693 resultados para thérapie de remplacement rénal
AIM: The antihypertensive effect of renal denervation in hypertensive patients is partially explained by increased tubular natriuresis. To study the possible contribution of the kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) to this natriuretic effect in rats, we measured kallikrein activity (KA) and bradykinin concentrations (BK) in plasma and tissues. METHODS: To measure KA, we adapted and validated an enzymatic assay that cleaves para-nitroaniline (pNA) from the tripeptide H-D-Pro-Phe-Arg-pNA. The coefficients of variation (CV) within- and between-assays were less than 8% for plasma and tissue KA (plasma n=6 and 13; tissue n=4). Linear results for serially diluted samples confirmed the assay specificity. Tissue BK determinations were based on an established assay for plasma BK: tissue was homogenized and kinins extracted in ethanol, and BK was isolated by high-performance (HPLC) liquid chromatography and quantitated by radioimmunassay. Within- and between-assay CV for plasma BK were 18% (n=8 and n=35, respectively) and for BK in various tissues less than 16% (n=5-8). RESULTS: In male Wistar rats (n=3), plasma BK was 8.2±6.6 fmol/mL (mean±SD), and tissue BK (fmol/g) in 14 tested organs varied between brain (14±3) and submaxillary gland (521±315). Six days after left-sided unilateral renal denervation, left renal tissue BK (89±9) was not different from right renal BK (75±23). Similarly, KA was comparable in the two kidneys (left 18.0±1.5, right 15.8±1.4μkat/g). CONCLUSION: Any possible effect of unilateral renal denervation on the kidney's KKS would have to be bilateral.
La formation en psychothérapie comportementale et cognitive en Europe suit des exigences variées selon les pays, malgré les standards communs de formation dans ce domaine émis par l'EABCT. En général les pays qui ont une réglementation légale de la psychothérapie ont des critères de reconnaissance plus sévères que ceux de l'EABCT, alors que les autres tendent à s'aligner sur les règles de l'Association. Dans les programmes de formation, le rôle de la supervision varie également d'un pays à l'autre. Ces variations touchent aussi bien la quantité de supervisions demandées, ses modalités d'application, que les critères de reconnaissance des superviseurs. L'EABCT a récemment publié des recommandations pour la reconnaissance des superviseurs, pour garantir que les superviseurs soient spécifiquement formés à cette activité. Ces critères sont plus sévères que ceux de la plupart des associations de TCC ou des règlementations nationales du titre de psychothérapeute, ce qui peut poser des problèmes d'implémentation, même dans les pays qui disposent d'une législation en matière de psychothérapie. Nous assistons à une tendance allant vers une professionnalisation plus grande de l'activité de supervision. Cette professionnalisation, pour autant qu'elle soit scientifiquement fondée, mérite sans doute d'être défendue. Il s'agira cependant d'être attentif au fait qu'un excès de règlements ne bloque pas les possibilités de formation et par conséquence la diffusion des TCC, notamment dans les régions où elles sont encore peu implantées.
INTRODUCTION: Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most frequent primitive orbital malignant tumor in children. If the treatment is started as soon as possible after discovery of the disease, the vital prognosis is considerably better than otherwise. The goal of this paper is to present the new therapeutic protocol and to report our experience in this field. MATERIAL AND METHOD: During the past 35 years, 102 cases of orbital tumors were collected in children under 15 years of age: 5 cases of rhabdomyosarcoma were cared for in our department. At the time of tumor diagnosis, the age of our patients ranged from 3 weeks to 13 years. After a biopsy or excision biopsy, all our cases were treated by chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy. Medication was mostly vincristine, ifosfamide and actinomycine D. When the result of the treatment was not satisfactory, carboplatine and epirubicine, vincristine as well as ifosfamide were given. Radiotherapy was performed only in particular cases or in recurrences. CONCLUSION: Rhabdomyosarcoma is a highly malignant tumor. Although rare, it is the most frequent of malignant tumors in children. It is important to keep it in mind in order to perform a biopsy enabling quick diagnosis and treatment following the modern protocol giving the highest chances of survival to these patients: about 98% in 3 years.
