849 resultados para thermal stresses
Lipid micro and nanoparticles have been extensively investigated as carriers for hydrophobic bioactives in food systems because they can simultaneously increase the dispersibility of these lipophilic substances and help improve their bioavailability. In this study, lipid microparticles of babacu oil and denatured whey protein isolate were produced, and their ability to protect quercetin against degradation was evaluated over 30 days of storage. Additionally, the lipid microparticles were subjected to the typical stress conditions of food processing (presence of sucrose, salt, and thermal stresses), and their physico-chemical stability was monitored. The data show that the babacu microparticles efficiently avoided the oxidation of quercetin because 85% of the initial amount of the flavonoid was preserved after 30 days. The particles were notably stable up to a temperature of 70 °C for 10 minutes at relatively high concentrations of salt and sucrose. The type of stirring (mechanical or magnetic) also strongly affected the stability of the dispersions.
La lithographie et la loi de Moore ont permis des avancées extraordinaires dans la fabrication des circuits intégrés. De nos jours, plusieurs systèmes très complexes peuvent être embarqués sur la même puce électronique. Les contraintes de développement de ces systèmes sont tellement grandes qu’une bonne planification dès le début de leur cycle de développement est incontournable. Ainsi, la planification de la gestion énergétique au début du cycle de développement est devenue une phase importante dans la conception de ces systèmes. Pendant plusieurs années, l’idée était de réduire la consommation énergétique en ajoutant un mécanisme physique une fois le circuit créé, comme par exemple un dissipateur de chaleur. La stratégie actuelle est d’intégrer les contraintes énergétiques dès les premières phases de la conception des circuits. Il est donc essentiel de bien connaître la dissipation d’énergie avant l’intégration des composantes dans une architecture d’un système multiprocesseurs de façon à ce que chaque composante puisse fonctionner efficacement dans les limites de ses contraintes thermiques. Lorsqu’une composante fonctionne, elle consomme de l’énergie électrique qui est transformée en dégagement de chaleur. Le but de ce mémoire est de trouver une affectation efficace des composantes dans une architecture de multiprocesseurs en trois dimensions en tenant compte des limites des facteurs thermiques de ce système.
This licentiate thesis has the main focus on evaluation of the wear of coated and uncoated polycrystalline cubic boron nitride cutting tool used in cutting operations against hardened steel. And to exam the surface finish and integrity of the work material used. Harder work material, higher cutting speed and cost reductions result in the development of harder and more wear resistance cutting tools. Although PCBN cutting tools have been used in over 30 years, little work have been done on PVD coated PCBN cutting tools. Therefore hard turning and hard milling experiments with PVD coated and uncoated cutting tools have been performed and evaluated. The coatings used in the present study are TiSiN and TiAlN. The wear scar and surface integrity have been examined with help of several different characterization techniques, for example scanning electron microscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy. The results showed that the PCBN cutting tools used displayed crater wear, flank wear and edge micro chipping. While the influence of the coating on the crater and flank wear was very small and the coating showed a high tendency to spalling. Scratch testing of coated PCBN showed that, the TiAlN coating resulted in major adhesive fractures. This displays the importance of understanding the effect of different types of lapping/grinding processes in the pre-treatment of hard and super hard substrate materials and the amount and type of damage that they can create. For the cutting tools used in turning, patches of a adhered layer, mainly consisting of FexOy were shown at both the crater and flank. And for the cutting tools used in milling a tribofilm consisting of SixOy covered the crater. A combination of tribochemical reactions, adhesive wear and mild abrasive wear is believed to control the flank and crater wear of the PCBN cutting tools. On a microscopic scale the difference phases of the PCBN cutting tool used in turning showed different wear characteristics. The machined surface of the work material showed a smooth surface with a Ra-value in the range of 100-200 nm for the turned surface and 100-150 nm for the milled surface. With increasing crater and flank wear in combination with edge chipping the machined surface becomes rougher and showed a higher Ra-value. For the cutting tools used in milling the tendency to micro edge chipping was significant higher when milling the tools steels showing a higher hard phase content and a lower heat conductivity resulting in higher mechanical and thermal stresses at the cutting edge.
