions auf Kompatibilität von SKOS-Thesauri untereinander. Zu diesem Zweck werden als Grundlage zunächst die Funktionsweisen von RDF, SKOS, SKOS-XL und Dublin Core Metadaten erläutert und die verwendete Syntax geklärt. Es folgt eine Beschreibung des Aufbaus von konventionellen Thesauri inkl. der für sie geltenden Normen. Danach wird der Vorgang der Konvertierung eines konventionellen Thesaurus in SKOS dargestellt. Um dann die selbst-definierten Erweiterungen und ihre Folgen betrachten zu können, werden fünf SKOS-Thesauri beispielhaft beschrieben. Dazu gehören allgemeine Informationen, ihre Struktur, die verwendeten Erweiterungen und ein Schaubild, das die Struktur als Übersicht darstellt. Anhand dieser Thesauri wird dann beschrieben wie Mappings zwischen den Thesauri erstellt werden und welche Herausforderungen dabei bestehen.
DEVELOPING A TEXTILE ONTOLOGY FOR THE SEMANTIC WEB AND CONNECTING IT TO MUSEUM CATALOGING DATA The goal of the Semantic Web is to share concept-based information in a versatile way on the Internet. This is achievable using formal data structures called ontologies. The goal of this re-search is to increase the usability of museum cataloging data in information retrieval. The work is interdisciplinary, involving craft science, terminology science, computer science, and museology. In the first part of the dissertation an ontology of concepts of textiles, garments, and accessories is developed for museum cataloging work. The ontology work was done with the help of thesauri, vocabularies, research reports, and standards. The basis of the ontology development was the Museoalan asiasanasto MASA, a thesaurus for museum cataloging work which has been enriched by other vocabularies. Concepts and terms concerning the research object, as well as the material names of textiles, costumes, and accessories, were focused on. The research method was terminological concept analysis complemented by an ontological view of the Semantic Web. The concept structure was based on the hierarchical generic relation. Attention was also paid to other relations between terms and concepts, and between concepts themselves. Altogether 977 concept classes were created. Issues including how to choose and name concepts for the ontology hierarchy and how deep and broad the hierarchy could be are discussed from the viewpoint of the ontology developer and museum cataloger. The second part of the dissertation analyzes why some of the cataloged terms did not match with the developed textile ontology. This problem is significant because it prevents automatic ontological content integration of the cataloged data on the Semantic Web. The research datasets, i.e. the cataloged museum data on textile collections, came from three museums: Espoo City Museum, Lahti City Museum and The National Museum of Finland. The data included 1803 textile, costume, and accessory objects. Unmatched object and textile material names were analyzed. In the case of the object names six categories (475 cases), and of the material names eight categories (423 cases), were found where automatic annotation was not possible. The most common explanation was that the cataloged field was filled with a long sentence comprised of many terms. Sometimes in the compound term, the object name and material, or the name and the way of usage, were combined. As well, numeric values in the material name cataloging field prevented annotation and so did the absence of a corresponding concept in the ontology. Ready-made drop-down lists of materials used in one cataloging system facilitated the annotation. In the case of naming objects and materials, one should use terms in basic form without attributes. The developed textile ontology has been applied in two cultural portals, MuseumFinland and Culturesampo, where one can search for and browse information based on cataloged data using integrated ontologies in an interoperable way. The textile ontology is also part of the national FinnONTO ontology infrastructure. Keywords: annotation, concept, concept analysis, cataloging, museum collection, ontology, Semantic Web, textile collection, textile material
Esta dissertação apresenta a estruturação de um sistema para indexação e visualização de depoimentos de história oral em vídeo. A partir do levantamento de um referencial teórico referente à indexação, o sistema resultou em um protótipo funcional de alta fidelidade. O conteúdo para a realização deste foi obtido pela indexação de 12 depoimentos coletados pela equipe do Museu da Pessoa durante o projeto Memórias da Vila Madalena, em São Paulo (ago/2012). Acervos de História Oral como o Museu da Pessoa, o Museu da Imagem e do Som ou o Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil / CPDOC da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, reúnem milhares de horas de depoimentos em áudio e vídeo. De uma forma geral, esses depoimentos são longas entrevistas individuais, onde diversos assuntos são abordados; o que dificulta sua análise, síntese e consequentemente, sua recuperação. A transcrição dos depoimentos permite a realização de buscas textuais para acessar assuntos específicos nas longas entrevistas. Por isso, podemos dizer que as transcrições são a principal fonte de consulta dos pesquisadores de história oral, deixando a fonte primária (o vídeo) para um eventual segundo momento da pesquisa. A presente proposta visa ampliar a recuperação das fontes primárias a partir da indexação de segmentos de vídeo, criando pontos de acesso imediato para trechos relevantes das entrevistas. Nessa abordagem, os indexadores (termos, tags ou anotações) não são associados ao vídeo completo, mas a pontos de entrada e saída (timecodes) que definem trechos específicos no vídeo. As tags combinadas com os timecodes criam novos desafios e possibilidades para indexação e navegação através de arquivos de vídeo. O sistema aqui estruturado integra conceitos e técnicas de áreas aparentemente desconectadas: metodologias de indexação, construção de taxonomias, folksonomias, visualização de dados e design de interação são integrados em um processo unificado que vai desde a coleta e indexação dos depoimentos até sua visualização e interação.