From practice to research in a couple and family therapy consultation - This article presents a study that took place at a Couples and Family outpatient clinic. Multiple levels are involved in couples and family therapy. The definition of relevant variables allowing the evaluation of a systemic therapeutic intervention's efficiency is thus particularly difficult. The aim of our study is to assess the short- and medium-term evolution on four different levels: (1) individual symptomatology; (2) conjugal satisfaction; (3) parental and co-parental relationship quality, and (4) global family functioning for a brief systemic intervention (BSI). BSI consists in a therapeutic treatment of a maximum of six sessions. The different levels are assessed by validated self-reported questionnaires before and after BSI as well as at a three-month follow-up. The therapeutic alliance is also measured by a self-reported questionnaire (WAI) after each session. The results of a pilot sample of N = 10 couples and families showed the efficiency of BSI on most of the variables measured and a greater therapeutic change for women than for men. No therapeutic effect was observed for men's individual symptomatology or for global family functioning. These results suggest that BSI has a different impact on the four levels measured. The importance of the therapeutic alliance on the therapeutic success is also confirmed.
Cell-based regenerative therapy treatment of cardiovascular diseases considered as irreversible, as acute myocardial infarction, chronic ischemic heart failure, non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy and refractory angina pectoris. Large randomized clinical trials with hard clinical endpoints are still necessary before considering cell-based regenerative therapy as a valuable alternative therapeutic option in cardiology.
Cet article présente les résultats d'une revue systématique publiée par la Collaboration Cochrane dans la Cochrane Library (www.cochrane.org) : James A.C., James G., Cowdrey F.A., Soler A., Choke A., « Cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders in children and adolescents », Cochrane Database Syst. Rev., 2013 ; 6 : CD004690. Volontairement limité à un champ de recherche circonscrit, cet article reflète l'état actuel des connaissances de ce domaine. Il ne s'agit donc pas de recommandations pour guider la prise en charge d'une problématique clinique considérée dans sa globalité (guidelines).
Objectifs: Etudier et décrire étape par étape les aspects techniques de la thérapie par cryoablation percutanée ciblée (CPC). Matériels et méthodes: CPC est réalisée par un : adiologue interventionnel sous guidage échographique et/ou tomodensitométrique. Résultats: CPC est un traitement peu invasif qui utilise un froid extrême pour geler et détruire des tumeurs localisées dans le foie, les reins, la prostate, les poumons, les os, les seins et la peau. L'imagerie est utilisée pour guider le placement d'un ou plusieurs applicateurs à travers la peau jusqu'au site cible et surveiller le processus de congélation. De l'azote liquide ou du gaz d'argon circule au sein d'une aiguille-applicateur (CryoPhobe) créant froid intense au contact de la cible. Une sonde indépendante surveille la température du tissu environnant. Le froid est maintenu pendant au moins 20 minutes suivi d'un dégel actif de la "boule de glace". La procédure est ensuite répétée pour maximiser la destruction tumorale. La procédure dure environ 1 heure et se fait de manière ambulatoire. Conclusion: CPC est un traitement alternatif efficace du cancer chez des patients sélectionnés. Les propriétés destructrices des tissus tumoraux sont bien établies pour le cancer du rein, cependant des investigations supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour déterminer l'efficacité de CPC à long terme dans d'autres indications.
Stents have a long history in traditional valve surgery as both, porcine biological valves as well as pericardial valves are mounted on stents prior to implantation. Recently stent-mounted biological devices have been compressed up to the point, where they can be passed through a catheter. Various routes can be distinguished for implantation: open access, the trans-vascular route in antegrade or retrograde fashion, as well as direct trans-apical or trans-atrial access. Direct access has the potentialforvideo-endoscopic valve replacement. In theory, as well as in the experimental setting, valved stents have been implanted in tricuspid and caval position respectively, as well as in pulmonary, mitral and aortic locations. The largest clinical experience has been achieved in pulmonary position whereas current efforts target the aortic position.
La clinique systémique ne se limite pas à la thérapie de couple ou de famille, mais comprend aussi la psychothérapie individuelle. Légitimité et méthode brièvement présentées.
Following acute myocardial infarction, necrotic cardiac tissue is replaced by scar leading to ventricular remodeling and pump failure. Transplantation of autologous bone marrow-derived cells into the heart, early post-infarct, aims to prevent ventricular remodeling. This strategy has been evaluated in four controlled, randomized clinical trials, which provided mixed results. A transient improvement in ventricular function was observed in one trial, and a modest improvement (the duration of which remains to be determined) in an additional trial, whereas two trials showed negative results. A modest benefit of bone marrow cell transplantation was also observed in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease. Despite mixed results reported so far, cell therapy of heart disease still is in its infancy and has considerable room for improvement.