o objetivo deste trabalho é a análise de barragens de gravidade de concreto desde a faseda sua construção até sua completa entrada em serviço. Inicialmente é feita a análise da fase construtiva, onde o problema fundamental é devido às tensões térmicas decorrentes do calor de hidratação. O método dos elementos finitos é empregado para a solução dos problemasde transferência de calor e de tensões. A influência da construção em camadas é introduzidaatravés da redefinição da malha de elementos finitos, logo após o lançamento de cadacamada de concreto. Uma atenção especial é dada ao problema de fissuração em estruturas de concreto simples.Algunsmodelos usuais são apresentados, discutindo-se a eficiência dos mesmos. Os modelosde fissuração distribuída têm sido preferidos, em virtude dos vários inconvenientes apresentados pelas formulações discretas. Esses modelos, entretanto, fornecem resultados dependentesda malha de elementos finitos e alguma consideração adicional deve ser feita para corrigiressas distorções. Normalmente, tenta-se corrigir esse problema através da adoção de umaresistênciaà tração minorada que é definida em função da energia de fratura do material. Neste trabalho, é demonstrado que esse procedimento não é satisfatório e é proposta uma novaformulaçãopara a análise de grandes estruturas de concreto. A análise das tensões na etapa de construção da barragem é feita com o emprego de um modelo constitutivo viscoelástico com envelhecimento para o concreto. Em virtude do envelhecimento,a matriz de rigidez da estrutura é variável no tempo, devendo ser redefinida e triangularizadaem cada instante. Isto leva a um grande esforço computacional, sobretudo, quandoa barragem é construída em muitas camadas. Para evitar esse inconveniente, adota-se um procedimento iterativo que permite que a matriz de rigidez seja redefinida em poucas idadesde referência. Numa segunda etapa da análise, a barragem é submetida à pressão hidrostática e a uma excitação sísmica. A análise dinâmica é realizada considerando-se o movimento do sistema acoplado barragem-reservatório-fundação. O sismo é considerado um processo estocásticonão estacionário e a segurança da estrutura é determinada em relação aos principais modos de falha
The presence of pores in ceramics is directly related to the chosen forming process. So, in the starch consolidation method, the ceramics show, after burning, pores with morphology similar to that presented by this organic material. on the other hand, the increase in solid load leads up to alterations in dispersion viscosity, increasing the thermal stresses during drying and sintering processes. In order to verify the solid percentage influence in ceramic final properties, samples were prepared with silicon carbide in different compositions using or not starch as binder agent and pore forming element. The characterization of the ceramic pieces was performed by superficial roughness measurements, porosity besides by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed ceramics with SiC and starch presented physical and microscopic properties slightly higher in relation to those with only ceramic powder in their composition. The presence of organic material, agglomerated and foam during the forming were essential for the final properties of the studied samples.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Nesta dissertação foi desenvolvido um estudo sobre o comportamento de uma estrutura em concreto armado submetida a elevadas variações térmicas. A estrutura analisada consiste na parede externa de um forno de cozimento de anodo utilizado na produção de Alumínio, e está submetida a variações térmicas de cerca de 125C devido à própria operação do forno. As motivações principais para o estudo foram a ocorrência de grandes deformações e o surgimento de fissuras na estrutura, o que poderia provocar a inutilização do forno. O objetivo do trabalho foi a investigação das causas destas patologias, assim como o estabelecimento de propostas para reforço da estrutura. Para isso, foram realizados estudos experimentais e computacionais do comportamento da estrutura. Inicialmente, a estrutura foi monitorada utilizando-se transdutores de deslocamento e sensores de temperatura (termopares), conectados a um sistema de aquisição de dados para obtenção e armazenamento automática das amostras ao longo do tempo. Em seguida, foram desenvolvidos modelos computacionais em Elementos Finitos com auxilio do programa computacional Algor, para determinação da distribuição de temperatura e as correspondentes tensões e deformações de origem térmica na estrutura. Nestes estudos, foram realizadas análises estacionárias e transientes de condução de calor, seguidas de análises de tensões de origem térmica. Como conclusão do estudo, tem-se que a metodologia proposta para a solução do problema foi bastante satisfatória, solucionando o problema de forma precisa, porém econômica.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In recent years, increasing demand for energy has led to studies to increase the amount of electricity produced. Due to this fact, more and more boilers are becoming important sources of electricity generation. To raise the efficiency of energy generated in the boilers is necessary to raise the steam pressure and temperature to values previously unimaginable. The use of more resistant materials and maintenance practices and most appropriate operation made it possible. The objective of this study is to test the main types of failure in a chemical recovery boiler, in particular due to fatigue in the superheater, because it is a component subjected to high temperatures and thus more subject to different failures. In this manner this study aims to reduce the incidence of unscheduled maintenance shutdowns, increasing the operation time under appropriate conditions. Modeling performed in this study, the failure did not occur, because we considered only the mechanical stress. Under normal conditions, mechanical stress in combination with thermal stresses can cause cracks in the tubes due to cyclical stresses, leading to fatigue failure