Ce ms. constitue la mise au net du ms. B. n. F., lat. 17652 qui a servi de brouillon. F. 1 Titre : «Series chronologica præpositorum generalium carmelitarum discalceatorum congregationis italicae, cum singulorum effigie ad vivum nitidissime æri incisa [ce dernier membre de phrase est cancellé], necnon elogio manuscripto». F. 3-14v Notice biographique de chacun des préposés généraux des Carmes déchaux de la congrégation d'Italie de 1600 à 1787; chaque nom est précédé d'un ou plusieurs chiffres romains donnant le numéro d'ordre du préposé. Pour les derniers, seul figure le nom et le numéro d'ordre. Chaque page est divisée en deux cadres, et chaque notice en occupe un, rarement deux. «I. IV. IX. Ferdinandus a Sancta Maria. In saeculo dictus Ferdinandus Martinez...-... LIII. Hilarion ab Omnibus Sanctis» (14v); cf. A. Fortes, Acta capituli generalis O. C. D. congregationis s. Eliae, 3 vol., Rome, 1990-1992 (Monumenta historica Carmeli Teresiani 11, 13-14). À noter, parmi les références bibliographiques, celles qui concernent directement les Carmes déchaux : elles sont données ci-dessous sous une forme normalisée (entre parenthèses le feuillet où figure la première occurrence), alors que l'auteur donne en général le titre et le nom de l'auteur, sous une forme latinisée approximative, avec parfois le lieu et la date d'impression : Juan Caramuel Lobkowitz, Caramuelis Dominicus..., Vienne, 1655 (3v); Jean Chardin, Voyages de Monsieur le chevalier Chardin en Perse, Paris, 1723 (4v); Daniel a Virgine Maria, Speculum carmelitanum, Anvers, 1680 (3); Eusebius ab Omnibus Sanctis, Enchyridion chronologicum carmelitarum discalceatorum congregationis Italiae, Rome, 1737 (4), cet ouvrage est le plus fréquemment cité, on en trouve un exemplaire à la Vaticane et un microfilm à la Library of Congress; Francisco de Santa Maria, Historia general profetica de la orden de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Madrid, 1630 (3); Franciscus Joseph a Sancta Margarita, Necrologium præpositorum generalium, non identifié (5); Isidore de Saint-Joseph, Historia reformationis s. Theresiae, non identifié (4v); Isidore de Saint-Joseph et Pierre de Saint-André, Historia generalis Fratrum discalceatorum ordinis B. M. V. de Monte Carmelo congregationis s. Eliae, Rome, 1668-1671 (4v); Louis Jacob, Bibliotheca carmelitana manuscripta, non identifié (5v); Juan de Jesus Maria, Historia missionum; Vita Petri a Matre Dei (3), ces deux ouvrages n'ont pu être identifiés, ils ne figurent pas dans les Opera omnia publiées à Cologne en 1622; Aubert Le Mire, Bibliotheca ecclesiastica, 2e partie, Anvers, 1649 (3v); Louis de Sainte-Thérèse, Annales carmelitarum excalceatorum Galliae (4v), non identifié; Martial de Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Bibliotheca scriptorum utriusque congregationis et sexus carmelitarum discalceatorum, Bordeaux, 1730 (3); Paulus ab Omnibus Sanctis, Clavis aurea thesauri partheno-carmelitici..., Vienne, 1669, si ce titre correspond au «Catalogus scriptorum» du f. 3; Philippe de la Très Sainte Trinité, Decus carmelitanum, ouvrage non identifié (4v); Id., Historia carmelitani ordinis..., Lyon, 1656 (3); Id., Itinerarium orientale R.P.F. Philippi a SS. Trinitate, Lyon, 1649 (4v); Id., La Vie du vénérable père Dominique de Jésus Maria..., Lyon, 1669 (5); le P.Théophile Raynaud, Scapulare partheno-carmeliticum, Paris, 1654 (3v); [Cosme de Villiers de Saint-Étienne] «editor anonymus», Bibliotheca carmelitana, Orléans, 1752 (5).
Formal Concept Analysis allows to derive conceptual hierarchies from data tables. Formal Concept Analysis is applied in various domains, e.g., data analysis, information retrieval, and knowledge discovery in databases. In order to deal with increasing sizes of the data tables (and to allow more complex data structures than just binary attributes), conceputal scales habe been developed. They are considered as metadata which structure the data conceptually. But in large applications, the number of conceptual scales increases as well. Techniques are needed which support the navigation of the user also on this meta-level of conceptual scales. In this paper, we attack this problem by extending the set of scales by hierarchically ordered higher level scales and by introducing a visualization technique called nested scaling. We extend the two-level architecture of Formal Concept Analysis (the data table plus one level of conceptual scales) to many-level architecture with a cascading system of conceptual scales. The approach also allows to use representation techniques of Formal Concept Analysis for the visualization of thesauri and ontologies.