This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the investigation of some chemical and sensorial analytical parameters linked to the quality and purity of different categories of oils obtained by olives: extra virgin olive oils, both those that are sold in the large retail trade (supermarkets and discounts) and those directly collected at some Italian mills, and lower-quality oils (refined, lampante and “repaso”). Concurrently with the adoption of traditional and well-known analytical procedures such as gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography, I carried out a set-up of innovative, fast and environmentally-friend methods. For example, I developed some analytical approaches based on Fourier transform medium infrared spectroscopy (FT-MIR) and time domain reflectometry (TDR), coupled with a robust chemometric elaboration of the results. I investigated some other freshness and quality markers that are not included in official parameters (in Italian and European regulations): the adoption of such a full chemical and sensorial analytical plan allowed me to obtain interesting information about the degree of quality of the EVOOs, mostly within the Italian market. Here the range of quality of EVOOs resulted very wide, in terms of sensory attributes, price classes and chemical parameters. Thanks to the collaboration with other Italian and foreign research groups, I carried out several applicative studies, especially focusing on the shelf-life of oils obtained by olives and on the effects of thermal stresses on the quality of the products. I also studied some innovative technological treatments, such as the clarification by using inert gases, as an alternative to the traditional filtration. Moreover, during a three-and-a-half months research stay at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich, I also carried out a study related to the application of statistical methods for the elaboration of sensory results, obtained thanks to the official Swiss Panel and to some consumer tests.
In-service hardened concrete pavement suffers from environmental loadings caused by curling and warping of the slab. Traditionally, these loadings are computed on the basis of treating the slab as an elastic material, and of evaluating separately the curling and warping components. This dissertation simulates temperature distribution and moisture distribution through the slabs by use of a developed numerical model that couples the heat transfer and moisture transport. The computation of environmental loadings treats the slab as an elastic-viscous material, which considers the relaxation behavior and Pickett effect of the concrete. The heat transfer model considers the impacts of solar radiation, wind speed, air temperature, pavement slab albedo, etc. on the pavement temperature distribution. This dissertation assesses the difference between documented models that aim to predict pavement temperature, highlighting their pros and cons. The moisture transport model is unique for the documented models; it mimics the wetting and drying events occurring at the slab surface. These events are estimated by a proposed statistical algorithm, which is verified by field rainfall data. Analysis of the predicted results examines on the roles of the local air RH (relative humidity), wind speed, rainy pattern in the moisture distribution through the slab. The findings reveal that seasonal air RH plays a decisive role on the slab‘s moisture distribution; but wind speed and its daily variation, daily RH variation, and seasonal rainfall pattern plays only a secondary role. This dissertation sheds light on the computation of environmental loadings that in-service pavement slabs suffer from. Analysis of the computed stresses centers on the stress relaxation near the surface, stress evolution after the curing ends, and the impact of construction season on the stress‘s magnitude. An unexpected finding is that the total environmental loadings at the cyclically-stable state divert from the thermal stresses. At such a state, the total stress at the daytime is roughly equal to the thermal stress; whereas the total stress during the nighttime is far greater than the thermal stress. An explanation for this phenomenon is that during the night hours, the decline of the slab‘s near-surface temperature leads to a drop of the near-surface RH. This RH drop results in contraction therein and develops additional tensile stresses. The dissertation thus argues that estimating the environmental loadings by solely computing the thermally-induced stresses may reach delusive results. It recommends that the total environmental loadings of in-service slabs should be estimated by a sophisticated model coupling both moisture component and temperature component.
Flurförderzeuge sind aufgrund ihrer Einsatzbedingungen und konstruktiven Merkmale besonderen Beanspruchungen ausgesetzt. Diese elektrischen, mechanischen und thermischen Beanspruchungen unterscheiden sich teilweise deutlich von denen anderer Fahrzeuge wie Personenwagen oder mobilen Baumaschinen. Um Auslegungs- und Dimensionierungsrichtlinien für die im Flurförderzeug verbauten elektronischen Komponenten zu erarbeiten, wurden an einem Schubmaststapler die auf ausgewählte Komponenten einwirkenden Beanspruchungen aufgezeichnet und umfangreich ausgewertet. In verschiedenen Prüfstandsuntersuchungen wurden die angenommenen Beanspruchungen unter Laborbedingungen nachgestellt, um das Verhalten der Elektronikkomponenten näher zu betrachten und Ausfallcharakteristiken, wie beispielsweise die Zusammenhänge zwischen Belastungshöhe und Belastungshäufigkeit bis zum Ausfall, abzuleiten.
Aims. We derive for the first time the size-frequency distribution of boulders on a comet, 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P), computed from the images taken by the Rosetta/OSIRIS imaging system. We highlight the possible physical processes that lead to these boulder size distributions. Methods. We used images acquired by the OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera, NAC, on 5 and 6 August 2014. The scale of these images (2.44−2.03 m/px) is such that boulders ≥7 m can be identified and manually extracted from the datasets with the software ArcGIS. We derived both global and localized size-frequency distributions. The three-pixel sampling detection, coupled with the favorable shadowing of the surface (observation phase angle ranging from 48° to 53°), enables unequivocally detecting boulders scattered all over the illuminated side of 67P. Results. We identify 3546 boulders larger than 7 m on the imaged surface (36.4 km2), with a global number density of nearly 100/km2 and a cumulative size-frequency distribution represented by a power-law with index of −3.6 +0.2/−0.3. The two lobes of 67P appear to have slightly different distributions, with an index of −3.5 +0.2/−0.3 for the main lobe (body) and −4.0 +0.3/−0.2 for the small lobe (head). The steeper distribution of the small lobe might be due to a more pervasive fracturing. The difference of the distribution for the connecting region (neck) is much more significant, with an index value of −2.2 +0.2/−0.2. We propose that the boulder field located in the neck area is the result of blocks falling from the contiguous Hathor cliff. The lower slope of the size-frequency distribution we see today in the neck area might be due to the concurrent processes acting on the smallest boulders, such as i) disintegration or fragmentation and vanishing through sublimation; ii) uplifting by gas drag and consequent redistribution; and iii) burial beneath a debris blanket. We also derived the cumulative size-frequency distribution per km2 of localized areas on 67P. By comparing the cumulative size-frequency distributions of similar geomorphological settings, we derived similar power-law index values. This suggests that despite the selected locations on different and often opposite sides of the comet, similar sublimation or activity processes, pit formation or collapses, as well as thermal stresses or fracturing events occurred on multiple areas of the comet, shaping its surface into the appearance we see today.
Concentrator photovoltaic is an emergent technology that may be a good economical and efficient alternative for the generation of electricity at a competitive cost. However, the reliability of these new solar cells and systems is still an open issue due to the high-irradiation level they are subjected to as well as the electrical and thermal stresses that they are expected to endure. To evaluate the reliability in a short period of time, accelerated aging tests are essential. Thermal aging tests for concentrator photovoltaic solar cells and systems under illumination are not available because no technical solution to the problem of reaching the working concentration inside a climatic chamber has been available. This work presents an automatic instrumentation system that overcomes the aforementioned limitation. Working conditions have been simulated by forward biasing the solar cells to the current they would handle at the working concentration (in this case, 700 and 1050 times the irradiance at one standard sun). The instrumentation system has been deployed for more than 10 000 h in a thermal aging test for III-V concentrator solar cells, in which the generated power evolution at different temperatures has been monitored. As a result of this test, the acceleration factor has been calculated, thus allowing for the degradation evolution at any temperature in addition to normal working conditions to be obtained.
The possibility of using more economical silicon feedstock, i.e. as support for epitaxial solar cells, is of interest when the cost reduction and the properties are attractive. We have investigated the mechanical behaviour of two blocks of upgraded metallurgical silicon, which is known to present high content of impurities even after being purified by the directional solidification process. These impurities are mainly metals like Al and silicon compounds. Thus, it is important to characterize their effect in order to improve cell performance and to ensure the survival of the wafers throughout the solar value chain. Microstructure and mechanical properties were studied by means of ring on ring and three point bending tests. Additionally, elastic modulus and fracture toughness were measured. These results showed that it is possible to obtain marked improvements in toughness when impurities act as microscopic internal crack arrestors. However, the same impurities can be initiators of damage due to residual thermal stresses introduced during the crystallization process.